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Will Nintendo Switch reach the sales of the Sony PS2?

Will the Nintendo Switch reach the sales of the Sony PS2?

  • Yes

    Votes: 129 58.4%
  • No

    Votes: 92 41.6%

  • Total voters


You could live in your own reality all you like, nobody is convincing you otherwise, but you are trying to convince me that my perspective is outside of reality which I don't agree.
It's not my own reality. That's my point. Yours is of the opinion and the burden is on you to explain why you think otherwise.


It's not my own reality. That's my point. Yours is of the opinion and the burden is on you to explain why you think otherwise.
I don't have the burden of explain anything, because I'm not trying to convince you, I don't claim to be fact or reality, I don't force my opinion upon you, however you insist your opinion equal the absolutely fact or reality and I'm living outside of reality, which is something I do not agree, but I'm not trying to change your mind.
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Its your freedom of holding Wikipedia as an source, I don't care
Yea, they're sources among others. Which should let everyone know it's not of MY opinion of what a video game console is, and what the Switch is. That's the reality.
So, why do you keep on responding?


Yea, they're sources among others. Which should let everyone know it's not of MY opinion of what a video game console is, and what the Switch is. That's the reality.
So, why do you keep on responding?
Because you are quoting me none stop? and you are the one who started quoting me first?
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Yea because I'm bored I made a point. Are you saying I can't make a point to your ridiculous statements?
What are you drinking? When did I ever cared about your opinion? Make whatever point you wish, its your freedom, you don't need my validation. And I don't need yours


How many time do I have to answer this question? I don't take orders from you
This is obviously an ego battle here which has become a time waster for both of us. It's ok to admit. But in the end, I made my points with examples and sources which is based on the facts and reality. It is not of MY opinion of what things are. It just is what it is. I'm sorry you don't like that. I just expected a rebuttal to maybe learn something from a different perspective and you haven't even closely provided that.

I was doing this for fun cause I was bored, but this is becoming something you desperately need.
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This is obviously an ego battle here which has become a time waster for both of us. It's ok to admit. But in the end, I made my points with examples and sources which is based on the facts and reality. It is not of MY opinion of what things are. It just is what it is. I'm sorry you don't like that. I just expected a rebuttal to maybe learn something from a different perspective and you haven't even closely provided that.

I was doing this for fun cause I was bored, but this is becoming something you desperately need.
Its good that you finally realizing what you were doing, it is an ego battle when you start issuing orders, and force your opinion upon other, I already told you I agree to disagree, which means I don't care about battling you

You are the one who started quoting me, and claim my reality is unreal, yet you have not provide anything to convince me, thus I've told you let's agree to disagree because I have no intention of arguing with you. However, when you started this inserting dominance mode and request that I either agree with you or stop responding, this is where you cross the line, I don't take orders from you, thus I have no obligation to do as you commended.

But I still keep my original stance, I agree to disagree, with mutual respect, however I don't take order from you, I'm free to express myself as long as I don't break any rule, period.

And Lastly, I am curious to what extend a console warrior could push someone, although that is not my main reason of responding to you, I've stated that pretty clearly before
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It good that you finally realizing what you were doing, it is an ego battle when you start issuing orders, and force your opinion upon other, I already told you I agree to disagree, which means I don't care about battling you

You are the one who started quoting me, and claim my reality is unreal, yet you have not provide anything to convince me, thus I've told you let's agree to disagree because I have no intention of arguing with you. However, when you started this inserting dominance mode and request that I either agree with you or stop responding, this is where you cross the line, I don't take orders from you, thus I have no obligation to do as you commended.

But I still keep my original stance, I agree to disagree, with mutual respect, however I don't take order from you, I'm free to express myself as long as I done break any rule, period.
The Nintendo Switch is a Hybrid Console 😜
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Eddie-Griffin Eddie-Griffin Fahdis Fahdis As much as I like Switch which is my preferred platform due to portability, I personally just tired of marketing gimmicks. I remember back in February in one of random thread we have like this three camp of people debating, one camp think its a home console, another one think its a hybrid, and the third one think its a handheld @IFireflyl , and it was pointless, this kind of debate always ends in agree to disagree, everyone are entitled to their own opinion.

