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What should Square Enix do to make Final Fantasy relevant again?


Make it less embarrassing.

Seriously, what is this suppose to be?

A video game character? A woman? A robot? I'm struggling here.

A Gundam Kashyatria inspired outfit?



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


what do you guys meant by relevant?

I got this from GAF, and hey, sex sells

if what you meant by relevant is not the 'sales', then 'better story and story writing' since I got a headache trying to understand what FFXIII is trying to tell

You can't try to be sexy when you still have "Fuck Off" written on your forehead, lol...


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
They definitely need to lose the corridor maps. A radical new art, design and music direction would be really refreshing too. I don't outright hate all Nomura's designs, but I'm oversaturated on them currently. Have someone else have a stab at them. Regarding music, give some young, new composers the job. Chrono Trigger was Mitsuda's first big project, look how that turned out.

I'd absolutely love it if they'd dare too completely disregard everything they did visually/storywise before with every new title. If XV is once again a title with almost photo-realistic graphics, high-fantasy urban setting with modern elements and (semi) realistic character models and a rather serious story, have XVI be old-school medieval or Renaissance, with more countryside locations, cartoony/sd-esque characters and a bit more light-hearted. If XV is focussing on a single hero and his small team of sidekicks, have XVI have a large cast again with a lot of freedom to build your team. Go from Action RPG to classic turn-based, from a focus on cinematic storytelling to a more loose, open world. Hell, blow my mind with a complete city in the vein of Assassin's Creed before you let me loose on the rest of the world. Variety is the spice of life and lately, it's rather absent in Final Fantasy.
Which is pure ignorance, everything from XIII is because of Toriyama and Watanabe, both who won't be involved with XV.

I was always more excited for Versus. XIII lacks everything that is good about Versus.

Proper open world exploration + that atmosphere, XV has already beaten XIII from my perspective.

the only bad thing about Versus is that the game itself is 'future-compatible', and all that waiting for several years turns people off. And then FFXIII comes and 'BAM'! the whole 'FF nowadays sucks' problem


Guess I expected too much then, something I think many GAF members are doing with XV right now.

Or maybe your expecting too little.

I have faith in everything I've read and in the talented team making FF XV.

This is not the team that made XIII, have a little positivity.


Placing the higher priority on game design - rather than cinematics - would be a step in the right direction.
Considering that every final fantasy game still sells millions of units, this thread is based on a false assumption.

Final Fantasy is already relevant, so "Making it relevant again" is a moot point. Your personal taste is irrelevant to the series' relevance.

Sales do not correlate to quality though. From a quick check in Metacritic, Final Fantasy XIII and XIV appear to be the most poorly rated mainline instalments since FFV, and Square Enix are desperate to push Lightning and the XIII universe, despite not many people really seeming to care about them.
He called Lighting a beautiful rose or some shit like that. And then he said he is making her breast size D-Cup for FF13: LR with boob jiggle physics. And he boob sizes will change depending on the costume you dress her in (I wish I was making this up)

What the actual fuck
I'm optimistic about XV. Will wait and see what happens first. It looks like the first proper leap for Final Fantasy since PS1 days, as long as it remains 'open world' (FFs since X have seemed gimped in this aspect).

As for Toriyama, if XV does well I think he'll gradually fade into the background. Or get relegated to making 'pervy' Final Fantasy spin-offs (hopefully).


The story of XII whilst I agree being average at best, is irrelevant in how the series should progress.

I think XII set a great basis for how the series *could* go about reinventing itself. Like any game it has positive and negative elements to it. There are a lot of mechanics that could be used or rethought going forward for a new game. But so far it hasn't turned out that way. I guess that's why I'm partially quite excited for A Realm Reborn.

Similarly there are both things about X that would be good and bad to bring forward. It's not quite as black and white as "they should emulate this game in the series for success".

I mean emulate FFX in the feel of that game. FFX had great characters, great music and a good story. I can't even remember the names of the characters in FF12 except for Balthair or what the story was about. And personally I'd rather not see them go with a offline MMO gameplay because i feel its the wrong direction.

