So a few posts back I mentioned that I saw a Craigslist ad for a xrbg-mini and modded SNES Jr., well they got back to me and I got a great deal!
For $200 I got:
XRGB Mini, with an English remote ( the overlay was just pre-already applied).
JP21 > RGB in adapter
Component to D-Terminal adapter
RGB modded SNES Jr.
SNES av port > JP21-Scart cable
Final Fantasy III (label upgrade baby! and a good friend of mine gets my old copy)
Link to the Past (another dupe, but can trade in at local gaming store)
Donkey Kong Country (another dupe)
Mario Paint (sans mouse)
Batman Returns
I've been playing with profiles over at pixel purist ( and I'm just blown away at how this looks in person.
So my next steps are to get an EuroScart to RGB in adapter so I can get the proper Scart cables for my Model 1 Genesis and Saturn. Then a toro box for my DreamCast Any other suggestions? I also own the following (all non modded):
TG-16, N64, NES (front loader), OG XBOX, PS1, PS2, Game Cube, Wii, Master System, Super Retro Trio (probably won't use that any more).