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Upscalers, CRTs, PVMs & RGB: Retro gaming done right!

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It's a personal preference. Though if it has Component, get it immediately, mod your consoles to RGB and get a Scart to Component converter.

I haven't seen it, but he says there are a ton of ports on the back, the screen is flat and it has a stand with it. Basically he said it looks like this.


& said it weighs 200lbs
I haven't seen it, but he says there are a ton of ports on the back, the screen is flat and it has a stand with it. Basically he said it looks like this.


& said it weighs 200lbs
If it is that one in the pic there is a decent chance it is one of the better models, and almost certainly has the component inputs. If you have the space for it, can move it and are reasonably certain it doesn't have any serious problems I would definitely pick it up.
Speaking of consumer CRTs, what does FD mean in terms of Sony Wegas? I thought it meant 480p, but looking at the specs of the KD-32FS130 it says native resolution is 480i.
Would this be better than the KV-FS120? From what I read on Fudoh's consumer Sony CRTs were ranked FS100<FS120<FV310, never saw anyone mention the KDs.

I believe its for Flat Display.
I have several of the K series Trinitrons (2 27 inch, 1 36 inch) and they look fantastic.
They do however top off at 480i over component but everything 240p looks amazing via a scart to component converter.
I believe its for Flat Display.
I have several of the K series Trinitrons (2 27 inch, 1 36 inch) and they look fantastic.
They do however top off at 480i over component but everything 240p looks amazing via a scart to component converter.
That makes sense, FD. Do you know the difference between KD and KV series?
That makes sense, FD. Do you know the difference between KD and KV series?

I don't off the top of my head but what I can tell you is, if your primary concern is playing consoles that put out in 240p modes, you will not want a crt that is high def, and there aren't many that can do 480P while still looking great in 240p over component.

Think of these as the best crts you can get for consumer grade as they are flat but not yet HD.


Neo Member
I haven't seen it, but he says there are a ton of ports on the back, the screen is flat and it has a stand with it. Basically he said it looks like this.


& said it weighs 200lbs

I actually have the FS120, and absolutely love it. Currently I have my PS2, Gamecube, Wii, and OG XBOX connected via component, the Saturn connected via S-video, and finally the NES connected via composite. One thing I always wondered about are the picture settings. I usually leave mine on the "Standard" preset, but wondered if anyone who owns a similar model crt would share there settings for gaming. I've tried many different tweaks, but have yet to find one that I'm satisfied with. Thanks in advance.
I don't off the top of my head but what I can tell you is, if your primary concern is playing consoles that put out in 240p modes, you will not want a crt that is high def, and there aren't many that can do 480P while still looking great in 240p over component.

Think of these as the best crts you can get for consumer grade as they are flat but not yet HD.
I'm straight on resolution, I've been waiting on an FV310 which is 480i but am not versed in all of the later model, best SD consumer CRTs out there.
I've tried many different tweaks, but have yet to find one that I'm satisfied with. Thanks in advance.

It's really going to come down to your own personal preference but there are some basics that apply.

1.Sonys typically have service menus you can enter but they require the remote, and they can be potentially dangerous as there are geometry settings etc in there. Regardless what I'm getting at here is some TVs keep settings based on the input rather than all inputs (i.e one for svideo, 1 for component etc) You'll need to figure out which is the case for your unit otherwise you'll be adjusting quite frequently.

2. All video game consoles don't put out the exact same resolutions so you are never going to get perfect geometry across all of them, my advice is to get to an acceptable view that you can live with for all of your systems. You will have some under and overscan situations no doubt eventually

3. Brightness/Contrast/Sharpness/Color Temp/Picture enhancements
All of these are personal preference but IMO you'll want to keep most of these settings down as low as you can. Honestly for color temps I prefer 6500k area as the picture/colors aren't as blown out. Sharpness does not need to be high at all with 240p sources, and any and all picture enhancements that the TV might have as a feature should be turned off.

I like to go with the standard settings and adjust the above to my preference, I recommend you do this as well rather than relying on some built in preset that's designed to wow you at the store. This is even true today with flat HD sets.

I'm straight on resolution, I've been waiting on an FV310 which is 480i but am not versed in all of the later model, best SD consumer CRTs out there.

