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What's this P90X workout stuff?


Togeo said:
Somebody should just post what you need with costs. Equipment, supplements etc. It's a bit confusing to find scattered among the 9 pages :lol

I can't comment on the food pricing yet, as I haven't started, but I do have all of my equipment.

Weights--50ish dollars
(2 10 pound dumbbells 2 15 pound dumbbells)

Pull Up Bar--40 dollars
(Iron Gym Pull Up bar -- I'm really please with this; I've been working on getting my pullups in order by doing negatives before I begin, and so far it's been great.)

Yoga mat--25 bucks.
(Natural Fitness Yoga mat--Really nice 23" by 72" by 3/8" I've tested it out a bit, and I think that it should work great.)

P90x dvds--145ish with shipping and whatnot.

So 260 for equipment. I'm curious about the food costs as well; I don't think they could be higher than what I normally spend on food, though, but I guess I'll find out once I begin.


Boonoo said:
I can't comment on the food pricing yet, as I haven't started, but I do have all of my equipment.

Weights--50ish dollars
(2 10 pound dumbbells 2 15 pound dumbbells)

Pull Up Bar--40 dollars
(Iron Gym Pull Up bar -- I'm really please with this; I've been working on getting my pullups in order by doing negatives before I begin, and so far it's been great.)

Yoga mat--25 bucks.
(Natural Fitness Yoga mat--Really nice 23" by 72" by 3/8" I've tested it out a bit, and I think that it should work great.)

P90x dvds--145ish with shipping and whatnot.

So 260 for equipment. I'm curious about the food costs as well; I don't think they could be higher than what I normally spend on food, though, but I guess I'll find out once I begin.

I don't know how big you are but I would recommend getting some 25lb + weights relatively soon after you start. otherwise you'll need to do 20+ reps with the 10 or 15 pounders. I'm thinking mainly of concentration curls and shoulder rows here.

either that or get a range of resistance bands.

also for food, you don't need to use the meal plan and cook special stuff (though it may be a good idea for some) and spend a lot of cash. I'm just using the portion approach and the key is to keep your home and work area filled with relatively healthy snacks like dried fruits, carrots, yogurt, trail mix etc so you don't get hungry and impulse buy a muffin or some shit. plus have lots of meat in the house. you'll be eating very little rice, pasta and breads early on in the program. so mix it up with chicken, pork, lean beef, fish.

I spend a bit more now on food each week than before since I like to have the protein bars and energy drinks in the house (boost energy drinks are very close in carbs and protein to the recovery drink that they schill in the workout videos) but it's not a big difference and really shouldn't impact your budget too much.


Unregistered007 said:
Okay guys, let me make it more clear. My Protein portion was just Veggie Burgers. They contain

14g Protein
7g Carb (2 Fiber)
2.5 g Fat

I was eating 4 to 8 of them. Only 2 Whole wheat english muffins daily, sometimes 3 max.

That's not too rough, around 100 calories each. Have you actually figured out the calories you were taking in?


LCfiner said:
I don't know how big you are but I would recommend getting some 25lb + weights relatively soon after you start. otherwise you'll need to do 20+ reps with the 10 or 15 pounders. I'm thinking mainly of concentration curls and shoulder rows here.

either that or get a range of resistance bands.

Yeah, I figured that I'd start here and then if need be later on just hold two weights or, more likely, grab some bigger ones as I need them.


Neo Member
My legs got very sore after doing ab ripper x and it screwed me over when I did plyo. I could only make it half way through :(.


Just finished chest and back again and I'm struggling with the pull ups, I managed to do even less than last week which is just embarrassing.

I'd like to use a chair but I'm using the doorway bar which is pretty low so I'm not sure how to go about this, any ideas?
Togeo said:
Somebody should just post what you need with costs. Equipment, supplements etc. It's a bit confusing to find scattered among the 9 pages :lol

Food costs for me have approximately doubled maybe just over when you take into consideration protein powder and bars. Luckily I've now found somewhere that sells 6kg of whey protein for £55 along with a 15kg bag of ultrafine oats for £10 when bought with the whey protein, which should bring my costs down a fair bit.

