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Why the PC Should Become The Home Base for Every HardCore Gamer


There are just too many games that I consider essential that have never been and probably will never be on PC. Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Zelda, Mario, Persona, I mean you name it. Not to mention pretty much every handheld game.

how do you feel about all the essential PC exclusives released over the past, like, 2.5 decades?


I used to visit a blog dedicated to pc games. It had a pale blue and white theme and it outlined pc games either released or due to release in a given year. Would anyone here happen to know which blog I am talking about (I can't seem to find it).
I'm currently replaying Arkham City, and now have a graphics card that allows me to enable DX11, tesselation, 'extreme' detail and sweet AA. It just looks incredible, this is the way the game is meant to be played, this is what the devs put all that effort into creating. And it doesn't even include physx because I still can't manage that. So yeah, I love PC gaming.

In fact, it's a bit weird that the highest technological level of gaming still gets treated like a red-headed stepchild. Devs put all this effort into creating the best product for the PC, yet all the focus is still on consoles. That doesn't really happen in other areas of technology. High-end usually rules the roost, but over in the gaming ghetto, I don't even know when I'll get to play GTAV.
hmmmm you know, how about this kinda generalization safe statement?

If you enjoy tweaking stats and characters and builds and what not in a video game. You'd probably enjoy building a pc.

They are quite similar itches, for me at the very least.

imo the biggest problem with pc building atm is that, if it all works, its great! it's easy! But fuck when something isn't working. Taking things out one at a time trying to locate the issue. RMAing shit....


Junior Member
Right now the primary purpose of my PS3 and 360 is playing rentals of games I might later buy on PC. That, and my PS3 has basically become my fighting game machine.

I'll probably eventually snag a PS4 down the line as a rental machine as well, and because a bunch of niche Japanese games will probably still be exclusive to it.
I used to be a big PC gamer but I just don't like the direction its going at the minute since simulations seem to be on the way out and console ports seem to be on the way in. I enjoy a good, well done console port. But it seems it could quickly go the way of the really awful 90's era cash in that plagued the platform and the meat and potatoes genres seem to be just getting pushed out of the way. Something like Grand Prix 3 or Flight Sim X that would have been a huge mainstream PC release would now be shunted out of the way for something flashier from a console and I don't like the idea of those genres being pushed out of the way for something supersampled and upscaled up the wazoo, but in the end, is just a console game. I'd rather have something ugly as sin but does something new and different with the power of PC than just "Shinier console games". It's starting to really put me off the PC as a platform if the future is just "Console games on steroids".


I was considering going PC for a while, but there really just aren't that many PC exclusives I care about. More Japanese devs need to hop aboard PC.

I considered building a gaming PC for a while anyways just because of how great Steam sales are, but then I realized my laptop could run most games on at least low settings so I couldn't really justify the price.


I've been a PC gamer for the last few years and I'm definitely going PS4 + Vita next gen, not PC.

People talk about 60 fps, and even 120 fps with amazing IQ with tons of AA solutions and such. That's all very pretty but it's not true.
I just bought a new PC very recently for 1000€ and no, I cannot play everything maxed out at 60fps, much less 120 (lol). And I usually don't even use more than 2xAA, because if I do, then fuck you framerate.

Most games on PC are badly optimized, have a lot of stutterting issues where you need to constantly be researching to find a solution.

I have not been able to play The Witcher 2 on the 2 machines I've had since the game came out and I bought it.

I just bought Borderlands 2, a game that is pretty average looking, however it still stutters at points and can't hold 60fps.

I bought Metro 2033 and once again, 60fps is impossible ( and i'm not even using DOF ) however the game came out 2 years ago or something like that.

I bought Far Cry 3 and I had to lose about 1 hour or so just to get rid of the fucking Stutterting and Tearing.

These are just examples from my NEW PC ( 670 gtx, 16gb RAM, SSD, i7 3770k @ 4.2ghz). The list would be to big to write in my older ( but still decent) PC.

Anyone who says that PC's don't give any trouble and play everything at 60fps if you have a decent enough machine, and that everything is rose and flowers - is lying

Consoles might have framerate problems as well, but at least they don't cost me 1000€ and don't make me lose 1 hour of research for optimizations before playing a game. The thing that I hate this gen on consoles was the lack of 1080p, but that seems to be standard for next gen, so that's good enough for me.

The only reason I don't regret my recently bought PC is because it's actually awesome for my professional work, because other than that, I would have prefered to save the money.

