has calmed down a bit.
How am I not an owner when I bought a Lumia 521 today?
Congrats, you're finally a true owner of windows phone,
How am I not an owner when I bought a Lumia 521 today?
It has always had that option.So 8.1 previews has option to choose default apps,
LTE got turned on for me today. 24 mbps down, not bad. I didn't think we would get lte here in the islands so quickly.
I can get a Lumia 520 for free if I renew my plan. Is it worth using it instead of my 710? The only difference I can think about is the flash.
520 runs wp8. 710 runs wp7.Hi WP GAF!
I can get a Lumia 520 for free if I renew my plan. Is it worth using it instead of my 710? The only difference I can think about is the flash.
So I want to give Xbox Music a go - seeing as I run 3 Win8 (8.1) devices, and my girlfriend and I have a Lumia each - is it any good?
Whats the playlist management like?
I would be leaving Spotify to do this...opinions and advice are welcome!
If those two were my options, I'd go with the 520. But if I'm renewing my contract, I'm taking the best possible phone, even if it means paying. So if you can get a subsidy on a higher end Lumia, like a 720, 820 or preferably 920, then you should pay the difference.
yeah I know, but I'm buying some furniture for my new apartment. I can't spend a lot of money on a cellphone right now. The 920 is like 1000 dollars here, lol.
So they would subsidize the 520 and not the 920? There is no 620, 720 or 820?
Is there really any difference in using a class 4 microSD over a class 10 in say a Lumia 520?
Flipboard is coming to WP too.
I love Weave, so no big deal for me, but it's still nice.
Tons of apps and updates these days...!
I've got my music pass, created my playlist on Xbox Music (Win 8.1) and my phone now sees my I really have to download it song by song? Why are songs in my collection (that are not on Xbox Music) automatically removed from the playlist?
Why is this such an utter ballache?
EDIT: Scratch that, I found the select all/download option...
For the 620 I would have to pay 200 reais, for the 820 900 reais and for the 920 1400 reais. No 720 so far.
The subsides here are TERRIBLE.
And to think no time ago they had no plans for it
it's not a long time when you have one guy working on it!
Did anyone notice that the Twitter app now translates foreign language tweets using bing translate when you open them up?
Pretty cool.
Also, a major new feature in a major ap that debuts on Windows Phone? What the fuck is going on?
WP is dead.
Apparently a Mint app is coming soon, according to the BUILD conference blog on arstechnica. I guess its possible it could have been for Windows 8 too tho, since i don't have the actual stream to listen to the exact wording.
Well that's already 200% more than those working on the Spotify app.
(im angry...)
Holy shit. Just heard about the Flipboard announcement. So fucking awesome. I'm legitimately in love with my phone now that Flipboard is confirmed coming.
This is probably my 10th time asking for phone advice in this thread but I promise I'm actually going to buy one this time!
I've limited it to 3 phones: Nexus 4, Lumia 920, HTC 8x
I will post my perceived pro's and con's of each and then hopefully from that you can chime in with your opinions.
I will be buying a phone used off of ebay, I am on AT&T in the USA.
Nexus 4
+ 2gb ram
+ wealth of apps
+ android updates as soon as they are available
- android getting glitchy over time
- malware
- no lte
Lumia 920
+ camera lens and image stabilization
+ cinemagraphs
+ 32gb storage
- size and weight
- lack of apps that i use
- wp8 looks a little TOO clean (bland and boring)
+ form factor
+ ridiculously sexy limelight color
+ most inexpensive of the 3
- probably the least impressive of the 3 in hardware
- lack of apps that i use
- wp8 looks a little TOO clean (bland and boring)
Ok so for context I'm using now an iPhone 3GS. It was a hand-me-down from a friend and it's incredibly frustrating to use especially since I updated to the latest firmware.
The apps I use the most are Pandora, Words With Friends, and Instagram.
I keep checking the Windows Store for WWF reviews and they're almost all horrible and that worries me. How is the Itsdagram app going? I feel like it could go away any second and not be available any more and thus no Instagram on WP.
What would you do?