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What we know so far about the Nintendo NX with sources

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So you guys think that NX handheld will adapt take the faceplates from the new 3DS. Seems like those things are selling well in Japan.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
So you guys think that NX handheld will adapt take the faceplates from the new 3DS. Seems like those things are selling well in Japan.

I think customization (and more broadly, merchandise) will continue to be something you see from Nintendo going forward. I think digital items like themes and Mii costumes are almost guaranteed. I'm not sure about the faceplates because that will depend on the hardware design and I doubt it's a top priority.
I don't think it matters if they show it at E3 or before.

If the messaging is right, June is fine. If they fuck it up, they could show it tomorrow and it still wouldn't be a boon.

If Microsoft had done their conference when Sony did theirs, they still would have stuck by all the terrible decisions that pushed that console's face into the mud. Sony's messaging was on-point, even though the games they showed are now either actively mocked (Knack) or completely forgotten (Killzone).

I'm all for criticizing Nintendo when they've fucked up, but I have yet to be convinced the timing in particular is a fuck up, especially for a device that we have no idea the form of, and no idea the release of.


I don't think it matters if they show it at E3 or before.

If the messaging is right, June is fine. If they fuck it up, they could show it tomorrow and it still wouldn't be a boon.

If Microsoft had done their conference when Sony did theirs, they still would have stuck by all the terrible decisions that pushed that console's face into the mud. Sony's messaging was on-point, even though the games they showed are now either actively mocked (Knack) or completely forgotten (Killzone).

I'm all for criticizing Nintendo when they've fucked up, but I have yet to be convinced the timing in particular is a fuck up, especially for a device that we have no idea the form of, and no idea the release of.

Pretty much agree, the timing of the reveal doesn't matter all that much. How they go about it is everything.


Guys, guys. I thought my post history would indicate I'm very sarcastic and like dry humor lol. It was a joke.

This never works on the internet unless you're a local celebrity like ninjablade or Spieler Eins (who sadly don't appear to be joking and actually are this .......... *special*) :D


Good Art™
Ideally a console should be revealed before E3. The concept, the design etc.. And E3 should be 100% about games.
started to create a long post regarding the hype train on the NX, which at this point, would disappoint outside of cold fusion.

But I didn't, because hype is fun


started to create a long post regarding the hype train on the NX, which at this point, would disappoint outside of cold fusion.

Yeah and specifically getting to the point where we're talking about how it's 'easy and cheap' to match the ps4 graphics with a reportedly handheld system. I hope we'll see solid hardware but I don't expect anything like that and don't recommend anyone else to either.

I _really_ hope the shared software library is true. It would make all the sense in the world. But seeing as none of us can agree on a solution for it, it's a really hard challenge to pull off. Compromises are _guaranteed_ to happen and with them disappointments.

But hell, why not, for many people the pre-release hype is the best part of a hardware launch.


April 1st is the start of the new fiscal year. You might get a random press release inviting the media to join a Nintendo event that will unveil the NX. Completely controlled by Nintendo, away from E3 like Xbox's May 2013 conference (except for TV, TV, TV, Sports, Sports, Sports). They'll talk about specs, the new controller, cartidges, how Nintendo network works, the OS, some games in development, how the handheld and console work together, etc.

Or Nintendo says nothing until the fiscal year ending briefing in May and says "wait till E3".

Xbox failed by having their own event because it was so close to E3 and they didn't want to show all their games. So you were left with a spec list and a bunch of media functionality garbage and kinect, which left a bad impression on people. Then when E3 came along it was even worse with the $499 price tag announcement and Sony announcing $399 right after. And of course the used game fiasco.

As a fan, I feel like you guys. I want to see this thing revealed asap and don't want them to wait until E3. But from a business perspective, if you're trying to grab an audience and draw the most possible attention, you wait till E3 for everything. Have a 90 minute presentation if that's what it takes. Open up with remaining Wii U and 3DS software, then ditch those forever.

Nintendo remaining completely silent gives them the edge because people will go into E3 not knowing what to expect, and are more susceptible to be shocked or awed.

A console reveal is unrivaled no matter what software people think would be announced. Nothing grabs the attention of a hardcore gamer more than making a splash at E3. Show the world your return to the E3 stage by blowing everyone's minds with new hardware, a console and a handheld, it's specs, price, launch games and launch window games, third party partnerships, the new gimmick. Announce the Nintendo network features, how it's free, how they share libraries, Smash 4 Complete Edition, Super Mario X, Zelda X, Metroid X, etc all within the launch period. Say how it's the next big thing in gaming and both sku's will launch this holiday.

