I hate that TVii will become to top Miiverse community in record time... I have not really had any use of it can't hardly load it but two times and don't have cable
Miiverse is for games dammit let's kick TVii out!
In video games assets are ideally only drawn/rendered when they're on the screen. Sometimes games are poorly optimised, or too demanding for hardware, and you get asset pop-in, where objects will appear out of thin air when you're in range of them rendering. Simple and common example: npcs in sandbox games. They only actually render when they're close enough to the player, even if you can see for miles. It's necessary to prevent the framerate tanking.
Warriors 3 has such atrocious pop-in optimisation that enemies will render in and out of existence even in the middle of a fight. You can be right in the thick of a big group and the edges will disappear/appear as you rotate the camera, even if they're still technically on screen and close. You can run towards a mob of X size, only to find them tripple in size when you're in fighting range. I've been trampled by horseback units in their charging animation because the game didn't render them until they were literally one foot in front of me. A battalion of horseback soldiers appearing out of thin air on top of you.
I'm pretty tolerant of framerate and graphical oddities as long as shit still works and is consistent. Warriors 3's pop-in is so bad it actively hurts the game's design. Low standards will tolerate it, but I think the port is horrible and not worth support.
that was one of my next downloads for next week I downloaded Tekken instead of it a few weeks ago but it was highly recommended when I asked here but in videos it looked really bad to me.
I'll skip on your feedback
Batman tomorrow when my check clears
Thanks for the opinions on Orochi 3, I'll avoid for now.
Any opinions onNinja Gaiden?
Pretty good replacement for the above
Kinda the same gameplay when you think about having wave after wave of enemies coming at you in Ninja Trials, which I have been grinding through since beating Ninja Gaiden 3 RE on Hero to unlock my Momiji DLC and waiting for Kasumi. This game has become my most played in total in my activity log
had a lot of fun and discovered many glitches that the only fix was to reload my last save point. (when I say "many" I mean 2 glitches lol)
The game was very hard and intense in some level difficulties I find some of the QTEs impossible at times. Very frustrating, my hands hurt, I sweat, I want to hurl my gamepad but I remember how expensive it is and not sold anywhere lol.
my score was 7.5 after beating it on Hero but I am thinking 8.5 after grinding with Momiji and seeing Kasumi on video the replay value alone was worth it.