^As I learned today, currently nothing completely does but those two together are a huge improvement. Heck, the GS codes alone are tremendous.
To clarify, N64 is blurred three times:
1. First AA case which no one has removed yet but Marshall says can be done, albeit tediously so.
2. Second AA. This is what the Gameshark codes and Quake 64's Filter Off menu option disable.
3. 50% horizontal blur at the end of the process. This is what's undone via the De-Blur of the Ultra HDMI and the new N64RGB mod.
There are also blurry/smeared textures from the texture filtering adding to the blurry perception of N64 games. But this is fine in almost all cases (except hideous games like Jet Force Gemini) and shouldn't be messed with as it drastically changes how games should look... not that there's any mod that touches this. It's only in emulators that it can be removed.
2 layers explains the differences in different deblur methods.
I'm not sure what else you saw, mega. I honestly find Tim's site very intimidating so you're on your own lol.
To clarify, N64 is blurred three times:
1. First AA case which no one has removed yet but Marshall says can be done, albeit tediously so.
2. Second AA. This is what the Gameshark codes and Quake 64's Filter Off menu option disable.
3. 50% horizontal blur at the end of the process. This is what's undone via the De-Blur of the Ultra HDMI and the new N64RGB mod.
There are also blurry/smeared textures from the texture filtering adding to the blurry perception of N64 games. But this is fine in almost all cases (except hideous games like Jet Force Gemini) and shouldn't be messed with as it drastically changes how games should look... not that there's any mod that touches this. It's only in emulators that it can be removed.