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Windows Phone |OT3| Apollo has landed

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Wow I know people have said it before, but MetroTube is amazing. I just preloaded a video, but the download froze at around 70%. I canceled, expecting to have to start over again. Nope, it started the download right at the same point it stopped at previously.

I didn't think a YouTube app would be a big thing, but it is.


Wow I know people have said it before, but MetroTube is amazing. I just preloaded a video, but the download froze at around 70%. I canceled, expecting to have to start over again. Nope, it started the download right at the same point it stopped at previously.

I didn't think a YouTube app would be a big thing, but it is.

But but tech sites tell me we gots no apps??? And all the YouTube apps suck on wp8??
Hey guys, I thought the internet exploder that came with WP8 was HTML 5 compatible, why is it that I keep seeing this on many different websites? Is there some settings that I need to mess with? Please help

Most mobile websites expect to see 'Safari' as the browser ID string before they will serve the HTML 5 version of the page. Android has the same problem unless you install Adobe Flash Player.
Hmm.. I got two update notices today on my old Samsung Focus (otherwise known as my DoDonpachi portable player, until they get their act together and update for Windows Phone 8). I was excited thinking it's 7.8 but they were just firmware update.


never left the stone age
MS should be embarrassed by that joke YouTube official app.

It's not even an app, it's literally a link to m.youtube.com.

Facebook just got updated. Improved performance, support for multiple resolutions and tile sizes.

Tile sizes? But I could have all 3 tile sizes before this update. It loads WAY faster now though, huge improvement.


So what's better, Facebook integrated or Facebook app? I kinda like the contacts to have all in one place, but the Facebook posts are not really that great to read in the people hub. Not sure if keeping both is a good ida?
So what's better, Facebook integrated or Facebook app? I kinda like the contacts to have all in one place, but the Facebook posts are not really that great to read in the people hub. Not sure if keeping both is a good ida?

The facebook app definitely is a good app to have as addition. I have it on mine and I mostly go to that to browse updates and stuff.


never left the stone age
I just quoted their Update Details :)

Oh, odd. Because when I first got the phone the Facebook app had all three sizes and the things displayed changed based on the size as well, with the largest showing your timeline image.


So what's better, Facebook integrated or Facebook app? I kinda like the contacts to have all in one place, but the Facebook posts are not really that great to read in the people hub. Not sure if keeping both is a good ida?

You can always just uncheck the filter in the people hub. I couldn't imagine using this phone without integrated fb


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I think MS need to be more proactive in courting developers to be honest. Maybe something like offering to cover or subsidise the development costs of WP versions of key apps from the iOS App Store.

At the moment the problem isn't just that WP8 has many fewer apps, it's also that when app developers are making apps, their top priority is the iOS version, then Android. Then probably Blackberry. WP is a distant third or fourth if it even figures at all.
So HTC is pulling back on Windows Phone 8, due to lack of screen size support. I am confuse, I thought the reason for reboot is so we can have higher resolution. Why is Microsoft team such idiots, do they not see where thing are heading? Smaller tablet, larger phone is the thread for last year yet both of their brand new OS do not properly support it. It seems they are trying very hard to kill themselves off into irrelevance.

If HTC already scale back WP8, that could only mean initial sales could not be all that great. I don't buy their reasoning that 5" Windows Phone with current resolution would not be competitive. Best solution would be however for OS to support 1080p.


720p hasn't hurt Note sales, it isn't the lack of 1080p. It's got to be slow sales of the 8X. Sad news indeed as HTC was going in the right direction with the 8X. HTC's 1080p Butterfly can't be selling well against the Note 2. Seriously, everyone wants a Samsung for Android and a Nokia for WP. Do the carriers realize this too? Makes me wonder why the US carriers quietly swept the Ativ S under the rug and it isn't to be found. Can Nokia alone keep WP afloat?
Has anyone here considered going for a discounted Lumia 800 with new updates over the other budget/midrange WP8 devices?