If Nintendo does that, then all people are talking about for the next few months (and years in the future when looking back at E3 2016) is Nintendo and how that was Nintendo's E3 and it won't really matter what Sony or Microsoft do.

What could Sony do that would beat out an NX blowout, even if you're not a Nintendo fan? Show Horizon, FFVIIR, Shenmue 3, and TLG again? While people are hyped for those games we already know they exist and it won't have the same effect.

What about Microsoft? Gears 4, another Forza, Scalebound, maybe a new IP? Unless maybe Half-Life 3 is announced as PC and Xbox exclusive or PS exclusive I don't think anything the big companies do will have the same impact as an NX reveal.

Ubisoft doesn't have an AC to show off this year, EA is showing their cards before E3 so the big Star Wars game and Mass Effect will be shown two days before Nintendo. Another Call of Duty and Destiny 2 or some expansion won't do it.

My point is this is the year where all the big players don't have too many big weapons to show, at least nothing that would rival a console/handheld combo reveal, so it's Nintendo's time to shock and awe. Of course they could easily blow it and be the laughing stock of the industry and E3 again for an entire year (shades of E3 2011 and 2012).

Agree in everything.
NX Handheld

Basically a Vita with better internals

Monster Hunter X launch game

Nintendo owns my soul. Also Portable full fidelity versions of WiiU titles like Mario Maker?

NX Handheld

Basically a Vita with better internals

Monster Hunter X launch game

Nintendo owns my soul. Also Portable full fidelity versions of WiiU titles like Mario Maker?


The more I think about a portable Mario Maker, the more I realize how badly I want it... Making levels while commuting seems perfect.
I think it will definitely happen.


The one optimistic prediction I feel is super likely to happen is a Monster Hunter X HD release around launch.
The idea of two systems that can mostly play the same software excites me but I may be overselling it

The unknowns kill me and the Smash NX rumors only made it worse

The one optimistic prediction I feel is super likely to happen is a Monster Hunter X HD release around launch.

They HAVE to be saving it for NX. Its the only thing that makes sense. Otherwise they would have talked about the localization of the 3DS edition a long time ago

Shit MH4U was announced over a year in advance (and GOD was the wait brutal). Now Capcom is radio silent

I have this feeling that they have quite a few NX products on retainer

Mr Swine

So, what if E3 comes and goes and Nintendo simply says "we will reveal the NX at TGS!" And release it at the first half of 2017? Isn't that a possibility that they can do? (Even if it would be super dumb of them to do)
NX Handheld

Basically a Vita with better internals

Monster Hunter X launch game

Nintendo owns my soul. Also Portable full fidelity versions of WiiU titles like Mario Maker?


The more I think about a portable Mario Maker, the more I realize how badly I want it... Making levels while commuting seems perfect.
I think it will definitely happen.

Yeah, Monster Hunter X Ultimate + Portable Mario Maker would be incredible.


So, what if E3 comes and goes and Nintendo simply says "we will reveal the NX at TGS!" And release it at the first half of 2017? Isn't that a possibility that they can do? (Even if it would be super dumb of them to do)

Nintendo is never at TGS. Never.

They will not do either of these things. They won't tell you at E3 when they'll reveal it and they won't reveal it at TGS.


Now how about a prediction, eh?

- May 2016: Nintendo outlines their plans for FY 2016/2017. This includes the reveal and release of a new dedicated gaming portable, codename NXP to be shown at E3 2016. They also plan on sharing more information about a new dedicated gaming console, codename NXC.
- June 2016: Nintendo has two separate events at E3. First the Digital Event showing off new games for Wii U (and a little bit of 3DS). Later they have a live event for NXP, showing the system off and some of its lineup of games. This includes a brand new game from Retro Studios and a Mario game. Playable on the show floor. In the reveal they also spend one section talking about their new gaming console. While no games are shown, they do share how the collective concept for NX translates to the console as well. Prototype of console and controller available on showfloor.
- Early Fall 2016: The portable system is announced to be released in November 2016 in Japan, and Spring 2017 in NA, Europe and Australia. Launch price is revealed for Japan, translating to approximately $199/€199.
- Later: The new gaming console is set to be released in 2017. It is revealed that select games released on NXP will also be available to play on NXC at launch, alongside a few exclusives. The gaming console will cost $299 and is released fall 2017 to many people's dismay.
Nintendo is never at TGS. Never.

