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VGLeaks: Durango GPU detailed


What I have learned from Neogaf today.

PS4 is far more powerful than next Xbox.
PS4 will be cheaper.
PS4 is easier to develop games on.
Xbox will be a DVR/Media Center that plays Kinect games on the side.
Xbox needs 8 gigs of RAM because of ADs.
MS will leave the industry.

Did I miss anything?


Yah I messed up the order that I put the ROPs and TFLOPS figures in.

Orbis=32ROPs, 1.84TFLOPS
Durango=16ROPs, 1.23TFLOPS

What I have learned from Neogaf today.

PS4 is far more powerful than next Xbox.
PS4 will be cheaper.
PS4 is easier to develop games on.
Xbox will be a DVR/Media Center that plays Kinect games on the side.
Xbox needs 8 gigs of RAM because of ADs.

Did I miss anything?

Who said that?


What I have learned from Neogaf today.

PS4 is far more powerful than next Xbox.
PS4 will be cheaper.
PS4 is easier to develop games on.
Xbox will be a DVR/Media Center that plays Kinect games on the side.
Xbox needs 8 gigs of RAM because of ADs.

Did I miss anything?

Now Kazify your Avatar and you're good to go for next gen.


What I have learned from Neogaf today.

PS4 is far more powerful than next Xbox.
PS4 will be cheaper.
PS4 is easier to develop games on.
Xbox will be a DVR/Media Center that plays Kinect games on the side.
Xbox needs 8 gigs of RAM because of ADs.
MS will leave the industry.

Did I miss anything?

LOL. Indeed.


What I have learned from Neogaf today.

PS4 is far more powerful than next Xbox.
PS4 will be cheaper.
PS4 is easier to develop games on.
Xbox will be a DVR/Media Center that plays Kinect games on the side.
Xbox needs 8 gigs of RAM because of ADs.
MS will leave the industry.

Did I miss anything?

Besides selective reading? Not much.
Besides, forget how Heavy Rain looked? Great face models, mediocre environments.
This is fixed for Beyond. DF says that everything is on the same level: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-tech-analysis-beyond-two-souls

If you've played Heavy Rain you'll understand that they aren't particuarly "gamey" games, during the times where the graphics are at it's best you are watching a cutscene or a really heavily controlled section where the camera can only look at what the developers want you to see or where they can very carefully control the assets onto screen.
I bet that Character model in that screenshot is specifically used during cutscenes or even during certain shots where there is little else on screen except that face.
This is total non sense. There are no cutscenes in Heavy Rain that look better then the gameplay parts. Besides LOD the game doesn't use any streaming, occlusion or draw distance. The assets are the same all the time. We have access to the game files and besides the intro sequence, credits and some transition cutscenes between sets there are no pre-rendered cutscenes. Unlike Uncharted. It's exactly the same with Beyond. Her model always looks like that, even during gameplay. And you have free control of the camera in Beyond almost all the time. You can even fly around. Of course it is still guided and linear and not nearly as complex as GoW or TLOU, but it is still impressive. No need to downplay their achievements. They have one of the biggest R&D teams around.

The posted screenshot however, is a bullshot of course. The actual game looks like this:


where is the source of the pic, i need to see it !!! :)
Best quality you can get (on YouTube): Click Here

I can elaborate on what Samaritan renders and the level of control? There have actually been free roaming Samaritan demo's. Versus.. a face. Veeeeery impressive.
We also have free roaming Beyond gameplay and the assets are pretty high quality, so while I agree that the comparison itself makes no sense, your point is wrong.

And now let's get back to topic.
What I have learned from Neogaf today.

PS4 is far more powerful than next Xbox.
PS4 will be cheaper.
PS4 is easier to develop games on.
Xbox will be a DVR/Media Center that plays Kinect games on the side.
Xbox needs 8 gigs of RAM because of ADs.
MS will leave the industry.

Did I miss anything?

Damn, it does sound ridiculous when you put it that way.


bkilian said:
I have no idea. I guess they would have to be prepared for something like this if they knew beforehand that their spec would be lower than PS4. (Actually, I know exactly what the management response was when questioned about relative console power - and other non-leaked things that may have significant impact on the sales of consoles, but it's not my place to say. Let's just say that I got flashbacks to my days in a different, less successful, org in some meetings.)

