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Watch_Dogs reviews


So many people still confused. Gonna paste this in every page if someone else doesn't :D

Damn, to bed then.

I've never been so on the fence about a purchase. Will see how the official reviews are and then see what the overall GAF consensus is.

Just think, when you get up in the morning, the reviews will be out and you can make a more informed decision. Not long now.



Yup. If they were smart, reviews would come out a day or two before release. I saw the Rev3Games review for BioShock Infinite the day before the midnight release and it made me go out with a friend to pick it up at midnight.
Yeah, it's "safest" to wait but you might get a lot of people who won't bother with a midnight launch then. ESPECIALLY when you suck and hold it to 12 AM PDT rather than EST, because you might well get some people rushing out to grab it then on the other side of the country.


Embargo lifts at 07:01am GMT.

That's 3:01am Eastern Daylight Time.
2:01am Central Daylight Time.
1:01am Mountain Daylight Time.
12:01am Pacific Daylight Time and Arizona Time.


Games are a much bigger time and money investment so it's not as viable to just run out and take a chance on a random game that could be garbage.
I never do. I said almost the opposite, because I skim reviews for games I'm interested in. If I've followed one for long enough, and can get a decent idea of whether it's not it's for me, the review means little. Usually impressions or streams are good enough.


Oh, man. 3 AM review embargo? Seriously?
The more and more I see of this game the better it looks, as weird as that sounds. (I wasn't too excited for the vertical slice of a "game" that was shown off at E3 2012 because it was simply vapor-ware), but now, this is starting to look like a respectable open world game. I'm curious as to why they're being so damn secretive about the reviews. I mean seriously though, in all honesty I can go out to a store and buy this game right now, but I can't read a review of it? That just seems insane to me.

I'm not buying this game until a price drop anyways though, so maybe my opinion is moot. Welp.
The embargo is fucking stupid, the game went on sale at midnight in like 70% of the world already.

I'm really excited for this game, but having your embargo that late is not a good sign.


The embargo is fucking stupid, the game went on sale at midnight in like 70% of the world already.

I'm really excited for this game, but having your embargo that late is not a good sign.
Nah, I think Ubisoft just does it as standard operating procedure, same thing happened with South Park. Well, I guess you can extrapolate something from that, but then you could probably go and do that with any damn game with that embargo time.

EDIT: Oh, I didn't check a map lately. So I guess most of Europe is in on this too but next to no one else.


are enough people invested in this game either way for there to be meltdowns?

Folks will passionately justify their purchase (or lack of) based on these upcoming review scores. It's arguably what reviews are there for now, rather than assisting with deciding on a purchase.


are enough people invested in this game either way for there to be meltdowns?

Are you serious? Absolutely, this forum has been dominated by Watch Dogs talk and discussion over the past week, not to mention the months (and years) leading up to it. Easily the most polarizing game of the new generation and clearly a lot of people are tuned in on it.

So in short, yes.

Now, time for sleep! I look forward to waking up to the 3,000+ post review thread.


The embargo is fucking stupid, the game went on sale at midnight in like 70% of the world already.

I'm really excited for this game, but having your embargo that late is not a good sign.

Usually when a company is super confident in the score the game will get they have an early embargo date, usually days before the game comes out. If they have no idea how it's going to be received they just wait till the very last moment.

GTA4 and GTA5 had reviews out a few days before release right?


Embargoes should be banned from using PST.

Actually let's just ban PST altogether. =P
We can at least ban Daylight savings, then we get everything an hour earlier!

And it's of dubious value in this day and age anyway, most countries don't even bother with it it seems but America's going to keep being contrary for the sake of being contrary.
Are you serious? Absolutely, this forum has been dominated by Watch Dogs talk and discussion over the past week, not to mention the months (and years) leading up to it. Easily the most polarizing game of the new generation and clearly a lot of people are tuned in on it.

So in short, yes.

Now, time for sleep! I look forward to waking up to the 3,000+ post review thread.
this forum isn't the best judgement on the real world


I can't even comprehend this. If anything, it's almost the opposite for me.

I must be in the minority then.

I go in blind beyond a trailer or blurb (or cover art) for books, movies, TV, (music), etc.

For games I watch and read reviews but except in very rare cases they don't sway me. I make a decision based on time available, money, mood, etc.
already bought it so i can stream it over the next couple of days and help inform my followers/fans.

honestly hoping its good. not sure if it will be. hope i didnt waste money.

at least I also ordered a collectors edition that I can destroy as francis if the game is a complete let down. i'll make my money back doing that i guess ;)

waiting for them reviews. <3
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