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Windows Phone |OT3| Apollo has landed

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As for the games, they will be coming but I'm still butthurt about no mention of any Japanese support as of yet.

My main worry is that the Japanese market in general just isn't at all in their plans. JAP completely disregarded MS with the 360, while they spent a ton of effort courting developers to make eastern stylized games. Nothing. Now, with the console market in general in decline over there, there isn't much of a reason to go to such extreme lengths again to get those types of games involved. Japan's xenophobic nature regarding products is shutting itself off from the rest of the world. Most of the third-party major titles will come out on both Xone and PS4 since the architecture is quite similar.

If anything, I expect MS is going to go heavily into Europe to try to tackle Sony there. The EASports Fifa (mode) exclusivity seems to indicate it to me.


My main worry is that the Japanese market in general just isn't at all in their plans. JAP completely disregarded MS with the 360, while they spent a ton of effort courting developers to make eastern stylized games. Nothing. Now, with the console market in general in decline over there, there isn't much of a reason to go to such extreme lengths again to get those types of games involved. Japan's xenophobic nature regarding products is shutting itself off from the rest of the world. Most of the third-party major titles will come out on both Xone and PS4 since the architecture is quite similar.

If anything, I expect MS is going to go heavily into Europe to try to tackle Sony there. The EASports Fifa (mode) exclusivity seems to indicate it to me.

that EA thing surprised me with how hard PS pushed FIFA this Gen, champions league sponsorship etc making it look PS3 was the platform for fifa, but I guess the account hijacks for ultimate team packs on xbox made it look more lucrative :-S


Junior Member
Honestly, I only care about getting Japanese devs on board. Selfish I know but I just want more games and gaming companies not skipping MS console.

X360 missed a lot of PS3 only titles in recent years like One Piece Musou which is HUGE in Japan. What I'm saying is, instead of losing money creating new IPs from scratch only to never break 50K in Japan, MS should just focus on getting whatever game announced for Wii U/PS4 on the Xbox One like they did back in the day with FF13, DMC4...etc.
Honestly, I only care about getting Japanese devs on board. Selfish I know but I just want more games and gaming companies not skipping MS console.

X360 missed a lot of PS3 only titles in recent years like One Piece Musou which is HUGE in Japan. What I'm saying is, instead of losing money creating new IPs from scratch only to never break 50K in Japan, MS should just focus on getting whatever game announced for Wii U/PS4 on the Xbox One like they did back in the day with FF13, DMC4...etc.

You know, it would be really interesting if they formed a studio in japan focused on making japanese styled games. It would do alot to not only push the console in Japan, but would satisfy peoples lust for Japanese games.


Unconfirmed Member
You know, it would be really interesting if they formed a studio in japan focused on making japanese styled games. It would do alot to not only push the console in Japan, but would satisfy peoples lust for Japanese games.

Really don't think that would make a difference unfortunately.
Alright got it to work, it showed up on my Phone hub and asked for the password, but once I entered my voicemail password it would just ask for it again. I called voicemail and changed my password and now it works.


Junior Member
Which are? Mi gf is thinking about picking one up too.

Just needed something a reasonable size with a long lasting battery, for the first two. Then comes the applications, of which I don't really need or use many, just banking and some fitness/run keepers like Kinect Fit. The map/nav I actually like better than Googles. It gives a lot more warning before a turn or merge is coming up thus far, not like Google's, where I'd need to glance at it to check since it wouldn't say anything till I was right on the turn. I can turn it up, put it in a shirt pocket and drive and let it lead me. I'm not huge on games but I did want Crimson Dragon and I've liked Wordament since I played it in line for my Surface RT. From RT-iPhone-Lumia just cant get enough. And I always meant to get back to WP, ever since I got rid of my HD2, so I've been keeping up with things and playing with devices here and there in store.


We can't even customized our contact info ... after so many updates, but hey we have that cool People Hub and Kids Corner. Wait for Blue. Unless Microsoft decide to reset the OS again and we move back to square one.

BTW, beside the OS, how do you like the phone. I just bought a used one for my son. A guy at work had one, I played with it when he first got it but we don't usually see each other. He drop it last week (for the 2nd time) and destroyed the screen and now he said he won't be getting anymore Nokia phone because they are "cheaply" made. I told him any phone would shattered falling on a pavement while riding a bike.