For me personally I think its "a handheld that come with a packed in HDMI/USB hub, with an innovative but terrible built quality and uncomfortable controller". Maybe a lot people do consider it a hybrid or home console, you don't have to give me the statistics I totally believe they would, this just shows people buys into marketing gimmicks, it has nothing to do with proving what the device actually is. Its just like Sega claim Genesis had blast processing but in reality it just had a slightly faster CPU, but people buy into that in the 90s and it took decades to debunk that crap. You see marketing is like a jackpot, sometimes you hit it, some time it went terrible, like when PS3 is announced they just have to market it as a "its not a game console, it's the center of home entertainment that have super computer capability" and we all see how stupid that was, but sometimes marketing did worked like in the case for Genesis and Switch. Nintendo at least from Wii era they decided they can not compete with Microsoft or Sony in terms of raw power, so they tried all different type of weird stuff and marketing with mixed results, and Switch is one of their most successful experiment.

What I'm saying is I'm personally not a fan of marketing gimmicks, I like to see the plastic box as how exactly it is so "a handheld that come with a packed in HDMI/USB hub, with an innovative but terrible built quality and uncomfortable controller" is fine for me (Why? Because the device had the power and performance of of a handheld, I think most sane people will not set their expectation for it to have identical graphic and performance of a XBOX or Playstation, adding a Hub doesn't change that fact, its just like I wouldn't expect a Laptop of having the same performance as a Desktop even if the said Laptop brand marketed as a hybrid PC with a packed in Hub and M/K, It just sound silly). Just like for me back then "PS2 was a game console that was disguised as DVD player to trick parent to buy the damn thing". In terms of honesty, I have to give props to Steam deck, it marketed as a handheld PC instead of "Super Hybrid all in one device capable of every type of workflow" and trust me valve adding a dock for the damn thing is cheaper than you think.

I might trigger a lot of warriors, but that's just my opinion, agree to disagree. I personally don't have brand loyalty to any plastic box


And as for the topic, there are many possibilities, it already surpassed PS4 in a lesser amount of time, Switch sold 100 million in 5 year which PS4 had around 86 million in 5 year, if Nintendo decided they are confident with the Switch and giving it another 5 years lifespan, it could definitely surpass PS2, but I think when we were to compare sales here, lets not forget the amount of time is also a important statistic, like how long for it to reach a certain number should also factored in. Just like in my prior example, I would say Switch already surpassed PS4 in terms of sales despite the total sales number is still around 10 million behind (117 million for PS4), but PS4 had like 5 years to reach 86 million while Switch did more than 100 million in 5 year. PS3 was officially launched in the end of 2006 which is 6 years after PS2 launched where they shifted focus to newer generation, giving a 6 year of focus, although I used to be a GameCube guy, but that number is pretty incredible if you ask me. It just felt weird to me let say if Nintendo continue to focus on Switch for 10+ year gap to their next gen device, to compare its sale number to something with a 6 years gap generation, but that's just me.

Appreciate your input :) I just don't care for Tribalism. I have a Switch through my wife and an NVidia Shield TV with GeForce Now. My last console was a PS4 Pro. And I think it will stay that way. I will go with a great PC build and thats about it.

I Master l

I dont have numbers but it seems the Switch is not nearly as successful in the
Middle East and Africa as the PS2 or even the PS4
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HofT HofT SeraphJan SeraphJan

Impressive persistence both.

Reminds Me of:

SeraphJan SeraphJan you might want to take a class in logic and debate since you keep labelling facts 'opinions' and you seem to think facts can be debated.