Just my opinion though, to each his own :)


I think people go through phases depending on what stage in life they are at. If they are a college person, they are more likely to be a console-only person. If they are working all the time, they might be more apt to be into handhelds, if they are a parent they might gravitate towards the PC.

If you are going to school, working and a parent? You're probably only posting on GAF. :p


PC does take some know how there is no doubt about that.

I'm not sure how anyone could not get at least near 60 frames in Metro LL or Borderlands with a GTX 670 and 3770k. I imagine Phsyx is what is causing your issues as it's pretty tough on hardware. Or perhaps in Metro's case you have the in-game Supersampling turned on.

This argument though goes to a lot of people's points. Despite the fact you are not getting the framerate you think you should you are getting in the case of Metro at least a game that looks significantly better then the console versions and that's before you even get to the fact that you are running at a higher resolution. Far Cry 3 also has several effects that are missing in the console versions. Higher quality post-processing, higher res shadows, better texture quality, tesselation, higher precision AO etc etc. The idea that PC ports are the same excluding res/framerate is not true in most cases. A game like Dark Souls is the outlier. Most PC games have pretty significant improvements. Just looking at 2013 every game I've played (Hitman, Tomb Raider, Metro) all three Dx11 graphic improvements.
I've been a PC gamer for the last few years and I'm definitely going PS4 + Vita next gen, not PC.

People talk about 60 fps, and even 120 fps with amazing IQ with tons of AA solutions and such. That's all very pretty but it's not true.
I just bought a new PC very recently for 1000€ and no, I cannot play everything maxed out at 60fps, much less 120 (lol). And I usually don't even use more than 2xAA, because if I do, then fuck you framerate.

Most games on PC are badly optimized, have a lot of stutterting issues where you need to constantly be researching to find a solution. I have not been able to play The Witcher 2 on the 2 machines I've had since the game came out and I bought it.

I just bought Borderlands 2, a game that is pretty average looking, however it still stutters at points and can't hold 60fps.

I bought Metro 2033 and once again, 60fps is impossible ( and i'm not even using DOF ) however the game came out 2 years ago or something like that.

I bought Far Cry 3 and I had to lose about 1 hour or so just to get rid of the fucking Stutterting and Tearing.

These are just examples from my NEW PC ( 670 gtx, 16gb RAM, SSD, i7 3770k @ 4.2ghz)

Anyone who says that PC's don't give any trouble and play everything at 60fps if you have a decent enough machine, and that everything is rose and flowers - is lying

Consoles might have framerate problems as well, but at least they don't cost me 1000€ and don't make me lose 1 hour of research for optimizations before playing a game. The thing that I hate this gen on consoles was the lack of 1080p, but that seems to be standard for next gen, so that's good enough for me.

The only reason I don't regret my recently bought PC is because it's actually awesome for my professional work, because other than that, I would have prefered to save the money.

Just my opinion though, to each his own :)

There's no way you should be getting the problems you're getting with that rig. Something is wrong or faulty. Hardware, software, drivers, settings - could be a lot of things. Maybe take it in to a professional if you can't pinpoint the problem.

A lot of pc users have 20+ years of experience with them. I'm guessing you being new to PCs is causing you to miss something. Also, be careful of fiddling under the hood too much if you're not sure you know what you're doing.


There's no way you should be getting the problems you're getting with that rig. Something is wrong or faulty. Hardware, software, drivers, settings - could be a lot of things. Maybe take it in to a professional if you can't pinpoint the problem.

A lot of pc users have 20+ years of experience with them. I'm guessing you being new to PCs is causing you to miss something. Also, be careful of fiddling under the hood too much if you're not sure you know what you're doing.
Yeah, I have a little less powerful rig than that and I'm running Witcher 2 nearly maxed out @1080p no problem.


There's no way you should be getting the problems you're getting with that rig. Something is wrong or faulty. Hardware, software, drivers, settings - could be a lot of things. Maybe take it in to a professional if you can't pinpoint the problem.

A lot of pc users have 20+ years of experience with them. I'm guessing you being new to PCs is causing you to miss something. Also, be careful of fiddling under the hood too much if you're not sure you know what you're doing.

I'm not new to PC's. I've been gaming on PC's forever. It's not faulty hardware, I'm not the only one with these kinds of problems.
Just read the "official performance threads" of the many PC titles here on GAF.

