suaveric said:How's that 4th book? Can you tell its a different author? If they haven't changed things like how Bond never ages book to book, isn't Bourne pushing 60 by now in Legacy?
I thought the same thing at first...then I paid attention. The cab is ALSO a Mercedes Benz, you can see the logo on the trunk.Kumiko Nikaido said:Heh.....exactly! How many times was Jason's teeny cab nailed by Mercedes Benzes' cars and SUVs? A whole lot! ^_^
DarienA said:Ludlum is dead... yes it's a different author, you can read few reviews.
and a USA Today review
Bog said:He knew it was written by a different author. He was asking if you could TELL by the way it was written.
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:Saw it this weekend......for others who saw it, can you explain to me what the heck was going on in the underwater part? You know the part I mean. Just what was he trying to accomplish with that breathing?
Alucard said:And Matt Damon is seriously one of the best actors this generation. Ever since I saw him in Good Will Hunting, my opinion of him has remained consistent. (I am discounting Stuck on You)
Meier said:You people are nuts. Shakey cam RULES -- I feel sorry (although perplexed) how it could make you queasy too.
bishoptl said:I thought the same thing at first...then I paid attention. The cab is ALSO a Mercedes Benz, you can see the logo on the trunk.
Eyes, people! They're not just for sticking fingers in!
SyNapSe said:I thought it was really great, altho I agree.. the shaky cam didn't do anything for the film. Only made it more difficult to follow the action.. silly.
Meier said:I feel sorry (although perplexed) how it could make you queasy too.
Oh man...that sucks, you should have just left and returned for a later showing if the only available seats were up at the front. I saw Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon from the 2nd aisle in and spent the entire movie whipping my head back and forth like Stevie Wonder trying to get all the action AND read the subtitles. Ridiculous. I had to go see it again a couple of weeks later to fill in what I'd missed.Kumiko Nikaido said:Oh it was? See, I would have noticed if the camera didn't shake as much.Plus, it would have helped had I not sat up close to the screen (the theater was packed, and I ended up sitting up front....not the utmost front, but a couple of aisles back. Eww.).
Meier said:Shakey cam RULES
Anyway, Paul Greengrass is a master of the shakey cam and you all seriously need to see his previous masterpiece, Bloody Sunday.