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Windows Phone |OT3| Apollo has landed

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The Translator
Google just announced kids corner for android 4.3.

That's the sort of features Microsoft should be inventing, otherwise they'll soon be 3 years behind.


Guys I'm conflicted. I've been on WP for years but I might be jumping to the iPhone...

My contract is up and I've got the choice to pick up a new phone. I've had an HTC HD7 for over 2 years now and it was my first smartphone (I know, LTTP and all), so I've never had an Android/iPhone/whatever and have only played around with iOS on phones from family members.

It wasn't until very recently that I've realized my experience with the HD7 has been...kinda shitty actually. Within weeks the chrome finish on the camera/volume/power buttons started scraping off after light, very careful use, forcing me to buy a case (I hate cases and wouldn't have bought one if it hadn't been fro that). The touchscreen shits itself quite frequently, ranging from unresponsive to giving false signals, rendering the phone unusable until I either wait several minutes for it to go away or I restart the phone. Thank god for the (what I've been told is a) fast boot up time, but rebooting the phone kills a good 25%-30% of my battery each time. The rumble is crappy and loud, you hear it more than you feel it, actually. It's annoying hearing the giant BZZT of the rumble each and every time I press one of the bottom 3 touch buttons (which is pretty often, as other WPers probably know). Most other phones are far quieter on this by contrast. The Wi-Fi antenna frequently craps out and just stops getting any signal, even when I'm sitting right next to an access point/router.

Then there's the issues with WP7, the biggest one of course being the poor app ecosystem. It probably sounds silly, but I really want the Steam phone app and WP probably will never get it. There are other similar apps that just aren't on WP but available elsewhere, I just feel like I consistently am missing out.

So I'm mostly considering a switch to iPhone based on hardware. I've had too many issues with my phone in the past, and other siblings have other HTC phones and they all fell equally "cheap" (relatively speaking), whereas I futz around with an iPhone for a few minutes and I immediately like the build quality better. Buttons are more solid, feel nicer, I'm not accidentally touching touchbuttons taking me out of the browser into a Bing Search page, the works.

It's probably silly to ask this in the WP thread since I might get a biased answer, but are my concerns mostly just grass-is-greener or are they actually warranted? Any input from former iPhone users who switched to WP? Keep in mind my smartphone experience exactly this phone with WP7, so I don't have any other frame of reference and I can't tell if my desire to jump to iPhone is just me inadvertently drinking the Kool-Aid.

Yeah the long term build quality on HTC stuff is a pile of shit. Fuck them.


has calmed down a bit.
Google just announced kids corner for android 4.3.

That's the sort of features Microsoft should be inventing, otherwise they'll soon be 3 years behind.

Android has slowed, ios has gone a bit nutty. The problem is Windows Phone started behind in features and so they should be taking advantage of the lull this year while Apple redesigns their aging software and Google works through the bugs and kinks in theirs. They're moving far too slowly to do that.

The WP team is focused on extending the ecosystem and of course they have to wait on the Windows team as well. Its just not a situation where they can move really quickly, I don't think.

If their focus on the budget phones and the new devices allows them to build market share and we get more new apps, then I think that's a somewhat acceptable tradeoff, even for current owners.


The Translator
It's too much. Swipe up down left right, swipe up in tree different places, swipe short, swipe long.

Some nice things, but overkill.
Guys I'm conflicted. I've been on WP for years but I might be jumping to the iPhone...

My contract is up and I've got the choice to pick up a new phone. I've had an HTC HD7 for over 2 years now and it was my first smartphone (I know, LTTP and all), so I've never had an Android/iPhone/whatever and have only played around with iOS on phones from family members.