Get him a 3310 and a lump of coal for his birthday.
so, windows phone thread, I have $25 dollars of credit for my lumia 928 thanks to microsoft (and it's funny, because I only spent $30 to get this thing), what do I spend it on. Game wise, I only have Pacman CE DX and Zombies!!! if that gives you any clues what I might like. I have package tracker, remote desktop and Radio Lounge UK as far as paid for apps.

Spend my $25 windows phone thread!


Unconfirmed Member
I was checking out the Xbox One hub on the 360 and it the one screen where they talk about apps they show Words with Friends. Going to be interesting to see how the app situation will work with XBone.
Honestly, there are many more concerning things about Xbone than that.

- Always-online DRM with every game permanently attached to your XBL account
- Must authenticate online every 24 hours
- Must logon with your XBL account to play your game at someone else's house
- Non-upgradable storage
- Mandatory Kinect connection to use console
- No headset included, use Kinect instead!
- Primary focus is apparently on TV not gaming
- How do I into used games?

I still don't get how MS is planning on replacing the sales of the 20 million Xbox 360 owners who have never taken their console online. Are they just giving those customers to Sony and Nintendo free of charge?

The point of a game console is that you own the disc you buy and you can do whatever you want with it, including trade it in to Gamestop. MS is trying to turn game 'ownership' on the Xbone into a 'permanent rental status' where you don't actually own the game disc you paid for and it looks to me like a pretty blatant violation of the First Sale Doctrine. Someone's going to be suing MS over the Xbone and the case is going to wind up at the Supreme Court at the rate they are going.

Then there's the concern that with the Xbone's primary function which is GAMING, the hardware is going to be weaker than the PS4.

And yeah, it seems MS has given up entirely on Japan. They spent a lot of money on the 360 trying to make it with Japanese gamers, buying exclusive RPGs and that sort of thing. Japan just wasn't interested. I don't blame MS for quitting on Japan, and realistically we should be more worried that they seem to have entirely forgotten about Europe during the announcement.


never heard about the cat, apparently
- Always-online DRM with every game permanently attached to your XBL account
don't see the big deal, it is basically what digital content does. And i haven't heard about the always on stuff, thought you just needed to ping the server every 24 hrs.
- Must authenticate online every 24 hours
meh fine by me.
Must logon with your XBL account to play your game at someone else's house
not sure what the problem is.
- Non-upgradable storage
i have a hard time believing this, Microsoft will have harddrive you can buy.
- Mandatory Kinect connection to use console
kinect 2.0 looks awesome. I'm glad it comes standard.
- No headset included, use Kinect instead!
it will be sold separately, if you want one then buy it.
- Primary focus is apparently on TV not gaming
stay off the drugs
How do I into used games?

Anyway, its 2013. If you don't have a internet connection that can't ping a server once every 24 hrs (its not like you need it to be fast), you probably shouldn't be spending $500 on a media hub like this.


Honestly, there are many more concerning things about Xbone than that.

- Always-online DRM with every game permanently attached to your XBL account
- Must authenticate online every 24 hours
- Must logon with your XBL account to play your game at someone else's house
- Non-upgradable storage
- Mandatory Kinect connection to use console
- No headset included, use Kinect instead!
- Primary focus is apparently on TV not gaming
- How do I into used games?

I still don't get how MS is planning on replacing the sales of the 20 million Xbox 360 owners who have never taken their console online. Are they just giving those customers to Sony and Nintendo free of charge?

The point of a game console is that you own the disc you buy and you can do whatever you want with it, including trade it in to Gamestop. MS is trying to turn game 'ownership' on the Xbone into a 'permanent rental status' where you don't actually own the game disc you paid for and it looks to me like a pretty blatant violation of the First Sale Doctrine. Someone's going to be suing MS over the Xbone and the case is going to wind up at the Supreme Court at the rate they are going.

Then there's the concern that with the Xbone's primary function which is GAMING, the hardware is going to be weaker than the PS4.

And yeah, it seems MS has given up entirely on Japan. They spent a lot of money on the 360 trying to make it with Japanese gamers, buying exclusive RPGs and that sort of thing. Japan just wasn't interested. I don't blame MS for quitting on Japan, and realistically we should be more worried that they seem to have entirely forgotten about Europe during the announcement.

The way I see it, the One's focus on cloud is less about some draconian DRM than about the idea/vision that soon every device will be connected to the internet. When things like smartphones and PCs heavily rely on internet access, why shouldn't consoles even though they haven't been in the past?

Always-online DRM is not mandatory and the online requirement of games MS is talking about can also stem from the reliance on cloud computing. Most games won't be always-online.
Games being permanently attached to your account isn't any different from Steam and all the other app stores. Comes with the territory of digital sales.

