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Watch_Dogs reviews

Downgrade or not, the graphics in this game are excellent. Some of the shit I've seen people say about this game is pretty exaggerated. I've never seen this much automatic hate for a game since DmC


ADD New Gen Gamer
Yeah, unless I Wanna Be The Guy can shoot a video to argue those claims, comparing the E3 video and a final code playthrough, it's pure conjecture.

Even then, for the sake of his own bias, I'd rather not have him shoot the video.

To be honest, I don't think any part of the demo cannot be done in game. The demo was probably just played by a person who knew exactly what was going to happen and what to do.
At the end of the day Watch_Dogs has been an amazing pre-release trip. The rollercoaster is on the upswing right now, but man it still amazes me how no matter what, gaffers (many of who haven't even played the game) will discredit others who have played as apologists, reviewers who have played it, and then latch on to the smaller dissenting opinions. Someone was saying this game is the new Bioshock Infinite/Tomb Raider, games that were slowly picked apart. No, in fact watch dogs is a new breed, a game that was going to be picked apart from the start regardless of shifting consensus. People like Jedi are the life's blood of gaf cynicism, where being reasonably apprehensive and cautiously optimistic turn into a permanent state of confirmation bias.
People who have played it have said that it is a must play and that the talk about repetitiveness is completely false. Really excited for this based on that!
I gather that even those who are here to "defend" the game have come to term that the game will probably suck. Probably, we can't know for sure until someone reputable has played/shown the game extensively.
I'm waiting for the GB quicklook tomorrow so see if it's any good.
Downgrade or not, the graphics in this game are excellent. Some of the shit I've seen people say about this game is pretty exaggerated. I've never seen this much automatic hate for a game since DmC

Ahh, yes. I almost forgot that was incredible. Truly incredible, that game was completely denied any opportunity.
I gather that even those who are here to "defend" the game have come to term that the game will probably suck. Probably, we can't know for sure until someone reputable has played/shown the game extensively.
I'm waiting for the GB quicklook tomorrow so see if it's any good.

Lol. I can't.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I gather that even those who are here to "defend" the game have come to term that the game will probably suck. Probably, we can't know for sure until someone reputable has played/shown the game extensively.
I'm waiting for the GB quicklook tomorrow so see if it's any good.

This thread is pretty hilarious. I can't even tell is this post is real or not.
I gather that even those who are here to "defend" the game have come to term that the game will probably suck. Probably, we can't know for sure until someone reputable has played/shown the game extensively.
I'm waiting for the GB quicklook tomorrow so see if it's any good.

So what happens when it reviews well? DmC reviewed extremely well and it was still written off by Gaf. Who can we trust? This is only confirming the cartoonish nature of the cynicism going on here. If it does well, paid off reviews. If it does badly, people will have validated their denial of the game and continue with new ammunition. What is the end game here?


People who have played it have said that it is a must play and that the talk about repetitiveness is completely false. Really excited for this based on that!

I mean, it can be repetitive if you binge play it through an entire weekend in the manner that most reviewers have to do, to get a review out for launch date. I don't recommend binge-watching six seasons of any television show in 48 hours either.
I gather that even those who are here to "defend" the game have come to term that the game will probably suck. Probably, we can't know for sure until someone reputable has played/shown the game extensively.
I'm waiting for the GB quicklook tomorrow so see if it's any good.
We have officially transcended sarcasm. I think this post is actually legit..

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I mean, it can be repetitive if you binge play it through an entire weekend in the manner that most reviewers have to do, to get a review out for launch date. I don't recommend binge-watching six seasons of any television show in 48 hours either.
Unless ofc that show is Breaking Bad. But that's a whole other discussion. ;D


I mean, it can be repetitive if you binge play it through an entire weekend in the manner that most reviewers have to do, to get a review out for launch date. I don't recommend binge-watching six seasons of any television show in 48 hours either.
Binge-watching is a fantastic guilty pleasure, done it many times. You only do it if you're having fun though.


I don't see why some can't understand the cynicism going on. They originally showed what looked like a fresh, gorgeous open world experience to usher in the next generation. Everything I've seen recently looks far worse and the actual gameplay mechanics sound wholly uninteresting. That's a big shift for someone who was extremely hyped after that e3 showing.

I'm certain this is just reiterating what others have said. But there's a reason for the hate. I'm willing to give the game a chance though. I just need plenty of reviews and impressions.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Yep, that's what I thought. Have a nice day.
And my points remain unrefuted. We must have watched different demos because all of what Ubisoft "promised" made it into the final game except for slightly less pretty visuals.


I don't see why some can't understand the cynicism going on. They originally showed what looked like a fresh, gorgeous open world experience to usher in the next generation. Everything I've seen recently looks far worse and the actual gameplay mechanics sound wholly uninteresting. That's a big shift for someone who was extremely hyped after that e3 showing.

But the gameplay hasn't changed at all, only the graphics. If people extrapolated something more from the demos shown, that disappointment is on them, IMO.
I don't see why some can't understand the cynicism going on. They originally showed what looked like a fresh, gorgeous open world experience to usher in the next generation. Everything I've seen recently looks far worse and the actual gameplay mechanics sound wholly uninteresting. That's a big shift for someone who was extremely hyped after that e3 showing.

