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What is the most you have ever spent on a single videogame?


Ignoring arcade games and mmos, probably $80-$95 on various PC collector editions back when they were worth it. Still have my BG2 and Morrowind stuff intact somewhere. Although some SNES games used to be stupidly expensive too. I believe Donkey Kong, SF2 Turbo, and FF3 were all in that range.


The guy at gamestop told me the only Gears of War they had was the collectors/limited $69.99 one, so that


Diablo 3 CE 99$ + 50 euros spent on the AH (bought in Canada and played on EU servers)

Still playing the game occasionally (lvl88 barb) and i plan to buy the X-pack.
I spent $100 on the AC3 Ubiworkshop edition, with the encyclopedia and such (had been a big AC fan but after playing 3 was not thrilled with the purchase). Doubt I'll be breaking or matching that record anytime soon.
$80 for Mario Kart 64. The stores were all sold out except for one local used/import store who was scalping the game, but I had a friend spending the night, and it's what we wanted to play more than anything else, so I bit. It was totally worth it.

I suppose I also spent something like $130 upgrading the ram on my 486 from 4mb to 8mb so that I could play King's Quest VII. It stated that it only needed 4mb, but the original release was windows only, and 3.1 ate enough of the ram up that I couldn't get the game to launch. If I had returned it, I could have just bought the second release that had a DOS version. Sadly, the computer got fried when a friend tried to upgrade the processor for me as a christmas present, so the extra ram wasn't good for much besides the one game, and as much as I liked the King's Quest games, VII wasn't worth the expense. VI, on the other hand, would have been.
I spent $140 (AUD) for the SNES version of SF2, back in 1993.
That was its recommended retail price!
Its still hard to believe that any game could garner so much hype, that $140 could be the RRP.
With inflation, what would 1993's $140 be worth today? Could imagine paying that much for any single game today?



I dropped $220 on a complete Panzer Dragoon Saga a few years ago. The most I've spent on a game.

Bought the Special Edition DJ Hero for like $150 I think. Same with Rock Band, maybe a little less.

Spent $95 on Phantasy Star IV 20 or so years ago, most I've spent on a regular edition new game.

Managed to get Earthbound for $20 new though, back when it was clearances out at Best Buy so it all works out.


$110 for the DJMAX Tecnika Tune Limited Edition. It's neat so I can't complain. It came with a little screen cleaner that I use all the time as well, so there's that.


I spent over $500 on World of Warcraft between the game, subs, and expansions.... really glad I was able to quit that habit.
I spent $105 + tax on three copies of Animal Crossing two weeks ago, do that everyone in my family could play together. That probably takes the cake.

Smash Bros will cost me, uh, $240 + tax (jeez!!) when it hits ( three 3DS copies, one Wii U retail and one Wii U digital, ugh)
I spent $120 for House of the Dead 2+gun JP ver when it first came out
$400 for my import Dreamcast system when it first hit
$130 this past month for a new copy of Border Down
$70 for Xmen vs. Street Fighter on Sega Saturn
I bought Oblivion three times, so I guess $180? Started out with the 360 version, got the PS3 version when I got tired of my 360 red ringing on me, and then moved on to the PC version when I built a gaming PC.
Street Fighter II: Turbo was around $75 USD back when it first came out. With inflation, that'd be around $120...

Yep, I paid AUD$120 for SFII: Turbo on the MegaDrive when it first came out. I may have also paid something close to that for NBA Jam too.

God damn, that was a lot of money for a 6th grader! :) I was so excited for those releases though!


need for speed world $200+ I also bought bf3 for my self and 3 other friends at launch. Then premium twice. Total being around $350 or so. The game was not the same game it was in beta so haven't touched it sense launch.



Unconfirmed Member
If it's a literal game, I spent $100 each on SFC carts of Wild Guns and Majyuuou this spring. I bought the Rock Band bundle for $150 or whatever it cost. The most expensive game type thing I ever bought was a $250 Konami Arcade Style Controller for beatmania IIDX.
Ah, the good old days of ridiculously priced Super Famicom imports. FF V, VI, Elnard, Star Ocean, Madara 2, Front Mission, Tenchi Sozo, Seiken Densetsu 2&3, and Dragon Quest VI. $100+ each, but worth every damn penny.


On a single game? If this includes monthly fees on top of the original purchase then it's easily WoW for me. 6 or so years of $15 a month, I'm sure that adds up to quite a bit of money on top of BC, Wrath and Cata collector's editions.
Diablo 2 Collector's edition, in a big box with lots of extra doodads....

Not a good buy, I ended up not being very fond of the game compared to the original.

That was the most hyped I ever felt for a sequel and the experience taught not to get too hyped up for big sequels. Lately, though....I keep thinking about dark souls 2. Need to quell that excitement.



199,- DM due to the extension. After inflation and current trade values that's about 190$.

The best thing? I didn't even own a N64 at the time. I bought it to play it at a friends house exclusively. xD

Also, 364.42 $ for my complete NieR collection.


Membero Americo
TF2. Almost 1000 hours on this thing.


Well then 130$ for a copy of A Link to the Past.
I bid on radient silvergun twice at $250 a pop. for some reason I thought I'd lose one bid and win the other. I didn't. I asked a friend to sell one for me on Ebay, Patrick was his name, then I lost contact with him due to a lay off..sold the second one for 150 a couple of years back.


188$ on the space channel 5 part 2 limited edition. That will change to the Segagaga LE when i get around to picking it up.

Giygas AF

Rebought Earthbound and the guide for $100 bucks about 3 years ago. I had it when I was a kid but traded it in for like $8 store credit at EB games...


About $150 for a PS2 copy of FFXI and the HDD.

Now that I think about it, I might as well add up all the months I paid for to play....



$64 for Tales of Graces F
$64 for Dragon's Dogma.

Both disappointing pieces of shit I regret buying.
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