The person couldn't understand that I was pointing out the sake of generality. It's easier to just call anything what it's marketed as so formal discussions can happen like this thread. Instead the poster rather deter the discussion away because of their insistence of their own self centric viewpoint thus ruining the main discourse. The fallacy and lack of awareness of their only point about marketing gimmicks was addressed but no comprehensive discussion was rebuttaled. I can't nor should anyone agree to disagree and ignore logic of the mass census in the labelling of this particular niche. Regardless, it was fun seeing someone act in that manner over the semantics of gaming consoles.
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The person couldn't understand that I was pointing out the sake of generality. It's easier to just call anything what it's marketed as so formal discussions can happen like this thread. Instead the poster rather deter the discussion away because of their insistence of their own self centric viewpoint thus ruining the main discourse. The fallacy and lack of awareness of their only point about marketing gimmicks was addressed but no comprehensive discussion was rebuttaled. I can't nor should anyone agree to disagree and ignore logic of the mass census in the labelling of this particular niche. Regardless, it was fun seeing someone act in that manner over the semantics of gaming consoles.
You two could form your circlejerk, you deserve each other, good luck
I think, for reasons probably beat to death already, that it will happen.

It has the handheld effect. Just one per house isn’t enough, and it’s cheap enough to push people into that. If it ever gets a price drop, watch out. A $249 Switch or SWOLED is the equivalent of the $99 atomic purple N64 bundle or the $199 platinum GameCube deal.

Only risk is how problematic the supply chain issues are and what Nintendo’s strategy is. Do they continue to produce Switch consoles a year or two after the successor? Maybe they do because they want a high margin, low cost alternative to the next machine. At the same time they could prefer cost savings and moving their userbase to the new system.

I think they would choose to coexist for a while, so long as supply allows. Nintendo doesn’t want to upset the newcomers who just bought a Switch right before the new system and also knows it will take some time before they’ll have a sizable userbase. I see it playing out very similar to the 3DS to Switch transition, but hopefully with backwards compatibility.


The person couldn't understand ....

Couldn't or wouldn't? When someone refuses to directly engage with the substance of your points and talks over and around you, and when they refuse to acknowledge facts as different from opinion, you are dealing with someone arguing in bad faith.

It may be fun for a while but it is also draining because there is no meeting point or way to reach a sensible conclusion

I go in hard when facts are being undermined because expertise is already regularly devalued and these people think their opinion is equally valid just because they hold it which is patently false. It's not about toys and videogames. It's about defending and upholding the basic conceptions of reality and truth.
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Gold Member
This has been such an enlightening discussion! I feel so enriched!

Think Winter Olympics GIF by Team USA


OK, since I played a role in derailing this thread, let me make a (probably quixotic) attempt to put it back on track by answering the titular question:

Yes, I think the Switch will probably outsell the PS2, but I also think there's a lot of uncertainty, because we have essentially no idea what Nintendo's strategy will be for the next few years. I can see a few possibilities:

1. Nintendo releases a "Switch Pro" or some other revision that improves upon the base Switch while still technically remaining part of the Switch family and doesn't release a true successor until holiday 2024 (or, hell, maybe later). In this case, I think 155+ million is essentially guaranteed and some really crazy shit like 200 million might be possible, since it would revitalize demand for the console without replacing it.

2. Nintendo releases a successor that's essentially a Switch 2: fully backwards compatible, same form factor, but counted as a separate console for sales purposes. They cut the price of the OG Switch, and continue to produce it, marketing it as an entry level system. They release a mix of software that plays on both systems (especially games like Mario Party and Switch Sports that are marketed towards families) and games that are exclusive to the Switch 2 (3D Zelda, 3D Mario, Xenoblade 4, Metroid, etc.). This is another instance where the Switch should exceed the PS2 pretty easily, though I think the ceiling is lower than in the previous scenario.

3. Nintendo releases a Switch successor soon (sometime between Spring 2023 and Spring 2024) and make a swift transition to exclusively supporting the new system, producing fewer OG Switch units and few to no major new OG Switch games after the successor launches. The only reason that I can think of that Nintendo might opt for this approach is the semiconductor shortage. They might simply not be able to produce and support two hardware lines simultaneously. This is the scenario where the Switch probably ends up short of the PS2, probably ending its life in the neighborhood of 135 - 145 million units.

4. Nintendo tries to limp the current Switch model through a couple more years while they wait for semiconductor production capacity to return to prepandemic levels and then release a successor in holiday 2024 or spring 2025. There's nothing to revitalize interest in the device (besides software, but even interest in that declines as Nintendo stockpiles titles for the successor's launch year). There are no substantial price cuts. Hardware sales decline (possibly sharply) for the next couple years. This is basically the "twilight of the Wii" scenario. I think the Switch's chances of outselling the PS2 would basically be a tossup in this hypothetical universe. The main questions would be "Does Nintendo hit their 21 million unit goal for this fiscal year?" and "Can Nintendo average 15 million units for the next two fiscal years?" and I think you would be bullshitting if you claimed to know the answer to either.


