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Why did Greg K include spoilers in his Halo 2 review? *Gamespot scandal?*


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Hournda said:
I played some of the multiplayer on the leaked version and felt the gameplay was a rehashed version of Halo 1 with better graphics, different weapons and new levels. Not that it was bad but it just felt like I was playing Halo 1.5 more than Halo 2. Hopefully once I get my hands on the real version and I play it some more then I'll warm up to it.

No, you see, that's the problem...

It sounded as if the game had changed so dramatically that some beloved aspects of the original were simply ruined. I don't think there were have been nearly as many negative impressions if it had been simply "Halo 1.5". The fact of the matter is, the game plays VERY differently.
I don't read videogame reviews as often as I used to, but I have nothing against Kasavin. He seems a pretty able writer to me, if a littler bland or straightforward sometimes. Or down-to-earth, depends on your point of view. I recall the last I read from him was Fable's and was far beyond average.

I won't read that damned review. Or any other, I'm fed up with Halo. I'll just play it.


Well even COCKLES isnt pleased with some stuff. Now thats pretty significant.

I dont get this thread however.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Mrbob said:
Kasavin is full of shit. Not because of the score. But because of what he says in Riddick and then changes his tune for Halo 2.

Read these words carefully, Riddick and Halo 2 are not the same game. As a matter of fact the only way they are related is by the fact that they both are futuristic shooters. And obviously Halo 2 had more hype, it was better funded and had a lot higher expectations than Riddick, that's maybe why he's undermining the single player of Halo 2 as opposed to Riddick.

I don't see why people are bringing Riddick into this, Riddick was basically a nothing game before it was released. Halo 2 was expected to be the perfect shooter by everyone and was definitely overhyped by every Xbox owner. It's the fact that Riddick wasn't really anything but turned out to be something that really impressed editors.


Well from what I've read it seems like Bungie tried to get too artsy with the story.

Read these words carefully, Riddick and Halo 2 are not the same game. As a matter of fact the only way they are related is by the fact that they both are futuristic shooters. And obviously Halo 2 had more hype, it was better funded and had a lot higher expectations than Riddick, that's maybe why he's undermining the single player of Halo 2 as opposed to Riddick.

Sorry, none of this matters. Proof is in the quoting. Especially when you are talking about games in the same genre.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Not to mention that they are totally different kinds of games! Not only did Riddick come out of nowhere, it was just a totally different kind of shooter. Some guns, some hand to hand, some stealth.

I mean, if Halo 2 really is some sort of Halo 1.5 (which is not necessarily a bad thing), then the fact that after all this time it only lasts MAYBE 10 hours (possibly less for a vet)... well, that's disappointing. He actually mentioned that some Halo vets will be able to finish it in a sitting.


A legitimate "vet" will know not to start the game on one of the easiest difficulty settings, if they are interested in a mind-bogglingly long game. And why complain about the length/value of one game on default when you are willing to give many others the "benefit of the doubt" based on harder difficulty levels?
Kanbee-san said:
He has valid points through and through. 3 years and only 10 hours gameplay ?
Halo 1 was in development for just as long, was it not? And he's already locked himself in to this "10 hours is the standard length" philosophy, so why the sudden flip-flop?

Metal Gear Solid 2 was 3 years in the making and far less than 10 hours of gameplay. The only way you can really inflate it above 10-12 hours is to actually listen to every single codec conversation (rather than reading it). Kasavin gave it a 9 for value (once again, its harder difficulty levels supposedly add to replay value, but don't explicitly factor in for Halo 2) and a 10 for tilt.
Subcategories' scores are dumb. I guess reviewers have a difficult time figuring them out, don't pay too much attention to them.
border said:
A legitimate "vet" will know not to start the game on one of the easiest difficulty settings, if they are interested in a mind-bogglingly long game. And why complain about the length/value of one game on default when you are willing to give many others the "benefit of the doubt" based on harder difficulty levels?

Halo 1 was in development for just as long, was it not? And he's already locked himself in to this "10 hours is the standard length" philosophy, so why the sudden flip-flop?

Metal Gear Solid 2 was 3 years in the making and far less than 10 hours of gameplay. The only way you can really inflate it above 10-12 hours is to actually listen to every single codec conversation (rather than reading it). Kasavin gave it a 9 for value (once again, its harder difficulty levels supposedly add to replay value, but don't explicitly factor in for Halo 2) and a 10 for tilt.

Halo 2 's tilt was 9 ? i am like WTFOMGBBQ !! How could you not tilt the argueably the years biggest release ?

