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Windows Phone |OT3| Apollo has landed

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Unconfirmed Member
Today's the day Apple reinvents the music service right? They have been hammering the music ad on TV. Pretty sure James Mielke of 1up, EGM etc. is in it. Curious to see if they have any really big changes.


The Translator
I think it's more about how the smaller subpixels at higher PPI are harder to make out.

Right, makes sense.

The S4 does have a substantially higher PPI count than the 920/925/928, just a question of whether it really makes that much difference in person.
Heh, I seem to have trashed my screen protector. Now it has freaking holes on it!

Eh, the screen's still OK for the most part. I think I'll replace it once I get back from my vacation (~20 days from now, and it's not until the end of the week before I leave my usual place).

I kind of like how I stuck with a 900 since it has a non-PenTile AMOLED display. I can live with WVGA as long as the pixels are just right for me.


Thurott is saying he's heard that Blue isn't coming until Q2 2014, and the shift in scheduling is at the request of Nokia. Maybe they want to realign the major releases to coincide with the component releases so they don't end up 10 months behind on hardware every cycle?

Originally, I heard that we could expect Windows Phone 8.1 by the end of 2013 at the very earliest, but that early 2014 was more likely. Now, I’m hearing that it could fall as far back as Q2 2014.

At one point, a source confided that Microsoft had moved away from its original yearly schedule at the request of Nokia, and that Windows Phone was realigned to match the needs of its biggest (by far) hardware partner. I’m not actually sure that’s what happened, but this information came independently from any slip in schedule, so it’s certainly plausible.



has calmed down a bit.
Q2 2014 makes me wonder if the first wave of wp8 devices will get the update. That will be pretty close to the 18 month guaranteed update window by then. Bad news for 920 and 8x owners.


The Translator
Q2 2014 makes me wonder if the first wave of wp8 devices will get the update. That will be pretty close to the 18 month guaranteed update window by then. Bad news for 920 and 8x owners.

Pretty certain that it will come to the 920. It wouldn't make any sense if it didn't, considering you'd then have a situation where they'd have to push an update for the 520/720/928/925/620 etc. but leave out their original flagship phone and the 820.

With HTC I wouldn't be so sure though, given their track record.


Yeah, the 928 and 925 are so similar to the 920 its probably more likely that we'll see support of the 920 go far beyond the 18 month period.


Unconfirmed Member
I think all WP8 devices will get 8.1 and I don't think it will be that late either. I don't mind Thurrott, but he is far from being right all the time.




Q2 2014 makes me wonder if the first wave of wp8 devices will get the update. That will be pretty close to the 18 month guaranteed update window by then. Bad news for 920 and 8x owners.

I'd stake a lot of money on all WP8 devices, even 512MB versions, getting 8.1. If they bothered to update the launch WP7 devices to 7.8 it'd be hugely surprising if they didn't update all the WP8 ones.


My life is finally complete!!!




has calmed down a bit.
Ios7 is an upgrade over the ugly ios6, but it's so wildly inconsistent. I don't get it, it's such a mish mash of concepts. And the home screen icons are almost touch wiz level ugly. I'm shocked, it looks beta in parts. Like I said though, I still prefer it over ios6, which was offensively outdated.


Ios7 is an upgrade over the ugly ios6, but it's so wildly inconsistent. I don't get it, it's such a mish mash of concepts. And the home screen icons are almost touch wiz level ugly. I'm shocked, it looks beta in parts. Like I said though, I still prefer it over ios6, which was offensively outdated.

Those who like iOS7 only seem to realize this now.


Those who like iOS7 only seem to realize this now.

I just think they could have done a much better job than they did. I really wanted iOS 7 to be this amazing redesign that just floored me, but instead we get... this. I'm not happy right now, but what can you do.


Sprint is letting me out of my contract, and I'm considering getting a Windows phone or sticking with Android and getting a Nexus 4. Few questions:

1 - Nokia exclusive apps such as their navigation, ESPN, and ESPN fantasy football are these timed exclusives or do they eventually make it to other manufacturers after 6 months or so. I'm considering maybe an HTC 8x as I can find these on Craigslist at a pretty good price without a contract.

2 - I use Google Talk and GroupMe on Android for messaging. I remember seeing Groupme in app store when I had an HTC Radar. Is there a solution for Google Talk? There was talk of Microsoft integrating Google Talk with Outlook - has this made it's way into Windows Phone 8? What about the issue of messenger services not updating their live tiles/not receiving notifications - did this ever get resolved?

3 - Nokia 920, I remember reading early on that the phone was rebooting on its own and sometimes battery would drain for no reason. Did these issues get resolved through some of the smaller updates?


Because I'm not posting in the pos fanboy, hyperbole infested idiotic gaming side. I just wanted to say.



Unconfirmed Member
Because I'm not posting in the pos fanboy, hyperbole infested idiotic gaming side. I just wanted to say.


