Cute Dragon Here
Don't understand why none of my weather apps are updating.... frustrating!!!
Apps stop running thier background processes if not opened for too long, usually two weeks, though I've seen shorter.
Don't understand why none of my weather apps are updating.... frustrating!!!
I've read enough impressions to know I'm not really in the target audience. The 920's camera is still impressive, and they're essentially identical otherwise.
I'm probably going to get a 920 this week. I was considering the 1020, but $650 for a phone that, camera aside, is essentially identical, was just too much. I'm buying the 920 for $400 and giving the 620 to my mother so she can stop using her horrible, horrible prepaid ZTE phone. The thing restarts multiple times a day and has such a poor screen that even slightly moving it ruins the viewing angle.
Will do the same probably.
Why on earth is the battery in the 625 not replaceable? It's a fucking huge phone, ffs.
Was thinking the same thing, it's strange.
Then I was also thinking that in all the years I've had mobile phones, I never once replaced a battery. Not once in 16 years and probably just as many phones. Is it actually something that people genuinely do or have ever done to any great extent? I mean, it's nice to actually be able to do it if you have to obviously, but in reality I suspect it's just one of those things that people demand because they're used to it, but never intend to use.
I'd probably think the same, but I've never had a battery die on me on any of my phones or laptops.
Probably just lucky I guess.
You heard it, guys. They're doing stuff. And something. Just be a bit more patient and wait a little bit more.
This is hilarious.
Halo SA available for download apparently, even for non Verizon phones.
Apparently Rudy Huyn is getting hassled for his source code for Wikipedia in which he won a contest a couple years ago.
I received a lot of pressure by a big company recently (not related to 6gram or 6sec) and I almost fainted tonight.
You heard it, guys. They're doing stuff. And something. Just be a bit more patient and wait a little bit more.
This is hilarious.
I just laugh at FM radio ... yeah. Welcome to 2010. Oh and we get "improve" Xbox Music. Things they didn't need to fix but decided they need to dump Zune for a shitter experience. Also read between the line, existing users you can go stufu, we are about catering to OEM and carriers so they can sell new phone. Anyway, out before Van tell me I am being negative nancy again. Seriously, how could thing like storage bug not get fix by now.
Can't disagree.I just laugh at FM radio ... yeah. Welcome to 2010. Oh and we get "improve" Xbox Music. Things they didn't need to fix but decided they need to dump Zune for a shitter experience. Also read between the line, existing users you can go stufu, we are about catering to OEM and carriers so they can sell new phone. Anyway, out before Van tell me I am being negative nancy again. Seriously, how could thing like storage bug not get fix by now.
Verge Lumia 1020 Review:
Was ecosystem always a 5? I thought it was a 6 recently
Pretty certain it was a 6 on the 925 review.
lol classic Verge
He marked it down because of the weak app support for the camera.
So basically the reviewer desperately needs to share images of their lunch on instagram, with a filter of course!
Well, here is what he said.
Can't believe he actually said he wished it was running Android lol
Yeah, that never happens like every review of a Nokia WP device.
Well, here is what he said.
Windows Phone 7/Lumia 900 customers still screwed with no new upgrades/features.PLEASE UNDERSTAND
You heard it, guys. They're doing stuff. And something. Just be a bit more patient and wait a little bit more.
This is hilarious.
Pretty certain it was a 6 on the 925 review.
lol classic Verge
Edit: ha spends the wrap up talking about wishing it was on android.
Did GDR2 brick your 8X?
What are you talking about? The 925 review doesn't have any scores.
Well, now it really happened. Phone just crashed to black screen during SPOTIFY usage and I can't get it back on, any tips? HTC 8X.
As I've already stated, my phone was plugged in numerous times since it died on Friday approx. 10.30AM GMT. The battery app that accessed when the phone rebooted yesterday (Monday) showed that the battery level had been falling at a very steady rate since the phone went belly up. This, remember, was in spite of the phone being plugged into several different power sources.
To put it as simply as I can, TODAY(Tuesday) was the day the UPS guy was coming to collect my phone to send to a HTC repair centre and I had pretty much resigned myself to this fact; I was going to be without a phone for up to two weeks and would have lost all my data upon it's return. YESTERDAY(Monday), at around 5.30PM GMT, I plugged the phone into my laptop to see if anything changed, not expecting anything. At this point, the battery level on the phone was at around 10 or 15%. Bear in mind, I didn't know this, the battery could have been at 100% or 1% for all I knew.
As I said, nothing happened for at least two hours after that (I had pretty much forgotten I had even plugged the phone in), as the phone steadily decreased in battery level, eventually hitting zero or close to zero at around 7.20PM GMT. I suspect this was the time the phone actually sprang back into life. As I said above in earlier posts, I heard the telltale *bleep* of the laptop as it tried to recognize new hardware. Shortly thereafter, the familiar red LED began blinking, which, as well all know, is indicative of a charge. And basically, from then on, it charged as expected, although I did note that it took an unusual space of time to build to the halfway mark.
Furthermore, I've noticed some peculiar behaviour by the battery. The Battery App I use (which I highly recommned, link here), showed that between 10.00PM GMT last night, and 02.00AM GMT, the battery did not decline AT ALL, it was stuck at 61% for FOUR HOURS. This was despite me using it for at least 2 or 3 hours of the 4. No, I very much doubt that's a sign that battery life has dramatically improved since the update, I'd imagine the battery has been compromised in some way. So that's a worry. Pic attached.
I should also note, that I had a random reset today, where the phone rebooted, but I may have pressed the power button in my pocket. Unlikely though.
SO, to recap:
*Leave your phone for as long as possible off a charge
*DO NOT have it unplugged if you suspect the battery to be running dry (I'm not sure of the implications of that, but it's best not to take the risk)
*Maybe have it plugged into a computer rather than a wall socket, the PC might aid you in recgonising the phone
*When you belive the battery to be at 10 or 15%, even slightly more, plug it into your PC. From there, you just have to play the waiting game. Bide your time while the battery eventually runs out of it's own accord, at which point, it should be kickstarted by the connection to your PC.
*Hopefully, the phone will slowly reboot. Bear in mind, it'll still be a brick for at least 30 mins or so, while the battery accumulates enough of a charge to power the screen and hardware.
*After this, your phone should be back to normal, with perhaps a few irregularities.
AS A SIDE NOTE; I estimate that my phone took in and around 72 hours to completely discharge from an initial 90% charge on FRIDAY. Obviously this will vary dependant on the phone, but use that as a rough guide.
Can't be serious, goddammit.
it's dead, jim.