For the food on it's own, it's undoubtedly all the fresh meat and veg that has driven the costs up.
Well, began my p90x this past weekend. Started off on Saturday. I'm sore for sure but definately not as bad as everyone made it out to be. Although I did sneeze pretty hard this morning which left me crippled for a few seconds. :lol

Plyometrics really is the devil though. That was HARD. That being said, is it bad if I have to stop about 30 minutes into each of those workouts and drink half a glass of recovery drink? I just don't have the energy to make it through without. Also I've been having my whey protein drink with my breakfast. Am I supposed to save that for later in the day?


Started my second week last night. On my last set of dive bomber push ups I tweaked my shoulder bad. It is in alot of pain now. Hopefully it goes away and I can continue my workouts because I have been supper pumped about this. I may have to see a doctor now though;(


Gold Member
I have some old rotator cuff injuries (small muscles that stabilize the shoulder) that are REALLY exacerbated by some of the push-up routines. If stuff HURTS you, modify it!

I don't do ANY push-ups now, I use the bands for chest exercises now as that doesn't tweak my shoulder. In another month or so I'll work the push-ups back in.

This goes for anything in p90x. Unless you are young and uninjured (ahhh, I remember those days...), SOMETHING in p90x will hurt you. Adapt and overcome! Wait until the core synergistics tape. there are some BRUTAL push-up routines in there, so watch out and be safe. No point pushing hard and then getting laid up for 6 weeks with an injury, this ain't the super bowl.


Oh man, I hope I didn't permenantly mess my shoulder up. I didnt do anything that felt wierd while doing it, just halfway through a push up something was all of a sudden wrong:(

Im still crossing my fingers it goes away soon. Otherwise I will do dumb bells instead.
I am going to start the P90 (sorry I am well out of shape) and I was wondering if I should start with dumbbells or resistance bands. I was thinking 15lb dumbbells would be a good starting point, but I have no idea how quickly you work your way up in weights in the P90. I already have a yoga mat so the weights or bands are the only think I am still need to purchase. Anyone else start the P90 from an out of shape position? Recommendations?
gutterboy44 said:
I am going to start the P90 (sorry I am well out of shape) and I was wondering if I should start with dumbbells or resistance bands. I was thinking 15lb dumbbells would be a good starting point, but I have no idea how quickly you work your way up in weights in the P90. I already have a yoga mat so the weights or bands are the only think I am still need to purchase. Anyone else start the P90 from an out of shape position? Recommendations?

I would say that you're going to need a more varied amount of weights than just the 15lbs. Some exercises will be too easy with that weight whilst some others may be a struggle for you.


J Tourettes said:
I would say that you're going to need a more varied amount of weights than just the 15lbs. Some exercises will be too easy with that weight whilst some others may be a struggle for you.

yes, this.

I would suggest 10, 15, 20 (or 25) to start. the 10s will be for the really hard "bent over" exercises like inclined shoulder flys (at least to start) and you'll need 20+ minimum for concentration curls to feel anything.
Just started this today, did the first workout this morning. Seems pretty good, certainly kicked my ass and I didn't come close to the reps they were doing but I made it through. Plan on sticking with it, wish my luck.
gutterboy44 said:
I am going to start the P90 (sorry I am well out of shape) and I was wondering if I should start with dumbbells or resistance bands. I was thinking 15lb dumbbells would be a good starting point, but I have no idea how quickly you work your way up in weights in the P90. I already have a yoga mat so the weights or bands are the only think I am still need to purchase. Anyone else start the P90 from an out of shape position? Recommendations?

I am just finishing my first month of P90 and I was total wimp when I started - I would say I have upgraded to being just kind of a wimp. I agree with what others have said, you probably need a set of 10, 15, and 20lbs. Don't stress if you don't have them right away, the resistance band that comes with it is enough to get you started but I think the dumbbells are a good investment long term, especially if you plan to do P90x. 15 is probably a bit much to start with for some of the shoulder exercises, but you can alternate between that and the resistance bands. You'll find out fairly quickly what you can and can't do, but you will see improvements if you stick to it.
Cool thanks for the advice. I was unsure of the range of weights I would need. I will just buy a low cost kit where I can switch the plates. Excited to start.