The 800 is tough to top design-wise but im guessing the added performance with WP8 devices is the tradeoff.
Has anyone here considered going for a discounted Lumia 800 with new updates over the other budget/midrange WP8 devices?

The 800 is tough to top design-wise but im guessing the added performance with WP8 devices is the tradeoff.
it's what I did in October. Needed a new phone and didn't want to wait for the wp8 devices, so went with an 800.


Unconfirmed Member
Has anyone here considered going for a discounted Lumia 800 with new updates over the other budget/midrange WP8 devices?

The 800 is tough to top design-wise but im guessing the added performance with WP8 devices is the tradeoff.

If you don't really care about the newest apps (not that WP8 has any anyway) the 7.5 devices are still great. They're easily the best budget smartphone.


720p hasn't hurt Note sales, it isn't the lack of 1080p. It's got to be slow sales of the 8X.

I don't think this is because of slow sales of the 8X. It would make sense that they'd come up with an excuse if this device was officially announced and this was an official statement. I'd think it's more likely that they put this out there to push Microsoft to prioritize 1080p support. While the Note may be doing well now, you have to assume its successor (and everything else in that market) will be going 1080p soon.
I don't think this is because of slow sales of the 8X. It would make sense that they'd come up with an excuse if this device was officially announced and this was an official statement. I'd think it's more likely that they put this out there to push Microsoft to prioritize 1080p support. While the Note may be doing well now, you have to assume its successor (and everything else in that market) will be going 1080p soon.
A better question is why WP8 not already support 1080p.

Why I would not carry something that massive, both my daughter and wife thinks they are cool because they can just stick it in the handbag and replaced both tablet and phone with one device.
A better question is why WP8 not already support 1080p.

Why I would not carry something that massive, both my daughter and wife thinks they are cool because they can just stick it in the handbag and replaced both tablet and phone with one device.

Microsoft was still struggling about which OS would be better for sub-10" devices. Internal rivalries and all that. Same old Microsoft. <3


A better question is why WP8 not already support 1080p.

Why I would not carry something that massive, both my daughter and wife thinks they are cool because they can just stick it in the handbag and replaced both tablet and phone with one device.

Yeah, they should have just added support for it (even if there were no devices) at the same time they added 720p/768p. At least that way we'd go through only one round of updating apps for new releases. Now we'll have to do it again in a year or so when they inevitably add 1080p.

Microsoft was still struggling about which OS would be better for sub-10" devices. Internal rivalries and all that. Same old Microsoft. <3

Rumors are the "Blue" update for Windows 8 will add support for 7" tablets. I guess we know who won that battle :p

Well, its sad but they have the advantage when Microsoft goes to approach them. They have the App, they are making plenty of money on Ios and Android, and Microsoft needs them more than they need Microsoft. They are probably asking for ungodly sums of cash for a simple port, something that would take 2 weeks at most if you already have the source code and assets.

Microsoft was still struggling about which OS would be better for sub-10" devices. Internal rivalries and all that. Same old Microsoft. <3

I know that some people may like them, but honestly I do not see a point in phones bigger than 4.5". 4.5" is huge as it stands, and anything larger and you're rivaling tablets.
Microsoft was still struggling about which OS would be better for sub-10" devices. Internal rivalries and all that. Same old Microsoft. <3

Pretty dumb and pretty much seal their fate as mobile competitor. They constantly playing catch up. I mean Google got it right, give stuff to people for free, get them hook on your service then rope them into your eco system. If they still resist and don't want to then cut off the services and make them either paid for them or abandon rival OS system and come to use your OS. They also smart to settle any chance of any anti-trust action, even though there is no argument that in post-PC world who has the monopoly. iOS shares will continue to shrink and Surface and confusing launch of Windows 8 pretty much seal the deal.

This should have been awesome year for Microsoft with the launch new OS but all these negative just drain any momentum they could have had.


Unconfirmed Member
I know that some people may like them, but honestly I do not see a point in phones bigger than 4.5". 4.5" is huge as it stands, and anything larger and you're rivaling tablets.

