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Will Nintendo Switch reach the sales of the Sony PS2?

Will the Nintendo Switch reach the sales of the Sony PS2?

  • Yes

    Votes: 129 58.4%
  • No

    Votes: 92 41.6%

  • Total voters

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
As much as many don't want to admit it or bat an eye, pirating will determine if the Switch can surpass the PS2. Nintendo didint learn from the Wii, Wii U and 3DS in making a more robust, more secure OS and copy protection.

Pirating will actually make the console sell more units not less as people will buy it to play pirated games.

Note: I'm not in any way shape or form encouraging that. Just to be clear.
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And as I said, I do not agree to that because it's not a resolution. Makes no sense to me that one marketing strategy is brought up but the other is not. That's a flaw in your original argument.

You're responding which means you are engaging.

Seems like you care enough to respond.
The only thing I'm engaged in expressing is I'm trying to agree to disagree, which your way of forcing other people to submit to your own version of fact is arrogant.

Nothing more. Don't take it the wrong way.


The only thing I'm engaged in expressing is I'm trying to agree to disagree, which your way of forcing other people to submit to your own version of fact is arrogant.

Nothing more. Don't take it the wrong way.
And same as me, don't take it the wrong way. I'm just trying to wrap my head around your logic. I gave an example and we've been talking in circles.
The only resolution for me was calling Switch Lite a portable hybrid. That makes more sense cause out of the box that's what it is. A portable that can potentially be played on a TV.
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And same as me, don't take it the wrong way. I'm just trying to wrap my head around your logic. I gave an example and we've been talking in circles.
The only resolution for me was calling Switch Lite a portable hybrid. That makes more sense cause out of the box that's what it is. A portable that can potentially be played on TV.
I gave plenty of example in page 3, how about you take a peek at least? Like I've said, my 2 original post is the only amount of expression I'm willing to make regarding this topic, nothing more, at least with you. :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:

Agree to disagree so everyone is at peace
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I gave plenty of example in page 3, how about you take a peek at least? Like I've said, my 2 original post is the only amount of expression I'm willing to make regarding this topic, nothing more, at least with you. :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:

Agree to disagree so everyone is at peace
You're talking about marketing gimmicks which applies to everything as I pointed out with my example. If anyone can label anything outside of what the market is calling it then there isn't much common basis to talk about anything. What's the point? So, let's call the Series X a platform for a subscription service, let's call the PS5 a poor man's PC with a SSD.
My point is make it simple and call it what it is.
The OG Switch is a Hybrid Console, Switch Lite Hybrid Portable and PS5/ Xbox Series X&S are Home Consoles. That's it.
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You're talking about marketing gimmicks which applies to everything as I pointed out with my example. If anyone can label anything outside of what the market is calling it then there isn't much common basis to talk about anything. What's the point? So, let's call the Series X a platform for a subscription service, let's call the PS5 a poor man's PC with a SSD. My point is make it simple and call it what it is.
The OG Switch is a Hybrid Console, and PS5/ Xbox Series X&S are Home Consoles. That's it.
Go ahead do whatever you want, you don't need my permission, why even ask me? And why are you so insist of convincing me to your view? Do you really need my acceptance that bad?

And no, I'm not going to change my original thought just because you don't like it, that's just how I see things, its plain and simple, calling it the way that I wanted cause less confusion for me and people around me, from my experience a handheld with HDMI output is a much easier way than trying to explain Hybrid to someone with no knowledge of that hardware, at least from my experience.
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Gold Member
They don't care, all they care is their beloved plastic box beats another plastic box in terms of sales, its like they get a cut from the profit or something.