That's just how PC gaming goes. If you don't have these sorts of problems, consider yourself lucky :p

That being said, when a game works well, it's obviously great on PC. The problem is that they don't often work this way.
But of course none of these points strikes to you as a plus, and some are even detrimental to your enjoyment, because as many others in this thread you are absolutely sure PC gaming has nothing to offer to you: you don't care about power, versatility, user generated content, outstanding exclusives, etc .
I do care about some of these things to a certain degree. It just happens that these things aren't exclusive to PC gaming which makes them moot points as to why my PC should be my primary platform.

ALL you care about is that small and *constantly shrinking* selection of games that are available just on consoles. Outside of those, there's nothing for you.
I have no complains about variety on my primary platform. On contrary, I can't keep up with all the interesting releases. That's why my primary platform will also be my only platform next-gen.

Fine, I'll make an effort to believe that you are not just going for a confirmation bias.
I guess people with extremely narrow tastes exist even on gaming forums.
Yes, I have bad taste because I prefer playing other games than you do. I'm so sorry you feel offended by it.
I want to be a PC gamer.
I really do.

I've just had bad experiences with a few games that really make me not want to even bother.
My Dell XPS 15 can't run Skyrim at 60FPS, but can run Saints Row 3, Borderlands, and many other games at 60FPS without an issue.

If I could get Skyrim to run correctly, I would think about it.
Until then, I'm 360/3DS/Wii/PS2.


Neo Member
I love PC gaming but have 2 issues with it.

1. When I'm on my PC at work for 9-10 hours a day, I really don't want to come home to sit on it again
2. I always run into a problem with one game that just won't run for some reason. I hate troubleshooting
I'm not new to PC's. I've been gaming on PC's forever. It's not faulty hardware, I'm not the only one with these kinds of problems.
Just read the "official performance threads" of the many PC titles here on GAF.

That's just how PC gaming goes. If you don't have these sorts of problems, consider yourself lucky :p

That being said, when a game works well, it's obviously great on PC. The problem is that they don't often work this way.

It's weird though. You mentioned Borderlands 2 and that really is not a demanding game at all. Leads me to think something specific may be wrong. Anyhoo.


I want to be a PC gamer.
I really do.

I've just had bad experiences with a few games that really make me not want to even bother.
My Dell XPS 15 can't run Skyrim at 60FPS, but can run Saints Row 3, Borderlands, and many other games at 60FPS without an issue.

If I could get Skyrim to run correctly, I would think about it.
Until then, I'm 360/3DS/Wii/PS2.

A laptop is not the same as a gaming pc. I don't say this to sound elitest. It is just not representative. Just like it would be odd to hear someone say "I'm not impressed with the 3DS so I am not buying a PS4."

The X13 is $1300 right now. For literally half that price, you could build a gaming PC that would murder it.

Just like with consoles, you have to know what you are buying. If someone went into a Gamestop tomorrow and bought an original original Xbox they would likely be disaapoint with it's capabilites compared to a 360 or PS3. If they concluded that console games suck as a result, that is the wrong message to take away.


1. When I'm on my PC at work for 9-10 hours a day, I really don't want to come home to sit on it again

I understand this. Get a second monitor and a longer HDMI cable and run the monitor in front of a comfy chair/couch. Or if you have a TV in the same room, run the HDMI to that. Combo with the 360 controller and bam!


I've been a PC gamer for the last few years and I'm definitely going PS4 + Vita next gen, not PC.

People talk about 60 fps, and even 120 fps with amazing IQ with tons of AA solutions and such. That's all very pretty but it's not true.
I just bought a new PC very recently for 1000€ and no, I cannot play everything maxed out at 60fps, much less 120 (lol). And I usually don't even use more than 2xAA, because if I do, then fuck you framerate.

Most games on PC are badly optimized, have a lot of stutterting issues where you need to constantly be researching to find a solution.

I have not been able to play The Witcher 2 on the 2 machines I've had since the game came out and I bought it.

I just bought Borderlands 2, a game that is pretty average looking, however it still stutters at points and can't hold 60fps.

I bought Metro 2033 and once again, 60fps is impossible ( and i'm not even using DOF ) however the game came out 2 years ago or something like that.

I bought Far Cry 3 and I had to lose about 1 hour or so just to get rid of the fucking Stutterting and Tearing.

These are just examples from my NEW PC ( 670 gtx, 16gb RAM, SSD, i7 3770k @ 4.2ghz). The list would be to big to write in my older ( but still decent) PC.