It may be big but who cares? some people want that. HTC just want to make something that will sell.

Samsung have sold 15m+ Notes so there's obviously a market. Pretending there isn't is just going to leave you with 1% market share.


So the HTC Zenith gets canned and the Ativ S is MIA in the US. Great, so the 920 remains the only flagship, and only available through ATT for another 5 months.


Junior Member
Honestly, the situation is bad and Joe Belfiore, and I am sorry to say this, but he should be fired.

We need someone competent to lead the team. Someone who has the balls and act fast. And by fast, I don't mean fast by MS standards no, I mean faster than the competition.

Maybe give the WP OS to Nokia, since they are the only ones who gives a shit about this OS.


1080p on a phone is the dumbest fucking technological advancement of 2012. What a stupid fucking waste of GPU power killing battery life for literally 0 perceptible improvement without a microscope.


Junior Member
What situation are we talking about here?

Buggy software launch, buggy hardware, OS still can't do basic shit right, missing apps from WP7, app devs still do not care about WP, 5 phones that are either hard to find or still not out yet, a whole fucking OS reboot and still doesn't allow for the latest tech shit (1080p support etc).

And the list goes on. Look, I am not a troll but when you reboot your OS twice and still can't get things right, then you have to fire the man in charge.


What situation are we talking about here?
Bloomberg announcing that HTC cancelled their next WP8 device, codenamed Zenith, 4.8" screen, quad core, rumored to be 1080p.

Sad situation considering MS helped HTC with the 8X marketing. There's gotta be more behind it than slow 8X sales. I'm beginning to think MS is too slow in giving HTC the updates for them to add quad core and 1080p.


Bloomberg announcing that HTC cancelled their next WP8 device, codenamed Zenith, 4.8" screen, quad core, rumored to be 1080p.

Sad situation considering MS helped HTC with the 8X marketing. There's gotta be more behind it than slow 8X sales. I'm beginning to think MS is too slow in giving HTC the updates for them to add quad core and 1080p.

I'd put money on it that this is the reason.


Junior Member
@dLMN8R and I think its dumb too and I also think Android is fugly and big screens like the Galaxy Note is the dumbest shit ever but what "I" think here doesn't matter. The people and hardware manufactures demands it, and they rightly deserve it.

MS should be fighting to be on top, not catch up to the rest.

This is why I was against Sinofsky when he admitted how MS is no longer the top dogs and instead just playing the catch up game.


If the 8x didn't sell too well, I'd say that's enough reason to cancel future WP phones for HTC. As is, they are a struggling company. And of course they might have knowledge of a MS branded handset which would make future endeavors a waste of limited resources.

but.... Dodonpachi on wp8 please.


I will agree on the 1080p (that is exactly what the article says after all). I'd be very very surprised if we didn't see quad cores in spring.

I don't really get the doom and gloom over this info. Okay, they aren't going to release a 5+" phone. Its not like they are cutting support for WP and not releasing a 4.5 or 4 inch phone.

I think there are a few areas that Microsoft is screwing up (Xbox Music for example), but I'm pretty happy with what we got in WP8, and the fact that a critical bug fix update already includes additional featured is a good sign for the future.


Junior Member
They are skipping 1080p and heading right into 4K with Haswell chips inside running W8 and an HDMI displayport. Real desktop/phone convergence is where it is at.

I wouldn't mind if they handed WP to the Windows team.

Sure, Windows 8 got a lot hate from the crowds but at least they know their service packs!


So who wants to compile a twitter/email list of the developers of those WP7 games that aren't compatible so we can beg them to update for WP8?


Junior Member
So who wants to compile a twitter/email list of the developers of those WP7 games that aren't compatible so we can beg them to update for WP8?


“WOW! We had no idea about this... we'll have to give MS a shout ourselves, but in the meantime, you might as well ask them yourself too ;)
Yeah, nobody from there gave us any sort of heads up that *I'm* aware of... maybe it's just a temporary issue? Maybe they're phasing out all WP7 only content?”

You are fighting a losing battle.
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