And coal.
Here's why Kaine won:
Most people who catch up on the debate will do so via clips. Every single clip compilation I've seen so far has featured front and center the lively, aggressive attacks that Kaine levels followed by Pence's exasperated non-defenses.
In other words, most people's only exposure to the debate will be seeing Kaine toss charges that either go unchallenged or go denied, which creates news because the archived footage contradicting Pence is right there waiting for the nightly comedy shows to mercilessly juxtapose.
It doesn't matter that he interrupted a lot or that Pence was more composed throughout, because the clips don't care to highlight those.
STOP quoting that.
It is making me want to be sexed.
Not only that, but he didn't let Pence take any attention away from the mess that Trump is in. Even if he "lost" the battle he won the warYES, SIS. YES
Kaine wins the post debate. Pence is gonna get slaughtered tomorrow.
where have you been?
Kaine wins the post debate. Pence is gonna get slaughtered tomorrow.
It's also why racism is institutionalized and will likely never go away. If you go out of your way to not see it, it either isn't your problem or it doesn't exist. Have you even heard some of the things Trump wants to do when he becomes president like remove immigrants and block all Muslims from entering this country? The people that vote for Trump because of a reason they see more important to them, are saying, well if those things happen they happen. I need mine.
Man, Mike Pence sure is likeable.
Not worth voting for Drumpf though.
Man, Mike Pence sure is likeable.
Not worth voting for Trump though.
So I'm watching the local news here and they open with one brief story about the debate.
How do they sum it up?
By showing a clip of Kaine highlighting how Trump wont release his taxes, and Pences silly response.
Then they move on.
THATS why Kaine "won" the debate.
The aftermath of this whole thing is another giant spotlight on Trumps negatives.
Doesn't matter how Kaine did it, he lodged Trumps negatives in the national spotlight yet again. That was the point.
Yep, this makes sense. Kaine accomplished what he needed to.MSNBC just brought up something I was thinking about. Even if you think Pence won on "style" (which I don't agree with), there's almost nothing the Republicans can use from the debate as far as quotes or footage to bolster their campaign.
The Democrats alternatively have loads of clips of Pence denying allegations against Trump and himself that are easily fact checked. Tons of ad and debate fodder for the future.
Man, Mike Pence sure is likeable.
Not worth voting for Trump though.
Whaaaaat???Man, Mike Pence sure is likeable.
Not worth voting for Trump though.
Man, Mike Pence sure is likeable.
I agree completely. But it is not unique to Trump supporters. The same is true for all supporters. This candidate's agenda fits my lifestyle better than their opponent's so I am going to vote for this candidate. There are always going to be certain groups alienated by this process of electing officials through public opinion.
if you know nothing about him...maybe i could see it..Man, Mike Pence sure is likeable.
Not worth voting for Trump though.
Wow, so not only is Hillary running an insult-based campaign, but she has close ties to Putin? Unbelievable! How is she a presidential candidate again???Trump trying to get that reflect on.
Halo thar'
Is this real...?
He's less likable than Trump. At least I can buy that maybe Trump really doesn't know any better. Pence is just an evil piece of shit.
He'll paint it as party loyalty. He personally never advocated a lot of Trump's stances and he just positioned himself as the Conservative Champion the far right wanted all along.
I don't know how you can look at any of his facial expressions and not see a the kind of guy who leads a community before secretly being exposed as a domestic abuser or murderer.Well, he came across likeable.
But you dig deeper and the policies he enacted, he's Satan's offspring. So he hid the monster inside him very well. Also keep in mind that he's been a radio talkshow host for a long time, so he got that communication part down.
Is this real...?
if you know nothing about him...maybe i could see it..
Which does nothing for him in the general election. You need minority voters in the general, and he's fucked himself by being Trumps right hand man. This isn't something he can walk back. Going to be the same shit.
Constantly referring to direct Trump quotes as "insults" was cracking me upstill weird for pence to keep shaking his head and calling 'nonsense' about documented quotes from trump.
Stay on brand.
Is this real...?
Unsurprisingly, Biden came across as "aggressive" in that too.I really want to watch Biden/Ryan again now.
That was the best VP debate since Bentson/Quayle.
That's what's remarkable about the Trump/Pence "they said mean things about us!" strategy. Most of those ads use their sound bites. But they act like the campaign is falsifying all these heinous quotes.
I really want to watch Biden/Ryan again now.
That was the best VP debate since Bentson/Quayle.
Joe and Trump woulda' settled it in a "skeeving out women" contest.Biden was so awesome Hillary is lucky Joe didn't run.
Wow, so not only is Hillary running an insult-based campaign, but she has close ties to Putin? Unbelievable! How is she a presidential candidate again???
Trump has done so much for this country already. First singehandedly convincing that shifty Obama character to release his birth certificate, then exposing Hillary as a corrupt liar who has to insult her opponents' supporters to get ahead. Incredible!
Good lord undecideds are the worst.
I actually think Pence's job was to make it seem like he wasn't insane and he did a good job. It's that when the VP needs to "look presidential" for the sake of the ticket.Kaine's job wasn't to be "likeable". His job was to show that Pence has zero answers to any of Trump's abhorrent behaviors and statements. And he succeeded.
Pence's job wasn't to sell himself. His job was to sell Trump has a viable, trustworthy candidate for the presidency. And he failed.
Obviously Kaine's strategy wasn't going to look good at a surface level, but he was specifically instructed to not let any of Pence's bullshit pass unchecked and he did that. Starting tomorrow, the narrative will be about all the shit that Pence straight up lied about. By then the whole "but he sounded so soothing!" shit will have already been talked to death.
And she's been so loud lately. Very unpresidential.And look at how small her hands are, not to mention all that orange spray tan.
The best part was where Pence accused Kaine of unleashing an "avalanche of insults" when all Kaine did was quote some of Trump's slams against minorities and such.Constantly referring to direct Trump quotes as "insults" was cracking me up
Sam Stein ✔ @samsteinhp
CNN’s John King, reporting from a source close to Trump, that the reviews that Pence did better then he did won’t go over well with Trump
John Harwood ✔ @JohnJHarwood
Trump adviser on debate after Pence passed up opportunities to defend him: "Pence won overall, but lost with Trump"
The broad consensus around Mike Pence’s debate performance rests on two premises:Trump might respond by patting Pence on the back. A win’s a win. Or, as King and Harwood’s reporting suggests, he might respond with fury. Trump doesn’t like to be upstaged. He prizes loyalty above all else. His political style is almost entirely based on asserting dominance over other males.
- He did a good job, much better than Trump.
- He did a good job in part by throwing Trump under the bus.
VP debates don’t matter much electorally because people vote for the candidate atop the ticket, not the candidate at the bottom. So what really counts after tonight’s debate is how Trump and Clinton react to it.
It’s a fair bet that Clinton will praise Tim Kaine’s performance and continue executing her campaign strategy. It’s entirely possible that Trump, who has already been acting erratically, will start sniping at his own running mate, complaining about the media, or engaging in outrageous antics to recapture the spotlight. If that happens, Pence’s strong performance will prove a net negative for the ticket.
I don't know how you can look at any of his facial expressions and not see a the kind of guy who leads a community before secretly being exposed as a domestic abuser or murderer.
Unsurprisingly, Biden came across as "aggressive" in that too.
That said Ryan was way worse on the mic then Pence and fucking sucked it up.