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Whoa, for the first time in my life I saw a line at a gameshop... (GTA:SA topic)


Heh, I just walked in about 15 minutes before closing and grabbed a copy. No real line to wait in.

In all honesty I was expecting something like Vice City's release. Now that was crazy. I was there tell like 11 something at night waiting to get my copy. This was much better.

Now time to go back to San Andreas :)
Did anyone else's EB have some sort of release "party"? I didn't even know it was SA day, went in to pick up Metal Gear TTS. Walked in, it was crowded as hell and everyone was "dressed up". All the employees wearing beaters and jeans and caps and hoodies and local rap station blaring. Which was kinda awkward, as most the people who shop there dress that way anyway. They had nachos too.


Unconfirmed Member
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
My eb has 300 preorders....when I preordered it today, the guy was on the phone 5 times, each time reciting "we get it in tomorrow. about 10:30 am. no later than 2 for sure." :)

yay for trade in 3 games deal! how else could i get 21.66 trade in value for blinx? :D
EB was doing a trade in thing? I called them a few days ago and they said they were not. FUCK.


DJ Brannon said:
I walked into Gamestop early in the morning, and into the middle of an argument between a customer and an employee;

--"But you SAID it would be in TODAY!"

**"I'm sorry, but all game shipments don't come in until 7pm as always"


**"Sir the sign is right there. 7pm. No exceptions. We can't control UPS."

--"Tch, whatever. Y'all SAID it would BE here"

ignores customer and continues with work

--"You ain't got to be disrespecting me nigga."

**"Hey, I don't know what to say; I'm not God okay? 7PM!

security walks toward the sudden yell

--"...whatever" goes to play XBox demo


Your friend is lucky. An idiot did that where I bought the game (with a CDR with "GTA: SAN ANDREAS" written on it), and he got chased down by the six cops waiting in line to buy the game! LOL!

My Gamestop actually didn't get their shipment until a little after 7pm, so the lines got longer. It was intersting to observe the GTA crowd, which includes mostly 20s and up, some dressed nicely, some looked like ganstas, some looked like nerds and some others looked like jocks. There were a few kids with their mom and dad waiting in line too.


ZombieSupaStar said:
yes but being that we are both from ohio and are not pedophiles or gay bashers I think we both win (going from the current news headlines in this state). :D


So true.


trippingmartian said:
The lead character couldn't possibly die at the end, or else it would be impossible to continue playing the game after the end credits. :lol

You couldn't possibly die in the game or how would you get to the end or try again?

It aint that realistic.

Its very possible he could die.

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