I meant the total amount of individual posts for the whole thread. It's customary to start a new OT once a thread reaches a long enough post count. If we start a new OT, author should reserve the first 2 or 3 posts for a longer FAQ.
ohhh...my bad, yeah we've a lot more pages to go for that! though if it was me doing OT2? i'd keep damn near all of the OP here, but then use the next post for specific XRGB links & FAQ for the most common stuff, then maybe one more for say, the most common systems & how to get what signal from them, that shouldn't be too terribly difficult. if anyone wanted to do a mini-FAQ on say, PVM's & monitors, that'd work too
The FM gets like 2 lines in the current OP I don't see how this is the FM thread. There's so many questions around the FM, that new people to the thread come in asking. I swear I've answered like the same 5 questions about the FM time and time again.
The FM is a pretty complex product, you need to source an english overlay for the remote, where to get english firmware, how to update the firmware, how to create or save your own profiles, how to use the zoom function which is super important. What inputs does it have, how many of each, what do I need to get with it for it to make my consoles work with it.
There's an endless stream of questions in regards to the FM and hell half the time this thread is about PVMs.
right, but like all of that is in the wiki link - again, i agreed with 645 that my original thread was (due to my setup, natch)
too XRGB specific, when there's other options. if you don't mind though, what specific questions have you fielded a few times now? that could help us draw up a mini-FAQ to save time!
As someone who doesn't own an upscaler and has no interest in one atm, it feels to me that much of the discussion in this thread is about the Framemeister or, in the same vein, how to get old games to display nicely on newer TVs (Nintendont on Wii U, HDMI modded consoles). If you people keep coming here asking questions about the FM, that would indicate a good level of interest and discussion around the FM... and a solid confirmation that this is at least partially the FM thread.
Sometimes I feel weird even discussing CRTs too much, and try to consolidate all my replies to as few posts as possible (or even PMing people aside), because there's this feeling that 1) I may get repetitive and annoy regulars and 2) I'm in the FM Club which sometimes dominates the direction of the thread discussion. That's my biased POV as a CRT fan, and you may see it differently with your interests firmly elsewhere.
its funny, cause 645 & a few others prior were usually disparaging the XRGB for its input lag, highlighting the earlier models as clearly superior for this. and i appreciate your consideration, i know i used to troll #TeamCRT/PVM before joining them both, haha!
I've kind of always viewed this thread as "retro done right" in terms of better than RF/composite and what that means to you can be any number of different things. Some people say only PVM + RGB or else they're not doing it. Some people say the only way is to run everything on a low end consumer CRT with better than composite. Some people want to run everything with the video quality similar to an emulator just with proper native hardware, which is where I am. Maybe there are people that are fine with emulators but they want to run them all on their Wii at 240p. This thread should be welcoming for all these people.
well put, man - this is exactly what the changed title/OP was meant to reflect!
This thread is definitely general purpose on the retro front to me and I like it that way. I've almost caught myself posting Everdrive questions here, even, though staying display-centric is probably the way to go.
yeah, i tend to put everdrive questions in the respective system threads & people have been most helpful! which is great, cause many other retro forums, you gotta wade through a few jerks going on about how important overpriced software is to them and blah blah blah before someone actually responds