Previously, Windows Phone 8's search results showed four pivots to swipe between: Web, Local, Media, and Shopping. Tonight, most of that has been changed and the number of pivots has been chopped down to three: Web, Images, and Video.
Each of these pivots has seen their own redesigns, likely in an effort to make searching a little less convoluted than before. The Web pivot in particular is now extremely context-heavy based on our experience. If you look up 'Starbucks' for example, the Web pivot now shows a snippet of locations at the top which you can expand upon by tapping on 'more business listings'. If you try looking up a product like the game Batman: Arkham City, a link to the product card is now intertwined with the web results. The same rule applies if you look up a myriad of other items like a sports team or a celebrity. The News section of the web results has also been altered slightly, now showing image thumbnails for each article.
As you may have noticed, the old 'Media' tab has been split up in favor of separate pivots for Images and Videos. The former now features much larger image previews (instead of the 4x4 grid you had to practically squint at), while the latter arranges video links in a two-column format. Also, Bing's cards of information have been redesigned as well, pooling in information from more sources and recommending related items.