I love this game to death - it's my favorite game from 2008, by far my favorite game on the PS3, and the game that I've probably spent the most time on in the past 3 years (not counting WoW...). But if you think that the game had anywhere near the mainstream appeal that Fallout 3, Fable 2, GTAIV, MGS4, GoW2, Resistance 2, or even LBP did, you're deluding yourself. In North America, Japanese RPGs (those which aren't named Final Fantasy, at any rate) are niche. Strategy RPGs are niche. Anime visual styled games are niche. This game combines all 3 - as far as genre goes, I honestly couldn't think of anything that would be more niche in the US, except maybe visual novels/dating sims, but those would never have gotten localized in the first place.
And no, despite the 3rd person real-time action sequences, the gameplay is nowhere near being similar to Gears of War.
RTS games, especially on PC, are not nearly as niche as SRPGs on console. I hate that fact because I love the SRPG genre, but it is what it is. And again, the media covers things that they think people are interested in, and the unfortunate truth is that the vast majority of the gaming public simply does not have any interest in this type of game.