Progress report...

I'm on my third exercise of week 5 (I added 2 weeks to Phase 1, so I'm not out of there yet)...

I wanted to burn a little more fat. Today I've got shoulders and arms...

I've definitely lost a lot of fat, I will post pictures when I begin Phase 2 (two Saturdays from now)...
Fuck it! I forgot to do the ab ripper after chest and back today as my gf came home just as I finished cooling down and it completely slipped my mind until I just had a shower and realised my abs weren't aching :lol

Oh well, I'm sure it'll be ok to shuffle all the ab rippers along one day this week, won't it?


I really want to try this but I wonder if P90X is too much for me. I'm just wrapping up my 30 Day Challenge on EA Active (wii) on medium intensity. I have already seen results (muscle growth), but I have lost very little fat. I'm trying to get trim before my wedding (currently 220 pounds, 6') in October. Should P90 help me out, or should I stop being a bitch and just jump into P90X?


Serph said:
I really want to try this but I wonder if P90X is too much for me. I'm just wrapping up my 30 Day Challenge on EA Active (wii) on medium intensity. I have already seen results (muscle growth), but I have lost very little fat. I'm trying to get trim before my wedding (currently 220 pounds, 6') in October. Should P90 help me out, or should I stop being a bitch and just jump into P90X?

you'll be fine with p90x. you can always modify the really tough stuff to get by.
fuck guys, like i said on the "stupid questions thread" i jammed my thumb and most likely sprained it.

this means my last 2 weeks are gonna have to wait :(. it feels better already (since Saturday) so hopefully if i dont use it and just ice it i will be back in no time

pray for my speedy recovery fellow 90xers :D
Ok, I bought a three pack of bands tonight, (low,med,high $29) and am going to start the P90. I didn't want to drop too much money on starting this because I have a tendency to get way too deep into things too quickly. I am hoping to finish P90, continue to shed some pounds by running again after that, and then go into the P90x program if I feel like I handled the P90 program well. Even though most of you are on the P90X program (you fit bastards) it is still helpful to surround yourself with people doing the same thing, even if virtual.

I am hoping that in 90 days I will have some fun chunky to hunky pics to post. :lol
gutterboy44 said:
Ok, I bought a three pack of bands tonight, (low,med,high $29) and am going to start the P90. I didn't want to drop too much money on starting this because I have a tendency to get way too deep into things too quickly. I am hoping to finish P90, continue to shed some pounds by running again after that, and then go into the P90x program if I feel like I handled the P90 program well. Even though most of you are on the P90X program (you fit bastards) it is still helpful to surround yourself with people doing the same thing, even if virtual.

I am hoping that in 90 days I will have some fun chunky to hunky pics to post. :lol

Don't stress dude, I was in the same boat and that's why I chose the P90. I figure if I can stick with it, then I can do the P90X. I didn't want to spend the money and burn out. So far, so good. P90 is less intense than P90X, but it's still a great workout, especially if you're doing it 6 or 7 days a week and following the diet. I know there are a lot of people that are gungho about jumping immediately jumping into the P90X in this thread, but aside from TOM f'N CRUISE, I don't know if anyone has come close to completing it yet. It'll be interesting to read this thread two months from now.


Ok, I just finished Pylometrics for the second time last night. It gets much easier on the second week. It was so easy.


Chest and back was still hard for me on the second week too. I think I did like 1 more rep/excercise for it.

The one im most nervous abotu is YogaX this week and the legs excercise where you lean against a wall in the sitting position for like 90 seconds... Oh man...
phinious said:
Ok, I just finished Pylometrics for the second time last night. It gets much easier on the second week. It was so easy.

I didn't find it 'so easy' but it sure as hell was a lot easier than the first week.


phinious said:
and the legs excercise where you lean against a wall in the sitting position for like 90 seconds... Oh man...

Yes...Wall Squats are EVIL...today was my leg/back/ab day so I had to do them earlier.


Does anyone know what heart rate is good to keep during the cardio stuff? I bought a heart rate monitor and it seems like I am usually at around 90%, but I have no idea if this is unhealthy or not.