That's a wrap folks. Durango going the way of the Kin.


What I have learned from Neogaf today.

PS4 is far more powerful than next Xbox.
PS4 will be cheaper.
PS4 is easier to develop games on.
Xbox will be a DVR/Media Center that plays Kinect games on the side.
Xbox needs 8 gigs of RAM because of ADs.
MS will leave the industry.

Did I miss anything?

The side that doesn't support your selective reading.
indeed you got those RTS games & straight to the bargain bin ones too

At this very moment, Steam's top-20 most played games include 6 multiplatform games and 14 PC exclusives. I hope you like the taste of crow.

Anyone else who claims that PC games are "99% console ports" will be called out on it. Do your research before posting to avoid embarrassment.


Who said that?

It was that Zomgggfff guy with the girl avatar.

His arguments were solid if you consider that Kinect may be in every box and disregard the talks of MS subsidizing Durango.

Personally I believe that the top Durango SKU will match the PS4 price, but they will have a cheaper one besides the subscription model.

I think MS will do fairly well on the US. If they can overhaul Live on Europe they can have a good chance there too.
When Xbox had the more powerful console, PS2 fanboys always pointed to the sales figures, so I imagine that the tables might be turned in the coming generation (in NA, at least).

No matter what, it's an unsavory development because I really wanted both platforms to be extremely powerful (I can afford both and enjoy exclusives on both).

I also game on a PC, but would have liked a console that could keep pace a little longer into the cycle because I don't enjoy some of the PC gaming issues I encounter (e.g., microstutter with my GTX 670 that drives me absolutely fucking crazy).

Still, it looks like PC is going to be my primary gaming platform in the next generation.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
That´s true. You build them to play 360 games in 1080p and 60fps.

haha this is true, regardless what you put in your PC next gen don't start until consoles say so, and even then sometimes you have to upgrade to get decent performance
I really don't understand why you would even be offended by the notion "Kinect functionality". It could be something as simple as voice commands to exit a menu.

I'm not offended by it and I own a kinect. My problem is you're supplying speculation as if it's fact. It reeks of Kinect paranoia. :p

Regardless, if Halo 4 doesn't include Kinect functionality I doubt it will be required for 720 games.
That's a wrap folks. Durango going the way of the Kin.

Where is that from Proelite B3D ?
what was the question ?

At this very moment, Steam's top-20 most played games include 6 multiplatform games and 14 PC exclusives. I hope you like the taste of crow.

Anyone else who claims that PC games are "99% console ports" will be called out on it. Do your research before posting to avoid embarrassment.

Well that conversation all stared because of gfx do those 14 PC exclusives look amazing ?


I will repeat myself : this info on vgleaks is at least one year old and only the idea of what the final GPU will look/be like. Of course it could also be the final thing...
What I have learned from Neogaf today.

PS4 is far more powerful than next Xbox.
PS4 will be cheaper.
PS4 is easier to develop games on.
Xbox will be a DVR/Media Center that plays Kinect games on the side.
Xbox needs 8 gigs of RAM because of ADs.
MS will leave the industry.

Did I miss anything?

I want to know where you learned the above bolded items from.

Back them up with link to posts that mention/implied that.
At this very moment, Steam's top-20 most played games include 6 multiplatform games and 14 PC exclusives. I hope you like the taste of crow.

Anyone else who claims that PC games are "99% console ports" will be called out on it. Do your research before posting to avoid embarrassment.

Link? I'm just curious and don't even know how to check that.
Consoles will continue to laugh that PC is mostly being held back by them.

that's not good for any platform you know.

There will be no PC exclusives that push cutting edge visuals and expensive artwork with this generation. Besides, I'm sure PC would love to get a game with art that looks as good as God of War.
It's not about tech all the time, it's about having a viable platform that validates multimillion dollar efforts on graphics.

good lord....

It´s just the truth. You can count the PC games that are not just console upports with one hand.

I think I can actually count the number of console exclusives in one hand actually.