Really, Switch Lite sales should not count towards the Switch's total sales since out of the box it's strictly a dedicated handheld console

Switch- 92 m
Switch Lite- 19 m

Going by that measure I think the Switch will fall short of the PS2.
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Gold Member
Really, Switch Lite sales should not count towards the Switch's total sales since out of the box it's strictly a dedicated handheld console

Switch- 92 m
Switch Lite- 19 m

Going by that measure I think the Switch will fall short of the PS2.
I think it is fair to include the Lite sales. They play exactly the same games made to meet the same system requirements (baring a few physical ones that require some of the Switch features), and the normal Switch can be just like the Lite. I'd only consider it a new console if the compute power changes significantly and/or the physical form does.

Yes, the Switch is two taking the place of two combined markets, but it is just one console.

Anyway, with declining sales, it heading towards six years from release, I don't see the Switch breaking 158 million unless Nintendo keep it around as the cheap alternative to whatever their next console is (even if they keep the cartridge/card format).


I think it is fair to include the Lite sales. They play exactly the same games made to meet the same system requirements (baring a few physical ones that require some of the Switch features), and the normal Switch can be just like the Lite. I'd only consider it a new console if the compute power changes significantly and/or the physical form does.

Yes, the Switch is two taking the place of two combined markets, but it is just one console.

Anyway, with declining sales, it heading towards six years from release, I don't see the Switch breaking 158 million unless Nintendo keep it around as the cheap alternative to whatever their next console is (even if they keep the cartridge/card format).
As you said though, the physical form factor is different enough where there are games that cannot be played on Switch Lite like Super Mario Party which sold quite well. I can understand the brand's total sales but between the two they are different enough where some game cannot be played on the handheld and that's a big factor a consumer needs to consider. So, when we're tallying the total sales which is about the purchase of the consumer, it does make sense to divide them, which Nintendo does.
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I will say yes, but Nintendo needs to reduce the price of the Switch Lite to $99, if they want to hit 150mil quickly.


Gold Member
As you said though, the physical form factor is different enough where there are games that cannot be played on Switch Lite like Super Mario Party which sold quite well. I can understand the brand's total sales but between the two they are different enough where some game cannot be played on the handheld and that's a big factor a consumer needs to consider. So, when we're tallying the total sales which is about the purchase of the consumer, it does make sense to divide them, which Nintendo does.
You can play Mario Party on a Switch Lite. It ain't a great experience, but you can.


You can play Mario Party on a Switch Lite. It ain't a great experience, but you can.
Not out of the box. We cannot dock the Switch Lite, nor does it support tabletop mode, so that means you cannot play Super Mario Party on the console as is. As you said if the physical form factor is different enough and certain games cannot be played then it's different. I know I'm picking at the nuances but it is a big factor to consider as a consumer which obviously affect the total sales. The consumer has to make a decision between the two and see which one to get based on their needs and wants which makes the Switch and Switch Lite different enough. Switch is a Hybrid Console and the Switch Lite is a Handheld Console.
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I saw a post that included like three provably false claims (most Switch owners use it exclusively as a handheld,

Which isn't what I actually said, and the fact you posted a chart from nintendo actually backing up what I actually said shows you know you're lying. Your own chart from Nintendo said that more people exclusively uses the Switch as a portable more than a console exclusively more, and everything else you just spun in your imagination.

the Switch's best selling software is mostly from traditionally handheld series
Also misworded, but the core is true and you have not provided anything proving otherwise, I never said there wer eno console best sellers, the best selling games for the Switch added up overwhelming are lopsided to games you'd typical find on the 3DS, or portable entries of usually console famous franchises and the mechanics involved.

But the point which went over your head, or you just dishonestly omitted, is that the Switch isn't competing with consoles and the handheld audience is what most sales for the Switch are coming from. This should be obvious.