What is the optimal range to be in?

My heart rate monitor calculated that I burned 900 calories doing pylometrix last night. Something had to be off though cause that seems like way too much.
yeah I still got my plyo tonight but last night chest and back was still super hard for me. I am just glad I am not sore today like I was after the first day
Jugendstil said:
Don't stress dude, I was in the same boat and that's why I chose the P90. I figure if I can stick with it, then I can do the P90X. I didn't want to spend the money and burn out. So far, so good. P90 is less intense than P90X, but it's still a great workout, especially if you're doing it 6 or 7 days a week and following the diet. I know there are a lot of people that are gungho about jumping immediately jumping into the P90X in this thread, but aside from TOM f'N CRUISE, I don't know if anyone has come close to completing it yet. It'll be interesting to read this thread two months from now.
theres a P90? i jumped strait into it cause iv lifted for a while BUT i should have known there would have been alot of cardio in it too....for that i really suffered the first 3-4 weeks LOL.

since im almost done with 2 weeks left (but now im injured from an unrelated incident) iv lost 10 lbs, gained 1 1/2 inch on arms, six pack is back, and i feel more stronger and have way more cardio then when i started.

im also doing it with some buddies and they are seeing way better results due to the fact that there fallowing the nutrition plan to the "T". one guy went from a 40" to a 34"waist at the end of it (he finished last month). im just eating what ever i want


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Boonoo said:
Pull Up Bar--40 dollars
(Iron Gym Pull Up bar -- I'm really please with this; I've been working on getting my pullups in order by doing negatives before I begin, and so far it's been great.)
Oooh, that's awesome, and I think my inner bathroom door would work. No damage to my place and something small that'll add lots of different stuff to my home workouts.

I couldn't commit to something like this, but I might get a hold of some of the individual workouts and do a couple a week or so. I could use some toning.
Figure I may as well post in the thread each week to keep myself motivated etc.

Main targets for all this is to arrive back to pre-season training with a little more definition and a lot more flexibility.

General Thoughts
Week 1 is now over. Initial thoughts are that the programme is nice and varied, that I lack the hamstring flexibility to get the most out of the leg stuff (squats/lunges/kenpo) at the moment, that I have a lot of room to improve on pull-ups, and that Tony is a bit of a smug git!

Have stuck pretty religiously to the diet, enjoying having breakfast + large lunch, but finding myself hungry a lot in the evenings.

Dropped from post-shit am weight of 90kg to 88kg, which I wasnt expecting. Have been drinking enough to keep fully hydrated (clear piss), so curious as to whether it can possibly be just water loss. Who know.

Day 3 Body Fat (only got my calipers then):
8.39% (7 site Jackson Caliper Method)
9.62% (9 site Parillo Caliper Method)

Obviously not going to see much change in just a week, but noticed the cleft between pecs to chestbone is a bit more pronounced, and vaguest hints of abs are a bit more visible than normal :p

Going to a yoga class in addition to the programme once a week to try and get flexibility up again.

Should be adding in a squash-sparring combo for recreational purposes once training partner gets back from abroad, which will be fun.


For anyone who hasn't got a pull up bar, I really recommend the Iron Gym - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww14MvFQD4U

I had a steel pull up bar outside in the garage, so everytime i had to do pull ups I had to go to the garage, this makes life easier and can use it for push ups too. Really good investment.

Currently in week 3, noticed a bit of weight loss on my stomach and build up of muscle on arms. Still weigh the same (69kg - 152 pounds), although I'm not expecting any weight loss since not much fat.


Yeah I use the IronGym pullup bar...had it since last december and had planned to use it prior to using P90X after I had lost some weight first. The doorways in my apartment aren't ideal though and the only place I can use it is in the bathroom doorway, which thankfully is right by my room so i can still see the TV. I'm also very tall(6'6"), and it's not a tall doorway, so I have to start from a kneeling position.

