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Well known movies you havent seen


I still can't find my shit.

I love the movie. It's infinitely quotable. It's probably has a bigger affect on you when it's seen in it's era. There are a lot of old movies that get ruined by other newer media, because they have paid homage, or just stolen a thing. When you finally get to seeing the originator, the effect has been ruined. I probably didn't lose my shit, but I did quote the hell out of that movie. I can't remember most of them now. One scene that still makes me chuckle is the notepad. He tries to see his secret message by scraping the pencil on the page underneath. It turns out he drew a man with a big dick, no message. The way he is scraping, and slowly realizes there's no message. I don't know how pencil scraping is funny, but it makes me laugh, when he does it.

I'm a big Cohen brothers fan. It's mainly the dialog. I don't know if I can narrow down my all time favorite movie, but it might be O Brother Where Art Thou? It's because I love the old timey dialog, and the humor. I know most people won't consider it a top movie, but it's mine.

What made the ending so fast for me is I tried getting through the movie 3 times in 1999/2000 as a high school senior. Each time I passed out (alcohol/weed) it was almost to the ending. The big dance bit Julianne Moore does with the viking helmet was right around the time I blacked out.

There's the funeral for a character and then it ends soon after. I was underwhelmed cause I thought I had missed a big final act. It's not big leboskis fault that I psyched myself out for 25 years. White Russians are bomb too. Gotta be careful with milk based alcohol!


Crossed a bunch of movies off of my list in the past year and change (Jaws, Rambo, Close Encounters, filled out Tarantino's catalogue). Still have to watch other Rambos, Rocky (only have seen Part IV), Raging Bull, I am sure there's a few other "what, you still haven't seen this?" items on my list.. Note that I am not the sort who feels that I need to see everything, only if it seems I will enjoy it/find some inspiration etc.
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