Anyone who says that PC's don't give any trouble and play everything at 60fps if you have a decent enough machine, and that everything is rose and flowers - is lying

Consoles might have framerate problems as well, but at least they don't cost me 1000€ and don't make me lose 1 hour of research for optimizations before playing a game. The thing that I hate this gen on consoles was the lack of 1080p, but that seems to be standard for next gen, so that's good enough for me.

The only reason I don't regret my recently bought PC is because it's actually awesome for my professional work, because other than that, I would have prefered to save the money.

Just my opinion though, to each his own :)

I am going to assume you are not exagerating to push an argument, which is big faith given how odd and abnormal those problems are. Regardless, That defimitely is not normal. There is a problem somewhere.

And I say that not to dismiss your problem but to say it not representative of the average performance. My Playstation 2 got to the point where it would take 5 minutes or more to read a disc amd some types of disc it would never read. When I worked ar Babbages/Gamestop, people would ask to see the bottom of the game disc to see if it was blue or silver (the silver being DVD) because one type would run in their system and another wouldnt. I had a 360 where the wireless controller port broke and I could only use wired controllers. In fact, I had 6 Xbox 360s break on me. Did I conclude that all consoles suck as a result of these issues? No, that would be silly.

My point is simply that faulty hardware happens everywhere and technical problems crop up for a minority of people. Those are not good reasons to dismiss an entire platform.


I am going to assume you are not lying, which is big faith given how odd and abnormal those problems are. Regardless, That defimitely is not normal. There is a problem somewhere.

And I say that not to dismiss your problem but to say it not representative of the average performance. My Playstation 2 got to the point where it would take 5 minutes or more to read a disc amd some types of disc it would never read. When I worked ar Babbages/Gamestop, people would ask to see the bottom of the ga,e disc to see if it was blue or silver (the silver being DVD) because one type would run in their system and another wouldnt. I had a 360 where the wireless controller port broke and I could only use wired controllers. In fact, I had 6 Xbox 360s break on me.

My point is simply that faulty hardware happens everywhere and technical problems crop up for a minority of people. Those are not good reasons to dismiss an entire platform.

I am 99% sure this isn't faulty Hardware. Many games run as they should. My graphic card and processor perform well in other operations that are not video-games ( renders and so forth ).

I have no reason to be lying. I wish my games would perform perfectly at 60fps with pristine IQ with tons of AA like the OP eludes to - after all, I spent 1000€+ on it.

Go to the Far Cry 3 performance thread, you will see MANY people with stuttering problems and screen tearing.
Do the same for the other games I mentioned. Borderlands is known for having a lot of problems when Physix is turned on.

The witcher 2 is a clusterfuck of problems. Just check the tech support on the official forums. On my previous rig I had constant stutter (even if the framerates were good) unless I played in Windowed mode.
On my current PC every time i try to change graphical settings individually the game's textures get turned to the lowest setting. If I use the highest graphic preset ( without changing individual settings), then I can't play with V-sync. I tried everything.

I finally came upon a solution in the official forums which required you to - uninstall the game, enter Steam in administrator mode, install the game and then change the config files to your liking. When I read this I just said "fuck it, it's not worth it." And it isn't.
This would NEVER happen on a console.

Just because you don't have these sorts of problems with your PC doesn't mean that they don't exist.
Just like I said, read the Performance threads here on GAF, you will see how many headaches PC gaming can cause.


No, thank you.

I'd rather become a retro-only (console-)gamer if excessive DRM keeps me from buying new systems.

I'm just too fond of many games that are exclusive to consoles, especially ones developed in Japan.

Many years ago I made the very conscious decision to switch from Amiga/PC to consoles for gaming, and never looked back.
These are just examples from my NEW PC ( 670 gtx, 16gb RAM, SSD, i7 3770k @ 4.2ghz). The list would be to big to write in my older ( but still decent) PC.

Anyone who says that PC's don't give any trouble and play everything at 60fps if you have a decent enough machine, and that everything is rose and flowers - is lying

You mention your specs, but not things like how much video card RAM you have. If you are cranking up your settings but don't have enough video card RAM, you will experience issues. Battlefield 3 for instance uses roughly 1.5GB of video ram on Ultra settings at 1920 X 1200, so if you try running at those settings with less than 1.5GB you will have issues.

I've last few PC games I've picked up Borderlands 2, Deadspace 3, Spec Ops: The Line, Hitman Absolution to name a few haven't given me any issues with my 7950 with 3GB or RAM and 2600K. I started up the games, tinkered with a setting or two and played, no crashes or issues. Saying everyone has issues is incorrect, sounds like some of the issues are on your end.

