I've tried many different tweaks, but have yet to find one that I'm satisfied with. Thanks in advance.
It's really going to come down to your own personal preference but there are some basics that apply.
1.Sonys typically have service menus you can enter but they require the remote, and they can be potentially dangerous as there are geometry settings etc in there. Regardless what I'm getting at here is some TVs keep settings based on the input rather than all inputs (i.e one for svideo, 1 for component etc) You'll need to figure out which is the case for your unit otherwise you'll be adjusting quite frequently.
2. All video game consoles don't put out the exact same resolutions so you are never going to get perfect geometry across all of them, my advice is to get to an acceptable view that you can live with for all of your systems. You will have some under and overscan situations no doubt eventually
3. Brightness/Contrast/Sharpness/Color Temp/Picture enhancements
All of these are personal preference but IMO you'll want to keep most of these settings down as low as you can. Honestly for color temps I prefer 6500k area as the picture/colors aren't as blown out. Sharpness does not need to be high at all with 240p sources, and any and all picture enhancements that the TV might have as a feature should be turned off.
I like to go with the standard settings and adjust the above to my preference, I recommend you do this as well rather than relying on some built in preset that's designed to wow you at the store. This is even true today with flat HD sets.
I'm straight on resolution, I've been waiting on an FV310 which is 480i but am not versed in all of the later model, best SD consumer CRTs out there.
Yeah at this point I just keep one crt for 240p/480i and a newer crt for things like GC/PS2, at 480p or I'll use the framemeister.