I think he has an agenda, the game has to be better than the first, but he is just being overly negative. Maybe he just wants to get back to MP2 ?


Running off of Custom Firmware
WTF IS the tilt value anyway? Never really understood it.

Please stop bringing up MGS2. That game sucked. Hard. Thanks. ;p
As a non-native speaker I looked it up once, a long time ago. I remember references to medieval fights with lances.

To hell with them. Just write a damned review and put a single big score if you're up to it.


I bring up MGS2 only because it's another heavily hyped, "3 years in the making" game that was reviewed by the same guy....a guy who was willing to forgive the length of other, shorter games that had harder difficulty modes (but no co-op or multiplayer like Halo 2). For MGS2's 9 "Value" score, how many copies of it were clogging up the USED GAME bins of America less than 12 months after release? How many people are still playing it with any kind of frequency? Seems a little absurd that it is considered on par with a game that you admit has the best multiplayer of anything currently on the console market.

I honestly have no idea what tilt is really supposed to mean. I cynically just assume that it's an extra "Fluff" category that reviewers can use to alter the final score based on their own biases and against their better judgement -- to get across whatever intangible fanboy stuff they can't get across in words or other score categories. Like I would have tilted Frequency all the way to 10, even though I know it's got some problems...

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Mejilan said:
WTF IS the tilt value anyway? Never really understood it.

Please stop bringing up MGS2. That game sucked. Hard. Thanks. ;p

Reviewer's Tilt (Tilt)
This score basically lets a reviewer sway the final score--either higher or lower--based on the reviewer's overall experience with a game. Here's an example: A game might have really good graphics and sound but only mediocre gameplay. As a result, it gets a low tilt score to keep the overall from being boosted too high, since the game ultimately isn't fun. Likewise, a game might have mediocre graphics and sound, but it might include a really good story and a lot of original ideas. As a result, it might get a high tilt to boost the overall score a bit, which suggests to you that you should look beyond the game's production values.


Vagabond said:
Add this to the other negative things Gamespot has done to give the Xbox a negative look. Do you think that they're doing this on purpose?
KobunHeat works for them and he would never do that.
You gotta remember that they judge games based on games on that specific platform. So he was comparing MGS2 otother games on the PS2 not to games on other platforms and he's comparing H2 to games on the XBox not to games on other platforms.

"I honestly have no idea what tilt is really supposed to mean."

Basically a judge on the overall quality of the game. If a game has great graphics and good sound but with mediocre gameplay its going to get a lower tilt score.


Hournda said:
I played some of the multiplayer on the leaked version and felt the gameplay was a rehashed version of Halo 1 with better graphics, different weapons and new levels. Not that it was bad but it just felt like I was playing Halo 1.5 more than Halo 2. Hopefully once I get my hands on the real version and I play it some more then I'll warm up to it.

it won't but atleast the maps don't suck shit anymore.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Hmm, Tilt sounds like it can either be used to compensate for crappy technology, crappy mechanics, or just to sway a score in favor of some totally subjective, impossible to define value! Well, that works for me!

Either way, a tilt factor of 9 certainly doesn't sound too unreasonable. I mean, if he felt that the single player got skimped in favor of the multi, well, then why should it get a perfect 10 for tilt?


SolidSnakex said:
You gotta remember that they judge games based on games on that specific platform. So he was comparing MGS2 otother games on the PS2 not to games on other platforms and he's comparing H2 to games on the XBox not to games on other platforms.

So I guess it would be fair game to compare Riddick and Halo 2 then. :D
Exactly what shooter on the Xbox has Halo 2's online aspect?

There may be some PC games that offer similar things, but nothing on the Xbox compares. To say it's more of the same is kinda funny considering it's online now. What exactly have you been playing prior to Halo 2 that made it feel like more of the same online.

His tilt is his opinion, but if any game on the Xbox deserves a 10 for value then this is it. He was punching in numbers in the formula they have to get the rating he wanted. Which is fine, but understand it makes people ask questions.


Yeah the Tilt and Value is a bit iffy. Kasavin awarded the Gameplay a 10, which should have automatically been a 10 for the tilt, DOA got 8.8 overall rating with a tilt of 10. As for the value, its pretty much the best multiplayer out there, with the best online mode for consoles, its also a game that will be played for years (like Halo is today) and demolishes Halo multiplayer options in everyway, and yet its given a 9 (Halo was awarded a 9). I just dont get it

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I've been wondering this for a while, but what is the max amount of players Halo 2 supports online?


