Just played around with the Lumia 521.
What a fun experience.
What do you guys use for wi-fi toggle? I don't like digging through the settings menu to turn off the wifi.
Try this.
Just played around with the Lumia 521.
What a fun experience.
What do you guys use for wi-fi toggle? I don't like digging through the settings menu to turn off the wifi.
I'm really tempted to buy that 521....someone push me over the edge.
I'm really tempted to buy that 521....someone push me over the edge.
I'm really tempted to buy that 521....someone push me over the edge.
I'm really tempted to buy that 521....someone push me over the edge.
99% of the apps run on 512. I rarely run into a problem with my 620.512mb of ram kills it for me, otherwise Id use it as a little achievements on the go Xbox system.
99% of the apps run on 512. I rarely run into a problem with my 620.
Don't certain graphic intense games only run on 1gb devices?
I have only seen a few of them that require it.Don't certain graphic intense games only run on 1gb devices?
Don't certain graphic intense games only run on 1gb devices?
I'm tempted to buy a 520 for my daughter. Then again, at&t is supposed to get a 520 variant, any idea when? I hope its released before her birthday on the 31st of July.
Is it unfair to say that gaf is quickly becoming the Infowars of gaming?
I got my unlock code for $15
was it the 521 t-mobile version you got?
I'll get the 521 as well. The other devices are just too expensive and I don't know if they're worth it. I'd be missing out on a few apps, unfortunately, but I really don't care. That photo app from Nokia will be missed, but I'll do without it.
If the Instagram client works on 512 MB, I'm in.
Instance works fine on 512MB, as does 6sec for Vine.
Also, 820's screen is so much better than 920's! Who cares about resolution, the difference is abysmal.
You're crazy. The jump to 720P is HUGE. The jump from 720P to 1080P is not nearly as big, however. My co-worker has a One (gorgeous device btw) and, while the screen is beautiful, I really couldn't see the benefits of the increased resolution for apps and web browsing. I think it'll be nice to have 1080p screens on Windows Phones this fall, but I think quad core processors will yield more benefits in the long run.
You're crazy. The jump to 720P is HUGE. The jump from 720P to 1080P is not nearly as big, however. My co-worker has a One (gorgeous device btw) and, while the screen is beautiful, I really couldn't see the benefits of the increased resolution for apps and web browsing. I think it'll be nice to have 1080p screens on Windows Phones this fall, but I think quad core processors will yield more benefits in the long run.
You're crazy. The jump to 720P is HUGE. The jump from 720P to 1080P is not nearly as big, however. My co-worker has a One (gorgeous device btw) and, while the screen is beautiful, I really couldn't see the benefits of the increased resolution for apps and web browsing. I think it'll be nice to have 1080p screens on Windows Phones this fall, but I think quad core processors will yield more benefits in the long run.
thnx m8. I only have one month left with this plan, I can't wait to switch.
Also, 820's screen is so much better than 920's! Who cares about resolution, the difference is abysmal.
As an 820 user I'd be inclined to disagree. Resolution doesn't bother me, though 720p would be nice. I find the colours to be over saturated and just too full on. Don't think they're particularly accurate. The deep black's of the AMOLED are nice though.Also, 820's screen is so much better than 920's! Who cares about resolution, the difference is abysmal.
edit: well not in Germany. I blame Brot.
thnx m8. I only have one month left with this plan, I can't wait to switch.
Also, 820's screen is so much better than 920's! Who cares about resolution, the difference is abysmal.
edit: well not in Germany. I blame Brot.
edit: well not in Germany. I blame Brot.
Yay I �� radio is back. Now when are they going to patch my Dodonpachi.
I was thinking about that today. If they can integrate windows 8-like search on the phone they'll basically leapfrog everyone else in the phone space.
And then I won't even mind having the search button there. Right now, its a waste of space.
That already exists on googles mobile thing, and devs don't care about giving the os access to their precious data. I think its the reason that google moved away from having a search key as being mandatory.
I haven't used android in a while, but I doubt you can search third party apps, text messages, email, the web, SkyDrive (edit: google docs in the case of android) files etc. from one interface. That's what I'm talking about.
I haven't used android in a while, but I doubt you can search third party apps, text messages, email, the web, SkyDrive (edit: google docs in the case of android) files etc. from one interface. That's what I'm talking about.
New Skype app written from the ground up? et tu MS?
that's how it's supposed to work, but like Coppy said, many developers don't support it
I just updated to Facebook 5.0. It looks and works great so far. Does that mean we can get rid of the beta app now?