I know. Thought the Xbox showing was very good. Battlefront and Mirrors Edge 2 in the EA show were great!


I think iOS 7 looks pretty cool, just that the icons need some rethinking.

However all those people thought that WP looks like Fisher Price stuff though, oh boy.
I didn't mind the online requirements and no used game restrictions when I assumed Sony would be doing the same thing, but Sony (1) not having those restrictions (2) putting out a more powerful machine and (3) selling it for $100 less has taken out most of the enthusiasm I had for the Xbone. Microsoft could still get me to buy if the media functionality of the Xbone is on par with an HTPC (as in, plays .mkv files) or has some kind of WP8 integration that impresses me.
That's hilarious.
Seriously shocking that a company like Apple could make a design decision like that (I assume there's a good chance that'll be changed for final release).
I didn't mind the online requirements and no used game restrictions when I assumed Sony would be doing the same thing, but Sony (1) not having those restrictions (2) putting out a more powerful machine and (3) selling it for $100 less has taken out most of the enthusiasm I had for the Xbone. Microsoft could still get me to buy if the media functionality of the Xbone is on par with an HTPC (as in, plays .mkv files) or has some kind of WP8 integration that impresses me.

We all dream of .mkv and we will all keep dreaming, is their any platform/OS that supports it by default?

The Sony price tag at $399 was bold and impressive (their margins must be pretty thin, GDDR5 is expensive), but based on what I've seen the One still has more and more interesting exclusive games.
"And for all the jokes about skeumorphism, I would have preferred something nearer to the company's previous efforts than the new set, which seem closer to bathroom signage than even Windows Phone in their plainness."


"And for all the jokes about skeumorphism, I would have preferred something nearer to the company's previous efforts than the new set, which seem closer to bathroom signage than even Windows Phone in their plainness."

Your leading authority on style, ladies and gentlemen.

Anyone tried playing videos with height of 576 lines, interlaced or progressive? Attempting to play videos at 576p on my Nokia Lumia 900 gave me either choppiness or lines.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Exclusives don't matter when MS is making gamers look like fucking criminals.

How are they doing that exactly..?

Also do you have to bring this crap into this thread? I thought this place was a sanctuary away from the crazy!



How are publishers going to lock their disk sales?

If you'd read the post I made before, you'd see the policy isn't actually in control of either platform holders, the publishers want it, you may get Sony not bothering with it on their disks (though with their attitude to locking down the Vita etc I'd imagine they'll be first in line for it) but the rest are going to slam the DRM on it, forced new sales or a bite of the apple on resales is too big for publishers to pass up on, and if one platform has it front and center the other platform will need to support a similar system or face publishers ignoring them. But hey I'm batshit insane so what do I know?

Probably risking a ban, but Gaf has often been labeled Pro-Sony.

Posters only get away with what the mods deem acceptable and align with their views a lot of the time, I won't mention any names but there has been several revokings of mod status for abuses of status that were just to blatant to ignore.

at this point in time I think MS has lost the plot, we have notifications for new messages etc we want a quick way of viewing them, not an app that takes as long to open as opening the app where the notification is for.




He didn't get banned for that, right?!?

Search is borked again, I can't check.

Also, I love how after months and months of defending iOS6 in various threads, people suddenly realise it looks like shit now.


The Nokia Lumia 928, which is only available from Verizon Wireless, was the third-best-selling phone on Big Red's network.

Behind the GS4 and iPhone 5.

Edit Edit:

Looks like Rudy Huyn's Vine app is coming along nicely



The Translator
I think it looks alright, but not more imo. They wanted to do something new without pissing off or confusing their existing users. The result is neither here or there.

The new features are much more impressive I think. Lets hope MS introduce a bit more than a notification app with WP Blue.


What is the WP team doing all year? Especially if Blue is really pushed to 2014?

Hard at work on slipping into irrelevancy. Apple just stole a lot of their swag. In Apple fan's mind Apple created everything. If they even decide to give WP8/8.1/9 a chance they'll say Microsoft stole *blank* from Apple.


The Translator
Hard at work on slipping into irrelevancy. Apple just stole a lot of their swag. In Apple fan's mind Apple created everything. If they even decide to give WP8/8.1/9 a chance they'll say Microsoft stole *blank* from Apple.

That's not really important though, Apple fans will not jump off their platform anyway and nothing Microsoft can do will change that.

Either way, yesterday's even has (again) shown that they need to speed the fuck up and not only include (some of) the features that people have requested, but to also innovate and introduce their own. Big features, cool features, features I .. I mean we ... approve of.

Q2 2014 is too late, unless GDR3 brings some really big improvements first. Early 2014, as in January or February, is the latest they can leave it to imo.

Until then they have to let Nokia grow the market and hope they do a very good job at that.
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