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What's this P90X workout stuff?

2nd week of Yoga done and it was definitely easier this week. Still can't do the ridiculous locking my arms round my back and through the legs move :lol


J Tourettes said:
2nd week of Yoga done and it was definitely easier this week. Still can't do the ridiculous locking my arms round my back and through the legs move :lol

Thats good to hear. Im giving Yoga the second go after work in an hour=) I need a new mat though. The cheap one I had is slippery when you get a little sweaty. My hands kepts slipping in downward dog!


Pocket said:
Are you guys sticking to the nutrition guide or doing your own thing? I'm looking to start September 1st :D

I'm following the portion approach. it's not a very restrictive diet. just gotta cut out fast food, beer, big desserts and big ol' bowls of pasta.

it's carb-light to start off but you can still have a sandwich or a small pasta side each day.

just make sure you have lots of fish, chicken and lean beef in the house for meals. and snacks like yogurt, trail mix and carrot sticks to not lose energy during the day


I follow the portion nutrition guide pretty closely, although I think the calories on my portions are lower than the ones published in the guide.

One thing I had to do was buy some Zone Bars and Whey Protein. The Bars I needed for the calories, and the protein I needed cause I can't eat that much damn meat. I drink like 3 of my protein portions/day.


Figured I'd start today. Just did the chest+shoulders...taking a break before Ab Ripper.

So, I've had this for a few weeks, but wanted to wait to start until I lost some more weight going to the gym. I've lost about 20 pounds in 2 months just going to the gym 5-6 times a week (lots of cardio and some free weights) and dieting.

I still want to lose weight, but don't really feel like adopting the nutrition guide. I've just been really strict about how many calories I'm taking in, and cut out snacks/soda/fast food completely. Would this be an issue? Really, I'm more interested in losing weight than putting on lots of muscle. Sorry...I know this has probably been asked already in the thread :(


Does maths and stuff
You don't have to follow the nutrition guide. Just eat clean, healthy calories. If weight loss is your goal (or bulking, or whatever you want) and your current eating habits are getting it done, I don't see the point of switching up.

Also, for all those people asking, its no big deal to take an extra day or two off, especially if you are so sore you can't move. Trust me, at the end of 90 days, your body isn't going to look different because you took a few extra days off. :lol

I think this is the reason people quit these programs so easily. They miss one workout and think they are screwed. On the same token, it's not the end of the world to eat a bad meal here or there. We're humans and you're going to make mistakes. Just keep your head up, look at the big picture, and keep working at it.
Wow, by no means am I an out of shape guy but goddam, this first day killed me. Before I was done with the first half of Chest & back I had to lay down in bed, or else I would've fainted. I guess I went at it too hard :lol

Also, I'm not flexible enough (yet) to do some of the Ab ripper exercises. I found myself doing as many as I could, which wasn't much, and then just laying there, counting the seconds. This program is serious business.
Slurmer said:
Figured I'd start today. Just did the chest+shoulders...taking a break before Ab Ripper.

So, I've had this for a few weeks, but wanted to wait to start until I lost some more weight going to the gym. I've lost about 20 pounds in 2 months just going to the gym 5-6 times a week (lots of cardio and some free weights) and dieting.

I still want to lose weight, but don't really feel like adopting the nutrition guide. I've just been really strict about how many calories I'm taking in, and cut out snacks/soda/fast food completely. Would this be an issue? Really, I'm more interested in losing weight than putting on lots of muscle. Sorry...I know this has probably been asked already in the thread :(

I ALWAYS do the ab ripper first. it warms me up and I can put 100% into my abs. You shouldnt wait to do ab ripper and have your muscles cool down and then start exercising them again. If you cannot do them all at once do ab ripper first and then the exercise next.

Oh and cut out the crap and 90% of your carbs while boosting your protein A LOT and you will be fine. LEAN protein like chicken and turkey are awesome.
Freedom = $1.05 said:
Wow, by no means am I an out of shape guy but goddam, this first day killed me. Before I was done with the first half of Chest & back I had to lay down in bed, or else I would've fainted. I guess I went at it too hard :lol

Also, I'm not flexible enough (yet) to do some of the Ab ripper exercises. I found myself doing as many as I could, which wasn't much, and then just laying there, counting the seconds. This program is serious business.

Yeah I did the exact same thing the first time I did it and I am in pretty good shape. You have to PACE yourself. We all learn that the hard way the first time out. Remember this is a fitness program first and weight training a distant second.