It wasn't until very recently that I've realized my experience with the HD7 has been...kinda shitty actually. Within weeks the chrome finish on the camera/volume/power buttons started scraping off after light, very careful use, forcing me to buy a case (I hate cases and wouldn't have bought one if it hadn't been fro that). The touchscreen shits itself quite frequently, ranging from unresponsive to giving false signals, rendering the phone unusable until I either wait several minutes for it to go away or I restart the phone. Thank god for the (what I've been told is a) fast boot up time, but rebooting the phone kills a good 25%-30% of my battery each time. The rumble is crappy and loud, you hear it more than you feel it, actually. It's annoying hearing the giant BZZT of the rumble each and every time I press one of the bottom 3 touch buttons (which is pretty often, as other WPers probably know). Most other phones are far quieter on this by contrast. The Wi-Fi antenna frequently craps out and just stops getting any signal, even when I'm sitting right next to an access point/router.

Then there's the issues with WP7, the biggest one of course being the poor app ecosystem. It probably sounds silly, but I really want the Steam phone app and WP probably will never get it. There are other similar apps that just aren't on WP but available elsewhere, I just feel like I consistently am missing out.

So I'm mostly considering a switch to iPhone based on hardware. I've had too many issues with my phone in the past, and other siblings have other HTC phones and they all fell equally "cheap" (relatively speaking), whereas I futz around with an iPhone for a few minutes and I immediately like the build quality better. Buttons are more solid, feel nicer, I'm not accidentally touching touchbuttons taking me out of the browser into a Bing Search page, the works.

It's probably silly to ask this in the WP thread since I might get a biased answer, but are my concerns mostly just grass-is-greener or are they actually warranted? Any input from former iPhone users who switched to WP? Keep in mind my smartphone experience exactly this phone with WP7, so I don't have any other frame of reference and I can't tell if my desire to jump to iPhone is just me inadvertently drinking the Kool-Aid.

iPhone 4 user that switched to a Lumia 920. Still play around with my wife's iPhone 5 too. I like my 920 better for day to day use, build quality is great, I like that it's bigger too. As for the app situation, before I switched I made a list of all of the apps on my iPhone, and then looked at all of the ones I actually used regularly. WP8 had me covered for pretty much all of them. And I found alternatives to fill in the few gaps remaining. At this point I feel like the app situation is going to be down to personal quirks. So you may find an app on iOS that you absolutely love and can't imagine your life without, or maybe you won't.

I don't think there's any kool-aid drinking going on if you like the look of an iPhone. They are quality products. For me the app ecosystem of iOS wasn't a must-have experience, and I really liked the design of the 920 and the design of WP8, so I'm glad I switched. Trying out new things is good.


Junior Member
Someone get the Bing team to port their Windows 8 apps to WP8. It's a crime we don't have them on the go.

I played with HTC One and loved the swipe to the left to read news. Sort of like Weave or Bing News but integrated in the OS.

Imagine having every Bing app integrated like the search thingy.


Junior Member

Many users have been complaining of issues after the GDR2 update to their HTC 8X, up to and including the device actually being bricked.

WinPhoneViet ran into the same issue and contacted HTC, who were kind enough to send them an original ROM for the HTC 8X, in both Asian and European versions.

They have now made the ROMs available with full instructions for their flashing, which seems to involve a lot of software from the Windows Mobile era.

Find the download and full instructions from WinPhoneViet here.

Told you.


Unconfirmed Member
Finally got the housing changed on my Lumia from black to glossy red. Love it! To me it seems the glossy is more grippy than the matte as well.


has calmed down a bit.
Instance needs an update to speed it up a bit, its a very nice and pretty app otherwise. I hope 6gram pushes the Instance devs to make it better.
I'll be rejoining windows phone here soon with the new lumia 1020 and am wondering what's the communities thoughts on when they believe that wp OS will be treated on par with ios and android in terms of new app releases. And when if ever google teat wp the same as ios?


I'll be rejoining windows phone here soon with the new lumia 1020 and am wondering what's the communities thoughts on when they believe that wp OS will be treated on par with ios and android in terms of new app releases. And when if ever google teat wp the same as ios?

