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Windows Phone |OT3| Apollo has landed

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lol this will go well.

Imagine bieber getting on stage, talking all hip and cool about the phone, taking one out of his pocket, snap a picture, play a bit with the 41MP zoom feature and then share it on Instagram.

Nokia could sell millions of that model, if they'd accept wet panties as payment.


I'm wondering whether Bieber being there is a hint that Instagram will be coming at the same time. Seems like it would be stupid to have one without the other.


I can't help but think having Bieber is a stupid idea. The standard reaction among techies (I'll call us phonies from now on) towards him is still very negative. Do they think approaching 15 year old girls will help them turn their fortunes around?

I hope they don't waste too much money on him.


I can't help but think having Bieber is a stupid idea. The standard reaction among techies (I'll call us phonies from now on) towards him is still very negative. Do they think approaching 15 year old girls will help them turn their fortunes around?

I hope they don't waste too much money on him.

Having Justin Bieber post one mirror shot of himself using a Lumia EOS would be massive.



Carl Zeiss is now officially "ZEISS". Which is relevant because we remember these from a while ago:



What? Someone PM cuteness overload and tell him to smash his 900 against the wall. A 920 for $120 is a steal!

Hopefully never. Ain't nobody want to hear a song or goofy sound clip for text message you get, custom ringtones are already a blight on humanity. My coworker has his HTC One set up so that when you call him, a video of a woman stripping plays in the background. Sometimes, its best when we are given limited choices.

Disagree. While we can simply small tile our whole screen for say, functionality sake, it looks like ass. Still the ability to do it widens the use case and the audience. While I agree, idiots with dumb notifications sounds are lame, on the other side of the coin are badass sounds I'd love to try instead of the defaults.


I can't help but think having Bieber is a stupid idea. The standard reaction among techies (I'll call us phonies from now on) towards him is still very negative. Do they think approaching 15 year old girls will help them turn their fortunes around?

I hope they don't waste too much money on him.

Worked for Titanic. Never underestimate the zeal teenage girls are capable of.


I can't help but think having Bieber is a stupid idea. The standard reaction among techies (I'll call us phonies from now on) towards him is still very negative. Do they think approaching 15 year old girls will help them turn their fortunes around?

I hope they don't waste too much money on him.

While I'm not sure how size of the teen girl demographic compares to techies/phonies I'd bet that they're easier to sell WP8 to. Whenever I read negative comments about WP it seems to come from "informed" tech enthusiasts that are too invested in Android or iOS to even give WP a chance in the first place.

Teens on the other hand don't seem to be of the type to hold an allegiance to tech monoliths like Google, Samsung or Apple. Instead they gravitate towards an idea of "cool" which usually involves whatever their parents aren't using or haven't heard of. And in that regard I think WP has them covered.
What? Someone PM cuteness overload and tell him to smash his 900 against the wall. A 920 for $120 is a steal!

Hopefully never. Ain't nobody want to hear a song or goofy sound clip for text message you get, custom ringtones are already a blight on humanity. My coworker has his HTC One set up so that when you call him, a video of a woman stripping plays in the background. Sometimes, its best when we are given limited choices.

Thats the biggest bullshit ever, Windows phone not setting custom tones for texts doesnt stop android or iOS stuff from having that, and the vast majority of people are on those two platforms.

I just cant stand having the same as everyone else, in public when someone else gets a text on a windows phone I am always going to be on alert if it was my phone or not since the limited availability.

If I have Navi's "Hey" "Listen" or "Look" for my SMS MMS and so fourth chances are there isnt going to be someone else out there with it
While I'm not sure how size of the teen girl demographic compares to techies/phonies I'd bet that they're easier to sell WP8 to. Whenever I read negative comments about WP it seems to come from "informed" tech enthusiasts that are too invested in Android or iOS to even give WP a chance in the first place.

Teens on the other hand don't seem to be of the type to hold an allegiance to tech monoliths like Google, Samsung or Apple. Instead they gravitate towards an idea of "cool" which usually involves whatever their parents aren't using or haven't heard of. And in that regard I think WP has them covered.

Well they are barking up the wrong tree with Bieber then. He has gone from cool to not cool so fast that it's amazing. Well, this is MS we're talking about, they are always about 2 years late to everything, so getting Bieber instead of Psy makes sense for MS.