Yeah at this point I just keep one crt for 240p/480i and a newer crt for things like GC/PS2, at 480p or I'll use the framemeister.
I actually have the FS120, and absolutely love it. Currently I have my PS2, Gamecube, Wii, and OG XBOX connected via component, the Saturn connected via S-video, and finally the NES connected via composite. One thing I always wondered about are the picture settings. I usually leave mine on the "Standard" preset, but wondered if anyone who owns a similar model crt would share there settings for gaming. I've tried many different tweaks, but have yet to find one that I'm satisfied with. Thanks in advance.

I'm waiting for the guy to give me dimensions. I hope it fits through the doorway to my basement.


The SNES mini s-video mod was a success! Now I'm just going to let the console run for a bit and make sure nothing goes wrong with the video and then I move onto the RGB mod.


The SNES mini s-video mod was a success! Now I'm just going to let the console run for a bit and make sure nothing goes wrong with the video and then I move onto the RGB mod.
I never thought of a SNES mini having svideo, but congrats on the mod, I imagine it looking good!!!


I never thought of a SNES mini having svideo, but congrats on the mod, I imagine it looking good!!!

Yeah it looks significantly better than the composite output. I just installed the RGB mod and that even looks much better than s-video! Overall it wasn't too difficult to install both mods.


Thanks for the great thread. I was looking for a solution to connect old consoles to my capture card. With the not so old ones it works fine via component. The big problem are the older ones where I only have RGB SCART or composite to choose from and my capture card doesn't have a SCART input. Does anyone know if a converter like this would be ok?
Unfortunately the XRGB is too expensive for me.
What capture card do you have? I have the AverMedia Live Gamer HD capture card. Both my Composite to HDMI and Scart to HDMI converters work perfectly fine on my monitor but they fail to work on my capture card... I have been told by AverMedia support that they do not support such converters so I suppose I'll have to sell this card and look for one that will work.

Does anyone here know of a card that works with converters (such as RCA to HDMI or Scart to HDMI)?

Funky Papa

Where are you guys getting those gorgeous production monitors? I'm in the process of building my own arcade cabinet and I was thinking about buying a cheap 21" CRT computer monitor, but if I could get a comparable production unit I would gladly make the switch.

Diamondtron/Trinitron computer monitors look gorgeous, but pixel pitch is typically tiny and they lack those gorgeous scanlines.


Neo Member
Do receivers with upscaling built in have a way of passing through a signal that is already upscaled? I have all the ports on an Edge Green filled and would like to hook it up to a receiver for the added hdmi ports and all of it going to one input on the tv. But, I don't want to unnecessarily add more lag when the signal will already be ready for primetime when it hits the receiver.
Do receivers with upscaling built in have a way of passing through a signal that is already upscaled? I have all the ports on an Edge Green filled and would like to hook it up to a receiver for the added hdmi ports and all of it going to one input on the tv. But, I don't want to unnecessarily add more lag when the signal will already be ready for primetime when it hits the receiver.

It depends on the receiver but even some lower end Onkyo models for example have an HDMI pass through option. Technically this shouldn't introduce lag but you won't truly know unless you use the 240p test suite for example and see.


505 Games Ltd
Where are you guys getting those gorgeous production monitors? I'm in the process of building my own arcade cabinet and I was thinking about buying a cheap 21" CRT computer monitor, but if I could get a comparable production unit I would gladly make the switch.

Diamondtron/Trinitron computer monitors look gorgeous, but pixel pitch is typically tiny and they lack those gorgeous scanlines.

I got it from a UK arcade forum (jammaplus) They don't turn up usually that's why I quickly jumped on it.

PVMs and BVMs are too long for arcade monitors. Picture quality is probably the best thing you can get out of a CRT. Especially with the BVMs. Check out this video around 17:07



Where are you guys getting those gorgeous production monitors? I'm in the process of building my own arcade cabinet and I was thinking about buying a cheap 21" CRT computer monitor, but if I could get a comparable production unit I would gladly make the switch.

Diamondtron/Trinitron computer monitors look gorgeous, but pixel pitch is typically tiny and they lack those gorgeous scanlines.

You can try eBay but it's expensive due to shipping and the fact that some eBay sellers know retro gaming enthusiasts are into these monitors and they jack up the price. There is also a good chance that it will get damaged from rough handling in shipping.

