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WaPo: Trump recorded bragging about his fame letting him violate women in 2005

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You know what gets me is that the idiots defending him on the basis that it's a "10 year old comment" don't get called out that his comments are not about things he's done in the past but about things he likes to do and continues to do it's an admittance of his sexual predator MO.
Well that and the fact Trump's go to defense seems to be bringing up 20 to 30 year old Clinton sex scandals. The flagrant hypocrisy of this campaign knows no bounds.
Said this last night man. He's the one who is going to get out, not Trump. I'm telling you the GOP is going to plan to rally around their establishment hard with a combination of Ryan pulling his endorsement and Pence bailing on the ticket to start the exodus.

Fortunately for us, I think a Hillary presidency is just going to fan the anti-establishment flames among the GOP base, and they'll end up with some lunatic again in 2020.


A female Trump supporter on CNN actually said that if Hillary is elected, Bill Clinton will be back in the white house with "a new batch of interns to prey on".
Trump would never try to use his position of power to prey upon women. He can safely take the high ground here.


Why does this Ryan bloke never run for President if he is so powerful?

He was VP nominee under Romney 2012. Not sure why he didn't run this time unless he really believed Jeb was going to be it. Or maybe he didn't want it anymore. After all, he had to be seriously courted and coaxed to take on his current position.

Caja 117

I wonder if such a move will lead to the permanent splintering of the base that's been coming since the formation of the tea party

Is interesting because you are seen those Trump Supporters turning against Rep who are drooping their endorsement on Donald Trump....Bush might very well be the lat Rep president after this.
All the "locker room talk" posts, man. Here and elsewhere. Wish a mod (and the news) would change the titles to something more like "Trump recorded in 2005 confessing to felonies and planning on committing more felonies".

Premeditated sexual assault. Seriously. If you know guys that talk like that in real life, report them to the police maybe? Warn away the women they come in contact with?

It isn't normal, it shouldn't be normalized or defended as if it were.
I think Paul Ryan saw the writing on the wall before the primary even kicked off.

He is still young for a politician and if he wants to run for President he can still do so even if takes the Republican party 10-20 years to try and put the pieces back together.
Trump would never try to use his position of power to prey upon women. He can safely take the high ground here.


The "but bill!!!" thing is incredibly weak footing. If you let trump into the White House what is to say given this evidence he doesn't just do the same thing Bill Clinton did since he just admitted that he used his celebrity status to go after women


He was VP nominee under Romney 2012. Not sure why he didn't run this time unless he really believed Jeb was going to be it. Or maybe he didn't want it anymore. After all, he had to be seriously courted and coaxed to take on his current position.

Maybe he likes a more cushy job with easier links to financial gain. Seems like the screw you got mine type and walks over anyone for more dollars.


I laughed. Off to call my mom...

It's our one chance to legitamely and seriously say "pussy" to old people and justifiably make them outrageously uncomfortable. Have to take full advantage of it.

Shes also a huge Trump supporter.


So, he gets called out on something with evidence, and instead of doing damage control he attacks other people with no receipts. K


It's our one chance to legitamely and seriously say "pussy" to old people and justifiably make them outrageously uncomfortable. Have to take full advantage of it.

Shes also a huge Trump supporter.

My mom was leaning towards him until I shamelessly manipulated her by saying, "But mom, he's everything you taught me not to be."
It totally worked too. If it hadn't, "President Pussy Grabber" definitely would have turned her off.
I don't get why Trump doesn't step down... he is toast. Can't delegate just withdraw their support and re-open the nomination?

he thinks backing out is a sign of weakness and it's bad for his image (it kinda is, his whole business is based on him pretending to be the master negotiator who never quits or fails)


Fail out bailed
All the "locker room talk" posts, man. Here and elsewhere. Wish a mod (and the news) would change the titles to something more like "Trump recorded in 2005 confessing to felonies and planning on committing more felonies".

Premeditated sexual assault. Seriously. If you know guys that talk like that in real life, report them to the police maybe? Warn away the women they come in contact with?

It isn't normal, it shouldn't be normalized or defended as if it were.
This is a weird sentiment to me. We know rape culture exists. We know men make rape jokes and laugh about sexual assault. Women have been telling us men act like this for centuries. It actually seems weirdly regressive to say, "lol yeah right" to those of us who have heard it first hand.

Trump doesn't have to be special in order for this to be wrong. You can just despise everyone who talks like this and count him among them.

There should be a distinction between saying, "Sadly this is all too common." And defending him.

