Stay classy LiberalGAf. I'll see you in the election thread.
Stay classy LiberalGAf. I'll see you in the election thread.
CNN is bending over backwards to defend Romney here. He was talking about the RNC speech you dumb fucks, not some interview with Wolf.
They had a 92 year old woman on TV who said she'd be voting for Romney because she still has medical bills and nothing has changed and she wanted to give Romney a shot. That being said, it's NY so her vote doesn't matter but how come people are that stupid? Does she want MORE medical bills?
i say john mccain would be undead if he was dead and now isn't, but it really depends on the amount of time between death and living or undeath.
Nah Obama would be the conservative in most of the european countries but being open to change for the people. Never saw a debate about so fucking outdated topics like abortion or discussions about a candidate being not christian.
Carville losing it on CNN
A GAFer on here just won a LOT of money. If I remember correctly he put nearly 5g on Obama.
Seriously get on CSPAN right now. Listen to these people.
It's like they have a special Batphone, only it's more like the Powerpuff Girls' phone because the people on the other end have the mental capacity of children.
lol awesome
FOX is terribly right (which people on the right say they're unbiased)
MSNBC is the FOX equivalent on the left (which people on the left say they're unbiased)
Most other news outlets will lean left, but that's because the type of person who typically goes into journalism is probably going to hold values closer to the left, not because CBS producers or whoever wake up and say "Let's spin the news to what I want people to believe!" the way FOX or MSNBC do
CNN reporting Giants/Cardinals Game 7 as a tie.
So, has the race really been tightening, or is that made up? I honestly don't follow politics a ton, unfortunately.
I am pleased to see you calling out him for thinking about the "made up" "GAF-hivemind" it is refreshing that you set aside politics to call him out on his dishonesty.
Europe actually has a country where abortion is illegal across the board. North America does not.
Carville flipping out at the people of CNN lol.
Hipster Romney: But I liked it before you knew it was cool. And I like it more than you.
I am the fucking leader of liking it. I know. I have 25 years in the world of liking it. I have a five point plan to like it.
Go to my website.
Lincoln won. Again.
Candy: Who won the debate?
CNN dude: I will admit Obama won on points but it's not about who won the debate!
Candy: Who won the debate?
Ari Fleischer: I will admit Obama won on points but it's not about who won the debate!
He would be centre-right on economic issues, still obviously liberal on most social issues. So about par for the course in most European nations... which is why he gets on pretty well with European leaders.And he would probably be considered as a conservative/right-wing candidate, wouldn't he?
Candy: Who won the debate?
CNN dude: I will admit Obama won on points but it's not about who won the debate!