This program is serious business. It will rip you to peices and put you back together again. I am done with my 4th week tomorrow and I am looking great. I was in pretty good shape before but damn.... Seriously if you are in pretty good shape you will see great results within a few weeks. Muscles will tone and fat will shed.
LCfiner said:
I'm following the portion approach. it's not a very restrictive diet. just gotta cut out fast food, beer, big desserts and big ol' bowls of pasta.

it's carb-light to start off but you can still have a sandwich or a small pasta side each day.

just make sure you have lots of fish, chicken and lean beef in the house for meals. and snacks like yogurt, trail mix and carrot sticks to not lose energy during the day

This is the important part. Cutting carbs from your diet almost completely is gonna fuck up your blood sugar. It is extremely important you have regular meals and snacks throughout the day.

Also of note: It all depends on your fitness level and shape you are in. If you are lean DO NOT cut the carbs. The heavier you are the more carbs you have to cut in order to shed pounds. You gotta get a feeling for your body chemisty and get your body right. If you are crashing at the end of the workout I would suggest a few carbs 1.5 hours before the workout (plyo excluded. Do not eat 2 hrs before plyo). Like I said start out very stringent on the diet and loosen or tighten it as your body demands. Just listen to your body and it will tell you everything you need.
J Tourettes said:
2nd week of Yoga done and it was definitely easier this week. Still can't do the ridiculous locking my arms round my back and through the legs move :lol

That is the single hardest position of any workout in p90x. My quads feel like they are literally going to explode. I am in excellent shape now and it gets me every time. Especially since you usually do plyo just 2 days before.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I'm going to do this.

I'm totally out of shape due to a knee injury. This doesn't look like a gimmicky program. The diet seems solid, and the exercises look good. And that "convert a door into a pull up machine" device looks great.


I am going to see District 9 tonight with my fiance. We always get pretzels w/cheese. I don't think I have the will power to not get them. Its like 2 lbs of bread and cheese... Oh man. Ive been doing so well on the diet too!


Junior Member
teh_pwn said:
This doesn't look like a gimmicky program..

it is. your body is built in only certain areas and you look hilariously disproportionate. additionally, all of that muscle confusion pseudoscience has literally no scientific backing and is about real as astrology


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
esbern said:
it is. your body is built in only certain areas and you look hilariously disproportionate. additionally, all of that muscle confusion pseudoscience has literally no scientific backing and is about real as astrology

Maybe the muscle confusion stuff is bullshit. But the program shows how to do a bunch of exercises that don't require me to go to the gym. Traffic in Austin makes that half of the workout.

It doesn't look as gimmicky as an abs machine as the only product, and a diet of lemonade. That's gimmicky.


I dunno, I never really got into working out hardcore before. Ive been doing this program for almost 2 weeks now and Im already seeing pretty good improvements. Ill post my 30 day results pictures when I get there if people are interested.

Its basically just busting ass for an hour straight while someone holds your hand and tells you exactly what to do. + a nutrition guide.


Junior Member
teh_pwn said:
Maybe the muscle confusion stuff is bullshit. But the program shows how to do a bunch of exercises that don't require me to go to the gym. Traffic in Austin makes that half of the workout.

It doesn't look as gimmicky as an abs machine as the only product, and a diet of lemonade. That's gimmicky.

thats understandable and all, its just that in the end of the day you're going to have biceps, abs, lats, and nothing else if you keep up with this for a long time. it looks ridiculous.
esbern said:
thats understandable and all, its just that in the end of the day you're going to have biceps, abs, lats, and nothing else if you keep up with this for a long time. it looks ridiculous.
That's not true. There's PLENTY of leg and back workout -- and that's something that many programs ignore.
Assuming the P90X is a similar style workout just way more extreme than the P90, this program offers a great range of muscle development. If you stick to the program, you will feel it from your calves, to your core, to your upper body. I really don't see where you are getting this disproportionate conclusion from. If anything, this is probably the most balance work out schedule I have had ever, and that includes using trainers at university gyms. I am sorry, but unless you can show conclusive evidence that people completing the P90,P90M and P90X programs are consistently disproportionate, your comments are just hearsay.

Really enjoying the P90 thus far, can't wait to finish and move on to the P90X some day.
esbern said:
it is. your body is built in only certain areas and you look hilariously disproportionate. additionally, all of that muscle confusion pseudoscience has literally no scientific backing and is about real as astrology

Yeah, maybe Muscle confusion is bullshit, but are you saying people that got result are... faking it?

