my wii u won't connect to my wifi, goddamn I tried like a hundred times already.
Got my first hardlock right now. Switched disks and it just froze.
What about the rest of ya'll?
Anyone else putting it in funky places just to get that little bit of extra wi-fi juice necessary for some bathroom gaming?
stopped playing nintendoland... I no longer get hardlocks.
With every purchase of software or add-on content, or download code redemption for downloadable software, or add-on content in Nintendo eShop on your Wii U, you can earn points at a rate of 6 points for each AUD (5 points for each NZD)* of the Nintendo eShop Price (inclusive of GST) of the respective download.
Actual number of points earned may be higher.
Once you have collected 500 points, you can redeem them for an activation code, which can be used to add funds equivalent to AUD 7.00 (or NZD 9.00 for New Zealand) to a Nintendo Network ID on a Wii U console, or to a Nintendo eShop account on a Nintendo 3DS or Nintendo 3DS XL system.
Nothing yet until this site gets updated: do you know if your account or whatever has the digital premium thing activated?
I have a quick question, not sure if this is the right thread to ask, but I've been experiencing some syncing problems with the Wii U and the Gamepad. Everything has been fine up until today when it randomly started doing it. I have received prompts on the Gamepad to move closer to the Wii U, as well as the Gamepad completely losing its connection from the Wii U.
I guess what I'm asking is if the problem has occurred for anyone else and if there is a fix for it.
Had Wii U since midnight launch... main menu Wara Wara plaza stilll only diplays Nintendo messages not online Miiverse stuff. Would be really grateful for any help!
Wow. Little Inferno is amazing.
Yes, it is short (the fact that I've beaten a Wii U game barely one day after EU launch should tell you a lot) but apart from a few minutes of Nintendoland and Mario, that's all I've played today. I'd rather have a short game I'll remember in 5 years than 30 hours of forgettable dross.
And yes, the game almost entirely consists of you burning things to get more coins in order to burn more things, but it is still awesome.
A word of advice - go in completely blind, don't read any spoilers on the internet.
I had that problem too till I moved my wii U out of it's protective lead vault.
j/k of course, sounds like it could be some sort of interference problem. Are there a lot of wifi signals in the area?
Well it's plausible Nintendo would release a harddrive, but I do questions it's magic system-speeding abilities!
edit: holy shit I just bothered to check and he's not insane. Time for me to eat crow. Although he told me it was $30 and the one on their site is $80. Will it actually speed the system up or is it justused for more storage?
NANO ASSAULT. Buy it and have fun dude!
Any source on that? I can't find anything about it anywhere other than a single person posting on GameFAQs, making the same claim that he works at Gamestop and heard it there (maybe the same guy?)
stopped playing nintendoland... I no longer get hardlocks.
ugh. repulsive pricing on that thing.
I haven't seen my avatar icon once since I bought the WiiU.Is it a frequent problem or something that just happens once in a while?
Nano Assault, get Switch Force on 3DS, the 3D really adds to the game. As to which is more fun, they are both score based at heart but different genres of course, they are both fun in their own right.Mighty Switch Force or Nano Assault Neo? After buying some games I still have around $15 left on the account and not sure which one to get.
Common GAF, which one is more fun (can't really decide from watching the videos lol)?
Hooray, Australian WaraWara plaza finally became proper
Wii U pad, 360 pad and Dualshock 3 are all great controllers. I could only see someone not liking the Wii U pad if they've got some tiny feminine hands.
Yeah, just random it seems.Was it just at random? mines just stuck of the normal nintendo stuff.
Hooray, Australian WaraWara plaza finally became proper
this is getting out of control, there's no way for me to manage to connect this thing to the internet.
i tried the think about turning off the wii u, deleting the internet settings, re-enter them manually, and still nothing.
here are some screenshots of my router setup
for obvious reason i'm not showing my wi-fi password
here are the settings i entered on my Wii U:
SSID: Ravenloft
Security: WPA2-PSK (AES)
Subnet Mask:
DNS 1:
DNS 2:
Proxy: no
MTU: 1500
error i get:
i know the signal from the router is not a problem, it's extremely close and when the wii u search for wi-fi it has the max amount of signal