Nintendo said the Switch was the successor to the 3DS
Funny how you're acting like the post addressing that doesn't exist so you can mislead people on what the conversation was about,.

1...2..33 look at that 3 lies by a dishonest person, may as well rename yourself Projection Tout because that's all you did here is be dishonest. Not surprising.
So, because Nintendo said the "NX" wasn't replacing Wii U, does that necessarily mean the Switch doesn't fill that space?

This doesn't work because Nintendo said the Switch was not a replacement for the Wii U AND the 3DWS. Then said they were moving away from the Wii U, and then said they were moving away from the Wii U and the Wii. You seem to have forgotten about this.

This device has many ports and sequels of home console games,
Never said it didn't have any, you're poisoning your own argument.

You're clearly glossing over this as a supporting argument as if the library is somehow a spiritual successor of the 3DS when shit loads of home console games have landed on Switch from 1st and 3rd parties.
I glossed over nothing. You're creating your own argument I never made, I said the best selling titles were of the portable reality overall and they are, it's completely lopsided, either handheld games or iterations or handheld variations of usually consoles games using handheld mechanics, which you saw with the DS, the 3DS, the PSP, and the Vita. There's this very strange attempt to act as if the Switch is competing with Xbox and PS when it doesn't, it does have games that are effectively console games, and some work even better when docked than undocked arguably, doesn't change the fact that the handheld focused or modified software isn't the dominant of hardware sales, especially recently if you exclude older releases.

Home console games have landed on those other portables too, and then there were games that seemed like home console games but mechanically were changed to benefit portable hardware play, these are the software YOU are glossing over. They've always been there along with the general handheld focused software releases, they aren't new tot he Switch, but when yo ignore them they may seem new, or maybe you'll mislabel them console games. In anycase when you look at the best selling titles it's not in console softwares favor, AND a good chunk of the best selling console software came from earlier in the life cycle where there was nothing much to play which also needs to be taken into consideration in how the gap is widening. You can't nitpick lists.

The Switch is a traditional gaming platform just like Playstation and Xbox.

No it's not, even Nintendo doesn't say this.

Also, notice that Sony also discontinued their dedicated handheld game machine. Neither Sony nor Nintendo make a dedicated handheld anymore, but they chose different routes to get to this point with Sony relying on remote play and cloud streaming for their on the go experience.

This doesn't even make sense, you're randomly bringing Sony up to make a point that doesn't actually have anything to do with the conversation. First off, the Switch is a "dedicated" handheld by definition, if you mean it's not a traditional handheld console or a handheld only console, well that applies to every handheld that can connect to a TV too.

But Nintendo discontinuing the 3DS, and btw, also the Wii U which you didn't include, has nothing to do with the Switch being a as you say "traditional" console. It's not one, that was the whole point of Nintendos PR.
As much as many don't want to admit it or bat an eye, pirating will determine if the Switch can surpass the PS2. Nintendo didint learn from the Wii, Wii U and 3DS in making a more robust, more secure OS and copy protection.


You need a console to pirate games for the console. This reminds me of people who argued the same thing for the PSP, it only impacts software sales.

Only if a cheap Switch 1 will still be sold while Switch 2 is on the market.

Profit margins are low, Nintendo didn't touch the Wii U price at all, and outside temporary deals Nintendo has done the same with all models of Switch. PS4 Pro and Xbox One X never dropped their prices either, and despite cheaper easier to produce design, Microsoft never reached $99 with the One S, I don't even think they officially dropped it to $199.

Maybe when Switch 2 or whatever it's called comes out they may cut the Switchs price but there's a chance they won't and if they do I'm not sure if it'll be something like $100 it may just be $50. When the Series X and the PS5 launched both the PS4 Slim and the One S were $299, the Pro was $399, and the One X was $499.

Only the short-lived all digital edition of the Xbox One S was officially $249. So if cutting the price was so unfeasible for nearly all of last gen, then with the custom parts combined with the Nvidia chip in the Switch may prevent Nintendo from touching the price at all, and if they did likely a small discount.
You're right, I don't care about what a console or handheld is in English,

What does this even mean? it's the same thing as what they are in your language lol.
There are probably more households with multiple switches then there ever was with multiple ps2's. Parents buy these for each of their kids in many household, especially the lite variant.