Voice chat was certainly available on PC but majority wasn't using headsets at the time. I was pretty into Enemy Territory and during majority of matches we were still using key-based communications, ie."Need a medic", "Enemy weakened" etc. because most people had no other option. 360 democratized it as suddenly everyone on the platform had a headset (albeit a crappy one).

We'll see what's the right call sooner than later, beefier GPU or a bunch of OS features, I personally don't care as I'll continue to play on my PC.

wrong. plenty and I mean plenty of people had headsets. what you experienced is not indicative of what actually happened.


What I have learned from Neogaf today.

PS4 is far more powerful than next Xbox. Rumor
PS4 will be cheaper. Unknown
PS4 is easier to develop games on. Wrong
Xbox will be a DVR/Media Center that plays Kinect games on the side. True
Xbox needs 8 gigs of RAM because of ADs. Wrong
MS will leave the industry. Nope

Did I miss anything?


haha this is true, regardless what you put in your PC next gen don't start until consoles say so, and even then sometimes you have to upgrade to get decent performance

Sounds like someone who has never seriously gamed on a gaming PC.


Yes I can refute it something can be measured as far as graphical fidelity is concerned something mindblowing is going to look better than something that looks good that is not opinion.
Except that is not what I said. I said you cannot refute someone's opinion of what is mind-blowing to them. It may differ from yours, it does not make them wrong.

This looks good:(from photomode)
... on 6 year old hardware that didn't cost anywhere near $1500 even at release...

This looks mindblowing:(realtime)
... while I've no doubt the PC used to run that isn't running 6 year old hardware.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
At this very moment, Steam's top-20 most played games include 6 multiplatform games and 14 PC exclusives. I hope you like the taste of crow.

Anyone else who claims that PC games are "99% console ports" will be called out on it. Do your research before posting to avoid embarrassment.

what exactly did you just prove? no one said the PC didn't have exclusives
my point is I don't think console owners care for Chivalry: Medieval Warfare


This whole thread has been pretty ridiculous. Every now and then I see a string of intelligent conversation / speculation but the majority of this thread reads like a 12yr olds diary bitching about things a 12yr old would never understand. Maybe better put...it reads like a comment thread from N4G. I really expected better from Neogaf.
Bkilian[/quote said:
I have no idea. I guess they would have to be prepared for something like this if they knew beforehand that their spec would be lower than PS4. (Actually, I know exactly what the management response was when questioned about relative console power - and other non-leaked things that may have significant impact on the sales of consoles, but it's not my place to say. Let's just say that I got flashbacks to my days in a different, less successful, org in some meetings.)

That's a wrap folks. Durango going the way of the Kin.

Could there be something else we don't know ?


Guys you heard here first, if the PS4 fails Sony is DOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!

Maybe you should look how they are trying to revitalize their phone division and being successful at it. There's a great possibility that Sony may end up being the third biggest biggest smartphone maker this year.

They had a shot a being the third one last year, but I don't know if they achieved that.

Sony, Microsoft hell even Nintendo would trade their videogame business in a heartbeat if they could dominate the smartphone market.

This whole Sony, MS and Nintendo are/may be doomed thing needs to stop. They are not going anywhere for a good while.

If the Durango, Orbis or Wii U completely fail the biggest danger would be to Nintendo since they focus on videogames and videogames alone.

Still this cycle has more than proved that 3 consoles are viable on a generation. The Wii sold great, the 360 and the PS3 sold satisfactorily. You might argue that Sony lost huge marketshare but the PS3 is not the failure that some people try to paint it to be.

If I was to make an educated guess I'd say that next gen Orbis and Durango will be close in sales (but not as close as they are now, and who knows who will come on top?) and the Wii U will trail a little behind. They won't bankrupt their makers.

You missed the entire point to the post.

Sure, if we have sales parity like you're talking about (which I agree is most likely, but not so much that the other possibilities aren't realistic) then everyone's in for another round. The entire post works under the caveat that someone drops a PS2-level market beast, and the fallout the other two would have to deal with.