Android isn't even treated on par with iOS and it holds the majority of the market :p I get the feeling that time to market is so important nowadays that even major companies will put their app on iOS first with a promise of an Android version soon. Hopefully when we reach ~10% worldwide we'll get a promise of a WP version later instead of a maybe.


I'll be rejoining windows phone here soon with the new lumia 1020 and am wondering what's the communities thoughts on when they believe that wp OS will be treated on par with ios and android in terms of new app releases. And when if ever google teat wp the same as ios?

When/if it ever gets up to 15%-20% market share.
Keep on giving the same wrong example over and over again, it might actually change the fate of Windows Phone this time around!

I think I'm the wrong person you're trying to piss off. I don't even believe in 10% market share, but if it makes you feel better, sure. Back to ignore, little tin soldier.
I think I'm the wrong person you're trying to piss off. I don't even believe in 10% market share, but if it makes you feel better, sure. Back to ignore, little tin soldier.

So you didn't actually have an answer for me. Good to know, it simplifies my life when I realize who actually doesn't want a real discussion. You're the kind of person who prefers to put someone on ignore rather than be exposed to an opinion that opposes yours. This is a problem with you, not me.

"It has happened several times before, but the history of the industry is against it happening now"

What's the logic behind that statement?

It has never happened before after market saturation. I defy you to give me an example of a shift happening after a market has passed the point of critical mass.

Also, the only company which has ever made it happen before happens to be Apple, something that a lot of people conveniently ignore when talking about this.


The Translator
I think I'm the wrong person you're trying to piss off. I don't even believe in 10% market share, but if it makes you feel better, sure. Back to ignore, little tin soldier.

Isn't it already at 10 % in several big European markets?

I strongly expect them to get to over 10 % in most European markets.

In the US, it's only a question of decades.

Also, what the hell are you talking about Unknown, market saturation. At the very least, half the market is still using dumb/feature phones.

Also, there's no such thing as "history in this industry" when it only happened once before. A sample of one is not history, it's fuck all. This "industry" didn't even really exist 25 years ago.

It's the same absolute load of bollocks with going with the "history" of console generations. This and that happened therefore this and that will happen again.

No it won't. Fucks sake.

(I hope this post sounds angry enough, just to back you up Brot and to please ze Soldier).

Isn't Android a shift in some sense?

So you didn't actually have an answer for me. Good to know, it simplifies my life when I realize who actually doesn't want a real discussion. You're the kind of person who prefers to put someone on ignore rather than be exposed to an opinion that opposes yours. This is a problem with you, not me.

I responded in the same snarky and asshole-ish way I always do, but still with what I thought was a good argument. Now you could've said "hey dude, you're wrong. here is why. no need to be such an asshole". Instead you responded in the way you did, showing that you have absolutely no idea who I am and what I think, but because I post in this thread, I definitely gotta be a die-hard WP fanboy. Not a single person in this thread thinks about having "a real discussion" with you. You're simply a joke character who tries too hard. You spew out the same crap over and over again, just to rile people up and get reactions. I don't think there was a single time here, where someone had a valid argument that you recognized and said "hey, you're right. that might be possible". And no, I don't use the ignore function. I simply try to gloss over your posts and let others do the dirty work. You're like a little shit fly, annoying at best.


So you didn't actually have an answer for me. Good to know, it simplifies my life when I realize who actually doesn't want a real discussion. You're the kind of person who prefers to put someone on ignore rather than be exposed to an opinion that opposes yours. This is a problem with you, not me.

It has never happened before after market saturation. I defy you to give me an example of a shift happening after a market has passed the point of critical mass.

Also, the only company which has ever made it happen before happens to be Apple, something that a lot of people conveniently ignore when talking about this.

Isn't it already at 10 % in several big European markets?

I strongly expect them to get to over 10 % in most European markets.

In the US, it's only a question of decades.

I think it has 10% in Italy and is close to 10% in other markets, like Finland.

