I'll let that "agreed" stand on its own.
edit: I'm such a child.
I'll let that "agreed" stand on its own.
edit: I'm such a child.
The gradient meme is funny.
Looking forward to build, I also hope we get the amber update next month.
The Verge took the time to make a handy comparison gallery of iOS7 elements side by side with other OSs.
The Verge took the time to make a handy comparison gallery of iOS7 elements side by side with other OSs.
The Verge scores the Lumia 925 an 8.1
Damn, a WP that broke the 8.0 barrier. I think Tom might be trolling Josh.
It even scored .1 higher than the Galaxy S4 (different reviewer, however).
phones with large screens need to be thin imo. The 920 is just too damn big.I guess they REALLY care about it being super thin and light.
I love how size and weight of the 920, meh guess I'm not a journalist with tiny babby hands.
Next order of business:
Make a thread in OT: "The Verge: Nokia Lumia 925 better than Samsung Galaxy S4".
Next order of business:
Make a thread in OT: "The Verge: Nokia Lumia 925 better than Samsung Galaxy S4".
Next order of business:
Make a thread in OT: "The Verge: Nokia Lumia 925 better than Samsung Galaxy S4".
Oh no.
I don't fear a ban, I only fear the hostility and the misplaced "oh snap"s
Is anyone else not able to update apps or basically do anything else because your phone thinks that your Microsoft Account password is incorrect?
nice, the thread got locked. At least you didn't get banned.
Have you enabled two factor authentication for your Microsoft account? If so you need to generate an app password and use that to log in on your Windows Phone instead.
The Verge scores the Lumia 925 an 8.1
I'm curious: who here has a Windows Phone and a Windows Tablet/PC and is not getting a Xbone? As much as I hate the system, it's solely tempting due to the ecosystem I'm invested in already.
I'm curious: who here has a Windows Phone and a Windows Tablet/PC and is not getting a Xbone? As much as I hate the system, it's solely tempting due to the ecosystem I'm invested in already.
Got WP7, WP8, Windows 7, Windows 8 on a tablet, Xbox 360.
Going PS4.
heh, excellent avatar change Nero.
Got WP7, WP8, Windows 7, Windows 8 on a tablet, Xbox 360.
Going PS4.
What is it referring to?
I'm curious: who here has a Windows Phone and a Windows Tablet/PC and is not getting a Xbone? As much as I hate the system, it's solely tempting due to the ecosystem I'm invested in already.
C U Next Tuesday.
It's referring to the biggest betrayalton in recent football history. Well, recent Arsenal history. Well, last years Arsenal history.
Let's try this again....
woot today is 925 day. (I hope they don't run out of stock by the time i get there again).