There's no way you should be getting the problems you're getting with that rig. Something is wrong or faulty. Hardware, software, drivers, settings - could be a lot of things. Maybe take it in to a professional if you can't pinpoint the problem.

A lot of pc users have 20+ years of experience with them. I'm guessing you being new to PCs is causing you to miss something. Also, be careful of fiddling under the hood too much if you're not sure you know what you're doing.


As was discussed earlier in this thread, if you go to any product forum on the internet you will read hundreds if not thousands of people with problems with the product. That is called the internet. That doesnt mean those problems are representative.

I literally had 6 Xbox 360s die. My PS2 would only read discs about 60% of the time. My Playstation 1 I had to flip on its side and tap it to get it to load games.

I dont therefore conclude that console gaming sucks just because I had these problems.


Every gamer worth anything, knows that the best home is all the systems.

PC for Multiplats and PS3 / Vita for exclusives is my poison. But these can be swapped around with other platforms.

By going PC only, you miss alot of good games. By going console only, you miss the best versions of multi games you would otherwise play on your console.

PC gaming alone is not enough for me. Though I should note if I could only have one platform, it would not be a PC. It would be a console.


You mention your specs, but not things like how much video card RAM you have. If you are cranking up your settings but don't have enough video card RAM, you will experience issues. Battlefield 3 for instance uses roughly 1.5GB of video ram on Ultra settings at 1920 X 1200, so if you try running at those settings with less than 1.5GB you will have issues.

I've last few PC games I've picked up Borderlands 2, Deadspace 3, Spec Ops: The Line, Hitman Absolution to name a few haven't given me any issues with my 7950 with 3GB or RAM and 2600K. I started up the games, tinkered with a setting or two and played, no crashes or issues. Saying everyone has issues is incorrect, sounds like the issues are on your end.


My card has 2gb RAM.

And I didn't say everyone has issues, I said that many people do, but those who don't tend to ignore it.
Just because your PC works flawlessly doesn't make PC gaming flawless. It's far from it, very far.

I will say it once again, go read the Performance Threads on GAF. Many people with many issues in there.


The witcher 2 is a clusterfuck of problems. Just check the tech support on the official forums. On my previous rig I had constant stutter (even if the framerates were good) unless I played in Windowed mode.
On my current PC every time i try to change graphical settings individually the game's textures get turned to the lowest setting. If I use the highest graphic preset ( without changing individual settings), then I can't play with V-sync. I tried everything.

I finally came upon a solution in the official forums which required you to - uninstall the game, enter Steam in administrator mode, install the game and then change the config files to your liking. When I read this I just said "fuck it, it's not worth it." And it isn't.
This would NEVER happen on a console.

You are half right. You are wrong that this never happens on console. Ask people playing Skyrim on PS3 definitely had similar problems tothis exact thing. The part that you are right about is jumping through hoops to find a solution. They did not have that option.


My card has 2gb RAM.

And I didn't say everyone has issues, I said that many people do, but those who don't tend to ignore it.
Just because your PC works flawlessly doesn't make PC gaming flawless. It's far from it, very far.

I will say it once again, go read the Performance Threads on GAF. Many people with many issues in there.

Just because your console experience has been flawless doesnt mean everyone else's is either.

The only difference here is that I don't dismiss all console gaming just because I and others have had problems.


Because PC gamers gave up their right to Gabe Newell before console gamers have a chance to give up theirs to Sony or Microsoft?


You mention your specs, but not things like how much video card RAM you have. If you are cranking up your settings but don't have enough video card RAM, you will experience issues. Battlefield 3 for instance uses roughly 1.5GB of video ram on Ultra settings at 1920 X 1200, so if you try running at those settings with less than 1.5GB you will have issues.
The 670 only comes as a 2GB and 4GB card, so he kind of did.
I am 99% sure this isn't faulty Hardware. Many games run as they should. My graphic card and processor perform well in other operations that are not video-games ( renders and so forth ).

I have no reason to be lying. I wish my games would perform perfectly at 60fps with pristine IQ with tons of AA like the OP eludes to - after all, I spent 1000€+ on it.

Go to the Far Cry 3 performance thread, you will see MANY people with stuttering problems and screen tearing.
Do the same for the other games I mentioned. Borderlands is known for having a lot of problems when Physix is turned on.