Nobody is saying this program is unique, but it works.
esbern said:
thats understandable and all, its just that in the end of the day you're going to have biceps, abs, lats, and nothing else if you keep up with this for a long time. it looks ridiculous.

That is rediculous and simply not true. glutes, legs and back get great workouts. Have you even done the program?
esbern said:
it is. your body is built in only certain areas and you look hilariously disproportionate. additionally, all of that muscle confusion pseudoscience has literally no scientific backing and is about real as astrology

Pics please. All of the photos I have seen people look pretty fit. This isn't a weight training program btw.


phinious said:
I follow the portion nutrition guide pretty closely, although I think the calories on my portions are lower than the ones published in the guide.

One thing I had to do was buy some Zone Bars and Whey Protein. The Bars I needed for the calories, and the protein I needed cause I can't eat that much damn meat. I drink like 3 of my protein portions/day.

There are lots of tricks to getting enough protein. I've provided one example of a meal plan via this link:


It's a doable situation to get 80+ grams of protein per meal, which reduces your dependence on protein shakes. That being said, using whey protein before and after a workout and casein protein before bed will seriously jack up your results.


mac said:
If you are going to watch infomercials you should be watching Shoperotic. Two dirty birdies (Miyoko pictured) give all the details about how new and freaky dildos work. They aren't afraid to say the really sexy stuff, such as male dildos are made to be larger to accommodate the extra size.


I swear, the show is better than posing as a county health official and duping teenagers over the phone to describe their sex lives and genital health.

^5! I love Shop Erotic, it makes me giggle like crazy.

Also knife show. The dude sounds like he is drunk all the time.
bluemax said:
^5! I love Shop Erotic, it makes me giggle like crazy.

Also knife show. The dude sounds like he is drunk all the time.

I am ashamed to admit how much of the knife show I have watched. The dude is ridic. My dad is a avid knife collector so I kind of grew into it as well. All I do is yell at the screen about how shitty the knives they sell are.


grumble said:
There are lots of tricks to getting enough protein. I've provided one example of a meal plan via this link:


It's a doable situation to get 80+ grams of protein per meal, which reduces your dependence on protein shakes. That being said, using whey protein before and after a workout and casein protein before bed will seriously jack up your results.

Oh man, some of those foods looks tastey too. Thanks for the link.


deathsight580 said:
I still can't go over halfway in Plyo. :lol

My first day pylo 2 days ago I stopped about halfway too... I was getting to the point where I became light headed and felt like passing out while standing up.


Ugh, what a shitty workout today(Chest/Shoulders/Triceps)...just when I feel like i'm making progress, I have a workout like today where I either struggle to equal last week's effort, or I fall short. My triceps were crap today, which impacted all of the pushup and tricep movements in today's workout. I'm halfway through P90X and sometimes it feels like my body is regressing rather than progressing. I hope my day 60 pics tell a different tale because my morale is starting to take a hit when I have days like this.
Yes, it gives you three different plans to follow. Lean, Classic, or Doubles -- easiest to hardest. Each plan schedules out a workout a day for 90 days.

I'm doing this loosely. I'm not following the diet plan but just eating healthier. I'm not looking to loose weight, just tighten up my cage a bit...or whatever the guy said in the video, heh. I bust ass for 8 hours a day at work so I am taking it easy and progressing at a steady pace week to week. I don't really care about some magic 90 day mark of transforming myself.

I am the most un-flexible person ever so the Yoga was really a waste so I just work on stretching that day. And on plyo days I'm just running on the treadmill or playing basketball. But my job is very physical so I probably should cut back even more on cardio but whatever, just as long as I still have some energy.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Has anyone gotten elevated levels of liver enzymes from doing p90x? My doctor recently said my levels were quite high (140 instead of the normal 40). And since I dont have hepatitis (although I had A when i was a little kid) the only thing I can think of is alcohol plus excessive working out, both of which are listed as causes.


mini progress update. week 3 nearly finished (kenpo x tomorrow to wind it up) and I'm feeling pretty good.

around 8~9 pounds lost plus I notice a little increase in muscles in the arms. nothing too crazy but it's still nice to see considering how early it is on the program and how much I struggled in the first week.

I consider my ability just to get through all these workouts and still be able to move around the next day to be progress.

so, recovery/ cardio/ stretch week is next and then phase 2 begins. I am considering extending phase 1 by another week and then taking the recovery week after that. I'll see how I feel on Monday.