I think there's a bit of hyperbole on how MANY families are buying Switch for Each member of the family. If it was that much more than the amount of PS2's and early model PS2 slims that broke down and had to be brought again the witch would have higher sales than it by now. This is also true for people who played multiple generations of DVD on those PS2's and ended up with dead units or laser issues in that way.

The Switch on the other hand, has proven to be more reliable of a machine.

Really, Switch Lite sales should not count towards the Switch's total sales since out of the box it's strictly a dedicated handheld console

Switch- 92 m
Switch Lite- 19 m

Going by that measure I think the Switch will fall short of the PS2.

I think you are in the wrong location, this is the Switch thread, not the Xbox Series S thread, there you will find many members using your same excuse.


Gold Member
I think there's a bit of hyperbole on how MANY families are buying Switch for Each member of the family. If it was that much more than the amount of PS2's and early model PS2 slims that broke down and had to be brought again the witch would have higher sales than it by now. This is also true for people who played multiple generations of DVD on those PS2's and ended up with dead units or laser issues in that way.

Maybe, maybe not. We are working off of assumptions here so we cannot have a concrete answer to this.

I'm coming from the mindset that many Nintendo games skew towards younger players and as a parent myself, two Nintendo switch lites makes a lot of sense in a multi-child household. $400 bucks gets two children a game console that can be used everywhere while costing less than a single premium gaming console. It solves a lot of problems and I don't believe that is lost on most parents, and anecdotally it wasn't lost on me or some of my friends with kids.

I believe that one should also take into account that for the most part, local split screen multiplayer was a lot more prevalent in the PS2 era vs today's market. In many cases, the only way to play multiplayer on many games today is to have two consoles. The PS2 did a better of servicing two users just due to how games were made back then. Of course this doesn't ring true to Nintendo's first party releases, which more often than not, caters their games to the couch co-op crowd.

As far as resales due to hardware failure favoring PS2, I myself have experienced this. I had a side hustle as a 12 year old fixing friends ps2's. I would counter this by bringing up the fact that the switch is a handheld device, that in many cases, are in the hands of children. I would reason that just as many are damaged by drop or spill damage compared to the number of faulty ps2's due to bad lasers or dvd drive belts.

All in all, these are just assumptions I'm making so I could be completely wrong. I also rambled on way to long about this.
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I think you are in the wrong location, this is the Switch thread, not the Xbox Series S thread, there you will find many members using your same excuse.
It's nitpicking at the subtle nuances between the Switch and Switch Lite but it's true. Out of the box there are some games that cannot be played on Switch Lite. It's also a dedicated handheld console. The same cannot be said about the Series S/X. Out of the box they play the same games.
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Maybe, maybe not. We are working off of assumptions here so we cannot have a concrete answer to this.

I'm coming from the mindset that many Nintendo games skew towards younger players and as a parent myself, two Nintendo switch lites makes a lot of sense in a multi-child household. $400 bucks gets two children a game console that can be used everywhere while costing less than a single premium gaming console. It solves a lot of problems and I don't believe that is lost on most parents, and anecdotally it wasn't lost on me or some of my friends with kids.
Issue is you are at least in the US and some other countries, pushing aside income discrepancy, because many families can't buy two $300 machine and another $300 worth of games over a year or two. Unlike the PS2 which had dropped in price quickly in comparison and had another use.

As far as resales due to hardware failure favoring PS2, I myself have experienced this. I had a side hustle as a 12 year old fixing friends ps2's. I would counter this by bringing up the fact that the switch is a handheld device, that in many cases, are in the hands of children. I would reason that just as many are damaged by drop or spill damage compared to the number of faulty ps2's due to bad lasers or dvd drive belts.

All in all, these are just assumptions I'm making so I could be completely wrong. I also rambled on way to long about this.

Nintendo and retail stores have much better warranties and replacement plans than back then, and protection accessories which wouldn't be thought of for a home console. I've seen cracked screens myself but I doubt the rate of kids breaking the Switches are so high, especially with a case and/or screen protectors, that it's a substantial amount of Switch sales. I'd see the numbers at Ps2 or past it if that was the case given how many people even witht he sales decline, are still buying Millions of $00 Switches without a price drop, and a lower but still large amount of people paying more for the OLED.

