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Why did Greg K include spoilers in his Halo 2 review? *Gamespot scandal?*

Im sorry, getting upset anymore beyond this point is just silly. Its clear everyone else likes the game, and gamespot didnt say they hated the game. Greg just happened to not like the Halo experience as much as the last guy. Just means he's a lot harder to impress.

And I know you guys bitching have another browser window open for the sole sake of entertaining a Halo 2 circle jerk either on another forum or this one.

All of this *gestures around the forum* must be part of the Halo 2 experience as well, and if it is, I guess I sorta get why Greg gave Halo 2 a 9.4.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
MrparisSM said:
Then they should have gotten the same person to do it then. There is no way in hell that Halo 2 should have gotten the same score as Riddick. Halo 2 has just a good a single player as riddick, PLUS A UNFUCKING BELIEVABLE XBOX LIVE GAME TACKED ON. It just doesn't make sense.

A game reviewer can't compare the score he gives a game to every other score he's ever given. He plays the game, and scores it according to how good he feels it was after he's through. That's IT. He can't say "well Halo 2 is a little better than Riddick, but not quite as good as GTA: SA..."

It would only take someone having scored about 15 games for them to be completely fucked. Game reviews are SUBJECTIVE. I gave Viewtiful Joe a 5/5, but SSX3 only got a 4.5 out of 5. Overall, after the fact, I feel that SSX3 is an all-around better title, but that DOESN'T mean I feel my reviews are wrong. I justified them in my review text and at the time I had played the games long enough to score them that's how I felt. Am I supposed to gauge whether a game I want to give a 4.5 to is better or worse than SSX3 for the rest of this console generation, now? It doesn't WORK that way.


GDJustin said:
A game reviewer can't compare the score he gives a game to every other score he's ever given. He plays the game, and scores it according to how good he feels it was after he's through. That's IT. He can't say "well Halo 2 is a little better than Riddick, but not quite as good as GTA: SA..."

It would only take someone having scored about 15 games for them to be completely fucked. Game reviews are SUBJECTIVE. I gave Viewtiful Joe a 5/5, but SSX3 only got a 4.5 out of 5. Overall, after the fact, I feel that SSX3 is an all-around better title, but that DOESN'T mean I feel my reviews are wrong. I justified them in my review text and at the time I had played the games long enough to score them that's how I felt. Am I supposed to gauge whether a game I want to give a 4.5 to is better or worse than SSX3 for the rest of this console generation, now? It doesn't WORK that way.

Ok, that all makes sense. And I can understand they'll be discrepancies with review scores from time to time, that may not necessarily reflect how one game compares to another. But with a high profile game like this, there should not be any mistakes made. And they should be more careful and objective in how they score it compared to other top games. I've got it stuck in my head that they scored it low for the extra hits to their site, I actually predicted they would do this awhile back and I was right. Have you notice how they always give their reviews AFTER IGN's?? And then they ALWAYS no matter what the game score it a few points below...
I think the main thing we need to remember is that review scores cant ALWAYS go up. Games WILL continue to get better, but we need to adjust accordingly when judging as well as when we read those judgements.

IN addition I would hope websites would take it upon themselves to remind themselves and readers of this dynamic.
The 9 for Value is wierd since he praised the multiplayer aspects so much......btw is this the same guy who liked the MGS2 story?!?!


Let me also say for the record that I find all this Halo 2 review score bitching ironically amusing. 'Reviewers should only be concerned with telling us what they think of a game, and shouldn't try to take into account what they think their readers will or won't enjoy playing,' you say. But the second a reviewer does express his or her personal opinion without regard for what the hypothetical 'average gamer' would think, half the people here wig out, ranting about conspiracy theories and money hats and everything else, because they're unwilling to face the simple fact that the reviewer doesn't share their opinion.