I very much doubt that I'll be doing one-armed pushups so it'll be a lot of modification for me in phase 2 but I'm still pretty excited about starting it up.


Going to start on Monday. Purchased three different sets of resistance bands, a nice thick yoga mat, and the Iron Gym for pull-ups and push-ups. This is the first time I've ever been excited about a workout regimine.


Finished week 3 a couple of days ago... I decided to extend the first phase by another week as I only started following the nutrition guide from somewhere in week 2. Very happy with the results so far, my waist is thinner by one belt hole (that's my measurement unit :lol ), my arm muscles are probably not much bigger (never measure them), but my whole body is leaner, and that makes my muscles look bigger. And I also feel more fit and have more stamina than before. And to those who asked whether it's necessary to follow the nutrition guide, my answer based on my experience is YES! I get much more obvious results once I started cutting carbs and eating more lean meats and proteins.


Pangya said:
My first day pylo 2 days ago I stopped about halfway too... I was getting to the point where I became light headed and felt like passing out while standing up.
I don't get like that, my legs just get completely wasted to the point that I'm about to fall down and I can't take it anymore. But at least getting halfway through is better that nothing.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
My P90X hasn't arrived yet, but I think that's okay. I'm going to need a couple of weeks to build up enough to start.

I've got my equipment, and it's already kicking my ass:

1. Iron Gym (I can only do 3-4 pullups, haha)
2. Perfect Pushup. I can do about 10-15, so not too bad.
3. 10, 15, and 25 dumbbells.
4. Light, medium, and heavy resistance bands.
silvon said:
Finished week 3 a couple of days ago... I decided to extend the first phase by another week as I only started following the nutrition guide from somewhere in week 2. Very happy with the results so far, my waist is thinner by one belt hole (that's my measurement unit :lol ), my arm muscles are probably not much bigger (never measure them), but my whole body is leaner, and that makes my muscles look bigger. And I also feel more fit and have more stamina than before. And to those who asked whether it's necessary to follow the nutrition guide, my answer based on my experience is YES! I get much more obvious results once I started cutting carbs and eating more lean meats and proteins.

You muscles shouldn't be much bigger in the first block, anyway.

Good work!


OmniGamer said:
Ugh, what a shitty workout today(Chest/Shoulders/Triceps)...just when I feel like i'm making progress, I have a workout like today where I either struggle to equal last week's effort, or I fall short. My triceps were crap today, which impacted all of the pushup and tricep movements in today's workout. I'm halfway through P90X and sometimes it feels like my body is regressing rather than progressing. I hope my day 60 pics tell a different tale because my morale is starting to take a hit when I have days like this.

I had that last night with chest and back. I just started my third week, and I cant tell if Im making any progress strength-wise. Right now Im doing almost all my pushups with my knees on the floor. I also use a chair to help with pullups, but I don't feel like im making much progress (if any). I did like 1 more of each. :(


ADD New Gen Gamer
I am now on week 4, the rest week. I haven't been running since I've started the program, so right now, I'm taking a few extra days off P90X to run. Definitely starting to see some definition showing from my abs and arm, but I look smaller rather than bigger now though, probably because I'm losing all that flab. I wasn't that bad to begin with, I just lost that few extra pounds in that 3 weeks.

Strength wise, slight improvement, but its only been 3 weeks, so I wasn't expecting a miracle anyways. I'm only a quarter of the way through, and I'm already seeing results, so its all good :D
J Tourettes said:
What block did you start noticing the muscle gains in?

Oh, sorry, didn't want to sound like I did the program.

I'm doing it right now, though, and I read through the book, and they said that the second block was the beginning of the muscle growth. Then block 3 is tearing the muscle and wearing you out.

You should notice some difference on the first block, though, especially if you're doing the diet.


phinious said:
I had that last night with chest and back. I just started my third week, and I cant tell if Im making any progress strength-wise. Right now Im doing almost all my pushups with my knees on the floor. I also use a chair to help with pullups, but I don't feel like im making much progress (if any). I did like 1 more of each. :(

And then the next day, I had my best Plyo workout...kept up with all of the moves, didn't pause to catch my breath, and did the 3 one-minute bonus moves at the end. Complete 180 strength/energy wise from chest/shoulders/triceps. Go figure. My worst habit is to dwell and obsess...i'm trying to just plow ahead and let the scale, tape measure and comparison photos tell the story rather than fixate over every rep.
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