Now, one thing to consider though is the OLED version. It's not been too long since it's released and there have been numerous reports on screen problems, so over the next year or two that my become a factor. I don't know if it will be a substantial issue, but it may be.


Gold Member
Issue is you are at least in the US and some other countries, pushing aside income discrepancy, because many families can't buy two $300 machine and another $300 worth of games over a year or two. Unlike the PS2 which had dropped in price quickly in comparison and had another use.

Nintendo and retail stores have much better warranties and replacement plans than back then, and protection accessories which wouldn't be thought of for a home console. I've seen cracked screens myself but I doubt the rate of kids breaking the Switches are so high, especially with a case and/or screen protectors, that it's a substantial amount of Switch sales. I'd see the numbers at Ps2 or past it if that was the case given how many people even witht he sales decline, are still buying Millions of $00 Switches without a price drop, and a lower but still large amount of people paying more for the OLED.

Now, one thing to consider though is the OLED version. It's not been too long since it's released and there have been numerous reports on screen problems, so over the next year or two that my become a factor. I don't know if it will be a substantial issue, but it may be.
I would just like to point out that most electronic retailers very much pushed their protection plans just as hard then as they do now. While your other points hold truth to them, I would argue that this specific argument is missguided. These extended warranties have long been a major source of revenue for these types of retailers.
I would just like to point out that most electronic retailers very much pushed their protection plans just as hard then as they do now. While your other points hold truth to them, I would argue that this specific argument is missguided. These extended warranties have long been a major source of revenue for these types of retailers.
It's adoption you aren't considering, the likely hood of someone using company, or purchasing a retailer protection plan, was less likely to be done with a PS1 or N64, or eve a $700 3DO at launch, Xbox, or PS2, than a 360, PS3, Switch, so on. It's not that they didn't exist, but they weren't ass accessible, there weren't as many options, and people didn't think they needed to use them.

This is the same for Smartphones, which have people using protection plans and warranties more now than before 2012. The likely hood of someone rebuying a PS2 or Xbox was higher, than a 360/Switch where a warranty or protection plan would be attached. I would say for gaming consoles the 360/PS3 was the ones that really got more consumers to consider warranties.
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Gold Member
This doesn't work because Nintendo said the Switch was not a replacement for the Wii U AND the 3DWS. Then said they were moving away from the Wii U, and then said they were moving away from the Wii U and the Wii. You seem to have forgotten about this.

Never said it didn't have any, you're poisoning your own argument.

I glossed over nothing. You're creating your own argument I never made, I said the best selling titles were of the portable reality overall and they are, it's completely lopsided, either handheld games or iterations or handheld variations of usually consoles games using handheld mechanics, which you saw with the DS, the 3DS, the PSP, and the Vita. There's this very strange attempt to act as if the Switch is competing with Xbox and PS when it doesn't, it does have games that are effectively console games, and some work even better when docked than undocked arguably, doesn't change the fact that the handheld focused or modified software isn't the dominant of hardware sales, especially recently if you exclude older releases.

Home console games have landed on those other portables too, and then there were games that seemed like home console games but mechanically were changed to benefit portable hardware play, these are the software YOU are glossing over. They've always been there along with the general handheld focused software releases, they aren't new tot he Switch, but when yo ignore them they may seem new, or maybe you'll mislabel them console games. In anycase when you look at the best selling titles it's not in console softwares favor, AND a good chunk of the best selling console software came from earlier in the life cycle where there was nothing much to play which also needs to be taken into consideration in how the gap is widening. You can't nitpick lists.

No it's not, even Nintendo doesn't say this.

This doesn't even make sense, you're randomly bringing Sony up to make a point that doesn't actually have anything to do with the conversation. First off, the Switch is a "dedicated" handheld by definition, if you mean it's not a traditional handheld console or a handheld only console, well that applies to every handheld that can connect to a TV too.

But Nintendo discontinuing the 3DS, and btw, also the Wii U which you didn't include, has nothing to do with the Switch being a as you say "traditional" console. It's not one, that was the whole point of Nintendos PR.
Nintendo also said that the DS was a 'third pillar'.