You want to hear reviewers' unvarnished take on games? Then don't piss and moan when they give you what you claim you want.


rollin' in the gutter
Tellaerin said:
Let me also say for the record that I find all this Halo 2 review score bitching ironically amusing. 'Reviewers should only be concerned with telling us what they think of a game, and shouldn't try to take into account what they think their readers will or won't enjoy playing,' you say. But the second a reviewer does express his or her personal opinion without regard for what the hypothetical 'average gamer' would think, half the people here wig out, ranting about conspiracy theories and money hats and everything else, because they're unwilling to face the simple fact that the reviewer doesn't share their opinion.

You want to hear reviewers' unvarnished take on games? Then don't piss and moan when they give you what you claim you want.

Only fanboys complain when there blockbuster game doesn't get a 10. Everyone else knows Gamespot's scoring is tougher on most games.


deadlifter said:
Only fanboys complain when there blockbuster game doesn't get a 10. Everyone else knows Gamespot's scoring is tougher on most games.

Don't try to play this off as Gamespot being "tougher". They purposely gave Halo 2 that score full well knowing the type of reaction it would get. It was a "shock and awe" tactic to get more hits to their site. They're probably getting twice more hits than IGN because of it. Which is good for business, but that doesn't make it right.

I know, I know, it's STILL A 9.4! But it's the principle my friend, the principle. :)


rollin' in the gutter
MrparisSM said:
Don't try to play this off as Gamespot being "tougher". They purposely gave Halo 2 that score full well knowing the type of reaction it would get. It was a "shock and awe" tactic to get more hits to their site. They're probably getting twice more hits than IGN because of it. Which is good for business, but that doesn't make it right.

I know, I know, it's STILL A 9.4! But it's the principle my friend, the principle. :)

I would agree with you if it was an 8 or a 9, but a 9.4 is not that shocking. It doesn't matter though, this board is going to explode with Halo 2 topics on the 9th. You should expect a shitload of bitching about the single player campaign. Just warning you :)
MrparisSM said:
Don't try to play this off as Gamespot being "tougher". They purposely gave Halo 2 that score full well knowing the type of reaction it would get. It was a "shock and awe" tactic to get more hits to their site. They're probably getting twice more hits than IGN because of it. Which is good for business, but that doesn't make it right.

I know, I know, it's STILL A 9.4! But it's the principle my friend, the principle. :)

You don't really think this is a marketing tactic to get a few more hits from a bunch of fanboys complaining over a 9.4 in some geek forums, do you?


Console Market Analyst
MrparisSM said:
Don't try to play this off as Gamespot being "tougher". They purposely gave Halo 2 that score full well knowing the type of reaction it would get. It was a "shock and awe" tactic to get more hits to their site. They're probably getting twice more hits than IGN because of it. Which is good for business, but that doesn't make it right.

You're pathetic.

Now, do I REALLY believe what I just said about you? Is it based on your track record of hyper-defensive behavoir in every Halo 2 thread since September 10th? Or am I just trying to get a few more people to add me to their buddy lists?



I agree with Kasavin on this, at least based on the text review (haven't seen the video review). I mean, if you KNOW the spoiler you will probably find it in the review, but if you don't know it I can't see how you would possibly be able to find it.
so i was reading this thread and pretty much laughing, because 9.4 is a great score...

then i read something disturbing, and it immediately caused me to react as follows:

wait a fucking minute, RIDDICK got a 9.4?


SomeDude said:
About 3 million people.

I always hated people claiming superiority based solely on popularity.

You may aswell tell people to eat shit, 100 billion flies can't be wrong.
Why argue about scores? Why even read the review? I am willing to bet that most people in this thread already decided whether or not they wanted to buy Halo 2 before reading the review.


For a Finer World
This hits a new low in the history of game reviews. And I meant the reaction to the GS review, not Kasavin's good work.

If Kasavin had just made his points on the plot being disappointing without providing any information as to how it disappoints, people would have complained even more. I think a professional reviewer should use even spoilers if he considers them relevant in making an informed judgement and argue it.

Halo 2 isn't perfect. It's just a very good game. Live with it.

And jesus, I'm still wondering why most reviews only complain about the ending, the few identikit corridors, the covenant focus and not about the Piranha Plant...


well, there's no way I could enjoy halo 2 now that I didn't read gamespot's review of it. the world is coming to an end!

now I've got to go home and put some water in cortana's dish.