Not sure what's up with the 24 hour authentication. MS doesn't quite seem to know either. This may be the closest thing to draconian DRM they have, but it's not quite clear yet.

Having to log on at someone else's house is unavoidable if the system doesn't need the disc to play the game. Otherwise multiple people could play it at the same time. On the plus side you also get access to your savegames and other data.

You are probably right about the storage. Sucks. A really annoying trend in consumer electronics in general. If they'll let you use external disks, I'll be fine though. Still using my 20 GB 360 with an additional USB stick.

Mandatory Kinect. It is weird that it's really mandatory, but on the other hand if you have a device that ships with Kinect and you want every single game to be able to take advantage of that device and completely rely on its presence, then it doesn't seem so unreasonable to require it. Or at least it's understandable that it's not a priority for MS do make the machine work without it.

Headset would have been nice, but since Kinect already can do voice and lots of people probably never use their's (atm I can't even remember where I put mine), I'm not surprised it's not included. They might offer different headsets, too. Ranging from cheap ones to more expensive 5.1 ones.

Just because TV was the primary focus in the reveal doesn't mean it's the primary focus of the One. E3, where the focus will be on games, is in three weeks and showing off what makes the One different from a merely somewhat more powerful 360 isn't exactly unexpected.

It's absolutely rational and valid to champion the PS4 over the One for being more powerful, more open to indies, and other advantages. But all the outrage over the One is absolutely ridiculous. Even though they didn't prioritize power and things like no self-publishing may seem outdated, it will be a great gaming machine. Some games will surely put the improved Kinect and XBL to good use.

People are always clamoring for that elusive Apple TV that will swoop in, fix television, and attack consoles in the process. If at some point such a device materializes, just focusing on a pure gaming machine won't do anyone much good.

Edit: as for used games, MS was clear, that used games will be possible on the One. We (and possibly MS) just don't have all the details yet. That's more than you can say for Steam, which comes with some of the same restrictions as the One, but unlike the One people in Gaming just seem to love Steam.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
TYou are probably right about the storage. Sucks. A really annoying trend in consumer electronics in general. If they'll let you use external disks, I'll be fine though. Still using my 20 GB 360 with an additional USB stick.

Already been confirmed that you can use external storage - http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/21/xbox-one-hard-drive/

Penello confirmed that the USB 3.0 port is there for external storage, which can be used for everything the internal storage can be used for. That includes game installs and downloads.
Oh, that's what you mean. Yeah, that might be something they could look into. I, for one, find it way more annoying that I can't link contacts on Android. My People app is such a mess.

It was on the list of things people complain about but nothing got done. I read you can combine contacts on Android in HTC One thread, someone ask about that.
Edit: as for used games, MS was clear, that used games will be possible on the One. We (and possibly MS) just don't have all the details yet. That's more than you can say for Steam, which comes with some of the same restrictions as the One, but unlike the One people in Gaming just seem to love Steam.

The reason Steam gets a free pass is because it's digital-only. The conflict with consoles arises because you buy the game on a disc which then becomes a frisbee once you've registered the game to your account. Now PC gamers have always been used to this because that's how it's always been for PC gaming, the disc only holds the game long enough to install it to the hard drive. PC gaming hasn't ever had a used games market, so Steam not being friendly to the idea of used games is mostly irrelevant.

However, console gamers are used to the traditional paradigm that the disc IS the game. They are used to swapping games with friends by sharing discs, trading the disc in to Gamestop, renting games from Gamefly, etc. etc. It's new ground for consoles what Xbone is trying to do and MS has decided they're going to be first into the legal minefield whereas Sony are staying the hell away. For one thing used games are a huge market in Japan and Sony doesn't want to anger their home market, it's less so in North America where MS is based.

I can tell you that Xbone is DOA in Japan even if it were the most amazing Japan-centric game machine ever solely because of it's hostility to used games.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Hah! There's an old chap sitting next to me with a HTC Mozart.

That thing is still running 7.0 - not even mango!

Some people don't care. My girlfriend is still on 7.5, she just uses her original Focus to make phone calls and play Wordament :p
One of my co-workers uses a Lumia 710.

I asked her about it one day and she was really happy with the thing. The limit of her smartphone usage is apparently texting her kids and looking at her Facebook. I asked her what apps she liked and she looked confused for a moment, then brightened and said, "Oh, you mean like Words with Friends?" I didn't attempt to press her any further on her understanding of her device.