Things change. How is this so hard for some people?

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
No. I know people that had 3 PS2. Who has 3 Switches?

I have purchased 5 switches for my house.

As for the question itself, I think it will take some rather call compelling software for the Switch to sell another 45 million units regardless of if another model, pro or 2.


If Nintendo came out with a dedicated home console and keep the current Switch as the only hybrid that they sell then yeah....but that sounds like a terrible idea.
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Nintendo also said that the DS was a 'third pillar'.

Things change. How is this so hard for some people?

You must not have read what you quoted accurately, because it touched on Nintendo moving away from consoles not portables.

The "NX" was always presented as a handheld, they moved away from Wii U, than Wii and Wii U, they doubled down on their portable fan base, Iwatas comparisons to Apple and Mobile, the Pokemon person who made things even more unclear because he was responding as a reaction to people saying they were focusing on portable, the GFK and Eurogamer diagram leaks, the Nvidia comment on a mobile processor being the engine.

Kishimoto even saying he didn't even know where the NX name came from, the information on the console taking 3DS-like cartridges, there was no reasonable expectation that the Switch was a console but a handheld, and then a Handheld that can be played on the TV, which is why a bunch of press used the term "Handheld hybrid" until Nintendo picked up their PR campaign after the Switch name reveal trying to move away fromw the messaging they put out before, the other guys statements, and the leaks.

But saying all that, I don't agree with some people here that it shouldn't count because the Switch is a handheld or not, people were fine with thinking the DS was going to beat the PS2 and that didn't have any confusion behind it. to certain people. I myself believe there's a possibility which is why the thread was made.

I do think it'll be hard to do though, they are trailing behind the DS more and more and I don't seem them making a substantial price cut, if they do one at all. But a price cut only goes so far. Many people believe that the upcoming new Zelda and Pokemon will boost sales but by how much? At this point for Nintendo especially when looking at their previous hardware 3DS, DS, and even Wii, the later big releases usually sell to the people who already own the console so I don't think that you are going to see those two games help much cover a gap of over 40 million.

But in the Switches defense, the lite seems to be picking up and that is the model most likely to receive a price cut, and for countries where public commute is more common that could be very promising.


Gold Member
You must not have read what you quoted accurately, because it touched on Nintendo moving away from consoles not portables.

The "NX" was always presented as a handheld, they moved away from Wii U, than Wii and Wii U, they doubled down on their portable fan base, Iwatas comparisons to Apple and Mobile, the Pokemon person who made things even more unclear because he was responding as a reaction to people saying they were focusing on portable, the GFK and Eurogamer diagram leaks, the Nvidia comment on a mobile processor being the engine.

Kishimoto even saying he didn't even know where the NX name came from, the information on the console taking 3DS-like cartridges, there was no reasonable expectation that the Switch was a console but a handheld, and then a Handheld that can be played on the TV, which is why a bunch of press used the term "Handheld hybrid" until Nintendo picked up their PR campaign after the Switch name reveal trying to move away fromw the messaging they put out before, the other guys statements, and the leaks.

But saying all that, I don't agree with some people here that it shouldn't count because the Switch is a handheld or not, people were fine with thinking the DS was going to beat the PS2 and that didn't have any confusion behind it. to certain people. I myself believe there's a possibility which is why the thread was made.

I do think it'll be hard to do though, they are trailing behind the DS more and more and I don't seem them making a substantial price cut, if they do one at all. But a price cut only goes so far. Many people believe that the upcoming new Zelda and Pokemon will boost sales but by how much? At this point for Nintendo especially when looking at their previous hardware 3DS, DS, and even Wii, the later big releases usually sell to the people who already own the console so I don't think that you are going to see those two games help much cover a gap of over 40 million.

But in the Switches defense, the lite seems to be picking up and that is the model most likely to receive a price cut, and for countries where public commute is more common that could be very promising.
Big Brain GIF by Jay Sprogell


I personally think so, yes, they sold 111M, without lowering the price once. When they'll do it the sales will once again explode, enough to sell the 44M missing to reach the PS2 sales.
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