I've enjoyed using it, and I use the rounded handgrips for some of the pushups/pike presses in the chest/shoulders/triceps disc in Phase 2.
harryz said:
For anyone who hasn't got a pull up bar, I really recommend the Iron Gym - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww14MvFQD4U
I think I saw this at Target and wanted to get it...but what if my door area doesn't have that little extra layer it hangs from, as seen in the video? Am I fucked? That's the only reason I didn't get it (I wasn't sure that it would even hang).

Also, I'm terrible...I skipped five days after only doing the first two days :(


dragonlife29 said:
Also, I'm terrible...I skipped five days after only doing the first two days :(

If I were you, I'd restart from scratch and do it from the beginning without skipping any days. It's probably better for the mindset to have a clean start and might keep you from skipping more days.
grumble said:
If I were you, I'd restart from scratch and do it from the beginning without skipping any days. It's probably better for the mindset to have a clean start and might keep you from skipping more days.
I'll probably do just that. I'm dreading Ab Ripper X, though :lol
I've been doing some rudimentary weight training to get myself ready for P90X.

I already had the necessary weights, as I had a 110lbs weight set, with dumbbells and a barbell and such, and I got a yoga mat for my fiance and I to use for exercising. I also bought her some 5lbs dumbbells :lol

I bought an Iron Gym Pull Up Bar for myself, and here is my issue of contention. I tested it out on a door in my kitchen, and it seems to hold up. The problem is that I'm really paranoid about breaking the trim on the top of the door. I'm a big guy, 6'3" and a little over 200lbs (which is one of the reasons I'm starting this, I was 180 until my last two years of college), and I worry about breaking the thing. Does anyone have any experience with how sturdy the trim is? It's standard wooden trim above the door, and I put all of my weight on it and it held up fine. I guess all I can do is keep doing it until it breaks, and then fix it if it does. Much to my dismay I found that I could barely do pull ups anymore. I think part of the problem was that I absolutely wore out my arms the day before I tried them, so I'm going to try again after I get some rest.

Hopefully I'll be able to start the program this week or next week, but then I'm going on vacation at the beginning of September, so I'll probably repeat a week because of that.


AbortedWalrusFetus said:
I bought an Iron Gym Pull Up Bar for myself, and here is my issue of contention. I tested it out on a door in my kitchen, and it seems to hold up. The problem is that I'm really paranoid about breaking the trim on the top of the door. I'm a big guy, 6'3" and a little over 200lbs (which is one of the reasons I'm starting this, I was 180 until my last two years of college), and I worry about breaking the thing. Does anyone have any experience with how sturdy the trim is? It's standard wooden trim above the door, and I put all of my weight on it and it held up fine. I guess all I can do is keep doing it until it breaks, and then fix it if it does.

The physics of it are such that you're unlikely to break the trim. You should be fine.


week 3 of phase 1 now underway. just finished plyo X around 2 hours ago. so tired right now. :lol

absolutely nothing I've ever done, including moving furniture for a full day, has made me as sweaty as 50 minutes of plyo. had to peel that damn t-shirt off of me by the end of it.

that shirt should be put in a biohazard bag and burned, as far as I'm concerned

such a crazy workout. and, even though it's only been a couple weeks, I already see noticeable improvement with my 180 switch squat jumps.

and by "improvement" i mean, "I can actually do them now"

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Just finished my 2nd week of plyo hehe, like you said, my tshirt, underwear and shorts are going straight to washing machine, damn its wet.


Just skipped my first day last night. It was supposed to be YogaX, but I hurt my shoulder on chest and back day so I took the day off. The good news is my shoulder is feeling much better. I may just do YogaX today and skip my day off for this week.

Im seeing some pretty awesome results though and im only in the middle of week 2. I am following the nutrition guide to a T though.


Will start substantiating his hate
I just ordered the DVDs and Chin Up Bar directly from Beachbody. It's more expensive that way but I live in Denmark and wanted to make sure I get original products. Otherwise I might as well just download some ISO rips.

Also gonna get the Bowflex handweights and a new yoga mat so overall it's a pricey investment but if it works it'll be worth it. My motivation for going to the gym is nonexistant atm.


I'm going to do this. As soon as I get my pull-up bar screwed in in a couple of days, I'm going for it.

Damn, my before picture really shocked me. I can't believe I let myself go that much. This ends Friday.
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