Any opinion you have regarding their box that they do not approve, they assume you are rooting for the other box, a typical mentality of a warrior
You're right, I don't care about what a console or handheld is in English, I care about the fact that a gaming device is about to break industry sales records and that's good for everyone, it doesn't matter form factor, as if an strength was something to be blamed on lol


You're right, I don't care about what a console or handheld is in English, I care about the fact that a gaming device is about to break industry sales records and that's good for everyone, it doesn't matter form factor, as if an strength was something to be blamed on lol
Yup good for you, hope you are happy

Btw NDS is also one of my favorite, which sold very well, and I'm not ashamed of calling it a handheld, actually handheld is a strength instead of weakness, I choose portability any day. Think about it, a handheld is a self contained all in one video game device, it has it own screen and speaker, what's there to hate about such flexible device?

As someone that primarily gaming on Switch, calling it handheld also had another benefit of people having lower performance expectation for it, thus it could get away with less performance and fidelity and still sold well. Its not the best experience of having people shitting on your graphic because it was claimed to be a Home console.
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You're not what, responding? Lol. Your terms, right?
And I said you're logic is flawed. I don't agree to disagree. Simple and we can leave it at that.
Hmm, so by not agreeing to disagree, what do you expect? Force me to agree with you?

I'm not saying I'm not responding, I'm saying I'm only responding one thing, can you even read?


Hmm, so by not agreeing to disagree, what do you expect? Force me to agree with you?

I'm not saying I'm not responding, I'm saying I'm only responding one thing, can you even read?
You keep at it and talking in circles because I'm assuming you don't have a rebuttal with my original point but you still want it your way. Why else would you keep on responding? You can just leave it as that and not respond.
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You keep at it and talking in circles because I'm assuming you don't have a rebuttal with my original point but you still want it your way. Why else would you keep on responding?
I already told you, I'm not interested in your argument, thus there is only one thing I'm willing to respond: I agree to disagree, I will keep repeating it as long as you are still trying to convince me, and it will only resulting in you talking in circles not me, because I'm only telling you one thing. You could assume whatever you want.
You can just leave it as that and not respond.
I'm sorry you don't get to order me around, I decide what to do and what not to, as long as I don't break any rule
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I already told you, I'm not interested in your argument, thus there is only one thing I'm willing to respond: I agree to disagree, I will keep repeating it as long as you are still trying to convince me, and it will only resulting in you talking in circles not me, because I'm only telling you one thing.

I'm sorry you don't get to order me around, I decide what to do and what not to, as long as I don't break any rule
I'm not trying to convice you. I'm holding my argument. I do not agree to disagree because I made a valid point which you haven't addressed. And you obviously don't have to. We're on an online gaming forum and you can do what you will. Yet, your will is to keep on responding to me by talking in circles and not address my point at all. You just keep on insisting to agree to disagree which I already made clear that I don't conceal to. I made a point and if you don't have one to rebuttal you can leave it at that. Simple.


I'm not trying to convice you. I'm holding my argument. I do not agree to disagree because I made a valid point which you haven't addressed. And you obviously don't have to. We're on an online gaming forum and you can do what you will. Yet, your will is to keep on responding to me by talking in circles and not address my point at all. You just keep on insisting to agree to disagree which I already made clear that I don't conceal to. I made a point and if you don't have one to rebuttal you can leave it at that. Simple.
I'm not talking in circle I'm only telling you one thing I agree to disagree

You think you made a valid point, but I don't think you do, I think I made plenty of valid point in my original post that you just failed to address or nitpicking it out of context, In the end neither will convince one another, so I prefer agreeing to disagree. But since you hold your view so high that you think its the absolutely fact and do not agree to disagree, meaning you will force me to agree one way or another which I'm not interested. Get it?

Sometimes there are multiple way of looking at things, neither are right neither are wrong, its just a perspective

And lastly I don't have to rebuttal you to keep my view, I don't need your approval, and none of your rebuttal are enough to convince me

It is a online gaming forum, but that doesn't mean different perspective cannot co-exist, and that doesn't mean everyone has to agree with a definitive answer, especially doesn't mean people have to agree with you particularly
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I'm not talking in circle I'm only telling you one thing I agree to disagree

You think you made a valid point, but I don't think you do, I think I made plenty of valid point in my original post that you just failed to address or nitpicking it out of context, In the end neither will convince one another, so I prefer agreeing to disagree. But since you hold your view so high that you think its the absolutely fact and do not agree to disagree, meaning you will force me to agree one way or another which I'm not interested. Get it?
You talked about marketing gimmicks and I addressed that statement with the fact that everything is marketed a certain way and for generality sake it's easier to just say what it is marketed as. You agree to disagree and I do not. That's it.