If you don't want spoilers don't read the damn reviews. There always *some* kind of spoilers in every review. I never read reviews for this exact reason. Afterall the spoiler isn't recognizable if you haven't played the game. My opinion is that you wanted to bitch about GP's review and you found a reason.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Every review is going to have some sort of "spoiler", no matter how mild it might be. A friend of mine also wanted to avoid spoilers and he simply decided to AVOID every Halo 2 thread and not read any reviews. Piece of cake!

I still think Greg's review was the most honest of the bunch. Many of the other reviews simply restated so many of the known features and went on and on about its perfection when, in fact, it really isn't a perfect game. The GS review was CRITICAL of the game, which it should have been. A 9.4 is a good score, but it's even better when you realize how critical he seemed (which is why I trust his reviews the most).

Still, I really don't think the mentioning of the story was a big deal. He didn't go out and reveal the damn story, you know, just one element. It isn't even a suprise like MGS2 and Raiden, where Kojima went out of his way to fool everyone (creating fake footage, for example). You'll know about the plot elements mentioned in that review from the opening cutscene, it seems. Do you think the entire Halo 2 story will be revealed during the intro? Of course it won't be...
dark10x said:
Every review is going to have some sort of "spoiler", no matter how mild it might be. A friend of mine also wanted to avoid spoilers and he simply decided to AVOID every Halo 2 thread and not read any reviews. Piece of cake!

I still think Greg's review was the most honest of the bunch. Many of the other reviews simply restated so many of the known features and went on and on about its perfection when, in fact, it really isn't a perfect game. The GS review was CRITICAL of the game, which it should have been. A 9.4 is a good score, but it's even better when you realize how critical he seemed (which is why I trust his reviews the most).

Still, I really don't think the mentioning of the story was a big deal. He didn't go out and reveal the damn story, you know, just one element. It isn't even a suprise like MGS2 and Raiden, where Kojima went out of his way to fool everyone (creating fake footage, for example). You'll know about the plot elements mentioned in that review from the opening cutscene, it seems. Do you think the entire Halo 2 story will be revealed during the intro? Of course it won't be...

Probably the smartest thing in this post to counter the abject stupidity of the original poster


MrparisSM said:
Don't try to play this off as Gamespot being "tougher". They purposely gave Halo 2 that score full well knowing the type of reaction it would get. It was a "shock and awe" tactic to get more hits to their site. They're probably getting twice more hits than IGN because of it. Which is good for business, but that doesn't make it right.

I know, I know, it's STILL A 9.4! But it's the principle my friend, the principle. :)

The principle is that a 9.4 is a VERY GOOD FUCKING SCORE YOU IDOT

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
MrparisSM said:
Then they should have gotten the same person to do it then. There is no way in hell that Halo 2 should have gotten the same score as Riddick. Halo 2 has just a good a single player as riddick, PLUS A UNFUCKING BELIEVABLE XBOX LIVE GAME TACKED ON. It just doesn't make sense.

You know what doesn't make sense? Why he should give the game a score that YOU wanted to see. Greg K is the reviewer and it's his call on what the score should be. As a matter of fact, after reading their review and watching their video review, it seems as if Greg K could've rated it lower but didn't because his inbox would be filled with hate mail and death threats from little fanboys like you.

Justin Bailey

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MrparisSM said:
Don't try to play this off as Gamespot being "tougher". They purposely gave Halo 2 that score full well knowing the type of reaction it would get. It was a "shock and awe" tactic to get more hits to their site. They're probably getting twice more hits than IGN because of it. Which is good for business, but that doesn't make it right.
It's the Ninja Gaiden defense resurrected!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Don't try to play this off as Gamespot being "tougher". They purposely gave Halo 2 that score full well knowing the type of reaction it would get. It was a "shock and awe" tactic to get more hits to their site. They're probably getting twice more hits than IGN because of it. Which is good for business, but that doesn't make it right.


A 9.4 is an incredibly fair review and is much more accurate than all of the perfect 10s.
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