The witcher 2 is a clusterfuck of problems. Just check the tech support on the official forums. On my previous rig I had constant stutter (even if the framerates were good) unless I played in Windowed mode.
On my current PC every time i try to change graphical settings individually the game's textures get turned to the lowest setting. If I use the highest graphic preset ( without changing individual settings), then I can't play with V-sync. I tried everything.

I finally came upon a solution in the official forums which required you to - uninstall the game, enter Steam in administrator mode, install the game and then change the config files to your liking. When I read this I just said "fuck it, it's not worth it." And it isn't.
This would NEVER happen on a console.

Just because you don't have these sorts of problems with your PC doesn't mean that they don't exist.
Just like I said, read the Performance threads here on GAF, you will see how many headaches PC gaming can cause.
Using Witcher 2 and Far Cry 3 as examples of the performance one should expect playing PC games is a strawman to top all strawmen.
You are half right. You are wrong that this never happens on console,Ask people playing Skyrim on PS3 definitely had similar problems tothis exact thing. The part that you are right about is jumping through hoops to find a solution. They did not have that option.
This x1000000

The experience can be determined by ME. That thread definitely carries over to my taste in games too.


A few years back me and my roommates basically made a monument to console gaming on one wall, and had tons of fun playing stuff like Virtual On and Halo together with multiple TVs... only to watch the 360s die off one after the other, replacements shipped in only to die again, weeks in between having each console ready to go for local multi (since split screen was rare outside of Halo). And it's not like this isn't extremely common in console threads, but somehow in PC threads its all forgotten, only PCs break, only PCs have issues.

When I had a massive game collection, I had a 2600, an NES, a Genesis, all the first versions of each, that ran flawlessly (the NES had a part replaced cheaply). I had a Saturn and a Dreamcast ready to go at a moment's notice. There was a playable fucking Virtual Boy. But something changed with newer consoles. I went through several PS2s (the slim still works wonderfully!) ranging from disc read errors to flat out not booting up anymore. 360s dropped like flies. YLOD reared its ugly head. I even had a GameCube develop an issue where it would randomly stop reading discs.

Things have issues. At least with my PC I can diagnose and fix them. It takes time, research, and you spend more time doing stuff that isn't games, but you know... As the wonderful Peter Moore so aptly put it, things break. We can't pretend they don't just to make a point.

Yeah, that is a pretty huge advantage. I tried to fix a broken XBOx one time and gave up.

And it isnt just "breaking." If the console version plays at a shitty frame rate, you are stuck. If a PC version does you can tinker if you want OR you can just lower settings until it is smooth.


Because PC gamers gave up their right to Gabe Newell before console gamers have a chance to give up theirs to Sony or Microsoft?

Also this. To me, Steam is just as bad as a new console infested with DRM and mandatory online-connection. That's definitely not the way I want to continue building my gaming collection.


I love my gaming pc but consoles just have way more appealing exclusives. Not interested in mmos or rts games..
There are lots of "hardcore" people that pretty much can get their fix from consoles only, so I don't agree that EVERY "hardcore" gamer needs it. People whose diet consists mainly of Japanese games, or Nintendo-centric people, they don't need it.

I'm definitely in the camp that uses the PC as my "home base", though I also get every other console and handheld. Anybody that rolls any other way can be hardcore, but not... THAT hardcore. B-|


As was discussed earlier in this thread, if you go to any product forum on the internet you will read hundreds if not thousands of people with problems with the product. That is called the internet. That doesnt mean those problems are representative.

I literally had 6 Xbox 360s die. My PS2 would only read discs about 60% of the time. My Playstation 1 I had to flip on its side and tap it to get it to load games.

I dont therefore conclude that console gaming sucks just because I had these problems.

How many old 8/16 bit games did we have to blow into to make work. I can't tell you how many times it would take 15 minutes to get the cart to fit in just right to make the machines work.


Also this. To me, Steam is just as bad as a new console infested with DRM and mandatory online-connection. That's definitely not the way I want to continue building my gaming collection.

As soon as you download and install you can go offline entirely.

You have to get the games somehow.


The 670 only comes as a 2GB and 4GB card, so he kind of did.

Using Witcher 2 and Far Cry 3 as examples of the performance one should expect playing PC games is a strawman to top all strawmen.

Far Cry maybe, but I found Witcher 2 only really demanding if you turned on uber sampling. It is definitely true that it isn't representative in that it had some bigger optimization problems when it launched than is normal. I recently went back and played it, though and they seemed to have ironed them all out in the enhanced edition. I think a 660 w/ an i7 should be able to run it really well.
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