What are you guys doing with your phones? I never dropped a phone, tablet or something similar. Guess I am lucky (if the phone does not come pre-broken

here's a nice story!
it's a few hours before a big family meal, no special occasion and my mother, sister and i are getting ready and are about to make a quick run to the store for ... i don't even remember what, but it's not important. aunt calls me and talks for a bit, then she wants to talk to my sister about something. i hand my sister my phone and she talks to her while getting ready. our mom is already in the car and she's like "let's go, we gotta get going" so i head outside. a minute later my sister comes out, she gets in and we pull out. so i'm like "can i have my phone back?" and she's all "oh, i left it in the house" and of course i assume she put it in a safe place.
so we get back home an hour or so later and bring all the stuff in, and i say "so where's my phone?" and she says "it should be on the kitchen counter" and of course it's not there. while we're putting stuff in their place, our aunt comes in and she goes up to get a stack of disposable plates from on top of the fridge and then *BAM* there's a noise and this hockey puck-like object slides out near us, apparently from the top of the fridge, all the way across the kitchen and under the dining table. it's my phone. my grandmother saw the phone on the kitchen table and since a bunch of our little cousins are running around, she put it on top of the fridge out of their reach.
the phone was actually unscathed, (thank you ten dolla plastic case!) but my S Pen got ejected from the impact and got scratched up.