While I'm not sure how size of the teen girl demographic compares to techies/phonies I'd bet that they're easier to sell WP8 to. Whenever I read negative comments about WP it seems to come from "informed" tech enthusiasts that are too invested in Android or iOS to even give WP a chance in the first place.

Teens on the other hand don't seem to be of the type to hold an allegiance to tech monoliths like Google, Samsung or Apple. Instead they gravitate towards an idea of "cool" which usually involves whatever their parents aren't using or haven't heard of. And in that regard I think WP has them covered.

I would think that demographic wants instagram, Candy Crush, and whatever fad game becomes popular in the future.


has calmed down a bit.
Thats the biggest bullshit ever, Windows phone not setting custom tones for texts doesnt stop android or iOS stuff from having that, and the vast majority of people are on those two platforms.


But I agree that more built in alert sounds would be nice.

edit: and lol at soldier blaming MS for bieber.


I'm not saying that getting Bieber or whoever to endorse WP is a good move. I'm only saying that teens are a respectable demographic to pursue. I agree that securing apps is the key though and the positive effect from having those apps available would obviously apply to other kinds of users as well.

That said, I remember how BlackBerry was surprisingly popular among teens a while back (and maybe until now) because of BBM. But of course that wasn't enough to propel that platform past iOS or Android.
Well they are barking up the wrong tree with Bieber then. He has gone from cool to not cool so fast that it's amazing. Well, this is MS we're talking about, they are always about 2 years late to everything, so getting Bieber instead of Psy makes sense for MS.

Wait... are you serious? Is that guy still a thing?
While I'm not sure how size of the teen girl demographic compares to techies/phonies I'd bet that they're easier to sell WP8 to. Whenever I read negative comments about WP it seems to come from "informed" tech enthusiasts that are too invested in Android or iOS to even give WP a chance in the first place.

Teens on the other hand don't seem to be of the type to hold an allegiance to tech monoliths like Google, Samsung or Apple. Instead they gravitate towards an idea of "cool" which usually involves whatever their parents aren't using or haven't heard of. And in that regard I think WP has them covered.

My daughter think her Lumia 620 is pretty "cool" despite being life long Apple user. iPad is her go to gadget but when I suggest she get iPhone she said why I already have iPad, I rather use something difference. She said all her friends think she has the coolest looking phone, probably because it's not iPhone and Galaxy that everyone else is using.

She admit to me she let her friend use the phone the other day at running track and her friend drop the phone. She thought the screen would crack but it was still holding up and barely a scratch. (She finally got the courage to ask me to look at it to make sure nothing is wrong with it). Not bad for cheap little phone, though not as exciting as the guy that mount his Lumia 920 on the bike and the mount fall apart and his Lumia got ran over by cars yet still function. Truly a chuck norris of mobile phone. (With exception of Van's that was destroy by his kid, must be 920 weakness).


Wow, when it rain it pour, we now get Redbox, Best Buiy and more update to Facebook Beta. My sincere apology to Van for not keeping the faith.


The app situation in the UK is definitely getting better..

the Halifax has released its full features banking app as well as a cineworld.

i think that's all the main banks catered for now..

glad to be an early adopter �� and definitely be happy recommending WP8 to others.


He's just a fan of open standards. If they come from Google, of course.

Meh I was bored.

Your avatar was annoying me, brot, on GAF dark theme.

I think this looks better, but then again, I'm no photoshop expert.

edit: fixed the font. Noticed a pixel off.


edit 2: font still looks off. I'll fix it later.


has calmed down a bit.
(With exception of Van's that was destroy by his kid, must be 920 weakness).

Bad angle on the drop, I guess. And even then, the screen was shattered and I could still use the phone, everything still worked. The fixed 920 fell last weekend onto asphalt and bounced around. My heart stopped, I was thinking "not again!". Just a few nicks, still looks great.
Wait... are you serious? Is that guy still a thing?

You must be joking. Please tell me you are joking.
452 million views for Gentleman. Okay, that's a big drop from Gangnam Style but he isn't going anywhere.
To be fair, Psy actually does endorsements for Samsung in his home country, so he probably wouldn't be available for Nokia/MS anyways.

He's just a fan of open standards. If they come from Google, of course.

This would even make sense if any of Google's competitors were open .They aren't. Google is the only one offering the base OS as free open-sourced. So if I was a fan of open standards, who else could I choose besides Google in the first place?


Just played around with the Lumia 521.

What a fun experience.

What do you guys use for wi-fi toggle? I don't like digging through the settings menu to turn off the wifi.
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