They will not do either of these things. They won't tell you at E3 when they'll reveal it and they won't reveal it at TGS.

They were kinda' sorta' at TGS in 2005.

Iwata revealed the Wii remote at a pre-TGS conference / keynote speech.


Very excited to see how this ends up. A unified OS is something that should have been done a long time ago, and seeing the 3rd party situation it is a necessity at this point.

I still wish the new portable will have a 3D screen, not having 3D will seem like a downgrade to me, even though i know i'm in the minority of people using it on all games on a o3DS.
Very excited to see how this ends up. A unified OS is something that should have been done a long time ago, and seeing the 3rd party situation it is a necessity at this point.

I still wish the new portable will have a 3D screen, not having 3D will seem like a downgrade to me, even though i know i'm in the minority of people using it on all games on a o3DS.

I hope 3D is gone for good. I'd rather have a correct resolution. 3d screen sucks too much of the costs.
I liked everything you wrote, and I think it's an interesting. With a freeform display, the display could really be in about any configuration. However, I think in considering portability, you're looking at a pocket or bag. The best shapes for both tend to be elongated somehow, either like a rectangle or oval. There are some pros and cons to both. I think rectangles are easier to hold, match the shape of square internals, and lend themselves to cases and such fairly easily. However, they are somewhat blah in appearance, usually cause excess wasted space, and tend to take up more space in a pocket. Ovals look cool, less space is wasted, and are more portable since they can slide around somewhat more. However, they don't match square internals and could cause wasted hardware space inside, only really would fit great into a "sleeve," and may be harder to hold overall.

Thanks for the reply! I understand that many on GAF are hoping for a traditional controller/handheld. To me, Nintendo (Takeda, in particular) seem to be telegraphing that there will be another input innovation, so it's fun to explore the possibilities. I've got a few more ideas regarding the "gimmick" that I may write up later.

Anyway, it's true that we can't discount a rectangular handheld. Most cell phones are somewhat rectangular as is the Wii U Gamepad. Nintendo's most successful home controller (the Wii Remote and original NES pad) are rectangular. It seems like it would be a missed opportunity to go with such a common shape with the Free Form tech, but that would still come in handy for embedding the buttons and sticks.
I think another consideration is the possibility of shoulder scroll wheels. In my mind, that seems harder to use on an oval body. I also think that holding onto the thing will be hard without the grips, but they are necessary to get rid of for portability purposes.

I'm torn on the scroll wheels. I do like them in that Nintendo could simplify the top of their device and the tactile nature of the physical wheels (the slight "click" for every item slot you highlight), would probably work great for a wide variety of games. Like the "analog nub" of the 3DS, scroll wheels are a common interface tool that most people are savvy to in this information age. Here are my qualms with shoulder wheels, however:

  • They may not be great to stick in one's pocket. I can foresee lint getting stuck in the crevices.
  • In many shooters, clicking a wheel isn't as gratifying as pressing a trigger button or paddle shoulder button.
  • There is the possibility of them loosening, which could lead to an accidental scroll when you mean to click (I just held my mouse like a controller and it actually happened).
    I'm not sure how appealing they would be to the general public. The consumer electronics industry is embracing touch for more of these functions.
I like that red phone picture. I could see it being held lengthwise and a slider. When you need the D-Pad, Home, Select, and two face buttons (A and B), you slide it out. Your shoulder buttons (maybe scroll wheels) are attached to this bottom part so that the screen always covers your hand. Otherwise, you can keep the thing closed and have your Circle Pad with the screen wrapped around it. All other buttons the game actually wants you to use are touchscreen but which provide feedback. I'm just thinking that the free form display isn't going to be used in any insane ways and will primarily be to allow the Circle Pad to be amidst the screen. I think that this way might also allow it to be used like a controller for the console and provide touchpad capabilities. In this view, I'd guess the NX console would have something like the Wii U Pro controller, just with scroll wheels (maybe!), and the handheld enables extra capabilities and things with its touchpad.

But, hey, with a free form display, they could do all sorts of crazy things I haven't thought of. I'm sure they'd want to sell faceplates, cases/covers, have special editions, etc., so surely they wouldn't want to go too crazy!

