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US GAF: Support your national soccer team

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Lol 4 minutes more? That ref sure wants this gig to end up in a tie. But no, there's no way this team can score tonight.

Good win, fully deserved by the US team. Hopefully this will be a wake up call both for players and this asshole of a coach, unwilling to take any criticism thrown at him. There are players that have no business wearing the national jersey, and others that cruise effortlessly in the small amount of fame or recognition that belonging to an european team can give, even without being starters or even solid substitutes.

Congrats US team!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Congrats to US fans. Still think Klinsmann is a fraud and a hack and he's gonna bring your team down... but you scored the goals, and that's what matters in the end.


drawer by drawer
Grant Wahl @GrantWahl
Now stuff is raining down on our heads in the media section from the Mexican fans above us.



Grant Wahl @GrantWahl
Now stuff is raining down on our heads in the media section from the Mexican fans above us.


Completely expected. Been spit on, hit by bottles, vulgarities yelled at, etc. All part of being a US fan traveling to Mexico(and Central America).


Was glad to see Shea come in and make an impact. Hopefully this gives him a boost with his club. Kid has a TON of potential.


There are positives and some negatives (midfield getting shit done, badly missed the holding and passing of Bradley) but let's just savor this and be glad that absymal record has one win. Shea, Boyd, Cameron and Howard all get high marks.
glad I decided to sit through that and witness history

props to Howard and Cameron especially who kept us in it

I'm gonna keep it real though, besides Shea who made something happen and Castillo who did really nice work defensively out wide everyone else was horrible. I don't even want to check the stat line and see the possession %. Had to be 90-10 easily.

But sometimes parking the bus or being too inept to drive it for most of the game works...
any replays or highlights up? not on espn or mls website, and i saw the game just as it ended :( i wanna see the goal!

edit: nvm its up. pretty cool goal :O


Small US fan section being evacuated by police as Mexican fans rain projectiles on them in the upper deck.

I hope everyone got out fine.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Crap, I missed it.

Where can I watch the highlights?

Dunno, imagine it'd be on ESPN soon enough.

But heres some GIFs:



the gifs miss the best part of the brek shea move when he ran clean thru that guy and megged him before the deflected cross found it's mark

watching that play my reaction was:

good job asshole way to run right into the guy.. hey wait hes still running... no fucking way he still has the ball... oh shit... shit... yessss!


the gifs miss the best part of the brek shea move when he ran clean thru that guy and megged him before the deflected cross found it's mark

watching that play my reaction was:

good job asshole way to run right into the guy.. hey wait hes still running... no fucking way he still has the ball... oh shit... shit... yessss!

Pretty much my reaction as well, except right before he crossed it in, I thought (and Ian Darke did as well) that he had had a bad touch and was going to squander the opportunity. But he was able to get his boot around on the ball and center it to Boyd, who did really well to just flick it towards the back post. A great goal that looks more impressive on replay than it did live.


Andres Guardado: Mexico played better than the United States

MEXICO CITY -- Andres Guardado had already been made out as a villain in the previous 24 hours, after some comments regarding the Olympic gold medalists had been perceived as minimizing El Tri's achievement in London.

Guardado argued that whereas the senior side has to face players like Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi backed by senior sides, the U-23s had not faced the strongest teams the opposing countries had to offer. Guardado's reputation was hurt further after El Tri's senior side lost against the United States at the Estadio Azteca for the first time ever.

"I don't think the United States was better than us at any moment," a defiant Guardado said after the match. "Maybe they were able to push the ball through [on the goal] and we couldn't close them down."

Even then, the Valencia winger was quick to recognize that Michael Orozco Fiscal's goal was a product of a good play by Brek Shea and Terrence Boyd, not luck. "No, there's no luck involved here. They scored their goal well," Guardado noted.

With losing at the Azteca magnified because of the opposing side, the former Deportivo La Coruña player pointed out that it was, above all, a friendly match.

"We need to wait for those important games now so that we don't have the same [mistakes] happen to us," Guardado said.

Friendly or no, Wednesday night at the Azteca will forever be remembered as the first time the Untied States was able to win in one of world soccer's holiest temples.

"It hurts. A lot. It always hurts me to lose, but when you play against the United States, we know that's a rivalry match in the area, a rivalry match to us and above all to lose to them at the Azteca, where we never had in the past. That hurts," he finished.

Feels Good, Man.


I ordered take out from my local Mexican restaurant before the game today. I sat and watched the first 5 minutes on Telemundo at the restaurant. I saw the guys give up a tasty freekick within the first 30 seconds. I thought "this is going to be ugly." I went home and ate my meal during the first half.

The first half felt like APOEL vs Real Madrid. We had 10 players behind the ball. We were parking the bus. I went online during half-time and jerked around. I then started watching the second half... and fell asleep. I woke up once to Chicharito missing an absolute EASY goal and then said to myself "okay, open the floodgates" before falling back asleep.

Fifteen minutes later I woke up again to some weird screams. I realized USA had scored! OROZCO-FISCAL LOL.

Ugly game. Awesome result. AMAZING that it actually happened at Azteca.
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