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Windows Phone |OT3| Apollo has landed

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Gaming side? I think it's the worst backlash I've ever seen on GAF.

Problem is, gaming side isn't necessarily a good indicator. Way too conservative.

Yeah, I figured it out as soon as I posted that. Then I decided to explore the gaming side. Holy shit, man.
Gaming side? I think it's the worst backlash I've ever seen on GAF.

Problem is, gaming side isn't necessarily a good indicator. Way too conservative.

You think?

Xbox One is REQUIRED to be online at least once every 24 hours.
Couldn't most of what we saw about Xbox One be done on the 360?
All of a sudden, the Wii U doesn't look as bad...
MS doesn't care about anything but the US
Xbox One: You must connect to the internet to "activate" all games + serial keys!!

But what if you want to bring a game disc to a friend's house and play there? You'll have to pay a fee—and not just some sort of activation fee, but the actual price of that game—in order to use a game's code on a friend's account. Think of it like a new game, Harrison says.


Gaming side? I think it's the worst backlash I've ever seen on GAF.

Problem is, gaming side isn't necessarily a good indicator. Way too conservative.

Gaming side is right now a festival of idiocy, not that there aren't things worth of criticism though.


never heard about the cat, apparently
the gaming side probably thinks since they only announced 4-5 games that is all that is being released. If it isn't talked about, doom and gloom.
I'm usually not a fan of shitty reaction gifs or something, but this was really fitting:



In Windows Phone related news, itsdagram has been updated today to 1.2 version, and free ad-supported version should be up today as well:

  • No more black background on comments
  • New Live Tile design (iconic)
  • Find friends should work now
  • Registration should be smoother
  • See your following/follower count in your profile
  • Private profiles and approve/deny requests
  • Refined UI
  • Notifications should not repeat
  • Save images to your phone
  • Direct feedback page removed

Yeah, it is crazy. Think I need to stay out of there.

Reading Gaming side got me all depressed. Pretty much the announcement was spot on for me, and I'll probably get it a couple of months after it launches (for more impressions, games and deals), but man Gaming side is just all kinds of negative right now, not that it isn't justified. There are some really key points that have been brought up, but information is still flying all over the place, some right on key, some off key. Its better to wait for the full story.
I know Kinect gets a lot of hate, but the tech in the new sounds impressive.

I absolutely am in love with Voice Commands, no joke. I love being able to turn on the xbox then start heading for the kitchen to fix up a snack while saying "Xbox Bing ..." "Selection 1" "Play Game" to get it set up. Being able to do that with more than just games now, and now even turning it on with my voice will be awesome. I hope the tech trickles down to Windows Phone. I know that they are sharing some of those core APIs somehow in TellMe, so hopefully in TellMe 2.0 they blow it out of the park.

Edit: Wow I sound overly positive, no clue why.
Anything you care to share?

wish I could. My buddy could also have been trolling me too--but if not, some really cool stuff that people will be pleased to hear. I was kind of down on the xbox before hearing him/her speak about it.

EDIT: Down just because I was never really into the core titles, and haven't heard anything about any games at all. Sony's games didn't really impress me at all. In fact, the forza title is probably my most looked forward to title right now, as I feel like I could sink a ton of time in a new racing sim. Plus, it'll show off the console at launch.


wish I could. My buddy could also have been trolling me too--but if not, some really cool stuff that people will be pleased to hear. I was kind of down on the xbox before hearing him/her speak about it.

EDIT: Down just because I was never really into the core titles, and haven't heard anything about any games at all. Sony's games didn't really impress me at all. In fact, the forza title is probably my most looked forward to title right now, as I feel like I could sink a ton of time in a new racing sim. Plus, it'll show off the console at launch.

Cool, I'm looking forward to whatever it is.


has calmed down a bit.
Gaming side? I think it's the worst backlash I've ever seen on GAF.

Problem is, gaming side isn't necessarily a good indicator. Way too conservative.

Gaming side hated the Wii and the Kinect, two of the biggest gaming phenomena of the past generation. I made a Kinect thread before its launch and got laughed out the forum. Lo and behold, it was the fastest selling device ever at the time. Those guys are out of touch.


Gaming side hated the Wii and the Kinect, two of the biggest gaming phenomena of the past generation. I made a Kinect thread before its launch and got laughed out the forum. Lo and behold, it was the fastest selling device ever at the time. Those guys are out of touch.

That's a good point. Now if they can just be wrong about WP.
I really like the Windows 8 inspiration (design, snap, etc.) in X1 (or whatever), but yeah, the gaming part of the console was sorely neglected. I have to wonder if any of the voice commands/Kinect stuff will carryover to PCs, or the Surface.

Still, I rarely play games on my 360. Just gimme dat Windows ecosystem
said no one ever
I can't remember the last time I played a game with it. Mostly I use it to pause Xbox Music when I'm working or skip a song.

I used it to watch TV and really miss it when I am on my PS3. Voice control pausing, starting, restart etc. is awesome, that said today is very disappointing showing. Remind me of Windows Phone 7 to 8. What we essentially getting is Steam Box running Windows 8 core sorta like Xbox RT. Games they show, even my favorite Forza doesn't make me think oh wow I really want to hop on the next gen.