Out of curiosity I asked her to hand it to me. I put her phone on top of my Note II and my screen was literally bigger than her whole phone, but she doesn't even browse the Internet with it so I guess a bigger screen size would be useless for her.


The Translator
Some of the complaints about the new Xbox are valid. Others are just plain silly.

I work for a cloud company (have done for the last 5 or so years) and the complaints about always on and cloud that are being voiced I haven't heard even from the most conservative, non-technical and backwards people in several years.

And here they are coming from "hardcore gamers", people that consider themselves some of the most tech-savvy people on the planet.

It's amusing.

Until you read the tone they are being voiced in. Nothing quite as scary as someone that knows they're right, as they say.


The reason Steam gets a free pass is because it's digital-only. The conflict with consoles arises because you buy the game on a disc which then becomes a frisbee once you've registered the game to your account. Now PC gamers have always been used to this because that's how it's always been for PC gaming, the disc only holds the game long enough to install it to the hard drive. PC gaming hasn't ever had a used games market, so Steam not being friendly to the idea of used games is mostly irrelevant.

However, console gamers are used to the traditional paradigm that the disc IS the game. They are used to swapping games with friends by sharing discs, trading the disc in to Gamestop, renting games from Gamefly, etc. etc. It's new ground for consoles what Xbone is trying to do and MS has decided they're going to be first into the legal minefield whereas Sony are staying the hell away. For one thing used games are a huge market in Japan and Sony doesn't want to anger their home market, it's less so in North America where MS is based.

I can tell you that Xbone is DOA in Japan even if it were the most amazing Japan-centric game machine ever solely because of it's hostility to used games.

steam gets a pass because of the steam sales. no completion for steam on the pc helped it to get established too.
Honestly, there are many more concerning things about Xbone than that.

- Always-online DRM with every game permanently attached to your XBL account
How is that a bad thing? Now you can play your games anywhere without a physical disc. And there is no always online DRM for every game, that's a per game thing like Destiny.

- Must authenticate online every 24 hours
This is literally the only real issue in your entire list, and I will guarantee that Microsoft will have a solution for hose that can't authenticate every 24 hours. i.e. Place the actual disc in system's tray to be able to play offline. Which is EXACTLY the same as how it is right now. The 24 hour authentication is only due to the fact that they will allow you to play games without the need for the disc to be in the system.

- Must logon with your XBL account to play your game at someone else's house
Again, how is this an issue? If you're there then just login, take about 10 seconds. If you want him to keep the game then just share your account if you're so charitable.

- Non-upgradable storage
USB 3.0 for infinitely upgradeable storage. What a useless concern.

- Mandatory Kinect connection to use console
Also as useless as saying mandatory power cable connection to a plug. Kinect is a part of the system. The entire system is designed with it and around it. I guess the negative you are trying to associate with it are the limitations of the original Kinect but Kinect 2.0 is leaps ahead (can work perfectly in the dark, has a wide FOV for use in any room, can detect up to 6 people, has an imperceptible amount of lag).

- No headset included, use Kinect instead!
Probably more of a plus than a minus. And if you really want, go use any $5 mic you have lying around.

- Primary focus is apparently on TV not gaming
Bullshit. Microsoft stated multiple times that they have more games in development now than they have ever had. How is that a lack of focus on gaming. They're saving the full dedicated 2 hour E3 conference in 2 weeks for 15 exclusive games, 8 of which are brand new IPs.

- How do I into used games?
Another things which has been repeated a dozen times that the system will allow for used games, obviously through license transfers. If anything, this will empower sellers even more and give a cut to publishers, which sounds like a win-win.


The Translator
To be fair, no matter how valid the complaints are, by far the biggest problem imo is that Microsoft's message is confused. They had weeks and months to prepare and they could see the questions and complaints coming from miles away (unless they don't bother reading forums, twitter etc), yet they couldn't be arsed to come up with answers and worst of all the answers you get depend on which individual you ask. There doesn't seem to be someone that truly is in charge of the whole thing, it's a mess.

They opened themselves up to be attacked and the reaction they're seeing cannot come as a surprise. You'd like to think that it's all part of some sort of a plan, but it certainly doesn't look that way.

Can they turn things around at E3? At the moment I find that doubtful, to say the least.

And it's not just the Xbox division. The problems go much deeper - there seems to be a distinct lack of strategy and coherent messages across the board. It's starting to get quite worrying.