Honestly that's bs though. We went through the same process with SC Blacklist and we go through the same process as countless other games. The original trailer is exactly how you can play the game. YOU choose how to play. If I show a MGS Snake Eater trailer with nothing but shoot bang is there no stealth? If I show a Mass Effect 1 trailer with nothing but shoot bang is it no longer a RPG? Ubisoft and all publishers try to advertise to as many people as possible. But if you want to play the game with digital stealth in a beautiful rendition of chi town you can.


If the gameplay hasn't change then I suppose any novelty I got from that first showing wore off. It doesn't seem like the whole hacking business is very fun or fleshed out. That's my fault.

I hate to say it, but a lot has to do with the graphics. I think it's a pretty ugly game now. That soured me and many others on the title.

I'm not even blaming Ubi this time. I obviously expected too much from an open world Ubisoft game.


If the gameplay hasn't change then I suppose any novelty I got from that first showing wore off.

I think this is the key to a lot of negativity. When we didn't know as much about the game, we could cast our fantasies of what we wanted onto the game. People filled in the blanks. Now that the whole game is unveiled, people are disappointed that it didn't match up with what they thought the game was in their head. I don't think that's Ubisoft's fault.

And yes, I know that graphically the game isn't the same, which means a lot to people.

Yet they all still rated it highly. Guess playing the game sheds a different light then a simple pro/con analysis.

Yeah. Honestly I was disappointed in the storyline and would still give the game a 9.


So far, it seems like I called it. Higher scores than it deserves.


Only on the internet would someone who hasn't played a game be audacious enough to think they know better than multitudes of people who have.

I just need to find a gif of your credibility flying out the window and this post will be complete.


I think this is the key to a lot of negativity. When we didn't know as much about the game, we could cast our fantasies of what we wanted onto the game. People filled in the blanks. Now that the whole game is unveiled, people are disappointed that it didn't match up with what they thought the game was in their head. I don't think that's Ubisoft's fault.

And yes, I know that graphically the game isn't the same, which means a lot to people.
I agree with all of this. I'm not trying to justify some of the unreasonable hatred going around. I just mean to say I can see where their qualms are coming from, cause I have all the same hesitation when looking at Watch Dogs.
Not every character needs charisma. If the character does not have charisma, it is because they are not meant to.

I agree with the first part.

The second part is up in the air. Either the writers intentionally penned him with no chutzpah, or they just plain failed to do so in the first place.


Neo Member

Only on the internet would someone who hasn't played a game be audacious enough to think they know better than multitudes of people who have.

I just need to find a gif of your credibility flying out the window and this post will be complete.

There's a lot of people who have played it who would say otherwise, they just aren't reviewers.

One of those reviews irked me though, as it gave the game 100% and said it had 'amazing graphics' or something, when they clearly are far from amazing. A statement like that sucks all my trust in the rest of the review out.
Yeah this plays like GTA with a cell phone


Rolling my eyes out of my skull...

This video has slightly deflated my hype for the game. The lack of the dynamic shadows and deformation to the car damage could really reduce the immersive aspect of the game; really hoped they would have been at least basal for this game. :(

It has also reminded me of how mind blowing an experience GTA IV was the first time I played it at a cousins house; was unparalleled at the time.


I agree with the first part.

The second part is up in the air. Either the writers intentionally penned him with no chutzpah, or they just plain failed to do so in the first place.

He cannot be worse than Connor from AC3! Its all ++++ up from there :)

Looking forward to the bulk of the reviews tomorrow, some interesting video reviews will hopefully reignite some of that hype I had at E3. I'm long past hoping for what now seems a miracle but my anticipation of the game, to put one word on it with judging by the earlier impressions is "solid".

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
But the gameplay hasn't changed at all, only the graphics. If people extrapolated something more from the demos shown, that disappointment is on them, IMO.
This, when the gameplay is literally the exact same thing that they've shown since the beginning (minus a few tweaks to the HUD) then I don't see where the problem lies in the gameplay department.


Not every character needs charisma. If the character does not have charisma, it is because they are not meant to. Connor was a good, realistic character.

In some instances the lacking personality bit can work. Corvo (Dishonored)...yes. Altair...no. This looks like another Altair. Coincidence, I'm suuure.
He cannot be worse than Connor from AC3! Its all ++++ up from there :)

Looking forward to the bulk of the reviews tomorrow, some interesting video reviews will hopefully reignite some of that hype I had at E3. I'm long past hoping for what now seems a miracle but my anticipation of the game, to put one word on it with judging by the earlier impressions is "solid".

I fought a long time with myself and in the end i kept the preorder. The game will be OK at least and i really like Ubisoft for trying out new ideas (freeroaming in AC or now the hacking in WD) and creating new IPs. Since its the first WD game i half expect a situation like in AC 1 where the main mechanics where solid developed but the game around them was missing. We´ll see tomorrow when the real reviews arrive.
I can't wait to get this! I am going to run in my house with the disc and my hand and whilst diving through the air, frisbee the disc into the ps4 then barrel roll over my controller picking it up in the process landing in my gaming chair and play all weekend. Having wednesday and thursdays off is pretty sweet for game releases.
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