I mean, again, Family Guy exists and douche bags quote Quagmire unironically. People like Chris Brown. People defended Daniel Tosh. People glorify villains from movies who sexually assault women as cool "anti-heroes." There are hit songs framing sexual assault as being sexy and cool.

Many men seriously don't respect women. It's not news and kinda gross to pretend it is IMO. That's not the same thing as defending Trump.


RNC halts Victory project work for Trump
In an email from the RNC to a victory program mail vendor, with the subject line “Hold on all projects,” the committee asked the vendor to “put a hold” on mail production.

“Please put a hold/stop on all mail projects right now. If something is in production or print it needs to stop. Will update you when to proceed,” Lauren Toomey, a staffer in the RNC’s political department, wrote in an email that was obtained by POLITICO.

The email was sent to at least one RNC victory program vendor. Rick Wiley, a top RNC official, was cc’d on the email.


My mom was leaning towards him until I shamelessly manipulated her by saying, "But mom, he's everything you taught me not to be."
It totally worked too. If it hadn't, "President Pussy Grabber" definitely would have turned her off.

It really is perfect. People's instinct is automatic "don't say that word!!!"

"I'm only saying what the man you support says"

*tortured mental backflips*

No matter what happens, he's on the ballot.

It's too late, doesn't matter anyway.

Nope, too late for a new nominee

Thank you.

he thinks backing out is a sign of weakness and it's bad for his image (it kinda is, his whole business is based on him pretending to be the master negotiator who never quits or fails)

Yeah, I get it. But Pence stands a much better chance against Clinton than he ever did. At this point will Pence just back down to try to dissociate himself from this shit?
Honestly it may just boil down to him saying pussy on tape.

In telling my mother about this she was getting super mad that I kept saying pussy.
Ya, it's also the sexual assault but he's said he could shoot a person on the street and retain his base. He's said he'll kill family members of accused terrorists. He's said all kinds of racist and sexist things not just during the election but for his whole career. There's something to the use of the word "pussy". If he had implied sexual assault without using blatant language, I wonder if this would have blown up.





All the "locker room talk" posts, man. Here and elsewhere. Wish a mod (and the news) would change the titles to something more like "Trump recorded in 2005 confessing to felonies and planning on committing more felonies".

Premeditated sexual assault. Seriously. If you know guys that talk like that in real life, report them to the police maybe? Warn away the women they come in contact with?

It isn't normal, it shouldn't be normalized or defended as if it were.

+1. It seems like those people making these comments are truly oblivious to the most important part of the recording, which is his statement that he can do whatever he wants because of his status. Instead they try to make it about the "dirty words" he used...
I don't get why Trump doesn't step down... he is toast. Can't delegate just withdraw their support and re-open the nomination?

The RNC could force a change it looks like, yes. But the issue is that it is 30 days from the election. And some states have already started voting. Ballots are already finalized and out there due to absentee voters.

It's too late to change that. The RNC would have to start a write-in campaign and hope voters actually can write in the new person.

That's not going to happen. And if they try it, it will fail spectacularly.


Anyone else excited for the rest of the tapes to drop? I can't even focus on work right now.

Imagine if Trump was caught saying something about his daughter like 'yeah totally would'

I wonder if Trump or some party affiliated with him in secret is trying buy the tapes right now.
10 years ago I still respected women and didn't think it was cool to sexually assault them, and I was only 20. TRUMP WAS 59 YEARS OLD.
People don't realize the older you get, the more you are stuck in your ways. He's not drastically changing from 59 to 69. But from 20 to 30 or 10 to 20 makes a huge difference. His argument can eat a dick.


The RNC could force a change it looks like, yes. But the issue is that it is 30 days from the election. And some states have already started voting. Ballots are already finalized and out there due to absentee voters.

It's too late to change that. The RNC would have to start a write-in campaign and hope voters actually can write in the new person.

That's not going to happen. And if they try it, it will fail spectacularly.
Oh my god this is too glorious


It really is perfect. People's instinct is automatic "don't say that word!!!"

"I'm only saying what the man you support says"

*tortured mental backflips*


It really is. My mom is the kind of person who will gasp and tell me she raised me better. Yeah, mom you did... now how do you feel about voting for a sexual predator?


Unconfirmed Member
Ryan didn't even want the Speaker of the House job, I doubt he'd want to be president.

I think he wanted to avoid becoming Speaker because he'll be blamed for any fuck ups by Congress under his watch. He saw this shit coming and wanted to stay on the sidelines until the party was ready to be rebuilt under his leadership.

Now, he's almost assuredly going down with the ship.
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