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WaPo: Trump recorded bragging about his fame letting him violate women in 2005

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Trump campaign reporter on MSNBC by phone says the campaign thinks this can be a "teachable moment" and that Trump can apologize and then just move past it.
I'm late to this party so let me educate anyone who would take this line of thinking.

Anyone who thinks anything vaguely similar go read this tweet chain.

Every girl in that chain of replies is someone who has been sexually assaulted either by someone they know or at random. A lot of them didn't get justice. A lot of them suffer in silence. One thing in common is that this is the same behavior that Trump blithely describes in his "locker room banter". To hear one of the two nominees of a major party that is running for President of the United States make light of sexual assault. To think in any way, shape, or form that this is any sort of legitimate behavior is beyond the pale.

We don't demand a lot from our elected officials anymore. But we should be able to stand up and ask that someone who casually refers to sexually assault and has these views should not be eligible to be President of the United States ever.

Yeah this thread is harrowing.
WHY did Trump run for President? His brand is damaged goods after this election. There will be nothing left for Ivanka and co to salvage if this onslaught of allegations doesn't end. Is everything to him really this short sighted and about the immediate gains? And his supporters still claiming he's an amazing businessman when it's obvious what is going to happen afterwards. They are so deluded. What does it take to wake them up?

He's literally halfway there so it was a decent gamble. He just forgot about the non-idiot portion of the population.


I didn't think we'd get a single thing that stuck like binders full of women, but man were my expectations btfo of the water.


WHY did Trump run for President? His brand is damaged goods after this election. There will be nothing left for Ivanka and co to salvage if this onslaught of allegations doesn't end. Is everything to him really this short sighted and about the immediate gains? And his supporters still claiming he's an amazing businessman when it's obvious what is going to happen afterwards. They are so deluded. What does it take to wake them up?

Thought he could get free publicity for his businesses...backfired gloriously.


Really sucks this happened on a Friday. Usually people put out news on this day to bury it. Cause weekend news really nobody watches.




Billy Bush's adolescent snickering just makes the whole thing feel even grosser. It's like he's trying so hard to impress Trump. Hope this bites him in the ass, too.


Omg this is absolutely amazing. I have the biggest shit eating grin right now. Fuck the GOP and their orange piece of shit.

My thoughts exactly. I'm so happy tonight. Trump had already lost this election - now he's going to get fucking demolished. And all his piece of shit supporters can see that the majority of the country does not think like them.


I read an article in summer where someone with the DNC said 90% of the stuff they have on him hadn't been released yet. I've been eagerly awaiting the bombshells.
Who needs just one October Surprise when you can have an advent calendar full of them? What's behind door number 8?


WHY did Trump run for President? His brand is damaged goods after this election. There will be nothing left for Ivanka and co to salvage if this onslaught of allegations doesn't end. Is everything to him really this short sighted and about the immediate gains? And his supporters still claiming he's an amazing businessman when it's obvious what is going to happen afterwards. They are so deluded. What does it take to wake them up?

Sure, more people will hate him. But he still has a sizeable fanbase. One that he can make millions from.


WHY did Trump run for President? His brand is damaged goods after this election. There will be nothing left for Ivanka and co to salvage if this onslaught of allegations doesn't end. Is everything to him really this short sighted and about the immediate gains? And his supporters still claiming he's an amazing businessman when it's obvious what is going to happen afterwards. They are so deluded. What does it take to wake them up?

Ego. It's what everything is about to him.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I see Hannity is in full-on panic "but Bill did it first!" mode.


Wasn't there jack shit in the wikileaks? Why do they bang on about it constantly.
Because people who are just looking for a reason to dislike/distrust Hillary will see a big wall of text that is being touted as a scandal and assume the worst. Armed with a few out-of-context quotes they will spread the good word across the internet.


WHY did Trump run for President? His brand is damaged goods after this election. There will be nothing left for Ivanka and co to salvage if this onslaught of allegations doesn't end. Is everything to him really this short sighted and about the immediate gains? And his supporters still claiming he's an amazing businessman when it's obvious what is going to happen afterwards. They are so deluded. What does it take to wake them up?

His ego. Him being embarrassed by a Black man basically.

His kids must hate him currently even if thy hide it. They had it all.


Trump campaign reporter on MSNBC by phone says the campaign thinks this can be a "teachable moment" and that Trump can apologize and then just move past it.

That Trump lady on CNN said the same thing. Basically, he can now show how good of a person he really is by apologizing. Because Hillary never REALLY apologized. But Trump now will.
I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

I take the threat of a trump presidency seriously, but I really could not help but laugh at that.


