I currently do not own an xbox but loved the original OG Xbox and Xbox 360. It is not a complicated formula on why the Xbox brand has been failing. At the end of the day, what really matters are the games. The PS5 has so many more exclusive games it wipes it's ass with the Xbox brand.
On PS5 I am playing: God of War, Spiderman Series, , Ratchet and Clank, Ghost of Tsushima, Returnal, The Last of us series, Demon Souls, Astro's playroom, etc. There is a great library of games developed for the PS platform:
On Xbox you have: A pretty good Forza series, A shell of bungie Halo, Gears of War still going?, I know Xbox fanboys are creaming their pants for Starfield but the consensus says it's pretty average, Ori is cool, and Flight Simulator if that is your thing. The Xbox brand has failed to establish IP's that get the masses excited.
It's simple, GAMES MATTER!
If microsoft stays in this console race and flexes their muscles using their new Developer acquisitions to keep games exclusively on xbox it could become interesting down the road. I admit that I am rooting for Xbox and sad to see it's much worse than I thought at this point in time. Bottom line is the games I can play on said platform matter much more than Teraflops or marketing. You have to be a complete blind fool to not admit thate Sony has many more exclusive better games than the Xbox brand right now. That could change but time will tell.
*The point of this thread is not some fanboy flame war. I am giving my opinion on the way I see things. It is clear when you look at sales comparison the xbox brand is falling way behind. There are factors to that but IMO the core reason is software.
Microsoft executives and management are the biggest problems. They're not only out of touch with what gamers want, they're dishonest and have interests that step all over gamers needs.
-Parity with Series S
-Forced Crossplay
-Making Halo "free to play" while forcing Crossplay
-Pushing Gamepass at the EXPENSE of promises they made at the beginning of the generation.
-Can't get their Microsoft Store or ui to work well
-Inundation us with ads on the ui
-Trying to push the entirety of the gaming market into services at the expense of delivering polished exclusives.
-debacles like Redfall and Starfield 30 fps only
-history of false advertising and downgrades as seen with Redfall and recently Forza Motorsport
-acting like the Series X is supposed to be their "mid gen upgrade"
-mismanagement of studios resulting in Halo Infinite and situations where games are in development limbo
-cancelling the Back Comat Program which was one of the best aspects of owning an Xbox
-not updating games like Forza Horizon 3, Gears 1 ultimate, Ryse, Dead Rising 3, Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break for 4k/60 ..some of the big games from Xbox One generation..despite people asking for them for years
They only care about Subscription services, cloud gaming, and buying out big publishers to try to strong-arm the industry. That's Phil Spencer's legacy ..that and being one of the most phony actors in gaming history.
If you only care about GamePass and are happy with the service and don't mind being jerked around by the whims of this mega company who now feels justified to do whatever they please in order to suit the GP model, then I can see that section of Xbox users being fine with the current direction.
People who value exclusives, backwards compatibility, and traditional gaming-things promised by Phil when thr Series X was announced, may want to jump ship.