I hadn't really thought of a slider design. If they can nail down the durability aspect (hello, DL Lite hinge!), I wouldn't be averse to it. Remember, though, that Nintendo seem to want inputs hidden from view when the device is held. A slider, at least how I'm picturing it, would probably end up in your field of vision and break this whole immersive experience that they are presumably trying to accomplish.

My opinion is that they can probably get away with 2 face buttons (besides the sticks and shoulders) and just ditch the dpad. That still leaves a good amount of physical inputs (including clicky sticks and possibly scroll wheels to change button assignments) and most games really focus on 2 or 3 primary actions. You have jump and run; weak attack and strong attack. You get what I'm saying.

I am all in favor of continuing custom plates and in fact, I think they may opt for such a plan in order to protect the exposed face of the handheld this time around. Something that simply snaps into place and is easily removed once you're ready to play would be nice.


People will be very upset. Sony and Microsoft did well by showing their consoles in their events. Hell, even Nintendo did right with the Wii. They need to show the console, and how pretty he is. Like a minute of shots in a lot of angles. It needs to glow in our eyes.

Sony didn't show the PS4 and they did alright.
I had typed out a comment but decided not to actually go through with it. Then meant to close out the tab but clicked post by accident instead

Thanks for clearing that up :). I thought it was a new phrase that had flown under my radar. I see them often on GAF and can normally discern the meaning from context but I was stumped on this occasion. Now I know why :D.

Sony didn't show the PS4 and they did alright.

They were the anti-XBOX One. That was all they needed.


Now how about a prediction, eh?

- May 2016: Nintendo outlines their plans for FY 2016/2017. This includes the reveal and release of a new dedicated gaming portable, codename NXP to be shown at E3 2016. They also plan on sharing more information about a new dedicated gaming console, codename NXC.

They aren't gonna talk about a future home console if they are releasing a handheld this year. It wouldn't make sense.


The idea of two systems that can mostly play the same software excites me but I may be overselling it

The unknowns kill me and the Smash NX rumors only made it worse

They HAVE to be saving it for NX. Its the only thing that makes sense. Otherwise they would have talked about the localization of the 3DS edition a long time ago

Shit MH4U was announced over a year in advance (and GOD was the wait brutal). Now Capcom is radio silent

I have this feeling that they have quite a few NX products on retainer

You are waaaaay to optimistic. Only problem is, I am just the same.

My gut tells me:
No MHX yet = NX launch game in the west

A lot of fillers and ports for the Wii U and 3ds lately = NX will have amazing launch games.

Nintendo must surely know that the NX will have no third party support = unified system, constant first party support.
You are waaaaay to optimistic. Only problem is, I am just the same.

My gut tells me:
No MHX yet = NX launch game in the west

A lot of fillers and ports for the Wii U and 3ds lately = NX will have amazing launch games.

Nintendo must surely know that the NX will have no third party support = unified system, constant first party support.

I cant help it

But SOMTHING is totally fishy. MH4U was the most successful western release right?

Why the radio silence? Something is up son!


I cant help it

But SOMTHING is totally fishy. MH4U was the most successful western release right?

Why the radio silence? Something is up son!

MH localization announcements always take forever. MH3U already was a big success for them and they waited until after MH4G was announced until they finally gave word that it would come West as MH4U. So you just have to hold out until after they announce MHXG.


- Early Fall 2016: The portable system is announced to be released in November 2016 in Japan, and Spring 2017 in NA, Europe and Australia. Launch price is revealed for Japan, translating to approximately $199/€199.

This would be very unfortunate. Especially if Nintendo is putting as much of its software grunt into NX as it seems. The western holiday is something it would be better not to miss with, say, your new Mario.


Junior Member
I don't think it matters if they show it at E3 or before.

If the messaging is right, June is fine. If they fuck it up, they could show it tomorrow and it still wouldn't be a boon.

If Microsoft had done their conference when Sony did theirs, they still would have stuck by all the terrible decisions that pushed that console's face into the mud. Sony's messaging was on-point, even though the games they showed are now either actively mocked (Knack) or completely forgotten (Killzone).

I'm all for criticizing Nintendo when they've fucked up, but I have yet to be convinced the timing in particular is a fuck up, especially for a device that we have no idea the form of, and no idea the release of.

Pffft! I don't want to read stuff like this from you, Shocking. Now tell me what you've heard about Bayonetta 3.


They aren't gonna talk about a future home console if they are releasing a handheld this year. It wouldn't make sense.

If they're sharing the same library then yes, they would.