Time for a change at the top, probably. J Allard to replace Ballmer. Do it. Do it.
Honestly, there are many more concerning things about Xbone than that.

And yeah, it seems MS has given up entirely on Japan. They spent a lot of money on the 360 trying to make it with Japanese gamers, buying exclusive RPGs and that sort of thing. Japan just wasn't interested. I don't blame MS for quitting on Japan, and realistically we should be more worried that they seem to have entirely forgotten about Europe during the announcement.

WTF is Xbone?

One of my co-workers uses a Lumia 710.

I asked her about it one day and she was really happy with the thing. The limit of her smartphone usage is apparently texting her kids and looking at her Facebook. I asked her what apps she liked and she looked confused for a moment, then brightened and said, "Oh, you mean like Words with Friends?" I didn't attempt to press her any further on her understanding of her device.

Out of curiosity I asked her to hand it to me. I put her phone on top of my Note II and my screen was literally bigger than her whole phone, but she doesn't even browse the Internet with it so I guess a bigger screen size would be useless for her.

I am not sure what you are trying to say here. That people are happy with Windows Phone? Yes it's true, most people are. My wife use the phone the same way your friend does. She doesn't care much for apps, she got couple of games on there, Facebook apps and a reader. She still use my old Titan and love the big screen, the big tiles (easy to click on) and simplicity of the OS. Not everyone care to do more with their phones than texting and checking email/facebook.
Yeah, I am not sure if that's specific to HTC One. That is one great thing about People Hub, especially people in my family love to make multiple accounts, I can just link them all together.

Stock Android is really bad in that regard. You can't imagine the look on my face, when I realized that I couldn't sync my Facebook contacts with the People app. Apparently it's Facebook's fault, but as a consumer, I couldn't care less who's fault it is. Fact is, I had a better UX with WP.


Damn, must the Kinect2 always be connected to the Xbox One to use it? I thought the console was somewhat slick but the Kinect hardware is large in its own right and both combined isn't exactly portable.

- How do I into used games?
Another things which has been repeated a dozen times that the system will allow for used games, obviously through license transfers. If anything, this will empower sellers even more and give a cut to publishers, which sounds like a win-win.

You're either painfully naive or disingenuously biased (or, judging by your 'Young Bill Gates Only on XBox' avatar, probably both) if you can believe that this is in any way a win for the consumer.
You're either painfully naive or disingenuously biased (or, judging by your 'Young Bill Gates Only on XBox' avatar, probably both) if you can believe that this is in any way a win for the consumer.
An online marketplace for trading licenses and the classic method of selling to retailers means yeah...more options for the consumer.

Right now the only major outlet is Gamestop, and they fuck the consumer every chance they get. If the Xbox One does have a person to person marketplace for trading then yeah...this is a win for consumers.


An online marketplace for trading licenses and the classic method of selling to retailers means yeah...more options for the consumer.

Right now the only major outlet is Gamestop, and they fuck the consumer every chance they get. If the Xbox One does have a person to person marketplace for trading then yeah...this is a win for consumers.

GameStop isn't the only outlet, there's also Craigslist, eBay etc. And somehow you assume a Microsoft outlet wouldn't fuck over consumers like GameStop?! Especially when you have to include a cut for the publishers?

This isn't a feature intended to better the lives of consumers. Stop pretending it is.
WTF is Xbone?

It's what everyone has started calling the Xbox One. Because there actually was an original Xbox, I guess people had to come up with a unique nickname for the new MS console which didn't cause it to get confused with the original and Xbone was it.

I am not sure what you are trying to say here. That people are happy with Windows Phone? Yes it's true, most people are. My wife use the phone the same way your friend does. She doesn't care much for apps, she got couple of games on there, Facebook apps and a reader. She still use my old Titan and love the big screen, the big tiles (easy to click on) and simplicity of the OS. Not everyone care to do more with their phones than texting and checking email/facebook.

I wasn't saying anything negative, just describing the scenario I witnessed. I honestly feel like what I said was pretty positive compared to how I usually feel about Windows Phone.


Stock Android is really bad in that regard. You can't imagine the look on my face, when I realized that I couldn't sync my Facebook contacts with the People app. Apparently it's Facebook's fault, but as a consumer, I couldn't care less who's fault it is. Fact is, I had a better UX with WP.

This is incorrect. On Android in the Facebook app settings, there is an option to sync contacts. Your phone book contacts that have a different name than their Facebook name won't be combined automatically, but you can manually combine those.
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