I forgot who this was, but someone here said to check video production studios and I did just that. I called studios, video equipment rental places, medical equipment resellers and a local recycling place. I got several responses, all better than eBay prices and I felt bad having to turn most of them down.

The best was the recycling place which had a bunch of professional monitors and many nice CRT TVs too. I got my 20M4U for $20 which shocked me because I was prepared to pay $100-$200. When I get a bigger place I'm going back. I'd like to have a few sets as backup for the future and to play around.


Where are you guys getting those gorgeous production monitors? I'm in the process of building my own arcade cabinet and I was thinking about buying a cheap 21" CRT computer monitor, but if I could get a comparable production unit I would gladly make the switch.

Diamondtron/Trinitron computer monitors look gorgeous, but pixel pitch is typically tiny and they lack those gorgeous scanlines.



I've been playing with Composite for a few weeks now on a Famicom, and damn it is painful. I was a Sega kid and all my consoles had an RGB Scart cable in the box, so I've never really experienced Composite before. You guys had it rough. I can't wait to receive my NESRGB board.


So roughly what's the going price for a Megadrive model 1 modded for 60hz. A friend is being offered one with the crystal mod for £50. It's in a decent enough shape but that price seems off to me, as in seems too cheap so there's possibly something wrong with it, so I just wanted to run it by people who knew better.


I've been playing with Composite for a few weeks now on a Famicom, and damn it is painful. I was a Sega kid and all my consoles had an RGB Scart cable in the box, so I've never really experienced Composite before. You guys had it rough. I can't wait to receive my NESRGB board.

You think that's rough? I only had a TV with RF and mono sound until the Gamecube. I could not play N64 or PS1 on two separate Christmas midnights because the included RCA cables were of no use and no one in my family thought to buy the RF adapter! PQ-wise I hardly knew better so it did not bother me. I did experience this ridicule first-hand in the 90s:



I've been playing with Composite for a few weeks now on a Famicom, and damn it is painful. I was a Sega kid and all my consoles had an RGB Scart cable in the box, so I've never really experienced Composite before. You guys had it rough. I can't wait to receive my NESRGB board.

Ignorance is bliss....and substantially cheaper. Never thought Id own an xrgb or a pvm, lol.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
You think that's rough? I only had a TV with RF and mono sound until the Gamecube. I could not play N64 or PS1 on two separate Christmas midnights because the included RCA cables were of no use and no one in my family thought to buy the RF adapter! PQ-wise I hardly knew better so it did not bother me. I did experience this ridicule first-hand in the 90s:

Oh wow! I never knew about that bit of dialogue! I assume it's just related to settings in the option menu? I always assumed most people without stereo didn't even know to switch to monaural sound...

I did have my PS1 hooked to an old stereo in the 90s.


You think that's rough? I only had a TV with RF and mono sound until the Gamecube. I could not play N64 or PS1 on two separate Christmas midnights because the included RCA cables were of no use and no one in my family thought to buy the RF adapter! PQ-wise I hardly knew better so it did not bother me. I did experience this ridicule first-hand in the 90s:


I was in the same boat only...it was up to when I got a pair of Logitech 2.1 PC speakers and a S-Video modulator. Then a few months later got a HDTV in time for the Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle. So I didn't experience stereo and better than RF picture....till last generation!


Man the prices of retro stuff is crazy. Almost 70 us for contra 3 on ebay..covert that to cdn .......
:( thats loose cart only....


What capture card do you have? I have the AverMedia Live Gamer HD capture card. Both my Composite to HDMI and Scart to HDMI converters work perfectly fine on my monitor but they fail to work on my capture card... I have been told by AverMedia support that they do not support such converters so I suppose I'll have to sell this card and look for one that will work.

Does anyone here know of a card that works with converters (such as RCA to HDMI or Scart to HDMI)?

If anyone could help me out with this I'd really appreciate it. I'd like a reasonably priced capture card (PCIe preferably) that is confirmed to work with Scart to HDMI adapters. Or if you could point me to somewhere that might be more suitable to ask then I'd appreciate that too.
Man the prices of retro stuff is crazy. Almost 70 us for contra 3 on ebay..covert that to cdn .......
:( thats loose cart only....

Are you talking Contra III for SNES or Contra Force for NES? If it's the former, that's way way too much. If it's the latter, that's not a great game anyway (as I understand it).


