The Faceless Master
So rumor of Microsoft wanting to buy Nook. Windows Phone 9 will be skin over fork Androids. WtF, Ballmer is like kids with too much money.
they're moving to pahse 2 of their 'make more money on Android' plan
So rumor of Microsoft wanting to buy Nook. Windows Phone 9 will be skin over fork Androids. WtF, Ballmer is like kids with too much money.
So rumor of Microsoft wanting to buy Nook. Windows Phone 9 will be skin over fork Androids. WtF, Ballmer is like kids with too much money.
2014, the year of linux on the desktop.So rumor of Microsoft wanting to buy Nook. Windows Phone 9 will be skin over fork Androids. WtF, Ballmer is like kids with too much money.
So rumor of Microsoft wanting to buy Nook. Windows Phone 9 will be skin over fork Androids. WtF, Ballmer is like kids with too much money.
So rumor of Microsoft wanting to buy Nook. Windows Phone 9 will be skin over fork Androids. WtF, Ballmer is like kids with too much money.
Sounds like it has a lot to do with office and getting more into education as well.They're probably looking to create an "Xbox Books" for Windows and Windows Phone. Would be interesting if thats the case
Microsoft claimed last year to have 50 million active Office Web Apps users. But its goal, based on a job posting on the Microsoft Careers site, is to build out Office Web Apps to scale out to 100 million-plus users.
"The (Office) Web Apps organization is at the center of Office’s Software + Services transformation," the job posting noted. The job post also noted that the Office Web Apps team owns "vertical end-to-end scenarios related to collaboration and authoring in the Word Web App."
One of the vertical scenarios the Office honchos have said they would like to address with Office is education. I wouldn't be surprised to see Barnes & Noble figure into the equation here, given Microsoft's investment in the Nook Media subsidiary.
One of Nook Media's most profitable businesses involves its college business. And as Barnes & Noble CEO William Lynch hinted last year, authoring/publishing scenarios are a place where there could be synergies between Microsoft Office and Nook. Last summer, Lynch told Fortune:
"(I)magine an integration where an information worker, student, author, consumer, creates something in Office and has it immediately published for sale through the Nook book store. It starts to open a lot of exciting possibilities."
For the time-being, however, neither Barnes & Noble or Nook Media offers Office-centric self-publishing tools. The recently introduced Nook Press tool doesn't support Office, as a Barnes & Noble spokesperson confirmed when I asked.
The official statement: "At this time NOOK Press is a Barnes & Noble web based author publishing tool. At this time we do not have any immediate plans in integrating NOOK Press with Microsoft Office."
Sounds like it has a lot to do with office and getting more into education as well.
"(I)magine an integration where an information worker, student, author, consumer, creates something in Office and has it immediately published for sale through the Nook book store. It starts to open a lot of exciting possibilities."
The Instagram substitutes suck so much dick. Fucks up my pictures and barely work. Is the real thing coming soon?
Man I could have sworn that when I first got my 920 all of the news stories were playing up the deep integration of Skype with the OS.
guess that never happened.
That is so cute. If Windows/Android/iOS phones keep getting larger my next phone might be an Asha :/
Is there any rational reason to why instagram isn't availible on Windows Phone? Microsoft is pretty close with FB right? And isn't Instagram owned by FB?
Is there any rational reason to why instagram isn't availible on Windows Phone? Microsoft is pretty close with FB right? And isn't Instagram owned by FB?
The 520 is 4". That's pretty small by today's standards.
The 520 is 4". That's pretty small by today's standards.
620 is even smaller again at 3.8".
I can't believe how much better the WP keyboard feels and sounds, compared to the stock Android one. Goddamn.
I need to go back.
itshappening.gifI can't believe how much better the WP keyboard feels and sounds, compared to the stock Android one. Goddamn.
I need to go back.
Nokia released their audio recording comparison against S3,, but I could totally see people saying S3's recording is better. Why are they using different output levels to compare? :/
so you're saying they shouldn't just play the files that the phones made and instead edit them somehow? and you don't see how that could be a bad idea?
I can't believe how much better the WP keyboard feels and sounds, compared to the stock Android one. Goddamn.
I need to go back.
I can't believe how much better the WP keyboard feels and sounds, compared to the stock Android one. Goddamn.
I need to go back.
As of today, Itsdagram now has the following working features:
Notifications Lockscreen (icon and detailed info), Toast and Live Tile for comments and likes
Social integration You can now login with Twitter and Facebook accounts for auto-sharing
Delete photos
Create new account
Search for friends Go through your contacts to find and follow people you know
Full commenting, following, liking enabled
Activity screen Single list-view of all notifications (new follows, likes and comments)
Loads faster, more reliable connection
The app now is in our opinion, entering the final stages of development. More to the point, its awesome. Were certainly confident that the app will clear the Store, but were unsure how Instagram proper will react to it (if at all).
So.. Sony is doing a high end FireFox OS device... What the fuck man.
Sony should do an Android phone I hear that's the key to success.
Seriously? Maybe they really hate the Xbox integration of windows phone.
Sony should do an Android phone I hear that's the key to success.
nah, their recent (first annual in 5 years) profit was from other stuff.
Seriously? Maybe they really hate the Xbox integration of windows phone.
A pretty mobile charger (1720 mAh)