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Whoa, for the first time in my life I saw a line at a gameshop... (GTA:SA topic)


...and it went about 30 people deep...

For GTA:SA. Jesus.

Even when PS2 was launched, Madden, anything else...I've never seen a line. But now, when I want to go in and get some cheapo used software, there's an hour wait to get into the store.

I, lacking patience, went to Target and got a bag of candy pumpkins and Sega Smash Pack 1/2, so I wound up getting something better...BUT JEEZ.

I wonder how big Halo 2's launch will be. :-|
Halo 2 launch? Maybe 2-3 geeks. LOLOOLOLOOOOL.

I'm kidding. I'm expecting it to be bigger. You know, they haven't got a game for month, poor Xbot.


Oh yeah, and as I drove away to get to Target, I rolled down the window and yelled "CJ DIES AT THE END, OH THE IRONY" at the crowd.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Matlock said:
Oh yeah, and as I drove away to get to Target, I rolled down the window and yelled "CJ DIES AT THE END, OH THE IRONY" at the crowd.



Littleberu said:
Halo 2 launch? Maybe 2-3 geeks. LOLOOLOLOOOOL.

I'm kidding. I'm expecting it to be bigger. You know, they haven't got a game for month, poor Xbot.

I asked how much bigger the Halo 2 launch (at this one EB, of course) would be, and they said they had over 2x the amount of preorders for that. Pretty crazy...We'll easily have a few hundred people there.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Fifty said:
I asked how much bigger the Halo 2 launch (at this one EB, of course) would be, and they said they had over 2x the amount of preorders for that. Pretty crazy...We'll easily have a few hundred people there.

:~( i want to get the game right away!! :eek:


Matlock said:
...and it went about 30 people deep...

For GTA:SA. Jesus.

Even when PS2 was launched, Madden, anything else...I've never seen a line. But now, when I want to go in and get some cheapo used software, there's an hour wait to get into the store.

I, lacking patience, went to Target and got a bag of candy pumpkins and Sega Smash Pack 1/2, so I wound up getting something better...BUT JEEZ.

I wonder how big Halo 2's launch will be. :-|

Wow, I was just at the mall and there was a similar line outside of Gamestop.


I fully expect to see lines for Halo 2 (unfortunately). But nothing will top PS2s launch. Crazy lines, people camped out overnight. Shit was ridiculous.


Tag of Excellence
Matlock said:
Oh yeah, and as I drove away to get to Target, I rolled down the window and yelled "CJ DIES AT THE END, OH THE IRONY" at the crowd.
My friend, being the pompous ass that he is, drove by laughing at everyone and holding out a pirated version of GTA:SA. It was probably just a blank CD but he scribbled "GRAND PIRATE AUTO: ARRRRR" so it got a laugh out of me.

It was kinda funny to see the looks on people's faces, he's a wacky nut I swear.

EDIT: I posted in the official GTA:SA forum about the huge amount of people there. Easily the most amount I've seen for any game launch. Extremely impressive.

preorders only at the mall. They had 3 grocery shopping carts full of the game :O

I don't know if you guys remember my Madden riot story from a couple of months ago. Basically, the EB store's shipment was delayed until the next morning, the crowd got out of control and they had to call in the Sheriff's office (about 10 of them) to get things under control.

Well, you knew it had to be a worse crowd for GTA:SA :D

They had some store employees trying to do traffic control outside the store. They were stupid and tried to have two seperate lines, one for cash and one for credit. Well, inevitably one moves faster than the other, some dudes start getting pissed at the wait and start shoving around the employees. Out of nowhere, one punk kid just pops the employee in the chest (who was also a punk kid). They go at it for a few seconds and from the crowd watching some jerk throws a cell phone at one of them. It bounces of them and smacks this chick right in the eye. Mall security came around, they tackle the customer who started it (I mean, they took his ass down) and order is restored.