The lack of any type of compatibility with the 360 just kill it for me, even the controller is not compatible. At least with Nintendo they keep some form of backward compat. This just make me totally sour to the entire eco system. What good in buying into Microsoft eco when you can't bring it with you when you upgrade.


has calmed down a bit.
If the 24hr online check requirements holds true, and if I can't play my games in my friend's console or lend him my game, I won't buy the console. They haven't shown any compelling ecosystem links between console, win8, and phone that would override such douchebaggery.


Can anyone who has had both a Lumia 710 and a 620 tell me which one is more fluid in terms of interface? Someone told me the 620 struggles just a teeny tiny more than the 710.
If the 24hr online check requirements holds true, and if I can't play my games in my friend's console or lend him my game, I won't buy the console. They haven't shown any compelling ecosystem links between console, win8, and phone that would override such douchebaggery.

I thought that was pretty much confirm by all the double talk. (Now I understand why they hire poor Phil Harrison). It's basically function just like Steam. You need on-line (steam always updating something I swear), you need activation code, it's tie to you machine and to your tag id and like Steam it doesn't really like not to be connected.

I am pretty done with Microsoft eco as I said only Lumia is keeping me in there. With Xbox One ditching all the games from Xbox and Xbox 360, I have no reason not to get out of their eco system.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Can anyone who has had both a Lumia 710 and a 620 tell me which one is more fluid in terms of interface? Someone told me the 620 struggles just a teeny tiny more than the 710.
are you trying to decide between the two? if so don't even consider the 710, it runs wp7. And the 620 runs fine.


If the 24hr online check requirements holds true, and if I can't play my games in my friend's console or lend him my game, I won't buy the console. They haven't shown any compelling ecosystem links between console, win8, and phone that would override such douchebaggery.

You can, you just have to log in to that box.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
You think?

Xbox One is REQUIRED to be online at least once every 24 hours.
Couldn't most of what we saw about Xbox One be done on the 360?
All of a sudden, the Wii U doesn't look as bad...
MS doesn't care about anything but the US
Xbox One: You must connect to the internet to "activate" all games + serial keys!!

My 360 is always connected anyway. I never buy used games. None of the stuff you mentioned affects me at all. I understand others may feel differently but it honestly doesn't affect me, I just want good games.


You think?

Xbox One is REQUIRED to be online at least once every 24 hours.
Couldn't most of what we saw about Xbox One be done on the 360?
All of a sudden, the Wii U doesn't look as bad...
MS doesn't care about anything but the US
Xbox One: You must connect to the internet to "activate" all games + serial keys!!

RAM is certainly something that would keep the instant switching of things from being implemented on the 360. And is one of my main gripes with the 360, it just isn't convenient and I can't keep it on all the time. Which is why I have a Roku sitting next to it instead of waiting several minutes for the box to power on and an app to load.

The others really don't affect me since I live in the US and my box is always connected barring an outage, which I have to say I have not had one for more than a couple hours where I currently live.

Game activation certainly does chap me from a used game perspective since I trade a lot of my games in, but it only affects me in how much I will get from them in the future. Other than that, I like being able to install a game and not have to change discs anymore.


The Translator
The only concern I really don't understand is the online requirement.
In which scenario could having to be online once every 24 hours possibly be a problem in 2013? Is there honestly anyone that uses a console without an internet connection?

The rest, Microsoft did a piss poor job to address. Their message is confused and that's hard to excuse.
The only concern I really don't understand is the online requirement.
In which scenario could having to be online once every 24 hours possibly be a problem in 2013? Is there honestly anyone that uses a console without an internet connection?

The rest, Microsoft did a piss poor job to address. Their message is confused and that's hard to excuse.

While I don't have problem with it, it is still annoying even once in 24 hours is inconvenience if you don't always have connection. I know several people that don't always hook up their Xbox 360 to on-line and just play single player.

All I see is plenty of negative with Xbox One and they have yet to show me why I would put up with all these restriction. Forza 5 or COD doesn't look like a huge leap. Their message is confusing because they just now realize how negative people who is not in their inner circle view this on-line requirement. They all drinking their Kool-Aid and think the rest of the world will see it like they do. Now they have to damage control and change plan mid stream so their messages are confusing and half-truth. From the look of it, they want to have always on, always check DRM and no used game, they are essentially using Steam model but have to back paddling after the negative blow up from Orthy debacle last month.
what's with all the xbox talk?

Why not? There is Xbox on my Windows Phone, however under utilized. I am sure many pick Windows Phone (I did) thinking it would have great synergy between all Microsoft products.

Promise of all unify kernel with Windows 8, Windows Phone, RT and Xbox is the draw to the Xbox eco system, and I was hoping may be I will be shown why it is awesome to have Windows Phone 8.
RAM is certainly something that would keep the instant switching of things from being implemented on the 360. And is one of my main gripes with the 360, it just isn't convenient and I can't keep it on all the time. Which is why I have a Roku sitting next to it instead of waiting several minutes for the box to power on and an app to load.

The others really don't affect me since I live in the US and my box is always connected barring an outage, which I have to say I have not had one for more than a couple hours where I currently live.

Game activation certainly does chap me from a used game perspective since I trade a lot of my games in, but it only affects me in how much I will get from them in the future. Other than that, I like being able to install a game and not have to change discs anymore.

My 360 is always connected anyway. I never buy used games. None of the stuff you mentioned affects me at all. I understand others may feel differently but it honestly doesn't affect me, I just want good games.

MS is doomed.

I should've clarified that those were thread titles from the gaming side and not my opinion.
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