-India has good news for us
-10% by the end of the year in the US is very very doubtful. The subsidization model here makes WP a much less desirable phone than others. This will change as the app story continues to get better and better, but right now of course we are behind iOS/Android in many ways.
-Bluetooth compliance is garbage in many many sectors. Car manufacturers seem to never follow the actual SIG standards, which means that in order to get a Bluetooth stack working everywhere devs have to put in hacks in various ways. Very difficult to test the 1000+ differences between cars

. That being said, there were some stability fixes in Portico that fixed many issues though work is never finished in that area.
-Updating Apps is much easier to distribute than updating the coreOS, which is why sometimes a fix might take longer to hit market than expected. Nokia has much more of an expedited process than WP team does, but I don't really know much about their process. Seeing that 920 firmware release a month or so ago with reception issues makes me think this.
-Cool stuff is always coming, even stuff that I am not allowed to see X_X.