But from FF12 they need to take the open word, the towns etc because that was amazing instead of the more closed areas of FFX.

they cant the japense fan base has moved onto mobile handheld gaming systems and there western audiences have grown older and experienced to much of japanese anime tropes

if you had taken 13 and released it when ff7 came out it would probably be the best rated final fantasy ever

simply due to the fact that it was the perfect time to be a Japanese video game maker no one at that time had direct access to any anime that was broadcasted in japan now that we can easily get a hold of any anime and experienced all of there media we have grasped there story lines and writing patterns

But i liked final fantasy 13 dislike final fantasy 7 and didnt buy 13-2 because they tried to listen to people who didnt like it which was a changed fan base that wouldnt be satisfied

Wow tis is so not true. FF7 was a ground breaking achievement when it came and stood above most games of its time. The moment you walk out of Midgar and realize the game has just begun is an amazing moment. It also has some of the best songs in the series and a testament to how great that game is that I can go pick it up today and still enjoy the game. The same can't be said for FF13.


"we" ? The FF13 cast was fine, for the most part. Sazh is one of the best characters they've ever made.

And S-E doesn't place much value on the Western market; they never have.

Sazh was great, Fang was good, hell I could even tolerate Vanille, but Lightning, Hope and Snow were terrible, I hated every second they were on screen and every word that came out of their mouth, they ruined it for the other characters.

you could have the best chef in the world but the meal will be terrible, if the waiter shits all over your food.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Square should release a FFVII port on PS4 and add DLC for it.

$5 per X playable character in HD
$15 for disc 2
$30 for disc 3
$25 for unlocking Omnislash at the end
$50 to peek inside the dressing room when Aeris is changing clothes in the Wall Market
$100 to reveal what really happened between Tifa and Cloud near the end dungeon, outside of Highwind.

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
Make it less embarrassing.

Seriously, what is this suppose to be?

A video game character? A woman? A robot? I'm struggling here.

She's LIGHTNING, Rose of Toriyama, more than human, perhaps a goddess. Doomed to be dressed by unseen gods for eternity. Bhunivelze always wanted to be the god of fashion but after he failed he decided world domination and killing of his mother was the better plan :p


No doubt, but do you blame anyone for doing that ?

What was the last good game that came out of SE's internal studio's ?
I think there is good reason to be negative.

Yeah there's a reason to be negative I get that. But my personal opinion is that the reason is now invalid because = no more Toriyama.

The ambitious feels I get from XV and Nomura is the same feeling I got when I first saw FFVII. Not surprising since some of the team worked on FVII. I have a good feeling.

(Also I would probably buy a game for Yoko Shimomura's soundtrack alone haha)


What was the last good game that came out of SE's internal studio's ?
I think there is good reason to be negative.

You're right, I am trying hard to think of the last good Square game and I am drawing a blank. Neir maybe but I think that was no internal square studio. Probably one of the probably one of the portable games if they were internal, FF Agito?
Yeah there's a reason to be negative I get that. But my personal opinion is that the reason is now invalid because = no more Toriyama.

The ambitious feels I get from XV and Nomura is the same feeling I got when I first saw FFVII. I have a good feeling.

(Also I would probably buy a game for Yoko Shimomura's soundtrack alone haha)

This^. I have a good feeling about this one. Nomura, Tabata, Shimomura....best assembly of talent at SE for the past 8 years.


I know I just meant his direction towards more..."player engaging" (treading lightly here not to say acton-y) combat

I'm not sure how that really has anything to do with Tabata considering how XV was Versus and was under the direction of Nomura and the combat designers responsible for KH and KH2, which were... action RPGs. Tabata is a good director though, and if he somehow brings on Nakazawa to XV for the battle direction rather than leaving the KH guys in charge, we'll probably have a much more fun game. Not sure if that's going to happen though. Someone should ask. :p
Where's the famed Luminous Engine comes in? That should lessen their loads on graphics a bit, and have a leeway for fleshing out the story and characters.