In other news, Ballmer wants Instagram:
Microsoft also reiterated that getting Instagram is more important than landing 900,000 apps; it’s clear they know that quality is better than quantity. Considering that the highest level of the food chain wants the app on Windows Phone, you do have to wonder why Facebook/Instagram is holding back.

What a hipster.


Things I don't like about the Nokia Lumia 920:

1) App selection is really bad. I miss my Flightview, Air Canada, TSN, and Maple Leafs apps from iPhone
2) Accidentally pushing the Back or Search button, BLERGH
3) Terrible battery life
4) Not being able to see battery life / wifi strength / time while using Internet Explorer
5) Internet Explorer not having its own dedicated Back button. It's so annoying pushing Back while browsing the internet and then being taken to the start screen or app store instead of the most previous web page
6) Sound volume and ringtone volume are not separate. It's aggravating lowering my ringer volume and then seeing that my game volume is whisper quiet as a result.

Things I love about the Nokia Lumia 920:

1) The weight and feel - it's got a hefty mass to it and feels great in my hand
2) The clean look of the start menu. I have a steel theme going and it looks beautiful
3) Xbox integration - I love achievements and it's just great having all of that native on the system, with the ability to edit Avatars too, and check friends list and send messages easily
4) Performance - it's much faster than my old busted iPhone 4
5) Screen size and quality, and speaker volume
6) The games selection is fantastic


And so, having said that, I would very much like some game recommendations. I'm mostly focusing on games that have achievements, but I'm okay with non-Xbox games too.

What I have so far:

1) Cut The Rope: incredible game - but it has a dumb glitch that wipes out your progress
2) Cut The Rope Exp: incredible game
3) Flight Control: incredible game - but it has a dumb glitch that halts stat tracking if you accidentally lock or click search/back
4) Minesweeper - ugly UI, but addictive game
5) Mush - first two worlds are boring, but the game opens up tremendously once you get Confused and Angry mush. Short, but awesome game
6) Wordament - great game

I have a bunch of free games that I'm not sure I should even start. Are these any good?

Jetpack Joyride

And I'm on the fence about these two purchases as well. I played the demos but I'm still a bit lukewarm. Any opinions on these?

geoDefense Swarm
Contre Jour
It looks like Nokia released a YouTube upload app for Lumia phones.
This app helps you to share your videos quickly and easily with your friends, and works for all videos shot on Nokia Lumia phones with Windows Phone 8. Simply select the video in the Photos app and share, or upload after capturing and trimming with the Nokia Video Trimmer through share option.

Share your video over Wi-Fi or a mobile data connection, but be sure to check your network operator’s data charges first.


5) Internet Explorer not having its own dedicated Back button. It's so annoying pushing Back while browsing the internet and then being taken to the start screen or app store instead of the most previous web page

Not a fix, but a small workaround: Just swipe the three dots in the adress bar a bit up and your statusbar appears.


Things I don't like about the Nokia Lumia 920:
3) Terrible battery life
I haven't used the 920 myself outside of the stores, but if my 900 is any indication, then battery life can be very dependent on how/where you use it.

When I have my 900 at home, where I have a terrible coverage, I can eat through my battery life in no time while it is constantly searching for a better connection. While at the office though I can use my phone fairly heavily throughout the day and use 30%-40% of the battery in 9-10 hours.

Also, I was at the cottage recently where there is no cell signal so I put my 900 in airplane mode and was, somewhat surprisingly, still able to use the GPS while golfing. Using Golfshot as my GPS rangefinder and score/stat tracker for three rounds of golf over three days, I still had almost 50% battery remaining and that was with connecting to WiFi for 15-20 minutes a day to upload my rounds and quickly check emails.
I bought a HTC ONE after 5 years being married to IOS. Really liking my experience so far.

But I dropped in to say this - I'm still waiting for Microsoft to catch up to the required market share. Once MS figures out the app situation I'm jumping on a Nokia phone.
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