Not sure where else to ask this, but does anyone have any experience adding an LED to an SNES mini? I just need help with the best way to drill the hole because I want it to look similarly to a regular SNES where the LED lies between the two parts of the casing.


Not sure where else to ask this, but does anyone have any experience adding an LED to an SNES mini? I just need help with the best way to drill the hole because I want it to look similarly to a regular SNES where the LED lies between the two parts of the casing.
Why do you need an LED? Leave it as-is.

If you must, the best LED mods are ones that don't modify the (external) case. I saw an AV Fami with an LED inside the power switch, and it lights up the plastic. Much more elegant than drilling a hole.


Why do you need an LED? Leave it as-is.

If you must, the best LED mods are ones that don't modify the (external) case. I saw an AV Fami with an LED inside the power switch, and it lights up the plastic. Much more elegant than drilling a hole.

I was looking into that, but the light won't shine through the SNES mini's power switch.

Funky Papa

You can try eBay but it's expensive due to shipping and the fact that some eBay sellers know retro gaming enthusiasts are into these monitors and they jack up the price. There is also a good chance that it will get damaged from rough handling in shipping.

I forgot who this was, but someone here said to check video production studios and I did just that. I called studios, video equipment rental places, medical equipment resellers and a local recycling place. I got several responses, all better than eBay prices and I felt bad having to turn most of them down.

The best was the recycling place which had a bunch of professional monitors and many nice CRT TVs too. I got my 20M4U for $20 which shocked me because I was prepared to pay $100-$200. When I get a bigger place I'm going back. I'd like to have a few sets as backup for the future and to play around.
Yeah, it looks like I'll have to ping some production companies. Shipping across Europe is crazy expensive and the local equivalents of Craigslist show nothing of the like. I've rounded a number of firms already, but I don't think I'm going to have much luck grabbing one of those big production monitors. They seem rather scarce, and I don't think local companies had that kind of cash.

Just in case I can't get my hands on one, how would you guys rate a 21" Dell monitor with a Trinitron tube? A local ad lists one of those (Dell P1130) for €15, which is kind of risible. I'd probably try to fix the lack of proper scanlines with some HSL/Open GL wizardry for emulators and maybe a separate box for old hardware.
Yeah, it looks like I'll have to ping some production companies. Shipping across Europe is crazy expensive and the local equivalents of Craigslist show nothing of the like. I've rounded a number of firms already, but I don't think I'm going to have much luck grabbing one of those big production monitors. They seem rather scarce, and I don't think local companies had that kind of cash.

Just in case I can't get my hands on one, how would you guys rate a 21" Dell monitor with a Trinitron tube? A local ad lists one of those (Dell P1130) for €15, which is kind of risible. I'd probably try to fix the lack of proper scanlines with some HSL/Open GL wizardry for emulators and maybe a separate box for old hardware.

They are awesome monitors, I still use one for my x360 shmups along with a tiny scanline generator inline.
So does humidity effect the longevity of CRTs in a big way? In Florida right now but may be moving within a year, so I won't bother looking for CRTs around here if humidity is an issue.


Guys, I have an SONY KV-32FS13

is this a good TV?

is there a forum or site where I can read up setting for best settings for RETRO gaming?

is there anyone else who has this TV?


It's a massive TV with Component inputs, so you're good.
Funnily enough, the manual keeps saying S-video is the best connection without ever mentioning Component. In fact this word isn't even in the document, there's only a quick drawing of the back panel and a single reference to YPbPr in the specs to know that you can use Component cables.

If you have a sharpness setting, turn it to the minimum. It may be in the service menu. You want to access the service menu and correct the geometry with the help of tools like the 240p test suite patterns. And DON'T FACTORY RESET, it will fuck shit up.

Every single tube is manufactured slightly differently, there is no magic number to give you.
What's the best scaler for playing my PSP on my HDTV? Is the Framemeister good for this, or there is something better suited? Most preferable would be something that gets rid of the black frame when outputting to the TV.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
What's the best scaler for playing my PSP on my HDTV? Is the Framemeister good for this, or there is something better suited? Most preferable would be something that gets rid of the black frame when outputting to the TV.

The PSP's TV-out is so mindblowingly bad that there's literally not a single good solution.

Vita TV's not a huge help, considering that a lot of games aren't available digitally.
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