GG's again Xevren. Sorry our connections hate each other. Your Goh is wicked.
I really meant it when I said my Brad is 100% ass. I'm basically just playing like an idiot for now until I hit the rank at which I'm not winning more than losing. I feel that's when I'll have to start absorbing more information and really buckling down. Right now I'm just trying to get out of the ranked pool of people who are free to 2P.
Speaking of free---I'm fucking free as all fuck to all Goh players. I have NO CLUE how to approach this match up as Brad. Anyone have tips?
Also, the other two characters I'm genuinely interested in other than Brad are Jean and El Blaze, but I feel both are a significant amount harder execution wise than Brad. Doing charge stuff with Jean, and then El Blaze is all sorts of fucked up with his run in out and throw game. Jesus.
Any tips for Jean?
I really meant it when I said my Brad is 100% ass. I'm basically just playing like an idiot for now until I hit the rank at which I'm not winning more than losing. I feel that's when I'll have to start absorbing more information and really buckling down. Right now I'm just trying to get out of the ranked pool of people who are free to 2P.
Speaking of free---I'm fucking free as all fuck to all Goh players. I have NO CLUE how to approach this match up as Brad. Anyone have tips?
Also, the other two characters I'm genuinely interested in other than Brad are Jean and El Blaze, but I feel both are a significant amount harder execution wise than Brad. Doing charge stuff with Jean, and then El Blaze is all sorts of fucked up with his run in out and throw game. Jesus.
Any tips for Jean?