I thought that was just on some privacy crap due to Streeview and for monopoly they got look into and nothing was done.
I thought that was just on some privacy crap due to Streeview and for monopoly they got look into and nothing was done.
frontieruk said:It's a curious situation this gen, I've always been of the belief that the wii would die the death of a fad ala home karaoke machines and get relegated to the attic, is this going to happen or is the fad here to stay?
The Verge gave the 928s ecosystem a 6!
insert It's happening GIF.
I gotta say, you had the last laugh on the thread they gave you a tag for. Whatever mod gave you that tag got owned.
stop it. It's almost as if the verge actually isn't crazily biased!?
I do enjoy a lot of their criticism, even if I disagree with their opinions on a lot of things. They cater to a crowd, but they definitely seem genuine in their views.
I thought one of the requirements of being an Xbox live game was that you had to have a demo? There is none for Rayman.
Cisco is filing complain in EU, regarding Microsoft and Skype creating monopoly. What with you guys in EU and determination to destroy poor little Microsoft?
It's funny to see Google with 65% + marketshare in both search and mobile OS yet no one seems to think that is a cause for concern.
Apparently they've improved the WP8 desktop client
Being outside of America, I hope that podcast support got fixed. Gave up on updating through itunes and picked up podcast lounge. But I would rather just have podcasts work from the music player.
Apparently they've improved the WP8 desktop client
Expanded podcast support. Support for iTunes podcasts has been a useful feature in the preview versions of the app, but many people get their podcasts from other sources. Now, as long as your podcasts are saved in a folder, you can automatically sync them to your phone.
Anybody know how this work? I'd like to be able to download my podcasts on the PC and sync them over, but the old system with this app was horrible at managing my feeds.
Speaking of all this--does anyone have a robust understanding of music syncing/management with Xbox Music? I loved Zune and am hoping to emulate this behavior from WP7:
You running Windows 8 with Xbox Music, or still on Windows 7 with Zune?
Win 8 with Xbox Music, though I use Zune to download my 10 free songs (grandfather'd plan).
With all the new options available (updates to app, Xbox Cloud, sync to any device, etc.), I have never taken the time to sit down and look at my options/organize.
I hope Nokia saves us with a sync app. Microsoft's is absolute shit and it's embarrassing. I recommended a Lumia 928 to a friend. He finally got it Tuesday and calls me asking why Zune doesn't work. I explain he needs the sync app. He calls me back an hour later telling me how awful it is.
I got my hopes up when I read the post above talking about an update, but its still a crappy sync tool and an order of magnitude worse than Zune.
Funny how it took this long just to get it out if beta status. Lol
Do you need some Duracell AA batteries?Is that a cyan Lumia in the Quantum Break live action video from the Xbox One video?
Remedy and their PP....
The Verge has a great article about Windows 8.1. They also mention some stuff that will extend to WP like syncing with IE11 and better search integration.
Microsoft is also building in a Reading List function into the Share Charm for Windows 8.1. "Think of it as a place to save rich bookmarks that I want to get back to, for the entire PC," explains Harris. It's basically an extended clipboard for Windows, but it will let 8.1 users save sections within applications across all PCs. This will also eventually be available on Windows Phone in future.
Do you need some Duracell AA batteries?
Win 8 with Xbox Music, though I use Zune to download my 10 free songs (grandfather'd plan).
With all the new options available (updates to app, Xbox Cloud, sync to any device, etc.), I have never taken the time to sit down and look at my options/organize.
In Xbox Music on Windows 8, there should be an option to automatically download songs you have downloaded on other devices. I'm at work so I forget the exact text, but that should do what you want... just through the cloud instead of direct transfer from phone.
As for selective synching... I use drag and drop onto the phone so it doesn't get anymore selective than that. It is a definite step back though lol. Actually... I have always had a problem copying DRM music to my phone from the computer, so that might not be an option for stuff you downloaded from Xbox Music.
Yeah, I enabled that setting when it came out the other month, but songs I have downloaded to my phone still aren't showing in Xbox Music. Damn. thoughts
Until Microsoft announced this tool was out of beta, I had totally forgotten about it and for good reason. When I looked at this in depth when Windows Phone 8 was released it was even more bare bones than now. I have been unhappily adding podcasts and music and videos manually via Explorer since then.
The Zune desktop client that came before this was lacking many features and needed some updating, but instead it was dropped. Why? There are many users who are crying out for Microsoft to re-engineer it to sync with their latest mobile operating system. A quick look at the comments on the Windows Phone blog shows how much actual users find this sync solution unsatisfactory and unfit for purpose. I have to wonder, am I the only one whose heart sank when I fired up this client?
There are many out there who question why Microsoft didnt just rebrand the Zune Client Xbox Music. If youre going to replace something, shouldnt the replacement be an improvement in some way? Obviously not in this case.
Can we expect Microsoft to turn this bare bones app into anything approaching iTunes or Zune in terms of features? Sadly considering how long its taken Microsoft just to get to a final release of this SyncToy with stripes on I wont hold my breath.
Zune Desktop Client? You are missed.
Neowin review of the WP8 sync tool 1.0:
Verdict: It still sucks.
People still use sync tools?
People still use sync tools?