been wondering what is that they do? http://www.geocities.jp/boon_matome/boon-f.html
no only 3DS eShop / Wii U eShop
Thanks, you saved me from a horrible mistake
been wondering what is that they do? http://www.geocities.jp/boon_matome/boon-f.html
no only 3DS eShop / Wii U eShop
I had the same problem for a long time. Finally got it going by manually entering everything, and make sure the numbers in the IP after the last period aren't already occupied by another device. You could +10 or whatever to the last digit to be safe. For example if it's 1, make it 11. Or 12 or 13 or whatever until it works.
Probably something something convertion rate. Either way we get screwed on the eshop
Are different stores running different offers/prices or something? All Games barring ZombiU were £50 or less, nearly every title was "Get me for £25 when bought with a console" and the initial bundle for me was £350 for Deluxe, any game and start protector pack.
don't EU sales charts come one per week?
will we know sales numbers next week?
Thanks but that won't help me right now, my stupid OCD won't let me sleep until I find it. :-(Time to invest in some of these http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B009UONG1C/
Yep, that's right. If it's the same as the comp it won't work. Just keep changing the numbers on the Wii U until it works.You mean changing it on the PC or ,,make up'' these numbers on the WiiU? Last period already is 11, going by the data from my cmd so I guess I should try out the 20s or something until it works?
okay, I lied. I want trine 2. how much is it and has anyone bought it yet? how is the performance? any issues? can you play it on the gamepad?
speaking of which, how amazing and clear is the gamepad screen? I was blown away when I first turned it on. I can't wait to see what mario looks like it on.
Trine 2 is currently £10.99 but will go up in a few weeks. I'm buying it as Mighty Switch Force isn't available.
I've heard good things about it, and how it looks epic on the gamepad. I'll add you on my friends list and perhaps we can get some Trine 2 multiplayer on some time!!
thanks. that's just above the price I'd be willing to pay for digital games, on the wii u, but I think I'll take the hit this time.
oh definitely. I'll post my id as soon as the update finishes and installs. it;s currently at 35% or thereabouts. bloody hell, it feels like an eternity. I want to play zomibu and mario dammit, hurry up.
What the hell with the gamepad camera controls in Nintendoland? I like the up/down, but the twisting is just weird.
The gamepad is very comfortable to hold, but if I hold it so my fingers are resting on the triggers and my thumb is comfortable on the right stick, it's difficult to reach the main buttons.
After Christmas I'm planning on getting a hard drive. Does the WiiU let me move my current things over or do I have to re download everything?
What'd you do in the end? Just curious if it aligned with what I did.YEEEESSSSSSS!!! I FINALLY got it to connect to the Internet! THANK GOD! Phew... Updating now!
Pretty sure you can switch regions easily? I haven't done it, but I've heard. The Aus/Oceanic one is pretty good.Wait miiversie is region locked? most of the games communities are tiny on my uk wii u?.
Wait miiversie is region locked? most of the games communities are tiny on my uk wii u?.
Wait miiversie is region locked? most of the games communities are tiny on my uk wii u?.
I really don't understand the disparity in download times. I'm on a 10mb/s connection and it just finished after 40 minutes, just installing now.....
some games have merged data while others keep separate counts you can jump from different regions the tab has EU Japan Americas just jump between them
make sure your settings are not blocking regions as well
You can move everything from the Wii U to the HDD and vice versa anytime. No need to redownload your games
I.. I don't really know. I restarted it a couple of times to no avail. Then I decided to set up a different setting and that.. somehow worked even though it had IDENTICAL data to the first one.. Weird.. but yay!What'd you do in the end? Just curious if it aligned with what I did.
Do you have to wait for the pad to charge before switching on for the first time?
Mine finally arrived at 10:15 this morning!
I'm such a big kid, I spent the first half hour putting it next to all of the other Nintendo consoles, putting all the controllers I have for every console together and putting it next to my two 360s and ps3 for photos! Then because i thought why not ended up whipping out my handhelds and Psone etc. This despite having already seen people do most of that already on the internet!
I'm so happy it controls both my Sky HD box and my LG TV! It'd be nice if I could control my LG receiver (which controls my LG TV too) but I'm not too bothered.. amazingly easy setup!
just doing the update now. I'd booked the whole day off work but I might go in for the afternoon while this does its thing.
My brother moves back after a year or so of living away tonight so I'll be able to have a proper play session with the family
full disclosure: I am 29 years old. Don't feel it. Love console launches!
Mine finally arrived at 10:15 this morning!
I'm such a big kid, I spent the first half hour putting it next to all of the other Nintendo consoles, putting all the controllers I have for every console together and putting it next to my two 360s and ps3 for photos! Then because i thought why not ended up whipping out my handhelds and Psone etc. This despite having already seen people do most of that already on the internet!
I'm so happy it controls both my Sky HD box and my LG TV! It'd be nice if I could control my LG receiver (which controls my LG TV too) but I'm not too bothered.. amazingly easy setup!
just doing the update now. I'd booked the whole day off work but I might go in for the afternoon while this does its thing.
My brother moves back after a year or so of living away tonight so I'll be able to have a proper play session with the family
full disclosure: I am 29 years old. Don't feel it. Love console launches!
Surprised by the amount of compression artifacts on the pad. It's certainly still fine for gaming, though.