You talked about marketing gimmicks and I addressed that statement with the fact that everything is marketed a certain way and for generality sake it's easier to just say what it is marketed as. You agree to disagree and I do not. That's it.
And I don't agree with that view of yours, do I have to? I Think my way of addressing it is easier and less confusing, which I believe is a fact. But I'm not trying to force it on you.
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You can do what you want. I'm just stating the facts of this argument, debate, discussion, what have you.
Its a fact in your mind, so its your opinion, which I have no interest of changing it.

But what you are suggesting is I either agree with you, or I keep silent and not respond to you. To put it blatantly you are asking me to "Agree or shut up", which I don't choose either of the two option, I choose the third one, mutual respect, get it?


Its a fact in your mind, so its your opinion, which I have no interest of changing it.

But what you are suggesting is I either agree with you, or I keep silent and not respond to you. To put it blatantly you are asking me to "Agree or shut up", which I don't choose either of the two option, I choose the third one, mutual respect, get it?
Not at all. You can address my point.


Not at all. You can address my point.
I did address, but you do not agree, so I respect your disagreement and agreeing you disagreeing with me :messenger_smiling:

Agreeing with you is not the only form of respect, we human could be disagreeing but respecting at the same time.

Not everything has to be either you convince me or I convince you.

But you insist I either agree with you or keep silent, isn't it kind of arrogant?
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No, you did not address my point. You just said to agree to disagree and I simply said I don't because I think I made a valid point. And that's it.


No, you did not address my point. You just said to agree to disagree and I simply said I don't because I think I made a valid point. And that's it.
I don't like marketing gimmick, are you going to decide for me what to like or what not to like?


I don't like marketing gimmick, are you going to decide for me what to like or what not to like?
I'm saying everything has marketing gimmicks. Everything is marketed a certain way to perceive itself to being something more. We are the product and what make us feel good we buy. If you want to get literal like you do with the Switch, then we can do the same with the PlayStation and Xbox as I stated above.


I'm saying everything has marketing gimmicks. Everything is marketed a certain way to perceive itself to being something more. We are the product and what make us feel good we buy. If you want to get literal like you do with the Switch, then we can do the same with the PlayStation and Xbox as I stated above.
Good for you, you don't need my approval, think whatever you wish, I think I've stated that multiple times already.


Good for you, you don't need my approval, think whatever you wish, I think I've stated that multiple times already.
And you can think however you wish. But the reality is, it's much simpler to just state what the product is marketed as because each console has their own nuances that's a gimmick. And the Switch's gimmick out of the box is a hybrid console. PS and Xbox are Home consoles.
The one poster made a valid point about Switch Lite. Same name, but clearly different. That is for sure a handheld that has potential to be played like a home console (but not out of the box) which again is what it's marketed as.


And you can think however you wish. But the reality is, it's much simpler to just state what the product is marketed as because each console has their own nuances that's a gimmick. And the Switch's gimmick out of the box is a hybrid console. PS and Xbox are Home consoles.
The one poster made a valid point about Switch Lite. Same name, but clearly different. That is for sure a handheld that has potential to be played like a home console (but not out of the box) which again is what it's marketed as.
You kept your opinion, I kept mine, problem solved, cheers


As I said, mine is not of opinion in how I'm describing it. Yours is more of opinion and that's fine though it's outside of reality.
You see there you go again, your are enforcing your opinion to be the absolute fact, but in reality anything you said is just your opinion, however I'm not trying to convince you. So let's agree to disagree


You see there you go again, your are enforcing your opinion to be the absolute fact, but in reality anything you said is just your opinion, however I'm not trying to convince you. So let's agree to disagree
It's not of opinion that the Switch is a hybrid console. That's what it is marketed as and out of the box anyone should clearly perceive it as a hybrid console. It can be a portable played easily anywhere AND a home console played easily on a TV. Hybrid.


