I have a question I haven't seen addressed very well after some Googling.
I don't have a Framemeister yet, but I'm getting my ducks in a row for when I do (RGB modding my NES, getting RGB SCART cables, et cetera). Way back when I got my Wii U, I did a system transfer from my Wii and then got rid of it. I'm wondering now if that was a mistake.
My understanding is that although the Framemeister isn't that great with 480p content, it actually does a decent job with the Wii. Is this the case for the vWii mode on the Wii U as well? I know vWii mode can't output 240p like the Wii, but I'm not really concerned about VC titles. I'm thinking more about disc-based Wii games and WiiWare titles where that won't be relevant.
From what I can tell, these are my options...
1) Leave the Wii U at 1080p, forego hooking up to the Framemeister, and enter vWii mode.
2) Set the Wii U to 480p, hook up to the Framemeister, and enter vWii mode.
3) Set the Wii U to 480i, hook up to the Framemeister, and enter vWii mode.
4) Get a Wii and hook it up to the Framemeister.
I guess I could even change the Wii U to 480p/480i and forego the Framemeister, but I don't know what the benefit of that would be. Any thoughts on to what would give the best picture? If it's a small or negligible difference, then I'd prefer to use the Wii U. I wouldn't be using the Wii for anything else due to the Game Boy Player being essential.