(I believe XV doesn't use that since it's literally Versus renamed)
You haven't even played lightning returns! Anecdotal but most people I know who didn't play 13-2, didnt do so under the pretense that first is 'shit' so the rest must be as well even though they rectified every problems the first one had, such as open world. This is what I mean by overreacting.

I'm pretty sure you haven't even played these ones.
(Willing to guess you haven't played XIII-2 or XIV either)

Not that I really enjoyed XIII or what I played of XIII-2, but seriously.

Basically everyone is reacting to XIV ARR positively actually.

Why would I give them money for a sequel to a game which is literally one of the worst video games I have ever experienced? I know I'm not the only one who wishes we had seen something else from Final Fantasy instead of XIII-2 and XIII-3.

As for XIV, the original release was a massive disaster for a reason: the game sucked. I only played the beta and I'm not claiming to have played XIV extensively, that doesn't mean I can't form an opinion on it. There's a reason so many reaction pics exist of "Online" showing up under FF XIV.

I've hated every bit of SE's Final Fantasy output this generation, and it breaks my heart because I used to adore the IP, and Final Fantasy VIII is still to this day my favorite game of all time, but I can only waste so much of my time and money trying to give them chance after chance to rectify their shit. When it's apparent that Toriyama is just making games to jack-off to, then I don't need to touch that product to know I'll personally hate it. It's like saying "YOU DIDN'T LIKE TWILIGHT SO YOU THINK NEW MOON IS JUST AS AWFUL? YOU HAVEN'T READ IT!" Fuck that noise.
What resonates the most with me about FFXV is the art direction and not overdesigned characters.

I quite like the "t-shirt+pants" approach.

Most of FF13 cast looked like they fell into washing-machine.


Where's the famed Luminous Engine comes in? That should lessen their loads on graphics a bit, and have a leeway for fleshing out the story and characters.

(I believe XV doesn't use that since it's literally Versus renamed)

The engine isn't done. They've said they're literally developing XV and Luminous at the same time, and hoping to take advantage of the engine more as it develops. Sounds like FFXIII and Crystal Tools all over again honestly. Hopefully this time it ends up actually working. :p


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Didn't Wada say that (with Crystal/White engine), a remake of FFVII would take 10 years to make? Let's hope that it's achievable in less than that with Luminous Engine!



Moving on from the XIII trilogy is the first and biggest step. The next would be releasing XV and producing more games at a faster rate.
The engine isn't done. They've said they're literally developing XV and Luminous at the same time, and hoping to take advantage of the engine more as it develops. Sounds like FFXIII and Crystal Tools all over again honestly. Hopefully this time it ends up actually working. :p
This confirms my suspicion of 'real-time tech demo' being rendered and not really real-time at all or actually runs at alien-level PC.
Although the chances are slim, I hope it'll be better than Fox Engine, so any new FF can be better.

Moving on from the XIII trilogy is the first and biggest step. The next would be releasing XV and producing more games at a faster rate.
XV is one of the crystal trilogy, once called Versus

vag 2.0

Make a next-gen game in the same kind of vein as 4 heroes of light / bravely default

Or, y'know, the dream scenario: make a game that looks like Amano's concept art in motion

Neir maybe but I think that was no internal square studio.

Nier was developed by Cavia



Look, FF really began to lose its soul when it went after the "ZOMG cutscenes and graphics." Yup, including FFVII.

Sorry, I have to take exception with this. ALL FF games for their time were about graphics and cutscenes. Statements like this show me you were not around when FF I-VI came out.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I'm not sure how that really has anything to do with Tabata considering how XV was Versus and was under the direction of Nomura and the combat designers responsible for KH and KH2, which were... action RPGs. Tabata is a good director though, and if he somehow brings on Nakazawa to XV for the battle direction rather than leaving the KH guys in charge, we'll probably have a much more fun game. Not sure if that's going to happen though. Someone should ask. :p

True, well said. I just think there's a specific reason Tabata was recruited as co-director and It's highly plausible because he merged great direction, a blend of action and the traditional in Crisis Core and even Type-0. The stories of which both imo surpass FFXIII in coherency and actual genuine interest/dynamic characters with actual characterization. It's almost as if Sqeenix is promoting him, pretty big leap from PSP to Co-directing the next core FF. He's earned the spot.