It's not of opinion that the Switch is a hybrid console. That's what it is marketed as and out of the box anyone should clearly perceive it as a hybrid console. It can be a portable played easily anywhere AND a home console played easily on a TV. Hybrid.
Its your view that you buy into marketing gimmick, but I preferred not, I prefer to see past these buzz word and call it what it is. Didn't Switch branded as hybrid? Yes, but is hybrid a made up word that means nothing more than a handheld that have packed in Hub? So I'm not wrong the way I describe it, I prefer to call it something that makes sense to me, and I've stated my reason, but you do not agree, so I agree with your disagreement, but I do not agree with your opinion of "We have to buy into marketing gimmicks". Am I clear? Just because a company market something as such, it doesn't have to makes sense to everyone, I gave my PS3 and Genesis or the Laptop example in page 3, and you still haven't convinced me with your rebuttal.

Forcing your opinion as a fact will get this conversation nowhere, neither does saying "agree with me or shut up" will do, that's why you are talking in circle.
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Its your view that you buy into marketing gimmick, but I preferred not, I prefer to see past these buzz word and call it what it is. Didn't Switch branded as hybrid? Yes, but is hybrid a made up word that means nothing more than a handheld that have packed in Hub? So I'm not wrong the way I describe it, I prefer to call it something that makes sense to me, and I've stated my reason, but you do not agree, so I agree your disagreement, but I do not agree with your opinion of "We have to buy into marketing gimmicks". Am I clear?
And we're talking in circles again. Everything has marketing gimmicks like I stated above, I gave examples and you haven't addressed my original point. Am I clear?
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And we're talking in circles again. Everything has marketing gimmicks like I stated above and you haven't addressed my original point. Am I clear?
I have no interest of arguing you, so why do I have to address, or put it blatantly rebuttal your "original point"? You are the one that is claim "fact" or "reality" not me, I agree to disagree long time ago.

In fact I did state my dislike for marketing gimmick with multiple example in page 3, so there is your "addressing", but you don't feel like reading.

I have the freedom to keep my view but also not arguing with your view, its not a zero sum game.
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I have no interest of arguing you, so why do I have to address, or put it blatantly rebuttal your "original point"? You are the one that is claim "fact" or "reality" not me, I agree to disagree long time ago.
You have clear interest because you keep on responding. And I am holding my point because for generality sake, the basis is reality. It's easier to just say what it is marketed and played as. A hybrid console. This thread is about sales and comparing the Switch to the PS2. If we had it your way, this thread should not exist but it does for a reason. And that reason is simply because the Switch is a hybrid console.
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You have clear interest because you keep on responding. And I am holding my point because for generality sake, the basis is reality. It's easier to just say what it is marketed as. A hybrid console. This thread is about sales and comparing the Switch to the PS2. If we had it your way, this thread should not exist but it does for a reason. And that reason is simply because the Switch is a hybrid console.
I've told you long ago, the only thing I'm interested in telling you is agree to disagree (aside from my 2 original posts), and now with the addition of saying no to your :" agree with me or shut up" attitude
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I've told you long ago, the only thing I'm interested in telling you is agree to disagree, and now with the addition of saying no to your :" agree with me or shut up" attitude
And I told you long ago I don't agree to disagree. The facts are facts. I gave a point with examples and you haven't made a rebuttal. Which is fine, but you're insistent to have the last word. So, I'm continuing talking to see if you have a valid point cause who knows, maybe your last word I would agree with. Always good to learn soemthing that I am not aware of.
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And I told you long ago I don't agree to disagree. The facts are facts. I gave a point with examples and you made a rebuttal. Which is fine, but you're insistent to have the last word. So, I'm continuing talking to see if you have a valid point cause who knows, maybe your last word I would agree with. Always good to learn soemthing that I am not aware of.
Then you are forcing your opinion as fact, which I don't agree, but I also decide not to convince you, so I agree to disagree.