I'm sorry, but I found the review to be total trash. A 9 for Value and a 9 for Tilt?? What tha Fuck!?? That is complete bullshit, I can understand the graphics being a 9, but damn. If Tilt had been a 10 and Value had been a 10, the game would have scored a 9.8. They scored this game low so they could get more traffic to their site. Makes me sick.


GSG Flash said:
I've been wondering this for a while, but what is the max amount of players Halo 2 supports online?

16, IGN said they had no lag playing a 16 player game on Xbox Live. Cant wait, i never really jump into full rooms because it gets real laggy.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Prine said:
16, IGN said they had no lag playing a 16 player game on Xbox Live. Cant wait, i never really jump into full rooms because it gets real laggy.

That's sick, no wonder Kasavin said it's the best multiplayer and online console game ever in his video review.
Prine said:
Yeah the Tilt and Value is a bit iffy. Kasavin awarded the Gameplay a 10, DOA got 8.8 overall rating yet he still awarded the tilt with a 10.

Going by the reviews and impressions, DoA seems to have more polish than DoA. The framerate in H2 coupled with the texture pop in seem to pull H2's Tilt down. 10's in Tilt seem to be reserved for games that are very polished. Which is what their description of it says, they want the game to be the total package.


Honestly, no one will remember this review a year from now. Halo 2 single player mode will is something cool to play through to see the story. But it's true legacy will be built on the multiplayer functions and that sounds to be top notch.


Gold Member
SolidSnakex said:
Going by the reviews and impressions, DoA seems to have more polish than DoA. The framerate in H2 coupled with the texture pop in seem to pull H2's Tilt down. 10's in Tilt seem to be reserved for games that are very polished. Which is what their description of it says, they want the game to be the total package.

GTA: SA has those same problems and still got a 10 in Tilt.


Do you want to guess how Kasavin scored MGS2: Substance for Value? Think about it for a moment.


It's kind of hard to argue with Tilt, since it is just totally subjective nonsense. I guess it makes sense that someone who worships bloated narratives like MGS2 would mark it down a point if they weren't happy with the story.


Kasavin flip flopper!!

Ok I took that pic off. I'm just joking but I don't want anyone to think otherwise in case he is sensitive.


MrparisSM said:
Exactly Manabyte! This guy had a fucking agenda.

Expect the Black Helicopters at your place any moment now, You have revealed Gamespot's secret Xbox sabotage plot!


hyperbolically metafictive
i honestly find it a bit silly that reviews are avoiding the particular "spoiler" that kasavin disclosed. it's something that really changes the tone of the game, it's something that merits discussion, and you can hardly call it a twist (extremely mild "spoiler" follows):
it's all but telegraphed by the game's first cutscene, anyway.
some of the secrecy around this game is ridiculous.


good credit (by proxy)
what an ass. i'm definitely not visiting that site to read the review and boost their hit count, or for any review anytime soon. He must be in a fantasy-land not to not know that people have been nazi's about not wanting to hear spoilers. As far as the score, everything is his opinion, but I would love to see how he can subjectively give it a 9 for value. It the game with the most value and replayability on xbox!!!! What other game have hordes of people been playing steady for the past 3 years??? Take a game with 3+ years of replayability, add a bunch of new features and you only get a 9? I just don't get it.


what a bunch of fucking whiners. this is almost as petty as nintendo fans feeling
'betrayed' by RE4 no longer being GC exclusive.


Insertia said:
what a bunch of fucking whiners. this is almost as petty as nintendo fans feeling
'betrayed' by RE4 no longer being GC exclusive.

What a well constructed retort.

Next time you may actually want to critique the issues at hand instead of making a blanket statement.
Kanbee-san said:
Halo gets 9.7 and Halo 2 9.4

Its not the end of the world, but i do think it should have deserved equal or better scores. He just seems really negative.

Let's put it this way. You can tell by watching the video review that Greg really liked Halo's single player story. He's not one of those guys who JUST plays it for the multiplayer. His opinion is one that takes the single player into more consideration. He liked Halo's story more than Halo 2's because of the way it plays out.


Mrbob said:
What a well constructed retort.

Next time you may actually want to critique the issues at hand instead of making a blanket statement.

Nah he has a point. But it's obvious any site that doesnt give Halo 2 a perfect or near perfect score will get blasted for being teh biased. You can go back to picking the guy, his reviews, his family and his stool apart for the next 1000 pages for his aweful 9.4 review of Godlo 2.