To be relevant again, and have good sales, finding back a male demographic, i'll do a simple thing.

Go game of throne, more darkish and occidental heroic fantasy.

And to people who will tell me it's a betrayal, just think about it. Game of Throne is more in the style of old school FF, story, art wise, than FFXIII. Like it could be said for Matsuno games to like Vagrant Story. Just make Game of Throne / LotR with historical FF elements, great system, crystals, chocobos, depressed characters, sad story, mog, music with great melodies.. It'll be ok really.

That game already exists, and it's one of the best games ever made- FFT.

So put the FF12 team in charge again, but less MMO. That could work.


True, well said. I just think there's a specific reason Tabata was recruited as co-director and It's highly plausible because he merged great direction, a blend of action and the traditional in Crisis Core and even Type-0. The stories of which both imo surpass FFXIII in coherency and actual genuine interest/dynamic characters with actual characterization. It's almost as if Sqeenix is promoting him, pretty big leap from PSP to Co-directing the next core FF. He's earned the spot.

Based on what the interviews have said, it seems more like he's getting demoted honestly. His reward for being able to be efficient in directing significant games and managing relatively large teams is that he now gets to do the management job for Nomura. :p

Seems like the Murata situation over at Kojima Productions, where his reward for making ZoE2 a great game is to be stuck as Kojima's co-director for MGS4 and Peace Walker instead of getting to lead his own games anymore. I bet he's stuck on MGS5 now too.


Good Art™
That game already exists, and it's one of the best games ever made- FFT.

So put the FF12 team in charge again, but less MMO. That could work.

Nah nah nah.
I mean yeah FFT is a master piece but that wouldn't sell. It has to have the dark occidental HF mood without the complicated politico/familial story, but a simpler and well told story as in the VI.


what do you guys meant by relevant?

I got this from GAF, and hey, sex sells

I'm almost certain this win pose is straight out of another game, perhaps it's X-2 just like parts of the outfit. At best, the complaint here was that Lightning shouldn't be doing sexy stuff because it breaks her 'asshole' persona. People with an agenda were quite happy to spin this, I could be wrong about the origin of course.


Final Fantasy is not irrelevant, it's less relevant due to various factors such as demographic changes, market changes, technology changes, non-Japanese developers,etc. They are not the only ones feeling the sting.

Besides their own internal problems, I would say the now delusional vocal fanbase they built during their 'glory days' is as much of a problem in itself, they can't win at this point. It isn't 1997 anymore, things have changed. I do think Final Fantasy could be - relatively speaking - big again, by not being Final Fantasy, like a safe 'AAA' action title sprinkled with a Final Fantasy flavour. The dreamers and the media will eat it up.


The series needs to grow up, like the audience did.

When we played the old Final Fantasy games most of us were young and easily impressed by over the top epic storylines. We're older now, so to have the same impact the Final Fantasy games need to reflect that. I thought FFXII was a step in the right direction, and FFXIII a hundred steps back (I never cringed so hard when playing a game, except maybe for the god-awful FFX HAHAHAHAHA scene).

Final Fantasy needs to be to the RPG genre what The Last of Us is to the zombie/survival horror genre.

Sadly that went out the window when Matsuno left and Ito was given a new job position doing pencil sharpening for Toriyama.
The next mainline FF will probably go into production before XV is released.

It's just that SE's talent is very thin at the moment and I am not so sure I would like to see Toriyama direct another FF unless he gets over his obsession.

Nomura will surely move full time onto KH3 once FFXV is done.
I'm almost certain this win pose is straight out of another game, perhaps it's X-2 just like parts of the outfit. At best, the complaint here was that Lightning shouldn't be doing sexy stuff because it breaks her 'asshole' persona. People with an agenda were quite happy to spin this, I could be wrong about the origin of course.
It's indeed from Lightning Return, called Misty Wizard outfit. But hey, I can be wrong.
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