You don't have to spam it
Well, you're insisting this is MY opinion. It is not MY opinion.
Let's pretend I don't even know what a Nintendo Switch is and I want to know. Is Wikipedia and all other sources wrong? Should we change and edit the article?
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Well, your insisting this is MY opinion. It is not MY opinion.
Let's pretend I don't even know what a Nintendo Switch is and I want to know. Is Wikipedia and all other sources wrong? Should we change and edit the article?
No I'm not saying they are wrong, but that is not the only way of looking at things, its not a zero sum game. Since I agree to disagree, there is literally no motivation for me to suggest changing or editing the article. And yes, it is your opinion, its just that your opinion might aligned with some of the editor of that page. Having more people agreeing with you does not make you the absolutely fact, Like I said it before its mob mentality if you insist more people equals fact.
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Hold onto your panties
I think it will, especially after a price drop.
This. If they price drop even slightly the sales will boost. Although beating the lifespan of PS2 to maintain is something else. I play all platforms but Nintendo has a great track record with consoles...somewhat lacking on handheld though given I felt Switch was Nintendo's strategic way of not having to rethink another DS variation.


No I'm not saying they are wrong, but that is not the only way of looking at things, its not a zero sum game. Since I agree to disagree, there is literally no motivation for me to suggest changing or editing the article. And yes, it is your opinion, its just that your opinion might aligned with some of the editor of that page.
If it's not a zero sum game then what are you disagreeing with? You said marketing gimmicks and I replied back with my point that every product has a market gimmick which included examples like the Series X essentially being just a plastic platform for a subscription service, and the PS5's SSD just being a poor man's PC. But it's much easier to call it what they are marketed as, home consoles, which they are. Same with the Switch. Too much favors that the Switch is a hybrid console. Out of the box it you can play as both options. Hybrid.
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If it's not a zero sum game then what are you disagreeing with? You said marketing gimmicks and I replied back with my point that every product has a market gimmick which included examples like the Series X essentially being just a plastic platform for a subscription service, and the PS5's SSD just being a poor man's PC. But it's much easier to call it what they are marketed as, home consoles, which they are. Same with the Switch. Too much favors that the Switch is a hybrid console. Out of the box it you can play both options. Hybrid.
I'm disagreeing with your claim that my view of looking at thing is outside of reality, which I personally dislike marketing gimmick, can you finally comprehend now? And I don't care how you see other consoles, I DON'T CARE, you don't need my validation. I'm not the one claiming absolutely fact here, I agree to disagree
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I'm disagreeing with your claim that my view of looking at thing is outside of reality, which I personally dislike marketing gimmick, can you finally comprehend now? And I don't care how you see other consoles, I DON'T CARE, you don't need my validation. I'm not the one claiming absolutely fact here, I agree to disagree
Again, you very much care cause you keep on responding to me. I'm not forcing you to respond. And no, I don't need your validation. I just like reality. But I am wondering why you are so insistent on your view point. Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe there is something to learn? Maybe we should edit the Wikipedia article? The site is marketed as a one stop shop to explore knowledge and newcomers reading the article should be aware that not all is what it seems to be with the Nintendo Switch.


Again, you very much care cause you keep on responding to me. I'm not forcing you to respond. And no, I don't need your validation. I just like reality. But I am wondering why you are so insistent on your view point. Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe there is something to learn? Maybe we should edit the Wikipedia article? The site is marketed as a one stop shop to explore knowledge and newcomers reading the article should be aware that not all is what it seems to be with the Nintendo Switch.
I've told you long ago, the only thing I'm interested in telling you is agree to disagree (aside from my 2 original posts), and now with the addition of saying no to your :" agree with me or shut up" attitude
You could live in your own reality all you like, nobody is convincing you otherwise, but you are trying to convince me that my perspective is outside of reality which I don't agree.
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