That's the issue, though, if they're sharing the same library (which is still only speculation), then it doesn't make sense to release the home console a year after the handheld. The hardware would be ready (there's no need to wait for 14nm unless they want to significantly outperform PS4, which I don't think anyone is expecting), and the software would be there too. I can understand splitting them apart by a couple of months to lessen the logistical nightmare, but it doesn't really make any sense to hold out on hardware when there's a load of software sitting there ready for people to play on it.


Junior Member
MH localization announcements always take forever. MH3U already was a big success for them and they waited until after MH4G was announced until they finally gave word that it would come West as MH4U. So you just have to hold out until after they announce MHXG.
This. While I wouldn't rule out an NX-bound MHXU, it probably won't be a launch title.


If they're sharing the same library then yes, they would.

That's the issue, though, if they're sharing the same library (which is still only speculation), then it doesn't make sense to release the home console a year after the handheld. The hardware would be ready (there's no need to wait for 14nm unless they want to significantly outperform PS4, which I don't think anyone is expecting), and the software would be there too. I can understand splitting them apart by a couple of months to lessen the logistical nightmare, but it doesn't really make any sense to hold out on hardware when there's a load of software sitting there ready for people to play on it.
This. It would be stupid to split the release of the sku's when the main selling point is the shared library. Put out both and let the consumers decide if they want both or just one. It may be a retail nightmare but it's necessary for Nintendo to do it.


El Capitan Todd
This. It would be stupid to split the release of the sku's when the main selling point is the shared library. Put out both and let the consumers decide if they want both or just one. It may be a retail nightmare but it's necessary for Nintendo to do it.

They will release the portable this year anticipating you that it will also be the home controller to sell the home the year after with and without the controller itself

Btw the NX OT should be: We all are John Snow


And if they launched them at the ~same time, Nintendo would only need to prepare one launch window barrage of software and then turn to growing the base as opposed to jump-starting it again.


They will release the portable this year anticipating you that it will also be the home controller to sell the home the year after with and without the controller itself

Btw the NX OT should be: We all are John Snow
No if they do that it'll be commercial suicide.

It's Jon Snow btw :p.

Nintendo NX Launch Thread |OT| We Are All Jon Snow


This would be very unfortunate. Especially if Nintendo is putting as much of its software grunt into NX as it seems. The western holiday is something it would be better not to miss with, say, your new Mario.

I totally agree. The holiday season in the West is much bigger than it is in JO. They don't want to miss that window. They want to top that Toys'R'Us list of hottest toys.


This would be very unfortunate. Especially if Nintendo is putting as much of its software grunt into NX as it seems. The western holiday is something it would be better not to miss with, say, your new Mario.

Hmm...yes, this is true. What I was considering when I wrote that was the question of having enough supply for each region, but maybe I was a bit pessimistic. I could potentially see it being NA/JP in 2016 and Europe/Australia in early 2017, but I would presume they are hoping they can have a worldwide release in 2016.


April 1st is the start of the new fiscal year. You might get a random press release inviting the media to join a Nintendo event that will unveil the NX. Completely controlled by Nintendo, away from E3 like Xbox's May 2013 conference (except for TV, TV, TV, Sports, Sports, Sports). They'll talk about specs, the new controller, cartidges, how Nintendo network works, the OS, some games in development, how the handheld and console work together, etc.

Or Nintendo says nothing until the fiscal year ending briefing in May and says "wait till E3".

Freaking hope they announce something before E3 otherwise people will literally reach a point where they will not care anymore especially if tons of rumors keep surfacing and all of them end up being fake.
I'm just afraid of an E3 like 2012 for Nintendo. I went into that showing thinking that we were going to see all of Nintendo's great ips in HD, and came away with just Pikmin 3.


I think launching both at the same time will be confusing for consumers. Unless they're being sold as a single product that functions as two.
I don't think the main selling point is the shared library, that wouldn't make a lot of sense to me.

Hey it's the new nintendo system!
>why would I want one of those?
because you can play the same games on the other new nintendo system!
>but I don't have one of those either...

which would be the case for every single customer on launch day. staggering them makes more sense in some ways, a generous software bundle for the second unit would tempt owners of the first .

The systems have to be appealing to someone who only tends to buy either a console or a handheld, they've basically stated that as a strategy for catering to different markets. The average customer needs to want to buy it for the games and any other compelling features that come out of the box, cross play & shared library are bonuses that most people won't expeeiece on day 1.
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