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Watch_Dogs reviews

Ubisoft payed him! Am i doing it right?

You missed a reference to Dorito's or insinuating he's no good at games so nobody should trust his review anyway. Also, throw in a slight trashing his writing ability, while making a grammatical error of your own. Bonus points if you find a pedantic point that is insanely minor to build your argument he's a paid shill. Only then can you can be a true warrior against the games press.
Oh hey :)

How about some more impressions?
Biggest negative is it suffers from "Ubification" - Ubisoft's obsessive homogenization of mechanics.

However, it does them all superbly and the amount of content is crazy.

That is all I'll say until review time. I am rolling my eyes at this silly embargo situation, but I would rather my review get read by at least a few people. :)


In all honesty, I'm looking forward to getting this tomorrow since there is fuck-all to play on my ps4 right now, anyway. If it looks and plays like ACBF then I'll be happy. The only thing I am dreading is that they somehow took "follow/eavesdrop/tail" from the AC games and implemented them into WD. Lawd, I HATE those goddamn missions.

Mech spider looks rad,though.

That is all I'll say until review time. I am rolling my eyes at this silly embargo situation, but I would rather my review get read by at least a few people. :)

Can you at least give it a comparison to ACBF in terms of how it looks, runs, etc?


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Biggest negative is it suffers from "Ubification" - Ubisoft's obsessive homogenization of mechanics.

However, it does them all superbly and the amount of content is crazy.

That is all I'll say until review time. I am rolling my eyes at this silly embargo situation, but I would rather my review get read by at least a few people. :)

Is it on par with Air Control?


Alright settle down.
It is a little tiring to see though. 8 is good at worst, great at best, I don't think anyone gives out that score that doesn't enjoy a game a ton or at least recognizes it's pretty good. Hell, I may've brought up Game Informer but I think they at least mark it as Good and they're a bit harsher scoring wise than a 7=average would imply.
Were you reviewing any specific platform?

I can get it for 54 Australian Didgeridollars on PS4 or 40 on PC digital (unfortunately on the cancerous growth that is uPlay). Worth it?
I reviewed the PS4 version. Would have loved to have tried the Xbox One copy too but I am juggling WatchDogs, Among The Sleep and a late review of Drakengard 3!
Biggest negative is it suffers from "Ubification" - Ubisoft's obsessive homogenization of mechanics.

However, it does them all superbly and the amount of content is crazy.

That is all I'll say until review time. I am rolling my eyes at this silly embargo situation, but I would rather my review get read by at least a few people. :)

Does the Uibfication include the shitty car handling.


I wonder if this will help drive a good amount of sales for the game. Both current-gen consoles are desperate for games.

Amen. People can rant how they only like to eat Kobe Tenderloin but if you haven't eaten a single bite in a week, that Big Mac will be the best thing you have ever tasted.


Biggest negative is it suffers from "Ubification" - Ubisoft's obsessive homogenization of mechanics.

However, it does them all superbly and the amount of content is crazy.

That is all I'll say until review time. I am rolling my eyes at this silly embargo situation, but I would rather my review get read by at least a few people. :)
Thank you good sir for the impressions. :)


Looking forward to reading your review, Jim!

I just want this game to finish downloading so I can play it! Grr. I'm honestly just hoping the game sells well and it doesn't get milked to death.

I'm expecting 8's.


The reload times seem quite solid on the PS4. Just watched a stream and it took about 4-5 seconds. Remember the old gen stream taking close to 15-20 seconds.


I hope some of you skipped a few meals, because you'll be eating plenty in the upcoming hours.
I feel like I've mainly been cautiously optimistic, though somewhat cynical about if the game will allow what I REALLY want, which is dicking with a populated open world via hacking abilities.


Why do all these reviews remind me of this?



A passing grade from Jim Sterling is a good sign. There may be hope after all for you pre-order types, lol. I'm still holding out for
. Hate all you want. :)


Biggest negative is it suffers from "Ubification" - Ubisoft's obsessive homogenization of mechanics.

However, it does them all superbly and the amount of content is crazy.

That is all I'll say until review time. I am rolling my eyes at this silly embargo situation, but I would rather my review get read by at least a few people. :)
So how should I read this as someone who already suffered Ubisofitis while playing Far Cry 3 and AC4? It's obvious from the review scores that game reviewers are a lot more positive about derivative padding than I am.


My order from FutureShop got cancelled for no reason - I got no email saying there was an issue - so apart of me hopes it's not good. I even lost the promo preorder price I had. :/


Biggest negative is it suffers from "Ubification" - Ubisoft's obsessive homogenization of mechanics.

However, it does them all superbly and the amount of content is crazy.

That is all I'll say until review time. I am rolling my eyes at this silly embargo situation, but I would rather my review get read by at least a few people. :)
Thanks for coming in and sharing Jim! Can't wait to read your review.
As a longtime fan of Jim Sterling, his approval of this game means more to me than anything else I've read so far. Wasn't planning on picking it up tomorrow, but that just changed.


Was he the guy that gave the original Assassins Creed a 55? or was that someone else from destructoid.

He defiantly seems like a polar guy, who either loves it or hates it

On a legitimate ranking scale from 0-10, I would have given Assassin's Creed a 5. Destructoid is listed for giving the 55.

Assassin's Creed is a disappointing, repetitive game filled with horrendously long and unnecessary cut scenes, a boring plot, tedious chores, and significant difficulty problems -- it's a game with a few great ideas but absolutely no idea how to implement them...Once you get past all that, however, there's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be able to have a hell of a fun time with it.

Seems like a lot of things from that review hold up in watch_dogs (same company, new concepts involving freedom, etc.) so if this game were to not get the best reviews (pro-tip: it will), hopefully we would get something along the lines of AC2 as a sequel.

Also my review of watch_dogs would be a straight 6 just throwing that out there.


Any review that gives this game a 90 rating or higher is lol worthy in my opinion. What we have seen from this game discredits that train of thought immediately. Graphics aside, there is a certain expectation of games that score that high. Watch Dogs which might or might not be good in its own right lacks the level of polish and attention to detail required for a game in that score bracket. This is why I find the 19/20 review to be outrageous. It's completely laughable and came out wayyyy before the review embargo. No game that has come out in 2014 so far is deserving of such a score. Mario Kart 8 might be the first AAA that deserves that score but it's certainly not Watch Dogs.
I cancelled my pre-order months ago, but I'm reconsidering now. Do I want to slog through my backlog or dust off my PS4 for something new. Hmmm... choices...
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