It doesn't matter whether Trump drops out or not. The Republicans have lost their chance to win this election in either case. The only question is what damage remains to be done.


This is dropout material for a rehearsed politician that has been grooming their entire adult life towards a presidency.

This is not drop out material for a guy who didn't expect to be running for political office (none the less president).

Your defense of him has been appalling for months.

Your defense of him TODAY, of all days, is simply fucking disgusting.


Really sucks this happened on a Friday. Usually people put out news on this day to bury it. Cause weekend news really nobody watches.

Debate weekend, plus hurricane. Lots of people are clinging to the news. This HAD to come before the debate (if we can even call it that anymore - it's really just a big show at this point).


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Sad thing is the only way for us to hear from a Trump supporter tonight is if a negative Hillary story drops.

Hey guys, if you can't stand up for your candidate in negative threads, he probably shouldn't be your candidate.


WHY did Drumpf run for President? His brand is damaged goods after this election. There will be nothing left for Ivanka and co to salvage if this onslaught of allegations doesn't end. Is everything to him really this short sighted and about the immediate gains? And his supporters still claiming he's an amazing businessman when it's obvious what is going to happen afterwards. They are so deluded. What does it take to wake them up?

According the PBS Frontline doc, Trump's reasons for wanting to run for President (this time around) can be traced back to the White House correspondents dinner in 2011 where he was thoroughly roasted and humiliated by Obama. Since Trump is the kind of person who never gets talked down to or put in his place, he vowed revenge on everybody who laughed at him by proving them wrong and showing he could actually run for President.


Sooo...I think at this point the movie on the election will either Ten Commandments long or turned into a mini series.
For Trump it'll only get worse for him, and I can't wait.
That Dinesh guy that made that conspiracy theory movie about how evil democrats are is on Hannity and just called Hillary a hag (dirty or evil hag, can't remember, "They are trying to drag that _____ hag to the finish line")


Really sucks this happened on a Friday. Usually people put out news on this day to bury it. Cause weekend news really nobody watches.

I said the same thing much earlier in the thread. But I think it's pretty clear that this isn't going to be buried, and will be a major issue going forward.
Hannity just a second ago: "Don't you think the Clinton campaign has had this for a long time? Don't you think they waited to release this on Wiki Leaks day?"


He also has a woman on that said she wishes Sean had one of those Town Halls scheduled so that he could ask men in the room how many of them haven't said something like that. She wrote it off as normal locker room banter.


this is so lame...this is like me or someone else talking about sex with another guy. Only bad part I see is him talking about a married woman. This does nothing to move the needle really. While Clinton has some real shit on her.

You're a terrible person, too. Congrats.


Can’t stump the diablos
Your defense of him has been appalling for months.

Your defense of him TODAY, of all days, is simply fucking disgusting.

I'm in no way defending what he said.
It's not something that should be said in private or public conversations.

What I am saying is this isn't drop out material for Trump.


Really sucks this happened on a Friday. Usually people put out news on this day to bury it. Cause weekend news really nobody watches.

It's a Friday before a debate meaning it will still be fresh and raw come Sunday night. Its release date isn't an accident, it's a nuclear bomb.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I hope the Republican Party can reboot. A healthy democracy needs at least two serious parties.

This and Trump trying to throw a wrench in the legitimacy of the elected President with his supporters have been my biggest concerns. The GOP could have put up somebody sensible with far less experience than Clinton, and they probably would have won just because it was time to change the guard. But now the fringe elements are basically picking who steps up to the plate, and I honestly don't know how they fix that in 4 years. Clinton would have an incumbent advantage in 2020 but everyone and their mother on the right is going to step up thinking they can snatch it after 12 years under Democrats. It's going to be another large pool of candidates and I'm sure we'll have someone that will be using Trump's playbook to snatch the primaries.

I'm a Democrat, but the adversarial nature of politics is a pretty important aspect of our system. Would I vote for a Romney or a Bush? No. But I wouldn't be concerned about them torpedoing our relationships with foreign allies. Letting someone like Trump get this close to the White House is troubling. Unless they really work on turning things around, I can't see a Republican winning their own primary by having to appeal to the fringe, and then being able to walk it all back and win the general. They're just way too far from center and long overdue for a party adjustment


He wasn't a groomed politician in 2000 and isn't a groomed politician now.

Oh really? Getting caught bragging about sexually assaulting women isn't drop out material? What is then pray tell?

Well yeah Trump won't choose to drop out. Why would he? He doesn't care about the party. But he should.
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