Mrbob said:
What a well constructed retort.

Next time you may actually want to critique the issues at hand instead of making a blanket statement.

What can I say in response to such pettiness?

I've played through the campaign of the not-so-official version of Halo2 and there's absolutely nothing about the story that's worth preserving. It's generic, cliché, and uninspired. I don't think anyone will be blown away by the concept of
playing as a Convient soldier rather then Master Chief in certain levels


go eat paint
Man, don't you fuckers know... don't you KNOW?! The election was rigged by the Patriots, who really control everything that happens in the world.

They, and THEY alone, also set the review scores for all videogames, and come up with things like "tilt" to keep us from seeing what's really going on. Greg K, he's in on it, he just doesn't realize it. That's how subtle and powerful the Patriots are. They programmed him psychologically to reveal vague plot points and to give it a 9.4 -- such a low score. God damn, such a LOW score. LOOK how LOW that SCORE is. They did it to keep us all from seeing. No HONEST video game publication would EVER give a game like Halo 2 under a 10. I mean, seriously, a 9.4 is the same as a 4.9. Same numbers and everything!

The Patriots control CNet. That's why Halo 2 has been so underhyped. That's why it got a 9.4 and not a 10. That's why GameSpot ONLY posted 4 previews, 30+ news bits, 266 screenshots, and 40 video clips. My GOD -- look how LITTLE they promoted it. That IS TOTALLY UNDERPROMOTION.

It's been going on for years. Years, people! Open your eyes! The Patriots!
drohne said:
i honestly find it a bit silly that reviews are avoiding the particular "spoiler" that kasavin disclosed. it's something that really changes the tone of the game, it's something that merits discussion, and you can hardly call it a twist (extremely mild "spoiler" follows):
it's all but telegraphed by the game's first cutscene, anyway.
some of the secrecy around this game is ridiculous.
I agree. If you want a virgin gaming experience, stay away from all comentry on the game. I think discussion of the twist belongs in the review, especially since he needs to justify why he thinks the story was weaker this time around.


mosaic said:
Man, don't you fuckers know... don't you KNOW?! The election was rigged by the Patriots, who really control everything that happens in the world.

They, and THEY alone, also set the review scores for all videogames, and come up with things like "tilt" to keep us from seeing what's really going on. Greg K, he's in on it, he just doesn't realize it. That's how subtle and powerful the Patriots are. They programmed him psychologically to reveal vague plot points and to give it a 9.4 -- such a low score. God damn, such a LOW score. LOOK how LOW that SCORE is. They did it to keep us all from seeing. No HONEST video game publication would EVER give a game like Halo 2 under a 10. I mean, seriously, a 9.4 is the same as a 4.9. Same numbers and everything!

The Patriots control CNet. That's why Halo 2 has been so underhyped. That's why it got a 9.4 and not a 10. That's why GameSpot ONLY posted 4 previews, 30+ news bits, 266 screenshots, and 40 video clips. My GOD -- look how LITTLE they promoted it. That IS TOTALLY UNDERPROMOTION.

It's been going on for years. Years, people! Open your eyes! The Patriots!


Nice job.

And for anyone compaining about the score. Get over it!! Buy and enjoy what is surely the best Xbox game of 2004.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Spike said:

Nice job.

And for anyone compaining about the score. Get over it!! Buy and enjoy what is surely the best Xbox game of 2004.

Hahaha. What if KotOR 2 gets a 9.3? Or a 9.5?

(That still hits this year, right?)


Razoric said:
Nah he has a point. But it's obvious any site that doesnt give Halo 2 a perfect or near perfect score will get blasted for being teh biased. You can go back to picking the guy, his reviews, his family and his stool apart for the next 1000 pages for his aweful 9.4 review of Godlo 2.

Just like you can't see the frame rate stutter in GTA? :p

I'm not seeing so many complaints about the score in general but the score along with the text that has been written in other reviews as well.


Mrbob said:
Just like you can't see the frame rate stutter in GTA? :p

I'm not seeing so many complaints about the score in general but the score along with the text that has been written in other reviews as well.

:O But I wasn't questioning the review, but questioning the people nitpicking the review. The same as I am here. ;)

Look on the bright side, the evil anti-xbox site known as GS gave Halo 2 a score that was 6% away from perfection. If that is as bad as it gets it's very good news for Halo 2 fans.


Deku Tree

Does Greg at least warn you that the spoiler is in the next paragraph?

If so, where is the controversy? If not, shame on him.
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