Of course, that Gamestop or the Mall will probably get sued for having an unsafe environment since this is the second time. And this is a nice affluent community, not inner city or anything like that. Just ridiculous.


Tag of Excellence
sonycowboy said:
I don't know if you guys remember my Madden riot story from a couple of months ago. Basically, the EB store's shipment was delayed until the next morning, the crowd got out of control and they had to call in the Sheriff's office (about 10 of them) to get things under control.

Well, you knew it had to be a worse crowd for GTA:SA :D

They had some store employees trying to do traffic control outside the store. They were stupid and tried to have two seperate lines, one for cash and one for credit. Well, inevitably one moves faster than the other, some dudes start getting pissed at the wait and start shoving around the employees. Out of nowhere, one punk kid just pops the employee in the chest (who was also a punk kid). They go at it for a few seconds and from the crowd watching some jerk throws a cell phone at one of them. It bounces of them and smacks this chick right in the eye. Mall security came around, they tackle the customer who started it (I mean, they took his ass down) and order is restored.
:lol Your game store stories are classic. I love them! :lol

Who the hell throws a cellphone at random people who are fighting? Classic.
My eb has 300 preorders....when I preordered it today, the guy was on the phone 5 times, each time reciting "we get it in tomorrow. about 10:30 am. no later than 2 for sure." :)

yay for trade in 3 games deal! how else could i get 21.66 trade in value for blinx? :D


....aaaaaand fuck you Sega. Couldn't get it to work, as it wouldn't recognize the CD drive.

Used NoCD, tried...the games only played once, then denied you play again.


Ranger X

At my local EB they began selling the game at 7pm earlier this evening. I went there and god damned: 30 to 50 people waiting in line! It was getting out of the store and going through the fucking mall no kid.

GTASA powah
demi said:
haha to all you noobs who pre-ordered, all i did was walk up and ask for a copy!

None of the stores in my area had extra copies :(

I had a preorder, but cancelled it because I was planning on getting it with the TRU sale. I thought, surely a day or two won't kill me, right?



Madden lines here were a good 40-50 people at a brand new just opened Gamestop. I will be showing up at around 8 for Halo 2. Thank God I ordered from Gamestop.com for GTA. I'll come home tomorrow with a copy on my desk w00t.


Wellington said:
You're really aching for someone to get banned tonight, huh?

Few things are funnier than when I click in a topic and see "banned" by someone's tag.
Back on topic: The line at my Eb games (Northville Michigan) was huge and they had something like 170 preorders.


I love you Scoot. These are all real quotes, unedited, from your posting history. I don't repeat a single quote, he might have though.

"I've seen bans for less."

"I forsee bans."

" thanks for posting at GAF.
ban plz?"

" ^^^^
so many bans last week because of this stuff."

" I foresee bans in this thread."

" Already knew this, but BAN."

" permaban?"

" link to pics = BAN"

" Permaban?"
There was a big line at the gamestop i work at. About 70 people were there and we sold about 200 copies after the night was done. Although a good highlight was that i got 38 rollover reserves. I think that is a record lol.
Does anyone know if stores will be selling other new games that come out this week at tonight's GTA midnight madness sales, like DOA:U, OutRun 2, Ace Combat V, or Taiko Drum Master?


It's not really a spoiler. Something Awful said it happened in the game, but then again, they said there also was hemmroid related missions as well.
It's not really a spoiler. Something Awful said it happened in the game, but then again, they said there also was hemmroid related missions as well.

Hemaroid missions eh? That explains the 9.9 on IGN!


I'm just under the impression that it was a joke. If it isn't, I apologize beforehand. :p

...and shush, you. At least I don't have a thing for feet. :p


i just got back from gamestop, and i waited 40 minutes O_O

The line consists of mostly 20s and up, but there was this kid who looks like 14 yrs old, yelling out to someone else, "hey can you be my dad??" :lol

and some ppl got pissed off that the VIPs get priority no matter when they get there heh :lol
yes but being that we are both from ohio and are not pedophiles or gay bashers I think we both win (going from the current news headlines in this state). :D


Fifty said:
I love you Scoot. These are all real quotes, unedited, from your posting history. I don't repeat a single quote, he might have though.