If that happens and its not Sony and they don't pull a rabbit out of the hat (which is what I'd classify them leapfrogging multiple other competitors into a strong smartphone market share) they're in serious trouble. I like the direction they're moving the company in, but if consumers reject the Xperia line and the PS4 they're going to be in horrible shape a few years from now.

If that happens and its not MS I'd expect them to seriously reconsider their commitment to hardware, since it's not really their core market. If MS' corporate leaders see the Xbox brand regress (which a PS2 level PS4 or Wii U would result in) they'll want a more guaranteed angle into the living room.

If that happens and its not Nintendo they likely still make a healthy profit on the Wii U thanks to their dedicated fans and strong first party sales. 3DS will also be a strong product for them. They'll likely see less profit from both when adjusted for inflation than they did in the Wii/NDS era, but would still be in a capable position to keep putting out hardware. Their threat is in the long term devouring of the uni-tasker handheld and their fans getting fatigued with their core IPs.

Its not a doom and gloom scenario for anyone but Sony, who does need a strong next several years to keep from being an acquisition target by any company interested in their diverse portfolio of holdings.

Again, it's unlikely that anyone rolls out that kind of generation, but it's far from unheard of. Before this generation we had two three console cycles with one clear winner established each time. The market is big enough, but the market also frequently consolidates behind a single market leader. Its a legitimate risk to all three hardware companies.
haha this is true, regardless what you put in your PC next gen don't start until consoles say so, and even then sometimes you have to upgrade to get decent performance

Ha Ha, except you know 2560x1600 or 3d or surround or eyefinite or multiple monitors or...
you upgrade to what you feel is best for you. don't make it sound like it's neccesary. those days are over.


I will repeat myself : this info on vgleaks is at least one year old and only the idea of what the final GPU will look/be like. Of course it could also be the final thing...

Did you miss the lhere post were he said specs didn't change?


bkilian said:
Alexct said:
A question for bkilian if you read me and you want to respond. How do you think MS is taking the negative wave that is hitting the next xbox after this rumor/leak due to the low power and the apparent superiority of ps4??With most of the criticisms that come from happy users of the xbox 1 and the 360.
I have no idea. I guess they would have to be prepared for something like this if they knew beforehand that their spec would be lower than PS4. (Actually, I know exactly what the management response was when questioned about relative console power - and other non-leaked things that may have significant impact on the sales of consoles, but it's not my place to say. Let's just say that I got flashbacks to my days in a different, less successful, org in some meetings.)
Keeps on getting bleak ..


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
What I have learned from Neogaf today.

PS4 is far more powerful than next Xbox.
PS4 will be cheaper.
PS4 is easier to develop games on.
Xbox will be a DVR/Media Center that plays Kinect games on the side.
Xbox needs 8 gigs of RAM because of ADs.
MS will leave the industry.

Did I miss anything?

PS4 will be cheaper. That's a new one on me. Sign me up.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I really don't understand why you would even be offended by the notion "Kinect functionality". It could be something as simple as voice commands to exit a menu.

Has anyone ever suggested the hilarity/annoyance of Kinect voice commands babbling through chat during multilayer? I'd find that pretty fucking annoying.


Except that is not what I said. I said you cannot refute someone's opinion of what is mind-blowing to them. It may differ from yours, it does not make them wrong.

... on 6 year old hardware that didn't cost anywhere near $1500 even at release...

... while I've no doubt the PC used to run that isn't running 6 year old hardware.

I'm sorry but when did I say that? I'm refuting the statement that consoles are going to produce mind blowing graphical fidelity and nothing else. Were not comparing price and the age of the hardware were talking about graphical fidelity and as of right now GT5 is still one of the best looking racing games.

There is a big different in saying this game looks (as far as graphics) mind blowing as it's relative and can be measured and saying this ice cream is mind blowing as that is pure opinion and cannot be measured realistically.
I have no idea. I guess they would have to be prepared for something like this if they knew beforehand that their spec would be lower than PS4. (Actually, I know exactly what the management response was when questioned about relative console power - and other non-leaked things that may have significant impact on the sales of consoles, but it's not my place to say. Let's just say that I got flashbacks to my days in a different, less successful, org in some meetings.)

That sounds like Sony launching some peripheric and they questioning about it(VR glasses?).
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