I noticed something interesting yesterday. I purchased two brand new black Wii U branded Motion Plus Wii Remotes and one of them is missing access to the sync button on the battery cover and on the rubber grip. The boxes and everything else is identical except one of the boxes has a "USZ" marking in small text on the top flap of the box. I'm not sure if this is significant nor am I sure which one came out of which box.
Can someone who purchased one of these that has access to the sync button on the battery cover and a hole to access the button on the rubber grip, tell me if you have the "USZ" marking? Additionally, is there any way to tell which boxes have the possibly 'updated' Wii U Remotes?
Ah crap dude! I had purchase a Wii one at Walmart because the black one I ordered from Amazon never came in until 2 days ago. Both have similar boxes so seeing your post I opened the black on it has no easy reach button you have to open the battery plate to reach it.
MAA RVL A WR USZ CO on the black with no easy button
MAA RVL A PN USZ CO on the white with easy button
they must have just been re-boxing old Wiimote Pluses to go into Wii U branded boxes the black one has a very thick Wii brand instruction book while the white one has a smaller Wii U branded single page folded paper
the boxes on the outside are identical besides the color of the Wiimote
the codes on the bottom are different from the codes above with I got from the papers inside
MAA RVL A PNKA USZ CO on the black box
MAA RVL A PNWA USZ CO on the white box
so PN would be the indicator for the new version but we are being cheated with older vision WR in some PN boxes
edit: okay I see the USZ on the flap for the white one with the easy button damn Amazon resellers

that black on really is useless