"I've seen bans for less."

"I forsee bans."

" thanks for posting at GAF.
ban plz?"

" ^^^^
so many bans last week because of this stuff."

" I foresee bans in this thread."

" Already knew this, but BAN."

" permaban?"

" link to pics = BAN"

" Permaban?"

Thanks for caring, dude.


Gold Member
My friend, being the pompous ass that he is, drove by laughing at everyone and holding out a pirated version of GTA:SA. It was probably just a blank CD but he scribbled "GRAND PIRATE AUTO: ARRRRR" so it got a laugh out of me.

Your friend is lucky. An idiot did that where I bought the game (with a CDR with "GTA: SAN ANDREAS" written on it), and he got chased down by the six cops waiting in line to buy the game! LOL!


Gold Member
They were stupid and tried to have two seperate lines, one for cash and one for credit. Well, inevitably one moves faster than the other, some dudes start getting pissed at the wait

Same thing happened at my Gamestop, only the dumbshit who worked there and showed up to buy her copy pissed everyone off when she tried to reorganize the lines and got everything mixed up. They already had two lines split, but she decided she wanted to swap the positions of the two lines, and naturally it mixed everyone up. Thankfully no one was stupid enough to start anything because there were so many cops in the area.


My closest gamestop is in the hood. There was a line of maybe 20, most of them looked like gangbangers. There was also 3 police officers with guns on their waists standing by the counter making sure order was kept. Never seen anything like that before.


Junior Member
ManaByte said:
Thankfully no one was stupid enough to start anything because there were so many cops in the area.

Aw shit, they up tryin to fuck up the line.
Fuck that nigga, ima bout to cappin heads.
Nigga naw, put yo piece away, they got five-Os up in here.
But that shit is fucked up.
Naw, I iz still on peroll.
True dat nigga.


I walked into Gamestop early in the morning, and into the middle of an argument between a customer and an employee;

--"But you SAID it would be in TODAY!"

**"I'm sorry, but all game shipments don't come in until 7pm as always"


**"Sir the sign is right there. 7pm. No exceptions. We can't control UPS."

--"Tch, whatever. Y'all SAID it would BE here"

ignores customer and continues with work

--"You ain't got to be disrespecting me nigga."

**"Hey, I don't know what to say; I'm not God okay? 7PM!

security walks toward the sudden yell

--"...whatever" goes to play XBox demo


What I found funny was that the guy was black and she was white. Truly, she be a true nigga.

Anyway I bought Shadow Hearts, tried to snag a Killzone demo (the reason I was there but they didn't have any for some reason) and asked them if they could hold my paid copy until tomorrow, and they said of course. Went to see Team America (FUCK YEAH), came back on the way home and the guy is still there playing XBox. I was there at 11am. Apparently he wanted to wait until it finally got in. And apparently he didn't know that ONLY VIP status customers would be served first, and they told me there were hundreds of them. A $5 preorder slip meant you would be waiting at least a couple of hours more.

I'd feel sorry for him if he weren't such a retarded asshole. Would it hurt to wait a bit? R* wants your money; I'm sure they'll make many more copies, especially since Christmas is coming. It must really suck to not be able to see beyond 'I, ME, MY", and see the bigger picture or have SOME kind of patience.

Oh well. Tomorrow I get gangsta with it. Tonight though, hearts of shadow and more Mario madness megaton (still can't believe how unexpectedly that one person joins your party; completely threw me off, but that person RAWKS THE SAWKS).


ManaByte said:
Your friend is lucky. An idiot did that where I bought the game (with a CDR with "GTA: SAN ANDREAS" written on it), and he got chased down by the six cops waiting in line to buy the game! LOL!

I don't believe that this actually happened.
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